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Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27


Compaction characteristics of the caving zone in a longwall goaf:

a review
Cun Zhang1,2 · Shihao Tu3 · YiXin Zhao1,2

Received: 6 January 2018 / Accepted: 26 December 2018 / Published online: 2 January 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Broken rock and coal—residual coal, plus material from the immediate roof and overlying strata—fill in the goaf, in an area
termed the caving zone. Due to its high porosity and permeability, the caving zone contains gas and water, which may have
originated from the mined coal seam, the adjacent unmined coal seam, or from any aquifer or surface river. Thus, studying
the compaction characteristics of the caving zone can help understand gas and mine water drainage and identify steps to pre-
vent spontaneous combustion of residual coal. The stability characteristics of the caving zone after mining are affect surface
subsidence, as well as water and gas build-up and use. The caving zone is a potential underground storage of greenhouse
gases. Therefore, the time–space relationship of caving zone compaction characteristics in the goaf has become an area for
research focus in recent years; in this study, the formation, height determination, and compaction characteristics of a cav-
ing zone are examined. Reduction in block size and rearrangement of the fill are the main factors affecting the compaction
process, as re-crushing and rearrangement of the broken coal and rock mass affect the secant modulus and pore size of the
caving zone, causing the secant modulus to gradually increase and pore size to decrease. This in turn affects the macroscopic
stress–strain curve and seepage characteristics of the caving zone. The strength and fracturing mode of the caving blocks are
the main factors affecting the re-crushing and rearrangement of the caving blocks. The applicability and reliability of present
research results and research methods are analyzed and the focus areas for future studies are identified. Using a combination
of research methods, including theoretical analysis, laboratory testing, numerical simulation, and field measurement, the
compaction characteristics of a caving zone in longwall goaf can be accurately calculated.

Keywords  Caving zone · Compaction characteristics · Strain · Stress · Permeability · Porosity

Introduction up to form a rock beam. As the longwall face continually

advances, the rock beam breaks into large blocks and then
The caving zone in the goaf is usually the result of longwall collapses when the span reaches a certain limiting value,
mining, which is a very production-efficient and widely used known as the caving interval—which varies according to
coal mining technique. During longwall mining, the immedi- rock beam strength and integrity. The broken rock and coal
ate roof caves in behind the hydraulic shield supports as coal fill in the goaf area in a space termed the caving zone, as
is continuously extracted, and the overlying rock strata hangs shown in Fig. 1. The overburden strata above the longwall
face can be subdivided into four vertical zones including a
surface zone, a continuous deformation zone, a fractured
* Cun Zhang zone and the caving zone itself, from top to bottom (Cheng
et al. 2017; Palchik 2003, 2010). Due to the high porosity
Beijing Key Laboratory for Precise Mining of Intergrown and permeability of the caving zone, a large amount of gas
Energy and Resources, China University of Mining and water from the adjacent rock strata accumulate there
and Technology, Beijing 100083, China (Meng et al. 2016a; Wang et al. 2015), including dangerous
School of Resource and Safety Engineering, China gas that caused by the spontaneous combustion of the resid-
University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China ual coal (Zhao et al. 2008). In addition, due to the strong
School of Mines, Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource adsorption characteristics of coal, the residual coal will still
Ministry of Education of China, China University of Mining retain some adsorbed gas, although, because of the low gas
and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China

Page 2 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

Fig. 1  Surrounding strata zon-

ing after coal seam mining

Bending zone

Fractured zone

Caving zone

Fractured zone

pressure in the caving zone, the amount of adsorbed gas of (Karfakis et al. 1996; Miao et al. 2008; Li et al. 2017; Gupta
the residual coal is generally much less than the amount of and Paul 2015).
free gas (Li et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2016a). Therefore, the compaction characteristics of the caving
Due to the effects of mining, the physical and mechani- zone are of great significance for coal mine safety, for effi-
cal properties—and the pore and flow characteristics—of cient production, for environmental protection and for aban-
the caving zone change constantly. This in turn can affect doned coal mine utilization. Research into the compaction
surface subsidence, greenhouse gas underground storage, characteristics of the caving zone in the goaf has become a
spontaneous combustion of underground residual coal, difficult and important topic, and much has been achieved.
underground reservoir construction, water resource filtra- In this paper, the main research findings are summarized.
tion, gob gas-outing and abandoned mine use (Liu et al. Caving zone formation and its compaction are relatively well
2015; Zhang et al. 2015a, 2017a; Xia et al. 2015; Ju et al. understood, and the space–time evolution of stress and per-
2017; Guo et al. 2004; Schatzel et al. 2017). During longwall meability factors during the compaction of the caving zone
mining, gas emission characterization from the caving zone can now be calculated by comprehensive research methods.
is one of the most challenging tasks for mine operators, due The combination of various research methods used to accu-
to the complex behavior of the gas flow, as it significantly rately predict compaction characteristics for the caving zone
influences the gob gas-outing and spontaneous combustion, in the longwall goaf, the physical and mechanical proper-
which are two major safety issues for longwall coal mines. ties, and the pore and flow characteristics that change during
On this basis, it can be seen that the understanding and gradual compaction of the caving zone, are analyzed in this
characterization of the variable gob compaction, its induced paper.
porosity, and variable permeability, are very important for
the management of gas and for the prevention of spontane-
ous combustion. What is more, with increased production Determination of caving zone height
and stringent regulations relating to the prevention of air,
water, and ground pollution, the safe and environmentally The determination of the caving zone height assists further
acceptable disposal of coal mine refuse (waste) is becoming analysis of its physical and mechanical properties, pore and
more demanding, and backfilling to control surface subsid- flow characteristics and surface subsidence calculations—
ence may provide an environmentally acceptable method for and provides the basis for the establishment of a numeri-
disposal of mining wastes. Understanding the physical and cal simulation model. Determination of caving zone height
mechanical properties of coal mine waste and caving coal involves physical simulation, numerical simulation, theoreti-
and rocks from different sites is, therefore, important if it is cal calculation, and field measurement (Wang et al. 2013;
going to be used as an effective control of surface subsidence Zhang et al. 2014; Kang et al. 2018).

