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Diary of Anne Frank

Chapter 1
Complete the following questions in your response
1. When was the book first published?
2. Where was it published?
3. What was the original Dutch title?
4. What does the title mean?
5. When was Anne’s birthday?
6. What is unusual about the way she writes the date?
7. Who is Moortje?
8. What was Anne’s first gift?
9. Draw a sketch of all of Anne’s gifts.
10.What date was her party?
11.What did they see at the movies?
12.Who starred in it?
13.Name three of her friends.
14.Where does she go to school?
15.Why does she say “paper is more patient than man.”
16.Why do they live in Holland?
17.What does her father do?
18.List ten restrictions on the Jews.
19.What kind of student is Anne?
20.Give an example to prove your opinion.

Chapter 2
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
peony enhance
brooch grasp
unbosoming albeit
melancholy impact
hence anxiety

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Why did they move to the Secret Annexe?
2. Who are Miep and Henk?
3. How does Miep help them go into hiding?
4. Describe in a paragraph their first day in the Secret Annexe.
5. Describe Anne’s room
6. Who are the Van Dann’s and why are they there?
7. How is the door hidden?
8. Name two men who are helping them.
9. Describe Peter’s hypochondria.
10.What do you think of Mrs. Van Dann and why? Use sentences from pg.
22-24 to prove your point.
Chapter 3
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
pogrom scrounging
capitulation ardent
prohibit speculation
banned florin
bearable succession

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Describe something annoying that Mrs. Van Dann does.
2. What language is Anne learning?
3. How do they let people on the outside know that they’re all right?
4. Describe how Mr. Frank defends Anne.
5. How do Mrs. Van Dann and Mrs. Frank feel about each other? Give one
6. Who was Mrs. Quack Quack and what is her problem on September 29,
7. October 9, 1942 is one of the first mentions of the treatment of the Jews
by the Gestapo. Give a short description.

Chapter 4
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
chatterbox agony
pondered stimulant
allotted frock
inventiveness smartened
absurd fanatic

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What kind of school work is Anne doing?
2. What scared them on October 20?
3. Which sister does Mrs. Frank seem to favor? Give an example
4. What happened on Peter’s birthday during the war and in the Secret
Annexe? Who is the new member of their “family” and how did he get

Chapter 5
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
gaudy bedclothes
chattels rations
accord blackout
via loathe
scullery utterly

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What does Dussel tell them about the outside?
2. How do they celebrate the holidays?
3. How do Mr. Van Dann and Dr. Dussel help in the Secret Annexe?
4. What is their Christmas present and what does Anne do with hers?
5. What is it like for the Dutch children now?
Chapter 6
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
codeine phenomenon
chamber piqued
agitation booty
fetched waxed
concealed waned

Complete the following questions in your response

1. List five emotions that Anne is feeling.
2. What’s going on in the war?
3. How did Peter get hurt?
4. Describe the scare of March 25.
5. What was Rauter’s announcement of March 27th?

Chapter 7
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
enthralling awkward
snatch ingenious
ludicrous surreptitiously
keen umpteenth
cardigan obstinate
Complete the following questions in your response
1. How did Anne hurt her mother?
2. How did she feel about it?
3. What happened to the Carlton Hotel?
4. Describe the lives of the members of the Secret Annexe on May 1, 1943
5. What happened to Mr. Vassen?
6. How do Anne and Margot Help Elli?

Chapter 8
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
feeble seclusion
bickering precaution
barbarism receptacle
unassuming quicksilver
unruffled dismal

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What did the burglars get?
2. What happened on July 19th?
3. What good news did they receive in the middle of the air raid?
4. What problems has Mouschi caused?
5. Describe Margot at dinner.

Chapter 9
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
cubicle pious
prominent herald
saboteur rebuke
vague squabble
ventured remnant

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What happened to the Westertoren Clock?
2. How did Dussel put Miep in danger?
3. What kind of news came on September 10?
4. What does Mrs. Van Dann get for her birthday?
5. Why is Anne getting a Bible and when will she get it?

Chapter 10
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.

Complete the following questions in your response

1. How does Anne imagine the Secret Annexe?
2. What happened to Anne’s pen?
3. Why can’t Elli come to the Annexe?
4. Who does Anne imagine on November 27?
5. What did they get for Christmas?
6. What does she think of her Granny?

Chapter 11
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
shortcomings appalling
misinterpret entail
intentions rendezvous
persevere dumfounded
optimism cognac

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Who become the friend that Anne wants?
2. What is Lies a symbol of?
3. How is Anne feeling toward Peter?
4. How does Anne try to exercise?

Chapter 12
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
ingenuity gruesome
keen pall
lorry stodgy
trundle veritable
plied swathed

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What does Mr. Kraler bring on Mondays?
2. What do they plan to do if the Germans evacuate the city?
3. How is Peter doing in his French course?
Chapter 13
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
incoherent calamity
disposition emancipation
rucksack distorted
rebuke aloof
discord ventilated

Complete the following questions in your response


1. What does Anne say is the best remedy for those who are afraid?
2. What do Anne and Peter feel about their mothers?
3. What as stolen in the robbery of March 1?
4. What does Peter think about Otto Frank?

