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I. THAY nhân
thân, VÀ TÍNH
1. Thay nhân
Ex: Johnny said to his mother, know how to do this
Johnny said to his mother he know how to do
that exercise. (I he)

love you so Peter said to Mary.

Giáo viên:

want to go with said Anne.

-> _______________________________________

2. Thay thân 1.

Ex: He said to her, hurt myself. -> Tina said she was going to do the project _____
He said to her he hurt himself. (myself
3. Thay -> Tom said that _____ mother had just lost ____ bag.
Ex: Mary said to Peter, book is .
Mary said to Peter that book was hers. (mine
hers) -
4. Thay tính __________.
Ex: She said to his ex boyfriend, is my new
She said to his ex boyfriend Tom was her new -> Jane said that ____________ was going to buy _____ class a big
boyfriend. (my her) cake
3 4
Ex: My friend said, you going to leave
My friend asked me if I was going to leave
Quy thay gian, và các
trong câu :

I asked Bill, time did you go to bed last

I asked Bill what time he had gone to

The policeman said, going to be a big

demonstration here.
The policeman said there was going to be a big
demonstration _________

5 6

Ex: know this he said

He said he know that man. (Thì
1. Các thay thì Thì quá )
Khi (say, tell, ask, ) thì quá
(said, told, asked, ), trong câu gián
lùi thì so câu . working for a foreign he said.
He said he was working for a foreign company.
(Thì Thì quá )

read a good he said.

He said he _________________________

finished my he said.
He said he _________________________
7 8
Ex: will do it he said
2. Các không thay thì
He said he ____________________
a) Khi không chia thì quá

am going to take the entrance exam this he Ex: He says/is saying, know the answer to
your question.
He said he _________________________ He says/is saying to me (that) he know
the answer to my question.
can work late he said.
He said he __________________________ She has said, questions are very difficult.
She has said (that) the questions are very difficult.
must go he said.
He said he __________________________

9 10

b) Khi chia thì quá - Khi trong câu chia

- Câu quát có
luôn luôn chân lý các tình thái bán tình thái sau:
Ex: My teacher said, is the biggest country in the
world. Ex: had lived here by 2000 they said.
My teacher said that Russia is the biggest country in They said Paul had lived there by 2000.
the world.

He said, might win the game.

He said to me that they might win the game.

He said, used to work all night.

He told me he used to work all night.
11 12
- Khi trong câu là các câu : câu 1. She said she _____ take me home after school.
( ), câu không có II,
III và trúc A. would B. did C. must D. has
trúc trúc 2. Tom told me that they _____ meat since _____.
A. have not eaten/last year
Ex: He said, I had time, I would help you. B. did not eat/the following year
He said to me if he had time he would help me. C. had not eaten/the year before
D. would not eat/the next year
He said, wish I were richer. 3. I have ever told you he _____ unreliable.
He told me he wished he were richer. A. is B. were C. had been D. would be
4. John said he had worked on the reported since _____.

He said, time we went home. A. yesterday B. two days ago

C. the day before D. the next day
He said it was time they went home.
13 14

5. John said that he had worked as a computer programmer
five years _____. I. CÂU (CÂU
A. ago B. before C. later D. then Trình :
6. They said that they _____ their parents to repaint the - Dùng các
house at 10 the previous day.
- các tính ; các gian,
A. had help B. was helping và thì cho phù
C. have been helping D. had been helping - Áp trúc:
7. John wanted to know if I was leaving the _____ Saturday.
S + said + (to O) + (that) + S* + V*
A. following B. ago C. previous D. before
S + told + O + (that) + S* + V*
8. They said they had come back _____.
A. yesterday afternoon B. the day before
C. last week D. the day before yesterday

15 16

Ex: He said to her, was sitting in the park at 8 1. Câu nghi (Câu không có )
. Trình :
He said to her that he had been sitting in the - Dùng các
park at 8 . - , tính , thì và các
He told her that he had been sitting in the gian,
park at 8 . - Áp trúc:
S + asked (+ O) + if/whether + S* + V*
She said, happy to see you again. S + wondered/wanted to know + if/whether + S* + V*
She said that she was happy to see me again. Ex: He said, you know Bill?
He asked (me) if/whether I knew Bill.
Tom be here Marta wondered.
Marta _________________________________