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Theoretical calculations include empirical formulae based accuracy is reduced due to the compounding of the errors
on extensive statistics or regression formulae. For example, in the individual parameters selected. On this basis, initial
through decades of observations and field measurements, calculation of caving zone height is generally made using
the empirical formula for calculating caving zone heights for the empirical formula expressed by Eq. (1).
mine blasting, conventional mining and fully mechanized, In addition to applying the empirical formula, many
slice coal mining of longwall faces is summarized in the researchers have calculated caving zone height under cer-
“three unders” in coal mining regulations, as expressed by tain conditions using fracture mechanics, key stratum theory
Eq. (1): and other models (Wu 2013). Wang et al. (2013) concluded
that when the key stratum above the caving zone was sta-
Hm = ± c3 . (1) ble or was broken to form a hinge structure, the height of
c1 M + c2
the caving zone will not increase, while in other cases, it
In the equation, Hm is the height of the caving zone, M will continue to rise. Wu et al. (2014) determined that the
is the mining height, and c1, c2, and c3 are immediate roof key stratum was suitable for roof conditions provided it was
strength coefficients—as determined using the values given hard rock and was a complete structure, and that the mining
in Table 1. However, this empirical formula is applicable height, bulking coefficient of the roof and limit of deflection
to the conditions of single layer mining with a thickness deformation were the main influencing factors in determin-
of 1–3 m and accumulated mining thicknesses not exceed- ing caving zone roof height.
ing 15 m. Thus, for a coal seam with a mining thickness of The key stratum is generally divided into the main key
more than 3 m, the development height of the caving zone stratum and sub-key stratum; Zhang et al. (2014) proposed
calculated by Eq. (1) may not be suitable (Wang et al. 2016). that sub-key stratum controlled failure development in the
In addition, with continuous improvement of mining mecha- overlying strata and the main key stratum restrained failure
nization, the width and advancing length of longwall faces development during fully mechanized coal mining in extra
are gradually increasing, so that the rate of advance of long- thick coal seams. Feng et al. (2009) used a simplified plane
wall faces is becoming faster. These changes in coal mining mechanics model to derive Eq. (2) for calculating maximum
parameters require that the development height of the caving caving zone height:
zone and the equations used for its calculation continue to [ ]2
evolve as well (Zhang et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2013). 1.57𝛾 2 H − M − (K−1) cos 𝛼
The caving zone height prediction formula expressed Hm =
4𝛽 2 R2c
(K − 1) cos 𝛼
by Eq. (1) mainly considered mine height and immediate
roof strength. But in many cases, in addition to the above
two factors, the lithology ratio of hard rock in the overlying In Eq. (2), γ is the average bulk density of overlying
strata, the depth of mining, the dip angle of the coal seam, strata, H is the buried depth of the coal seam, L is the length
the mining parameters of the longwall face itself and other of the longwall face, α is the dip angle of coal seam, W is
factors also affect the caving height. In such cases, using subsidence value of the roof in the caving process, K is a
sensitivity analysis, fruit fly optimization algorithm analysis, bulking coefficient, Rc is the compressive strength of the
multivariate statistical analysis and other statistical methods, rock mass, and β is the influence factor of a rock mass joint
some relatively accurate prediction formulae for caving zone fracture. The formulae deduced from the mechanical model
height can be calculated (Zhang et al. 2013; Ti et al. 2014; generally simplified the overlying rock structure and added
Cao and Li 2014; Fu et al. 2010; Cheng et al. 2009). How- a correction factor based on the condition of a particular
ever, the additional parameters needed for the above analy- longwall face. Therefore, it is only applicable to specific
sis need selection, which increases the workload and com- longwall faces or mining areas, and its overall applicability
plexity of their application, but more seriously, prediction is not high. However, when used, its accuracy for a specific
mining area is higher than the above empirical formula, and
it is suitable for determining caving zone height.
Measuring the height of the caving zone in the field is
Table 1  Coefficients for estimating the height of the caving zone more reliable than theoretical modeling or numerical simu-
(Yavuz 2004; Bai et al. 1995) lation. Measuring methods include the drilling fluid loss
Type of immediate Uniaxial compressive Coefficient method (direct measurement of drilling fluid consump-
roof strength/MPa tion during drilling), the borehole color television method
c1 c2
(direct television recording of rock mass in borehole), the
Hard > 40 2.1 16 EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system (collecting formation
Less hard 20–40 4.7 19 resistivity to compare with the existing geological data), and
Soft < 20 6.2 32 direct observation (Zhang et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2013; Yang

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and Liang 2013; Koenig and Schraufnagel 1987; Shu et al. field measurements—have been used to evaluate caving zone
1995; Baptiste and Chapuis 2015; Barrash et al. 2006). Sun compaction characteristics during longwall mining.
et al. (2013) used the three technical means above to meas- Studies have shown that the caving zone will experience
ure the height of the caving zone, and compared their accu- three phases during longwall face advance, as shown in
racy, finding that the borehole color TV observation method Fig. 2 (Tu et al. 2016; Zhang et al. 2016b). The stages are:
was the best, while the electromagnetic imaging observation the caving zone formation stage (Fig. 2a), its gradual com-
technique was the worst. Unfortunately, while the reliability paction stage (Fig. 2b), and its stability stage (Fig. 2c). Fig-
of field measurement techniques is relatively high, in many ure 2 represents the compaction characteristics of the caving
cases, due to the high cost, poor safety, and low feasibility, zone around the gob gas venthole (GGV) as the study area.
they can only be used over a small range of measurements,
and so they are generally used only to review, confirm or Physical and mechanical properties and its changes
correct theoretical calculation or numerical simulations. of caving zone

During the gradual compaction stage of the caving zone,

under the action of compacting stress, re-crushing and rear-
Compaction characteristics and evolution rangement of the rock and coal in the zone takes place,
of the caving zone directly affecting the physical and mechanical properties
of the caving zone, which in turn affect stress and strain
As the longwall face continuously advances, it leaves a sub- distribution and evolution of the caving zone. Thus, many
sidence trough over the caving zone. The broken rock and research methods, including theoretical analyses, labora-
coal mass in the caving zone gradually compact under the tory tests, numerical simulations, and field measurements,
forces of their own gravity and the pressure exerted by over- are used to evaluate physical and mechanical properties and
lying strata (Booth and Greer 2011). Its density, modulus, their change over time in the caving zone during longwall
Poisson ratio, stress, strain, porosity and permeability will mining, and these are considered below.
change continually over time, and it has been seen that ini-
tially, the density, modulus, Poisson ratio, stress and strain Theoretical analysis
increase and the porosity and permeability decrease.
Changes in each parameter affect the safety and effi- As the longwall face continuously advances, the caving zone
ciency of coal mining and gas extraction, particularly with is compacted gradually. According to the Salamon compac-
regard to variation of the permeability of the caving zone, tion formula (Salamon 1991), the vertical stress increases
which directly affects gob air leakage, gob gas influx into exponentially with increasing vertical strain. In many cases,
the longwall face, spontaneous combustion of residual coal, for the convenience of numerical simulation, many scholars
gob gas drainage, and water movement. The permeability, have proposed semi-empirical formulae or a double yield
vertical stress and strain changes, and their evolution dur- model (Karacan et al. 2007) to simulate the process of stress
ing the compaction process of the goaf were briefly sum- change that takes place during caving zone compaction.
marized in previous studies (Zhang et al. 2016b, 2017b), Equation (3) can be applied to calculate the vertical stress
where it was clear that many methods—including theoreti- according to the vertical strain during caving zone compac-
cal analyses, laboratory tests, numerical simulations, and tion (Yavuz 2004; Ryder and Wagner 1978).