Chapter 14
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
fortnight crammed
compelled droning
clandestine tumult
rebukes subsided
barrage proficient
Complete the following questions in your response

1. Write two sentences about the Anne in 1942.

2. Write two sentences about Anne in 1943.
3. What happened to their food coupons?
4. How does Peter say that Anne helped him?

Chapter 15
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
coquetry porridge
divan bolsters
pedantic capitulated
irrevocable chronicle
communal inquisitive

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Why does Margot write in Anne’s diary?
2. What does Anne finally reply back to Magot?
3. How does Anne feel about the “Special Air-Raid Announcements”?
4. What is it like in Holland – give three examples.

Chapter 16
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
prospectus celluloid
impenetrable condole

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Describe their “Food Cycle”.
2. On April 4, Anne talks about the future. How does her diary have a part
in this?
3. Name five of Anne’s hobbies.
4. What happened April 11 to scare them?
5. What does Anne swear to do if she lives?

Chapter 17
memoirs bliss
reproached compensation
anticipation privations

Define vocabulary words in your response journal.

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What does Anne call her diary?
2. What mistake did Peter make on April 15th?
3. When was Anne’s first kiss?
4. What did Elli bring as a treat?
5. Whose birthday is on April 21st?
6. What did Dussel get for his birthday?

Chapter 18
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
cribbing incessantly
impudent stifled

Complete the following questions in your response

1. What happened to Boche?
2. How much does butter cost in 1944 in American money?
3. What kinds of families did Anne’s parents come from?
4. What are meals like now?
5. What happened to the potatoes on May 10?

Chapter 19
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
indignation infinite
sallies pretext

Complete the following questions in your response

1. Which book does Anne hate the most?
2. What do they use to bet?
3. What happened to the vegetable man?
4. List three things that have caused a nervous, scary mood on May 26?
5. What happened on June 6?
6. What does Anne long to do on June 15?

Chapter 20
Define vocabulary words in your response journal.
variegated persistent
jocular scoffs
boisterous ponder

Complete the following questions in your response

1. How is Mrs. Van Daan acting emotionally?
2. Why should people who have a religion be glad?
3. Why does Anne think it’s harder to be young than old?
4. What happens on July 21 to make them hopeful?
5. Describe the mood of Anne’s entry of August 1.
6. What happened after the diary ends?

Place the vocabulary words into the following

capitulation liberated
conspicuous pantomime
emigrated ration
1. MONDAY: Today is a day like many other since Hitler came to power and I
started this diary. Everything I do is carful. My thoughts are even careful.
My movements are careful. Behaving ______________ has become second
nature to all of us. You never know who will report us to the Nazis.

2. TUESDAY: I gave my bread __________________ to Father last night. He’s

been feeling bad lately, and I thought a little something might cheer him
up. He took it from me and pretended it was cake.

3. WEDNESDAY: I had an argument with Father today. He said that the only
language the Nazis understand is power. To fight them you must not show
_________________ on even the smallest issue. He doesn’t understand
how afraid some people are.

4. THURSDAY: It seems like all my friends are disappearing every day. We are
supposed to go see a play. It was supposed to be a _________________,
but the troupe of actors did not come.

5. FRIDAY: I heard rumors today that France is going to be

_________________________. This is exciting news to all of us.

6. SATURDAY: The blackout seemed to last forever last night. We watched

from the window and tried not to be _________________. The sounds
were scary.

7. SUNDAY: My friend, Julika supposedly ____________________ to America.

I wonder what it is like there. I wonder what it might be like not to worry
about the truckloads of people being led away.

Fill in the blanks

The story, The Diary of Anne Frank is based on actual events that took place
in___________ during _______________________. Anne and her family had
been forced to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing to identify them as
___________. Then the Frank family and their friends, the Van Daans fled and hid
in the attic of Mr. Kraler’s building because
The seven people moved into their cramped attic space in 1942. They
stayed there for ______________. The rules they lived under were rigid; they
could never go outside; they could not use the water or make the smallest noise
during the workdays because
Miep Gies and Mr. Kraler helped the Franks and the rest by ________________
and other necessities.
The one serious conflict among them flared up when Mrs. Frank ______
Then Miep Gies brought news of the Allied invasion of Normandy. Liberation
seemed near. The argument stopped.
During this time, Anne kept the __________________ which recorded their
years of imprisonment. In the end, the refugees were arrested by the Nazis. Yet
the final triumph was Anne’s, who continued to believe in spite of everything that
people fundamentally _________________________________.

Complete one of the following short essays.

1. The diary that Anne Frank kept has been printed and ready by
countless millions of people. Think about what Anne did and said in
the story you just read. Write an essay explain why The Diary of
Anne Frank is both a very popular book and important document.
2. Pretend you were the one who discovered this diary after the war.
Write a letter to a book company editor telling what you just found.
Explain why it should be published. Use at least four of the following
vocabulary words in your letter: capitulation, emigrated, pantomime,
stealthily, conspicuous, liberated, and ration.

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