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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering

ENSE 507
Water Purification Process Design


Submitted by:

Dela Cruz, Rachelene

Fernandez, Eduardo

Medina, Carla Mae

Parangat, Blessy Roella

Pangilinan, Philip

March 16, 2021

Date submitted

Submitted to:

Leonardo Sawal
I. The Introduction
Water is one of the basic necessities of all life forms. Biotic and abiotic forms all depend
on water as well as the different reactions happened in the ecosystem.
Water can be found anywhere and everywhere from deep part of the earth, streams,
rivers, vast oceans and even on the atmosphere.


Different pathogenic substances can be found in the water supplies which include the
suspended matter, organic matter, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, dissolved gases, pollutants
and undesirable materials (i.e. magnesium and iron). These substances are categorized
into two namely: biological and chemical. Water treatment requires different kinds of
remediation process and no single treatment is enough for all water conditioning criteria.
Natural remediation is sometimes takes place in water treatment especially in rural
areas in the Philippines and this is called bioremediation.

Bioremediation is a natural or introducing microorganism or other micro-life forms in the

wastewater to consume and breakdown pollutants in order to clean out. Cyanobacteria
are one of the microorganisms used in bioremediation process.

Quality of water is characterized by their Physical, Chemical, Biological and

Microbiological properties. Water quality is the absence of pollutants and contaminants
that give adverse effect to human body.

i. Water physical property includes:

Taste, turbidity, clarity, pH, colour, temperature, odour and even electrical

ii. Water chemical property includes:

Hardness, dissolved gases, heavy metals, pesticides, and humic substances

iii. Water biological property includes:

Organisms present in water that can be seen in the naked eyes
iv. Water microbiological property includes:
Microorganism that is present in the surface and subsurface of the water like
bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and the likes

Pathogenic microorganisms are more likely found in the surface water than
underground source, but underground water contains undesirable dissolve minerals
causing turbidity, hardness, unpleasant odour and tastes. Proceeding chapter will be
discussed the different types of treatment in water.


Creek wastewater is collected and gathered in Calamiong Creek which is situated east
of Quezon city that drains from Bagong Silangan up to tributaries of Marikina River thru
San Mateo River. Figure 1.2 shows the map of Calamiong creek wherein the creek
wastewater samples are collected.
Figure 1.2 – Calamiong Creek


The main purpose of the experiment is to identify the challenges, physical and chemical
changes of the water samples as well as the factors inhibited in the water constituent
samples. Physical treatment shall also observe prior to any changes in the water and


Sample gathering has two types namely grab and composite respectively. Grab
sampling is the determination of minimum and maximum values or samples which are
likely to occur whilst composite sampling is obtained by taking samples at regular
intervals with the volume being proportional to the flow or automatically using a
proportion sampler.

Upon collecting samples, Authors have encountered lots of difficulties or challenges and
so for clarity the authors decided to identify challenges that seems to be most difficult
which are identified as follow:

a. Fear at height – Proponents gathered creek samples with the help of people
living nearby due to access difficulty. To be able to gather this creek wastewater
sample, you have to get down to the bridge to be able to get access and continue
collecting using composite method with an interval of 10 minutes.
b. Temperature – Water and wastewater samples shall be kept and stored in room
temperature not exceeding 27ºC for simple observation and to a temperature not
lower than 4ºC for sophisticated analysis so to maintain the biochemical demand
and other water quality parameters. But during our experiment and analysis, this
storage temperature is hard to meet due to lack of storage facility and
considering that observation is only limited to simple physical treatment like
sedimentation and floatation.

c. Safety Protocol – Safety and Health shall not be compromised during water
sampling collection since due to amid pandemic. Guidelines set by Local
Government Unit and Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases
(IAFT) shall always observe and minimum health protocol shall always maintain.
Use of personal protective equipment (surgical mask, face shields, gloves,
goggles etc) and social distancing must always practice.

II. Methodology
The methodology
III. Observation
The observation
IV. Outcomes
The outcome
V. Conclusion
The conclusion
VI. Recommendation
Chlorine is the chemical most often used in treating sewage and other types of
wastewater. The process is called chlorination. This is the most effective means of
destroying a variety of viruses and bacteria. A method known as neutralization is
effective when treating industrial wastewater. Lime is sometimes used when treating
acidic water.
Chlorination chemicals are relatively:
 Easy to obtain
 Economical
 Effective
 Easy to apply
Typical forms of chorine used in wastewater treatment are:
 Elemental Chlorine
 Hypochlorite
 Chlorine Dioxide
Preliminary treatment includes screening the water to remove large objects and
debris. Wastewater pretreatment include everything from twigs and rocks to
bottles and diapers. For industrial users, nation pollutant discharge elimination
system (NPDES) sets wastewater pretreatment standards that are more strict.

Secondary treatment is where the treatment options begin to

diverge. Coagulation, along with flocculation, are methods that require a
combination of chemicals. These processes cause particles to stick together so
at a later point they can be more easily filtered out. Aluminum sulfate is a
chemical often used in this process. After these insoluble fragments settle at the
bottom through sedimentation, the purified water is filtered out. Filtration involves
using a variety of filters to catch particles as the water flows through.

Tertiary treatment phase. Elemental Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are

chemicals often used during the water treatment disinfection process on
Chlorination. UV radiation is also sometimes used to disinfect water.

The final stage of treating water will often include removing a sludge that is
sometimes referred to as biosolids. According to Water Use it Wisely, the
byproduct of sludge dewatering systems is sometimes used for agricultural


Water treatment is a critical foundation of society. By expanding access to clean
drinking water, safe water for home use and recycled water for agricultural purposes,
water treatment improves the quality of life and security of millions of Americans each
year. As technology has become more advanced, several unique and promising water
treatment methods have begun to emerge, from systems for drought conditions to
devices for hiking.
VII. Photo Essay
The photo essay
Grey water sample, it was taken on March 25, 2021 on a laundry with dirty clothes. We
take 3 grey-water samples with the time interval of 15 minutes
Deep-well water sample it was taken on March 25, 2018 on a deep-well at Bagong
Silangan Quezon City. We take 3 deep-well water samples with the time interval of 15
Creek water sample, it was taken on March 25, 2021 at Calamiong Creek Bagong
Silangan Quezon City. We take 3 creek water samples with the time interval of 15

VIII. About the Author

The author info

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