(a) (b) (c)

GGV Surface GGV

Permeability Permeability Permeability

Advance direction
Stress Stress Stress
gradually fully compacted Caving rock mass gradually fully compacted zone Caving rock mass gradually fully compacted zone
Caving rock mass accumulation zone compacted accumulation zone compacted
compacted zone
accumulation zone zone zone

Fig. 2  Compaction stages for the caving zone: a caving rock mass accumulation stage, b gradual compaction stage, c stabilized compaction stage

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 5 of 20  27

E𝜀 broken rock and coal samples. Many applicable formulae

𝜎v =
1 − 𝜀∕𝜀m
. (3) and parameters, including the above theoretical models, have
been obtained from laboratory measurements.
In this equation, σv is vertical stress, ε is vertical strain, εm Compaction experiments for broken rock were carried
is maximum vertical strain, and E is the modulus of elastic- out relatively early, by Pappas and Mark (1993), with the
ity. E and εm can be calculated using Eq. (4): applicable parameters of the rock mass in the caving zone
( ) shown in Table 2. The experimental results showed that the
10.39𝜎c 1.042 c1 h + c2 b−1 stress–strain curve for the broken rock mass in the caving
E= , b= + 1, 𝜀m =
b7.7 100 b zone is nonlinear during the compaction process, illustrat-
ing the characteristics of strain strengthening. Moreover, the
In Eq. (4), b is a bulking coefficient, σc is maximum uni- stress–strain curve for the broken rock mass is comparatively
axial compressive strength of coal and rock masses, and unaffected by the rock mass classification.
c1 and c2 are the coefficients related to the strength of the When the maximum size of broken rock increased from
immediate roof, as shown in Table 1. 5.1 to 8.9 cm, the compaction degree, the porosity reduc-
Apart from the density, the elasticity modulus and Pois- tion range, and the maximum strain decreased gradually.
son ratio of the caving zone will also change, and Bai et al. This does not mean, however, that the larger the rock size,
(2013) and Whittles et al. (2006) provided the relationship the less likely it is to be compacted, because, as shown in
between the bulk modulus K, shear modulus G, vertical Table 2, the larger the maximum size of pieces in the broken
stress σv, and vertical strain ε, as shown in Eq. (5): rock mass, the smaller the initial porosity—which caused
4G 𝜎 E the lower compressibility (Mckee et al. 1988). Additionally,
K= = v = . (5) it cannot be assumed that the larger the particle size, the
3 2𝜀 2(1 − 𝜀∕𝜀m )
smaller the initial porosity—as in fact the only conclusion
Most of the above theoretical models are based on results that can be drawn is that the larger the maximum particle
obtained from laboratory measurements; however, they do size of broken rock mass, the smaller the initial porosity.
not take account of the re-crushing and rearrangement of With increased production and more stringent regula-
the caving blocks during the caving zone compaction. Con- tions for air, water and ground pollution control, the safe
sidering this issue, Fan and Liu (2017) proposed a sequence and environmentally acceptable disposal of coal mine
of four consecutive stages during the compression process, refuse (waste) materials is becoming ever more important,
which were related mainly to the change of the broken rock and backfilling may provide an environmentally acceptable
secant modulus during compaction. The secant modulus is method for its disposal. Thus, compaction testing has often
unchanged in the first stage, experiences an upward trend been performed on the waste material, and the physical and
due to failures in areas of weak contact in the second stage, mechanical behavior of coal waste during compaction are
can be calculated by Es = α/(2λ + 1)Eb (Eb is particle elastic generally established, as follows: (1) the dry density of the
modulus and λ is confining coefficient) in the third stage, and refuse can be considerably increased by compaction; (2) the
continuously increases due to the re-crushing of the broken modulus of deformation of the refuse increases linearly with
rock during the last stage: compaction stress (this increase is more dramatic for wet
Eb waste if tested under undrained conditions); (3) the modulus
Es = [ ]. of deformation for waste is much lower than for intact coal
(1−s ) (6)
(2𝜆 + 1) 1 + s 1 f or rock for the confining pressures considered here; (4) the
fractal dimension of particle size gradually increases and
In Eq. (6), f is a roughness coefficient, and s1 and s2 are tends towards a fixed value, which is related to the initial
the proportion coefficients of the elastic deformation fric- particle size and the rock strength. Under the same initial
tional slip contact length, and it can be seen from Eq. (6)
that changes to s1 and s2 at each stage cause variations in the
secant modulus (Es). Table 2  Experimental parameters of the rock mass used (modified
after Pappas and Mark 1993)
Laboratory test Rock type Maximum size Initial porosity Final porosity
(cm) @ 18 MPa
Laboratory testing is mainly focused on the stress–strain
Shale 8.9 0.679 0.078
curves in the compaction process of broken rock and coal
Shale 5.1 0.802 0.160
samples. Factors such as grain size, moisture, and grain
Weak sst 8.9 0.719 0.162
strength were considered in the laboratory test to study
Weak sst 5.1 0.790 0.152
the physical and mechanical properties and their change in

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particle size distribution and the same stress level, the fractal The discrete element method of numerical simulation
dimension value decreases with increase in rock strength generally requires the following steps. (1) The particle
(Karfakis et al. 1996; Xu et al. 2012; Oldecop and Alonso geometries are represented by circular particles and particle
2004; Bauer 2009, Su et al. 2012). clusters with regular shapes in PFC, and the clusters are
With the development of micro-scanning experimental then further broken into smaller clusters to simulate the re-
equipment, the crushing mechanism for broken coal waste crushing of broken coal and rock during the compaction
samples during compaction has been further studied, in a process. (2) Laboratory measurement results are matched by
process through which microscopic computerized tomogra- changing the mechanical parameters of the particles and the
phy can be used to observe the continuous variation of pore contact parameters between them. It was found that the influ-
structure and grain size in the sample (Yu et al. 2018). Fig- ence of particle size and particle strength on the breakup
ure 3 is the pore distribution of saturated crushed sandstone mechanism and compaction characteristics could be studied
under different axial stress, and from the figure, the particle by the above model (Chen et al. 2015b; Liu and Hu 2013;
size distribution and the pore size during compaction can Sitharam and Vinod 2010; Liu et al. 2013; Chen and Qiu
be obtained using a binarization algorithm. In addition, the 2011; Wang 2013).
energy evolution of broken gangue during compaction was However, this method is mainly used to study the
studied by Li et al. (2017), and overall, it can be concluded mechanical properties and particle size distributions of
that with the increase in size of coal waste pieces, the strain granular materials, such as rock fill and waste coal. It is
index of compacted broken rock, and the energy stored in not suitable for further establishing the gob caving zone
it, are increased. model at an engineering scale. At present, another method
With the development of experimental equipment, the is used to simulate the stress–strain behavior in the caving
means of observation are diverse. However, at the present zone—numerical simulation (of caving zone compaction
stage, most laboratory tests are still qualitative. Importantly, characteristics)—and this uses the laboratory fitting model
physical limitations on the size of laboratory equipment or theoretical model as a basis. The theoretical model and
require using small-sized samples, while the particle size laboratory test of caving zone in the goaf can only establish
of the broken coal and rock mass is far greater in an actual the relationship among the parameters, and have difficulty
caving zone. In addition, the influence of water and other dealing with the relationship of the compaction character-
fluids on the compaction characteristics of the caving zone, istics in terms of their evolution over time and space in the
plus the long period of stable deformation, need to be taken goaf caving zone. Therefore, in many cases, the compaction
into account. characteristics and flow field of the caving zone are studied
on the basis of a theoretical model or using laboratory meas-
Numerical simulation urements combined with numerical simulation (Guo et al.
2015; Meng et al. 2016b).
Numerical simulation of the mechanical properties of the The evolution characteristics of the vertical stress and the
broken coal and rock mass in the caving zone is mainly of elastic modulus during compaction have been simulated by
two types: one is inversion simulation based on discrete the FLAC 3D program, using Eq. (3) or Eq. (4), and Eq. (5)
element method, at a laboratory scale, while the other is with FISH language. In this method, the vertical stress and
numerical simulation based on the finite element method, elastic modulus of the caving zone are continuously updated
at an engineering scale. by the measured vertical strain, and the simulation results

