The June 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo

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Mount Pinatubo is an andesitic island arc volcano, located on southern Luzon Island, Philippines. The hornblende andesite dacit dome complex is located 100 km northwest of
Manila. When the dormant volcano last erupted more than 635 years ago, it produced pyroclastic flows that filled the Marella River Valley.

On April 2, 1991, the volcano, which had been rumbling for months, stirred to life with an explosion at the east end of a geothermal area. After the explosion, a line of new
fumaroles roughly one kilometer long developed. Over the next six weeks several very small earth tremors and minor explosions occurred. By June 3, seismic activity had
increased dramatically. Four days later a dome appeared on the mountain, oozing molten rock. On June 10, 15,000 Americans were evacuated from Clark Air Base (located
approximately 12 km southeast of Pinatubo); essential personnel stayed behind. On June 12, a tephra column rose to about 20 km. By June 14, 55,000 people had been evacuated
from villages within a 12-mile radius of Pinatubo. Then at dawn, just before 6:00 A.M. on June 15, 1991, a cataclysmic eruption began with a tremendous explosion. The eruption
destroyed ten deserted villages and earthquakes shook surrounding towns.

The towering plume of Mt. Pinatubo soared an astonishing 40 km into the atmosphere. Snow-like ash fell in Manila, 100 km to the south. Locally, the ash blocked out the sun.
Searing gas, ash, and molten rocks (pyroclastics) raced down the lush northern and western slopes of the volcano. The high velocity and low density of the flows allowed them to
drain off the steep slopes immediately around the crater. These pyroclastic flows, together with heavy rains, later produced mudflows and landslides on all flanks of the volcano.

After a typhoon on July 18, lahars (hot mudflows) as deep as three meters along rivers east of the volcano buried sections of some towns. The filling of river channels and ruptures
of dikes caused lahars as wide as 4 km. Mudflows five meters high rushed through the streets of Concepcion, sweeping away several people. By July 26th, 100,000 homes had
been crushed or buried. When the rain fell on the ash-covered roofs, many collapsed, resulting in more deaths. On August 20, more than two months following the major eruption,
the largest of the mudflows resulted in thirty-one casualties. One pyroclastic flow made a dam behind which a lake formed. On September 7, the dam ruptured causing muddy flash
floods that destroyed 800 homes and killed seven. Flooding and mudflows caused twelve more deaths on September 15.

The eruptions at Mount Pinatubo and the aftermath events killed 722 people. Of these, 358 deaths were attributed to disease that broke out in the evacuation camps, 281 to the
initial eruption, and 83 to mudflows. An additional 184 people were injured and 23 were reported missing. More than 108,000 houses were partially or totally damaged. The event
left more than 200,000 people homeless, destroyed businesses, and ruined Clark Air Base. About 20,000 Americans were evacuated from Subic Bay Naval Station to the United
States after Subic Bay was extensively damaged.

Besides local damage, Pinatubo ejected huge quantities of particles into the global wind system in the stratosphere to heights exceeding 30 km. These particles affect the weather in
two ways. Tiny aerosol droplets reflect sunlight away from Earth's surface. A maximum global cooling of about 1.5 degrees C has been observed and is gradually diminishing.

In addition, the aerosols from the eruption help reactivate inert chlorine molecules drifting in cold clouds in the stratosphere. In sunlight, these chlorine molecules combine with
oxygen molecules in the ozone layer reducing its density. Until the ozone regenerates, it cannot effectively shield that portion of Earth from the sun. The aerosol increase may
cause a 15% reduction in mid-latitude ozone. Preliminary measurements suggest that Pinatubo was one of the largest volcanic eruptions of the 20th Century.

The threat of more destruction continues. The combination of rains and loose pyroclastic materials, sediment-filled channels, area seismicity, and small ash and steam explosions
will continue to make the area dangerous for years to come. On the positive side, volcanic deposits have enriched the soil on the plains around Pinatubo.

Aerial view of the north side of Pinatubo crater with a small explosion in progress on June 22, 1991. The crater is approximately two km in diameter. The caldera was offset to the
north of the former summit. The major eruption lowered the 1,755 m (5,758 ft) summit by 145 m (476 ft). The caldera wall, 200 m high at one point, dropped to the level of the
crater floor on the east side. The floor of the caldera was smooth and covered with ash. Photo credit: R. Batalon, U.S. Air Force.  

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