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Trade  surplus occurs when there is some sort

of disconnect between supply and

Trade is a basic economic concept involving demand for a product, or when some
the buying and selling of goods and services, people are willing to pay more for a
with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller, product than others. Hypothetically
or the exchange of goods or services between speaking, if there were a set price for a
parties. Trade can take place within an certain popular doll, that everyone was
unanimously expected and willing to
economy between producers and consumers.
pay, neither a surplus nor a shortage
 International trade- allows countries to would occur. But this rarely happens in
practice, because various people and
expand markets for both goods and businesses have different price
services that otherwise may not have thresholds--both when buying and
been available to it. selling.
 Trading globally- between nations
allows consumers and countries to be Deficits
exposed to goods and services not
available in their own countries. Almost  A deficit is an amount by which a
resource, especially money, falls short
every kind of product can be found on
of what is required. A deficit occurs
the international market: food, clothes, when expenses exceed revenues,
spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, imports exceed exports, or liabilities
currencies, and water. Services are also exceed assets. A deficit is synonymous
traded: tourism, banking, consulting, with shortfall or loss and is the opposite
and transportation. Imports and exports of a surplus.
are accounted for in a country's current  In a deficit, the total of negative amounts
is greater than the total of positive
account in the balance of payments.
amounts. In other words, the outflow of
 International trade not only results in money exceeds the inflow of funds. A
increased efficiency but also allows deficit can occur when a government,
countries to participate in a global company, or individual spends more
economy, encouraging the opportunity than he, she, or it receives in a given
of foreign direct investment (FDI), which period, usually a year.
is the amount of money that individuals
Trade deficit
invest into foreign companies and other
 A trade deficit exists when a nation’s
Surplus imports exceed its exports. For
example, if a nation imports $3 billion in
 A surplus isn't necessarily desirable. For goods but only exports $2 billion, then
example, a manufacturer who over- that nation has a trade deficit of $1
billion for that year. The implication is
projects future demand for a given
that there is more value entering the
product may create too many unsold country than there is leaving the
units, which may consequently country. As a result, the country owes
contribute to quarterly or annual more money to other countries than it
financial losses. A surplus of perishable has due from money owed to it. A trade
commodities like grains could cause a deficit can also cause a drop in a
permanent loss, as inventory spoils and domestic currency’s value and a
reduction in jobs.
the items become unsellable
 The opposite of a trade surplus is a A trade surplus can create employment and
trade deficit. A trade deficit occurs when economic growth, but may also lead to higher
a country imports more than it exports. prices and interest rates within an economy. A
A trade deficit typically also has the country’s trade balance can also influence the
opposite effect on currency exchange value of its currency in the global markets, as it
rates. When imports exceed exports, a allows a country to have control of the majority
country’s currency demand in terms of of its currency through trade. In many cases, a
international trade is lower. Lower trade surplus helps to strengthen a country’s
demand for currency makes it less currency relative to other currencies, affecting
valuable in the international markets. currency exchange rates; however, this is
 A trade deficit is a situation where a dependent on the proportion of goods and
country spends more on services of a country in comparison to other
aggregate imports from abroad than it countries, as well as other market factors.
earns from its aggregate exports. A When focusing solely on trade effects, a trade
trade deficit represents an outflow of surplus means there is high demand for a
domestic currency to foreign markets. country’s goods in the global market, which
This may also be referred to as a pushes the price of those goods higher and
negative balance of trade (BOT). leads to a direct strengthening of the domestic
Balance of Trade (BOT)?

The balance of trade is the difference between

the value of a country's imports and exports for Usa and China
a given period. The balance of trade is the
largest component of a country's balance of
payments. Economists use the BOT to
measure the relative strength of a country's
economy. The balance of trade is also referred
to as the trade balance or the international
trade balance.

A trade surplus is an economic measure of a

positive balance of trade, where a country's
exports exceed its imports.