Fig. 3  Typical pore distribution in saturated crushed sandstone under increasing compaction (modified after Yu et al. 2018)

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 7 of 20  27

are shown in Fig. 4 (Bai et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2015b, stability zone are still calculated by the theoretical model,
2016b, c; Esterhuizen and Karacan 2005; Whittles et al. while the low stress area near the mining limit line of the
2007). caving zone can be also named as the accumulation of the
This method, however, cannot accurately describe the caving zone, where the caving zone is not fully connected
crushing mechanism applying to the broken coal and rock to the roof. Thus, the vertical stress in Fig. 5b is very small.
mass in the caving zone, and nor can it account for the effect Using the borehole stress meter, the authors measured the
of particle size on the compaction characteristics of the cav- vertical stress in different stress zones (Zhang et al. 2016b),
ing zone. In addition, this method must have the dimensions and the results are shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6a, the monitoring
of the caving zone set in advance, which affects the accuracy points in the caving zone are basically located in the gradu-
of many simulations—but nevertheless, compared to the ally compacted zone and the compacted stable zone, which
first numerical simulation method, this method has obvious fits well with Fig. 5b. From the monitoring results (Fig. 6b),
advantages in the study of compaction characteristics of the the vertical stress has S-type changes with the increase of
caving zone, and it has been found that it can accurately sim- compaction time (days).
ulate the evolution characteristics of stress and strain there. The compaction time can be obtained by single monitor-
ing results when the vertical stress remains unchanged, and
Field measurement Fig. 7 is the vertical stress and compaction time distribution
of the caving zone determined using SUFFER software. The
The caving zone is generally closed off because it contains compaction time of the caving zone basically corresponds to
a large amount of gas and water, making it difficult to meas- the compaction stress (Fig. 7), and it has been shown that the
ure its compaction characteristics—although the compaction longer the compaction time, the greater the corresponding
degree of caving zone can be indirectly described by the sta- compaction stress, and these measured results are basically
tistical change of surface subsidence (Zhu et al. 2014; Deng consistent with the numerical simulation results (Fig. 4),
et al. 2012). However, even though it is difficult to carry out supporting the reliability of numerical simulation.
measurements in the caving zone, the evolution characteris-
tics of its vertical stress are still measured. The vertical stress Porosity and permeability properties and their
of a 10 m low stress area near the mining limit of a caving evolution in the caving zone
zone was measured with a KS-II stress meter (Fig. 5a) by
Liang et al. (2016), as shown in Fig. 5b. The stress distribu- The physical and mechanical properties of the caving zone
tion in the gradual compaction zone and the compaction in the goaf mainly affect surface subsidence, environmental

Fig. 4  Numerical simulation results for the compaction characteristics of the caving zone in the gob

Fig. 5  a Layout of stress gauges

on the edge of the caving zone,
b results (modified after Liang
et al. 2016)

Page 8 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

(a) (b)
2,500 18
Permeability Vertical stress
2,000 14


Vertial stress/MPa

point 8
50m 1#GGV 5#GGV

950m 500

104m 120m
0 0

0 10 20 30 40 50
Drainage time/d

Fig. 6  a Layout of stress gauges in the caving compacted zone, b results

Fig. 7  Compaction characteris-
tics of the caving zone: a shows
compaction time, b shows
compaction stress

protection, and mining stress distribution, while the caving In this equation, εvol is volumetric strain, and Kg0 is the
zone porosity and permeability, and their evolution, directly initial value of permeability in the caving zone (Jozefowicz
affect fluid flows and retention. Thus, the distribution char- 1997). In many simulation cases, Eq. (7) can also be used to
acteristics and evolution of porosity and permeability in the calculate the permeability changes at the compaction stage of
caving zone are important parameters of compaction there. the caving zone according to the volumetric strain, however,
this formula is based on experimental results, and has no sup-
Theoretical analysis porting theoretical model. In addition, physical and mechani-
cal properties of the coal and rock mass are not considered, so
The broken coal and rock caused by longwall mining accu- the scope for its application is limited.
mulate close behind the panel. Here, because the coal and Considering this problem, Guo et al. (2009) proposed a
rock masses are not connected to the roof, they are only formula for calculating permeability based on fracture poros-
affected by their own gravity, and in this zone, the porosity ity and strain calculations for the broken coal and rock mass:
and permeability maximize rapidly. The permeability can be
1 ini [ ( )]
calculated by Eq. (7): kii = kii 1 + 𝛽j Δ𝜀jj + 1 + 𝛽k Δ𝜀kk . (8)
Kg0 = − 4 × 10−16 𝜀vol 3 − 6 × 10−15 𝜀vol 2 − 7 × 10−14 𝜀vol + 10−11 .
Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 9 of 20  27

