Law RFBT 3 6

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__B__12. The following items pertains to either emptio rei speratae or emptio spei.

I. The sale of a future thing.

II. The sale of hope or expectancy.
III. The sale of a present thing.
IV. The thing sold must come into existence.
Based on the above information, which of the following is correct?
a. Items I and III pertain to emptio rei speratae.
b. Items II and III pertains to emptio spei.
c. Items II and III pertains to emptio rei speratae.
d. Items III and IV pertains to emptio spei.

__C__13. The price in a contract of sale is certain, except:

a. When the parties have fixed or agreed upon a definite amount.
b. if the price is certain with reference to another thing certain.
c. if the fixing of the price is left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties and the price
fixed is not accepted by the other party.
d. if the price fixed is that which a thing sold would have on a definite day or in a particular
exchange or market.

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