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“WATER” This is the magic word. When most of people are alone in a desert, they would wish to
have water but there are many more aspects to have into account. In my own case, if I were alone
in a desert, I would wish to have planned everything before going out home.

The probability of occurrence of risk situations is significantly reduced when you plan and organize
everything you are going to do on your trip. Part of adventure is uncertainty but it is better safe
than sorry. Therefore, if I were in this situation, I would wish I carried a backpack with supplies and
the following items:

A map and a compass, so I would know the way back home. A first aid kit, so I
would be prepared if my health is affected. A knife or multi-tool, so I could cut or
create something to defend myself from de environment. Water purification
tablets, so I could drink clean water in case I find a pond. Something to start fire,
so I could be warm at night or I could prepare roast. A blanket, scarf, bandana or
dusk mask, so I could protect myself from sand storms. Finally, a lantern or
something to light.

I know that the unforeseen events can happen suddenly but you can face them if you are
prepared. Otherwise, if I were alone in a desert without any of these elements, I would wish to
have luck.

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