In Eq. (8), kii is the permeability in any direction, i, j, and k possibility of particle fragmentation in the model, and Ωmax
are 1, 2 and 3, respectively, ∆εii is strain increment, and βi can is the diameter of the largest particles in the model. Consider-
be calculated through Eq. (9): ing this equation, it has been concluded that the particle size
distribution has a significant influence on the permeability and
𝛽i = 1+ (
1 − Rm porosity of the caving zone, however, because it is hard to
)n . (9)
Fai ∕Fsi 1 directly measure particle size distribution in the caving zone,
some parameters in Eq. (13) require application of reliable
In Eq. (9), Rm is the modulus ratio, Fai/Fsi is equivalent frac- prediction technologies.
ture porosity, and n1 is a constant. Equations (8) and (9) can To solve this problem, the permeability model for broken
be used to calculate the permeability in different directions in rock, as expressed in Eq. (14), was proposed by Fan and Liu
the broken coal and rock, and two different fractal models are (2017); this model depends mainly on the change of the bro-
proposed by Li and Logan (2001) to calculate the porosity of ken rock secant modulus during the compaction expressed by
the broken coal and rock mass. These two models calculate the Eq. (6).
porosity of broken coal and rock on the basis of single homo- � � 3
geneous particles or particle clusters, as expressed in Eq. (10): ⎛ 𝜎z ⎞
⎜ V0 − Vs ∕ 1− ⎟
k E
( )D−3 =⎜ ⎟. (14)
d ( )(D−3)∕D k0 ⎜ V0 − Vs ⎟
𝜙=1−c a , 𝜙=1−c . (10) ⎝ ⎠
dp c
In Eq. (14), V0 is the initial volume, Vs is the volume of
In Eq. (10), φ is porosity, c is a filling coefficient, da is the
particles, and σz is the vertical stress. From Eqs. (6) and (14),
diameter of a particle cluster, dp is the diameter of a single
it can be seen that changes to s1 and s2 at each stage cause
particle, D is fractal dimension, and n is a group factor.
variations in the secant modulus (E), which affects the perme-
Esterhuizen and Karacan proposed a permeability model
ability. Individual particle size parameters of the caving zone
of the caving zone based on the Carman–Kozeny model,
are not included in the formula, and this greatly simplifies its
giving rise to Eq. (11):
computation. Other parameters for this model can be obtained
( ) through laboratory measurements, and the initial permeability
k0 𝜙3
k= . (11) in Eq. (14) can be calculated by applying Eq. (7).
0.241 (1 − 𝜙)2
Besides broken gangue, the caving zone also contains low-
strength coal residue, and it has been experimentally proven
In Eq. (11), k0 is the permeability at the maximum poros-
by Zhang et al. (2017b) that re-crushing and rearranging the
ity, which can also be calculated by Eq. (7), while the poros-
broken coal occurs continually during the compaction pro-
ity can be further determined by Eq. (10).
cess (Fig. 8), which causes the secant modulus constant to
Equations (7), (10), and (11) mainly consider the influ-
change. In addition, repeated mining of the coal seam will
ence of strain and porosity on permeability during cav-
cause the loading and unloading of the caving zone which will
ing zone compaction, and in fact, the Happel and Car-
affect its permeability, so an experiment looking at the effect
man–Kozeny equations were usually the equations used
of this cyclic loading and unloading on seepage from broken
to calculate caving zone permeability and porosity (Li and
coal samples was carried out by Zhang et al. (2017b). The test
Logan 2001; Esterhuizen and Karacan 2005), and Eq. (12)
results implied that besides the re-crushing and rearrangement
is the fractal permeability model based on these two equa-
of particles, the compressional deformation of the broken coal
tions that was proposed by Karacan (2010). It is a method for
sample will also reduce its permeability when it is under load,
predicting porosity and permeability based on the particle
while when the load is released, only permeability loss caused
size distribution of the broken rock mass in caving zone:
by compressional deformation can recover. Using the Hertz
m(DF −1) contact deformation principle, the compressional deformation
d𝜙 = −Λ𝜎
d𝜎. (12)
of the broken coal sample can be calculated, and the perme-

In Eq. (12), DF is the fractal dimension, m is the Weibull ability evolution of the broken coal sample during unloading
coefficient, σ is the stress acting on the model, and Λ is plas- can be expressed by Eq. (15):
tic compressibility—which can be calculated by Eq. (13): 9
k∕k0 = f 2 (F), where F = 𝜋𝜎1 (1 − v2 )∕Es . (15)
e m(1−DF )
Λ = 𝛽f 2 (2 − DF )m𝜎0 2 . (13)
(1 − k)𝜎Ωmax In Eq. (15), the permeability ratio k/k0 is controlled only
by Poisson’s ratio and the secant modulus. For the unload-
In Eq. (13), e is surface energy in linear elastic fracture
ing process, the secant modulus (Es) is unchanged, while for
mechanics, σ0 is the tensile strength of particles, f is the

Page 10 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

Fig. 8  Re-crushing and rear-

rangement of the broken coal
and rock mass under a compac-
tion flow test

the loading process, the secant modulus changes according permeability of different sized broken coal, and the addi-
to Eq. (6). tional research referred to is needed simply to complement
The above theoretical models are mainly used to describe the existing theoretical results.
the evolution of permeability in the caving zone, and are As can be seen from the permeability model fitted by
embedded in numerical software used to further obtain per- the experimental results expressed by Eqs. (7), (16), and
meability distribution characteristics, which can then be (17), few physical and mechanical characteristics of the
applied to mine engineering in the field (Yang et al. 2009; rock particles are involved in the model, with attention
Liang et al. 2009). focusing on the effect of stress or strain on permeability
Some permeability modeling that does consider particle during compaction. These models are relatively simple
size can be obtained by fitting different particle sizes into to use and it is beneficial to embed them in the numeri-
the experimental test. Equations (16) and (17) were fitted cal simulation for calculation. However, the permeability
based on the matchstick model, allowing the permeability of fitting model is obtained by conducting flow experiments
effective stress theory models to be proposed by Seidle et al. with broken coal and rock with specific properties, and is
(1992), according to the special structure of coal: a simplification of actual site conditions, especially with

kCL1 = (345.19 ln(r − 4.94) + 29.66)e−3(2.0942 ln(r+1.9597)−4.2568)(1−e

−(−0.0267 ln(r−6.7873)+0.153)𝜎1 )
, (16)

kCU1 = (403.94 ln(r + 4.89) − 895.6)e−3(1.010 ln(r+26.04)−3.4112)(1−e

−(−0.0123 ln(r−7.3857)+0.0532)𝜎1 )
. (17)

In Eqs. (16) and (17), r is the particle size, and kCL1 and regard to the size of the broken rock mass. For each case,
kCU2 are the permeability of the broken coal sample during the relevant tests need to be repeated to obtain the case-
the loading and unloading respectively—and using these specific fitting model. For the derivation model expressed
two equations, the stress permeability model with differ- as Eqs. (8), (10), (13), (14), and (15), the strength or frac-
ent particle sizes of the broken coal in the caving zone can tal dimension of broken coal and rock mass are generally
be calculated during the mining process. Due to the lim- considered, and the application range of these models is
ited experimental range of the particle sizes, there will be considered to be better than that for the experimental fit-
errors in predicting permeability outcomes outside of the ting model. However, some parameters in the derivation
scope of this experiment. Further, applying multiple fittings models are relatively difficult to obtain, such as the fractal
to resolve Eqs. (16) and (17) leads to the accumulation of dimension of the caving zone, plus, the strength and fractal
errors, thereby affecting the precision of the model. dimensions of the broken samples are constantly changing
Future work should focus on better management of par- during caving zone compaction and in many cases, still
ticle sizes in the experiment and reduction of the fitting need to be obtained by experiment. Thus, the experimental
times, through theoretical analysis and statistics; how- fitting model is the more suitable model for engineering
ever, Eqs. (16) and (17) allow preliminary analysis of the applications relating to caving zone compaction.

