Prelim and Midterm Exam Sam 2007 BSIT 3A

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God's Special Creation

The hand that rocks the cradle

also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother.
that keeps the family strong.

Mother rises early in the morning

and bathes her day in prayer.
She talks to God about her family
and places them in His care.   

Mother communicates her love

in a thousand different ways.
When there's a need, she is there,
whether it is night or day.

Mother seasons life with love

and gives so much of herself.
God placed in her the best He had
and made her unlike anyone else.

When challenges come our way

and when trials block our view,
Mother kneels down beside her bed
and prays the family through.

Mother is God's special creation.

She is a light shining in the dark,
illuminating the path for her family
and pointing them toward God.
Frederick Domicillo Bsit3a

1. Check the spelling of the content of the poem.

2. Find the words “mom” and replaced them with mother/Mother.
3. Set the font to “Kristen ITC” to the body of the poem.
4. Set another font of your choice to the title.
5. Set the font size of the body of the poem to 14 pts. and the title to 16 pts.
6. Set the title to bold format.
7. Italicize and underline some words.
8. Center align the poem.
9. Set line spacing to single.
10. Set the margin to Left: 1 inch, Right: 1 inch, Top: 0.7 inch, Bottom: 0.7 inch
11. Put any page border.
12. Put a lighter shade color on the title.
13. Type your name and course & level after the poem.
14. I will give you 1 and half hour to do this then submit to me once finished. There
is a deduction if you submit beyond the time limit.
15. Save your file with this format Prelim & Midterm Exam Name Course & Level

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