 Trade Balance = Total Value of Exports

- Total Value of Imports

A trade surplus occurs when the result of the

above calculation is positive. A trade surplus
represents a net inflow of domestic currency
from foreign markets. It is the opposite of a
trade deficit, which represents a net outflow,
and occurs when the result of the above causes-effects-trade-partners-3306276
calculation is negative. In the United States,
trade balances are reported monthly by the by: Kimberly Amadeo
Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The U.S. trade deficit with China was
Trade Surplus $419 billion in 2018. The trade deficit exists
because U.S. exports to China were only $120
billion while imports from China were $540
The biggest categories of U.S. imports from low? Most economists agree that China's
China were computers and accessories, cell competitive pricing is a result of two factors:
phones, and apparel and footwear. A lot of
these imports are from U.S. manufacturers that 1. A lower standard of living, which allows
send raw materials to China for low-cost companies in China to pay lower wages
assembly. Once shipped back to the United to workers.
States, they are considered imports.  2. An exchange rate that is partially fixed
to the dollar.
China's biggest imports from America are
commercial aircraft, soybeans, and autos. In If the United States implemented trade
2018, China canceled its soybean imports after protectionism, U.S. consumers would have to
President Trump started a trade war. He pay high prices for their "Made in America"
imposed tariffs on Chinese steel exports and goods. It’s unlikely that the trade deficit will
other goods. change. Most people would rather pay as little
as possible for computers, electronics, and
clothing, even if it means other Americans lose
their jobs.
Exports US$110.5 US$121.1 US$123. US$115.8
Billion Billion 7 Billion Billion China is the world's largest economy. It also
has the world's biggest population. It must
divide its production among almost 1.4 billion
Imports US$425.6 US$440.4 US$468. US$483.2 residents. A common way to measure the
Billion Billion 4 Billion. Billion standard of living is gross domestic product per
Balanc US$ US$ US$- US$- capita. In 2017, China’s GDP per capita was
e -315.1 -318.6 344.8 367.3 $16,600. China's leaders are desperately trying
2012 2013 2014 2015 to get the economy to grow faster to raise the
country’s living standards. They remember
Chart: The Balance Source: United States Mao's Cultural Revolution all too well. They
Census Bureau know that the Chinese people won't accept a
lower standard of living forever.
Causes of trade deficits
China sets the value of its currency, the yuan,
CONCLUSION to equal the value of a basket of currencies
that includes the dollar. In other words,
A nation with a trade deficit spends more for China pegs its currency to the dollar using a
imports than it makes on its exports. In the short modified fixed exchange rate. When the dollar
run, a negative balance of trade curbs inflation. But loses value, China buys dollars through U.S.
over time, a substantial trade deficit weakens Treasurys to support it. In 2016, China began
domestic industries and decreases job opportunities. relaxing its peg. It wants market forces to have
A huge reliance on imports also leaves a country a greater impact on the yuan's value. As a
vulnerable to economic downturns. Currency result, the dollar to yuan conversion has been
devaluations, for example, make imports more more volatile since then. China's influence on
costly. This stimulates inflation. the dollar remains substantial.

Causes Effect

China can produce many consumer goods at China must buy so many U.S. Treasury notes
lower costs than other countries can. that it is the largest lender to the U.S.
Americans, of course, want these goods for the government. Japan is the second largest. As
lowest prices. How does China keep prices so of April 2019, the U.S. debt to China was $1.1
trillion. That's 27% of the total public
debt owned by foreign countries.
Many are concerned that this gives China technology to Chinese firms. China requires
political leverage over U.S. fiscal policy. They companies to do this to gain access to its
worry about what would happen if China market.
started selling its Treasury holdings. It would
also be disastrous if China merely cut back on Trump also asked China to do more to raise its
its Treasury purchases. currency. He claims that China artificially
undervalues the yuan by 15% to 40%. That
Why are they so worried? By buying was true in 2000. But former Treasury
Treasurys, China helped keep U.S. interest Secretary Hank Paulson initiated the U.S.-
rates low. If China were to stop buying China Strategic Economic Dialogue in 2006.
Treasurys, interest rates would rise. That could He convinced the People's Bank of China to
throw the United States into a recession. But strengthen the yuan's value against the dollar.
this wouldn’t be in China's best interests, as It increased by 2% to 3% annually between
U.S. shoppers would buy fewer 2000 and 2013. Former U.S. Treasury
Chinese exports. In fact, China is buying Secretary Jack Lew continued the dialogue
almost as many Treasurys as ever. during the Obama administration. The Trump
administration continued the talks until they
U.S. companies that can't compete with cheap stalled in July 2017.
Chinese goods must either lower their costs or
go out of business. Many businesses reduce The dollar strengthened 25% between 2013
their costs by outsourcing jobs to China and 2015. It took the Chinese yuan up with it.
or India. Outsourcing adds to China had to lower costs even more to
U.S. unemployment. Other industries have just compete with Southeast Asian companies. The
dried up. U.S. manufacturing, as measured by PBOC tried unpegging the yuan from the dollar
the number of jobs, declined 34% between in 2015. The yuan immediately plummeted.
1998 and 2010. As these industries declined, That indicated that the yuan was overvalued. If
so has U.S. competitiveness in the global the yuan were undervalued, as Trump claims,
marketplace.  it would have risen instead. 

What's Being Done

President Trump promised to lower the trade

deficit with China. On March 1, 2018, he
announced he would impose a 25% tariff on
steel imports and a 10% tariff on aluminum. On
July 6, 2018, Trump's tariffs went into effect for
$34 billion of Chinese imports. China canceled
all import contracts for soybeans.

Trump's tariffs have raised the costs of

imported steel, most of which is from China.
Trump's move comes a month after he
imposed tariffs and quotas on imported solar
panels and washing machines. China has
become a global leader in solar panel
production. The tariffs depressed the stock
market when they were announced.

The Trump administration is developing further

anti-China protectionist measures, including
more tariffs. It wants China to remove
requirements that U.S. companies transfer


Raw materials for manufacturing that are

shipped overseas to factories count as exports.
The finished manufactured goods are counted
as imports when they're shipped back to the


• It can raise a country's standard of living

because its residents gain access to a
wider variety of goods and services for a
more competitive price.

Brief history of China

- China's history is rich with art, politics,

science, and philosophy. It is home to the
oldest of the major world civilizations.

- China was ruled by various dynasties for

much of its history. The first dynasty is
believed to be the Xia dynasty which formed
somewhere around 2250 BC.

International trade -not only results in

increased efficiency but also allows countries
to participate in a global economy, encouraging
the opportunity of foreign direct investment
(FDI), which is the amount of money that
individuals invest into foreign companies and

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