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 11 of 20  27

Laboratory testing and permeability during compaction in the caving zone,

and gives corresponding formulae fitting many situations.
It is difficult to study the relationships of stress, strain, However, the fragmentation characteristics of the coal and
porosity and permeability due to the challenge of capturing rock in the compaction process have seldom been analyzed
in-situ measurements of caving zone parameters, so labora- in the laboratory.
tory simulations have been used to study porosity and per- The cyclic loading and unloading flow test concluded that
meability changes during compaction of the caving zone. the larger the broken particles, the greater the permeability
Many fitting formulae and some fitting parameters, including and higher stress sensitivity in each loading and unloading
some used in the theoretical models described above, have process. The fragmentation of broken coal samples after
been obtained through laboratory testing. experiment is shown in Fig. 9, where it can be seen that the
The compaction and seepage experiments using bro- broken coal samples continue to break down to the smaller
ken rock samples with different particle sizes (2.5–5, 5–8, coal samples and be rearranged during the loading process,
8–10, 10–12 and 12–15 mm), different rock mass types (coal which caused the secant modulus to gradually increase and
gangue, mudstone, sandstone and limestone), and different reduced the stress sensitivity of permeability. Since only
loading rates (0.02, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 kN/s) were carried the permeability loss caused by compressional deformation
out, and the evolution characteristics of permeability and can recover during unloading, the secant modulus remains
the non-Darcy seepage coefficients were analyzed. The unchanged and can be obtained by fitting the permeabil-
experimental results showed that (1) the highest permeabil- ity test curves shown in Eq. (15). In addition, it is can be
ity under identical stress conditions was shown by limestone, observed, from Fig. 10, that there is a positive correlation
followed by sandstone, mudstone and coal gangue, while the between the secant modulus and particle size.
non-Darcy seepage coefficients were the opposite. (2) The Most laboratory flow test results concentrate on the rela-
permeability increased gradually, and the non-Darcy flow tionship between stress or strain and permeability. Because
coefficients decreased with the increase of particle size. (3) seepage experiments are usually carried out in a closed
The permeability increased gradually, and the non-Darcy device, it is difficult to deduce the influence of crushing on
flow coefficients decreased gradually with increased axial permeability during broken coal and rock compaction. From
loading rate. mechanical experiments on the compaction of broken coal
On the basis of these experiments, Ma et al. (2009) con- and rock, it is known that the crushing mechanism and the
cluded that the permeability of broken coal samples of dif- rearrangement of the broken coal and rock particles have an
ferent particle sizes was closely related to their shape, and important influence on the pore characteristics of the broken
that the larger the particle size, the stronger the sensitiv- coal and rock samples, which in turn influences its perme-
ity of permeability to axial stress. In addition to particle ability. In addition, although the influence of particle size
sizes, the influence of temperature on seepage character- has been considered in seepage experiments, and the experi-
istics was obtained, by Chu et al. (2017), who showed that mental results have shown that particle size has a significant
the permeability of broken coal gradually decreased with effect on permeability, the size of the broken coal and rock
increasing temperature. The above experimental research pieces used in experimental work are still much smaller than
contains the basic analysis of the evolution of stress, strain the actual size of the pieces in the caving zone in the goaf.

Fig. 9  Coal fragmentation after cyclic loading flow tests

Page 12 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

70 so, in addition to using strain, the permeability of the caving

Unload 1
59.6 zone can be updated according to the vertical stress.
60 Unload 2 55.4
The calculation of the permeability by stress is still based
Secant modulus/GPa

Unload 3
50 on the fitting formula measured in the laboratory mainly
40 because the theoretical model given above considers too
32.6 many parameters for which it is difficult to obtain values
30 24.5 in the simulation. In particular, particle size distribution in
20 15.6
16.4 the caving zone is not applicable to the FLAC 3D simula-
8.2 8.6
13.6 12.1 tion software which is based on the finite difference method,
3.6 4.6
and thus, the fitting formula for stress permeability can be
0 obtained using laboratory measurement of the coal and rock
G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 mass in the caving zone (Seidle et al. 1992), while Eq. (18)
provides the fitting formula for general stress permeability:
Fig. 10  Secant modulus fitting results for broken coal samples with
different particle sizes cb0
(1−e−𝛼f 𝜎1 )
kb = kb0 e
−3 𝛼b
. (18)

Numerical simulation In Eq. (18), kb is the permeability of the broken coal sam-

ple, cb0 is the original crushing coefficient, σ1 is effective
Similar to the numerical simulation of mechanical param- stress, kb0 is original permeability, and αb is the change ratio
eters in the caving zone, numerical simulation of permeabil- of the crushing coefficient with effective stress. Recently,
ity distribution and its law of evolution in the caving zone Chen et al. (2015a, 2016) verified that the permeability
is mainly divided into a two-part sequence. Importantly, the model, as expressed by Eq. (18), is still applicable to porous
mechanical calculation of the caving zone should be carried rock. Therefore, this formula can be used to fit the seepage
out first; using the strain or stress obtained by mechanical test for a broken coal and rock mass.
calculation, and then the permeability distribution charac- Equation (19) is the fitting formula for the compaction
teristics of the caving zone are deduced according to the seepage experiment using broken coal and rock mass:
fitting permeability model. The second part of the sequence kC = 775.9568e−3.2873(1−e
), kR = 1087.647e−1.3461(1−e
is to establish the porosity or permeability model of different
zones in the caving zone after its compaction by analysis of
In Eq. (19), kC and kR are, respectively, the fitting perme-
the pore compaction distribution characteristics.
ability model of the broken coal and rock, and according
On the basis of stress or strain, seepage distribution
to this equation, permeability results can be obtained using
characteristics for the caving zone can be further simulated.
the vertical stress simulation results above. The numerical
Figure 11 shows how the calculated permeability reflects
simulation of permeability in the upper broken rock mass
changes in the strain, in accordance with Eq. (7). The distri-
and lower residual broken coal mass in the caving zone have
bution characteristics of the permeability in the caving zone
been shown in Fig. 12.
are basically consistent with the vertical stress distribution,

160 20

140 18
K/10 -8 m 2 /Pa·s


80 10
60 8
20 2
0 0
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000

Fig. 11  Simulation of permeability distribution characteristics based on the strain of the caving zone

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 13 of 20  27

In addition to using stress and strain to calculate caving method cannot analyze the evolution of permeability during
zone permeability distribution, the porosity distribution can the mining process—during which the caving zone is gradu-
be calculated by the bulking factor at different positions in ally compacted as the longwall face advances. It is suitable
the caving zone, as expressed by Eq. (20) (Liu et al. 2016; for managing GGV layout, spontaneous combustion and
Xia et al. 2015; Tang et al. 2016; Qin et al. 2015a). Then, water seepage in the caving zone after it has stabilized. The
the distribution characteristics for the permeability can be first method needs mechanical calculation, involving use of
obtained, according to Eq. (11): two groups of simulation software—such as the commonly

KP (x, y) = KP,min + (KP,max − KP,min ) exp{−a1 d1 [1 − exp(𝜉1 a0 d0 )]}, 𝜙=1− . (20)
KP (x, y)

In Eq. (20), KP(x,y) is the bulking factor of the caving used FLAC 3D for mechanics calculation, then importing
zone located at (x, y), KP,max and KP,min are the original and the permeability results import into the CFD program for
compacted bulking factors, respectively, a0 and a1 are the seepage calculation—although this involves an increased
decline coefficients from two edges of the caving zone to workload to a certain extent. The biggest advantage of the
the interior, d0 and d1 are the distances between (x, y) and first method is that the permeability evolution characteristics
two edges of the caving zone, and ξ1 is the control coef- for compaction in the whole caving zone can be analyzed to
ficient description of the caving zone O-ring distribution, obtain seepage characteristics for gas or water during the
obtained through repeated checking. Similar to this method, mining process. And with the improvement in numerical
the porosity of the broken rock mass in the caving zone can methods, most software can be used for fluid solid coupling
be obtained by calculating the displacement of the overlying calculation nowadays, which is more conducive to the devel-
strata. After calculation of caving zone permeability, seep- opment of the first simulation method.
age characteristics for the caving zone can be simulated to
analyze the flow field for gas there (Xu et al. 2010; Wang Field measurement
2011; Qin et al. 2015b; Yuan and Smith 2007), which is ben-
eficial to the arrangement of the GGV and the prevention of Field measurement of permeability and porosity in the
spontaneous combustion in residual coal in the caving zone caving zone is rarely reported, and so the numerical simu-
(Hu et al. 2007; Jin et al. 2010). lation or theoretical model is generally used to calculate
As can be seen, the methods above both have their respec- gas concentration and content in the caving zone (Lan
tive advantages and disadvantages. The second method does and Zhang 2007; Meng et al. 2016b). Because measure-
not need mechanical calculation, and directly estimates the ment of permeability in the caving zone is difficult, many
permeability of the caving zone, so in general, only fluid researchers use data obtained from GGV gas to obtain the
simulation software is selected, and commonly used numeri- evolution and distribution characteristics of caving zone
cal simulation software, such as CFD, is used. However, the permeability. The GGV extraction model was established

Fig. 12  Simulation of permeability distribution characteristics based on stress in the caving zone

Page 14 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

by Karacan (2009a), and includes both an infinite extrac- In Eq. (21) parameters are used as follows: ρ and ρk are
tion radius model and a finite extraction radius model. The the density of pure gas and air under standard conditions
radius of GGV drainage has a direct influence on the effect respectively, in kg/m3; c is the gas concentration, as a %;
of gas drainage, and Karacan (2009b) initially concluded v is the average flow rate, in m/s; h0 is the height of caving
that the influence extraction radius was between 100 and zone in goaf; d is the diameter of the venthole, in m; and
859 m, using traditional well test analysis technology, and the subscripts 0 and 2 in Eq. (21) denote the parameters in
then further reduced this to 330–380 m (Karacan 2015). cross-section of the caving zone and the ground surface.
However, for the gob gas extraction, the influence range of Applying Darcy’s law and knowing the effective extraction
borehole drainage is generally an ellipse, with the extrac- radius, the evolution characteristics of the permeability
tion influence radius generally larger in the direction of of the caving zone can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 13.
longwall face advance. In the Huainan mining area, the The permeability of the caving zone around each GGV
extraction influence radius, in terms of tendency and trend in Fig. 13 passes through two stages—the decline stage
direction, has been determined to be greater than 160 m and the stable stage. According to Fig. 13, the distance
and 240 m respectively, by tracer gas monitoring (Xin between the fully compacted zone and the longwall face
et al. 2011). can be calculated, as shown in Table 3. Combined with the
Zhou et al. (2016) established a mathematical model to measured data in Fig. 7a, it can be seen that the compac-
calculate gas flow rates from the caving zone and pressure- tion time calculated from the extraction data is approxi-
relief coal seam, based on the law of mass and energy mately the same as the measured result. Figure 14 is the
conservation. However, this initial model is complex and permeability distribution of the caving zone. The results
the drag coefficients in the model are difficult to deter- are basically consistent with those of the numerical simu-
mine—and involve many assumptions. Thus, it cannot be lation in Fig. 12, and by comparing them with the compac-
used to analyze large amounts of data. To address this tion characteristics in Fig. 7, it can be seen that the higher
issue, the above model was simplified by making full use the degree of compaction, the lower the permeability.
of available measured data, as shown in Eq. (21): However, the above permeability model based on gas
extraction data has greatly simplified actual field condi-
d(−1 + c2 )v2 (−𝜌k + c2 𝜌k − 𝜌c2 )
v0 = . (21) tions. It is relatively difficult to accurately determine the
4(−1 + c0 )h0 (−𝜌k + c0 𝜌k − 𝜌c0 )
effective extraction radius for the GGV in the model, and
this is the most critical problem for the above models.
Thus, in many cases, these models can only be used for
qualitative trend analyses.

3000 1#GGV 2#GGV 3#GGV 4#GGV 5#GGV 6#GGV 7#GGV

A, Gradually compaction stage

2500 B, Compaction stability stage

2000 A B



0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Advancing distance/m

Fig. 13  Permeability evolution law of the caving zone

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 15 of 20  27

Table 3  Distance and recorded times for various stages of permeability

1# GGV (m/day) 2# GGV (m/day) 3# GGV (m/day) 4# GGV (m/day) 5# GGV (m/day) 6# GGV (m/day) Average (m/day)

232/31 303/45 331/49 358/55 328/53 289/54 306.8/47.8

Fig. 14  Permeability distribution of the fully compacted caving zone in the longwall goaf

Results and discussions 18

FLAC3D numerical simulation (Eq.3)

The theoretical analysis, laboratory testing, numerical sim- Laboratory test (Eq.19)

ulation and field measurements of caving zone compaction 14

Permeability 102md

characteristics have been summarized and reviewed in this Permeability calculation model

paper, with the respective advantages and disadvantages 12

of each method considered. To compare the accuracy of 8
these different research categories, permeability calcula-
tion results by the permeability calculation model using 4
field measurement, numerical simulation, laboratory test-
ing, and the Carman–Kozeny and Happel equations were 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
displayed in Fig. 15—and it could be seen that there was Compressional Loading/ MPa
little difference among the results. The results of the per-
meability model based on the field measurement were Fig. 15  Permeability estimates obtained using different methods
slightly higher in the vertical stress results and were con-
sistent with the laboratory test applying Eq. (19)—mainly
as the permeability calculated by Eq. (19) and the perme- initial estimate, and finally, field testing is used to verify
ability model were conducted using data from the same the calculated results. The reliability of the above method
coal mines. This indicates that the experimental results is gradually increasing, however, so are the cost and dif-
can well describe actual field measurements, and thereby ficulty. Thus, the means used depends on the degree of
supports the reliability of the permeability model, based accuracy needed for engineering requirements.
on the field data. However, this comparison only selects These determination methods basically determines the
one method in each category for analysis, indicating that final height or the highest height of the caving zone after
the reliability and applicability of each category need fur- longwall mining however, whereas in fact, the boundary
ther discussion. roof of the caving zone is not flat, but has a certain dip
For the formation and gradual compaction process of angle (Bai et al. 2017), and with roof subsidence, the cav-
the caving zone during mining, this paper classifies and ing zone basically assumes a saddle-shaped distribution.
discusses the theoretical model, laboratory experiment, This indicates that the description of the three-dimensional
numerical simulation and field measurement analyses. shape of the caving zone needs further analysis, and in
At present, empirical formulae are used for preliminary addition, as the area of caving zone gradually expands
determination of caving zone height, then the numerical as longwall mining progresses, the relationship between
simulation and similar simulation are used to confirm this the caving zone range and mining process needs further

Page 16 of 20 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27

For the compaction characteristics of the caving zone, Field measurements have many advantages, and are the
the parameters of the stress, strain and permeability in the best way to obtain information about the actual field situ-
process of caving zone compaction—and the unloading ation. However, they are not widely carried out because
effect from later mining of the adjacent coal seam—can they are difficult and have relatively high cost, a poor safety
be obtained through theoretical calculation. However, record, and low feasibility. At this stage, only the compac-
fitting models based on laboratory tests are established tion stress of the caving zone can be measured—at a fixed
for specific parameters, and it would be useful to validate point—to verify the reliability of the theoretical model and
their applicability under different geological conditions. In numerical simulation. It is difficult to directly measure the
addition, for the deducing models, it is difficult to obtain permeability of the caving zone and it can only be calculated
the actual sizes of broken rock and coal in the caving zone, using gas extraction data—and the difficulty in measuring
which leads to the adoption of theoretical rock sizes only. the drainage radius of the GGV accurately greatly reduces
The time factor is also not included in these theoretical the subsequent accuracy of the permeability calculations.
models, making it impossible to further study caving zone Therefore, field measurement is often used only as a second-
compaction characteristics over time. ary method.
Laboratory analysis of caving zone compaction char-
acteristics considers the influence of particle size, rock
type, loading rate and temperature. Repeated mining is Conclusions and directions for future studies
also considered, and overall, experimental results vali-
date the theoretical model and can, therefore, give fitting This paper mainly discusses the formation and compaction
parameters for the theoretical model. The fitting formula process of the caving zone. During the mining process, the
can also be used for numerical simulation, although in the overlying immediate roof continuously caves in and fills the
experimental process, the size of the broken rock and coal goaf, forming a caving zone composed of broken coal and
sample is far smaller than the actual size, and the actual rock mass. As the longwall face continues to advance, the
mining stress path cannot be reproduced experimentally. bending and sinking of the main roof gradually compacts
In addition, the influence of water and other fluids on the the caving zone. The physical and mechanical properties,
compaction characteristics of the caving zone should be pore and flow characteristics of the caving zone constantly
researched, along with effects of a long period of stable change during caving zone compaction. The reduction of
deformation and the influence of crushing on permeability the broken block size and the rearrangement of the particles
during broken coal and rock compaction. are the main factors affecting the compaction characteristics
Nowadays, with the rapid growth of computing capac- during the compaction process, as the re-crushing and rear-
ity, numerical simulation is attracting more attention in the rangement of the broken coal and rock mass affect the secant
field of caving zone compaction. Its cost is relatively low, modulus and pore size of the caving zone, causing the secant
it is flexible and direct, and it can quantitatively analyze modulus to gradually increase and pore size to decrease.
the relative influence of each factor—and its results are a This, in turn, affects the macroscopic stress–strain curve and
very good match with actual measured results. Numeri- seepage characteristics of the caving zone.
cal simulation is the main conduit linking experimental The strength and caving mode of the caving blocks are
and theoretical models with site engineering practice: the main factors affecting the re-crushing and rearrangement
it cannot only perform the evolution law of compaction of the caving blocks. The deposition process after the stable
characteristics of the caving zone, but can also present stage was less well analyzed. If mining has ceased in the
the block crushing mechanism at the experimental scale. adjacent coal seam, permeability changes are mainly caused
However, the choice of simulation parameters and the set- by the long-term depositional environment and diagenetic
ting of boundary conditions are very important for the changes (Pryor 1973), which have not been considered in
reliability of numerical simulations—and these still need this review.
to be determined by laboratory experiments or field meas- The fully compacted caving zone still has a large porosity,
urements. Therefore, in many situations, numerical mod- which can have a significant effect on surface subsidence,
eling in conjunction with lots of laboratory work can be greenhouse gas underground storage, spontaneous combus-
an efficient approach. tion of underground residual coal, underground reservoir
It is necessary to further study the application of particle construction, water resource filtration, gob gas-outing, and
compression characteristics considering particle breakage abandoned mine use. As well, water in the caving zone
mechanisms at an engineering scale—that is to say, a pro- reduces the effects of erosion on its boundaries, with the
cess is needed to generate numerical simulation of random amount of broken coal and rock reduces its carrying capac-
roof collapses during the mining process; and its relationship ity. Therefore, the physical and chemical characteristics of
to the process of caving compaction. the caving zone after it has stabilized need further research.

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:27 Page 17 of 20  27

This paper also summarizes and analyses the main paction stress over time. At the same time, water and
research methods that are available to study the compaction temperature can be monitored, to study the water immer-
characteristics of the goaf caving zone, including their char- sion softening effect on the caving zone of abandoned
acteristics and applicability. Based on this analysis, it can be mines and on the spontaneous combustion of residual
seen that the analysis of the caving zone formation and its coal. Such an experiment could also monitor chemical
compaction are relatively mature, and the evolution char- corrosion, and this would provide useful information
acteristics of stress and permeability during the formation for construction of water, gas and oil reservoirs, for the
and compaction of the caving zone, over space and time, can underground storage of nuclear waste and could help
be calculated by applying comprehensive research methods. inform decision-making and the designing process for
For a case study of a typical longwall caving zone, the other ways of using the space in abandoned underground
research processes and corresponding research methods are mines.
shown in Fig. 16, and it can be seen that, through coordina- 2. The stress loading and unloading process in the labora-
tion of various research methods, the compaction character- tory analysis of compaction should use data on meas-
istics of the caving zone in a longwall goaf can be accurately ured mining stress (compaction time and stress size)
obtained. from a caving zone in the field; in addition, the theoreti-
However, due to the special situation of the caving zone, cal model for caving zone compaction should consider
there are still some areas worthy of further study. the time factor. The particle size range of broken coal
and rock samples in the compaction test should be fur-
1. Longer term experiments on compaction should be ther extended, and the re-crushing and rearrangement
carried out, to observe the residual deformation of the mechanism of the broken coal and rock mass during
broken coal and rock mass under the conditions of com-

Theoretical model Laboratory test Numerical simulation Field measurement

Selection of typical longwall face for studying

Drilling fluid leakage method

Empirical model Eq.(1)
Determination of caving zone height Borehole color television method
Deducing model Eq.(2)
Electromagnetic imaging system

Inversion simulation based on Point load meter, NMR,

discrete element method (PFC) MTS815, CTscanning
Physical and mechanical properties of broken coal and rock samples
Deducing model Eq.(6) Experiment model Eqs.(3, 4, 5)

Pore and permeability

test system
Porosity and permeability properties of broken coal and rock samples Deducing model Eqs.(8-15, 20)
Experiment model Eqs.(7,16-19)

Simulation based on finite

element method (FLAC 3D)
Physical and mechanical properties and its changes of caving zone ZLGH Type borehole stress meter
Experiment model Eqs.(3, 4, 5)

Computational fluid dynamics

simulation (FLUENT)
Experiment model Eqs.(7,16-19) Porosity and permeability properties and its changes of caving zone
Indirect calculation by Eq.(21)

Compaction characteristics of caving zone in longwall goaf

Fig. 16  Research processes and corresponding research methods for studying the compaction characteristics of the caving zone

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