17 18

Chú ý:
2. Câu (Câu có
- Câu câu nghi
câu phía sau Trình :
Ex: She asked, will stay here, - Dùng các
She asked me if/whether I would stay there. - tính thì và các
- Áp trúc:
- Câu và trong câu gián
và S + asked (+ O) +
Ex: Daniel said, there a café and Tom said . S + wondered/wanted to know +
Daniel asked (Tom) if there was a café nearby Ex: He said, time does the film
and Tom said there . He wanted to know what time the film began.
He said, when is the next
He said, you and I said . He asked Mary when the next train was.
He asked (me) ________________________
19 20
1. ASK/TELL SB TO DO STH: yêu ai làm gì
KHUYÊN, Ex: in bed for a few the doctor said to me.
The doctor asked/told me to stay in bed for a few
Trình :
- Dùng các thích
tell anybody what Ann said to
- tính thì và các Jim.
Ann asked/told Jim not to tell anybody what had
- Áp trúc: happened.
S+ + O + to V 2. PROMISE SB TO DO STH: ai làm gì
Ex: John said, write for you.
John promised to write for me.
3. ADVISE SB TO DO STH: khuyên ai làm gì
Ex: Tom said, should/ought to take a taxi, Mary.
Tim advised Mary to take a taxi. 22

4. INVITE SB TO DO STH: ai làm gì

Ex: sit she said to me.
She invited me to sit down. Ex: He told them, will kill you if you move.
5. OFFER SB STH: ai cái gì He threatened to kill them if they moved.
Ex: you like a cup of he said to her. 9. AGREE TO DO STH: ý làm gì
He offered her a cup of tea. Ex: She said to them, I will increase your salary.
6. OFFER TO DO STH: làm gì She agreed to increase their salary.
Ex: They said, pay for the meal. 10. BEG/IMPLORE SB TO DO STH: xin ai làm gì
They offered to pay for the meal. Ex: She said to them, kill
7. REMIND SB TO DO STH: ai làm gì She begged them not to kill her.
Ex: forget to order the said Mrs. Pit to her 11. URGE SB TO DO STH: thúc ai làm gì
Mrs. Pit reminded her husband to order the Ex: on, apply for the said Jack.
wine. Jack urged me to apply the job.
23 24
12. ENCOURAGE SB TO DO STH: khích ai làm gì Chú ý 1:
Ex: He said to the soldiers, until the end. - Các trúc
xem trúc yêu
He encouraged the soldiers to fight until the
end. dùng ask/told

13. ORDER SB TO DO STH: ra cho ai làm gì Ex: you pass me the salt,
He asked/told me to pass the salt.
Ex: The officer said to the soldiers, all of
- trúc xem dùng
The officer ordered the soldiers to kill all of
them. invite
Ex: you like to go to the
He invited me to go to the movies.
- trúc xem
dùng offer
Ex: I carry your the porter said.
The porter offered to carry my bags.
25 26

Chú ý 2: Các trúc :

- trúc xem làm gì
khuyên dùng advise
Ex: mum. damaged your said Jean.
Ex: I were you, I would stop smoking.
Jean apologized to her mother for having
She advised me to stop smoking. damaged her bike.
2. THANK SB FOR DOING STH: ai vì làm gì
- trúc xem Ex: thank you very much for sending the
ý dùng suggest Kevin said.
Ex: The guide said, stop for a rest. Kevin thanked Sarah for having sent the photos.
The guided suggested stopping for a rest. 3. WARN SB NOT TO DO STH/AGAINST DOING STH:
báo ai làm gì
THPTQG 2015: you like to come to my 18th Ex: drink too much Marta said to me.
birthday he asked me. Marta warned me not to drink too much caffeine.
He invited ______________________________________. Marta warned me against drinking too much
27 28
4. ACCUSE SB OF DOING STH: ai vì làm gì DOING STH: khen vì làm gì
Ex: have broken the windows, said the woman. Ex: The man said to them, You have an excellent
The woman accused the boys of having broken show.
the windows. The man complimented them on having an
5. BLAME SB FOR DOING STH: cho ai vì làm gì excellent show.
Ex: have broken the windows, said the woman. The man praised them for having an excellent
The woman blamed the boys for having broken
the windows. 8. ADMIT DOING STH: làm gì
6. CONGRATULATE SB ON DOING STH: chúc ai vì Ex: said John, have handed in my
làm gì assignment too late.
Ex: I hear you won the championship. John admitted having handed in his assignment
said Dane. too late.
Dane congratulated Sue on having won the 9. DENY DOING STH: làm gì
championship. Ex: steal the said the man.
29 30
The man denied having stolen the car.

13. SUGGEST DOING STH: ý làm gì

10. INSIST ON DOING STH: làm gì Ex: go to the cinema said Peter.
Ex: She said, I will go first. Peter suggested going to the cinema that night.
She insisted on going first. SUGGEST + (THAT) + S + (SHOULD) + V: ý ai
nên làm gì
11. PREVENT SB FROM DOING STH: ai làm gì Ex: go to the cinema said Peter.
Ex: The policeman said to the woman, You cannot Peter suggested that Jean should go to the cinema
pass the road. that night.
The policeman prevented the woman from 14. REPROACH SB FOR DOING STH: trách móc vì làm gì
passing the road. Ex: She said to him, could you sell my
12. CRITICIZE SB FOR DOING STH: trích ai vì làm gì She reproached him for selling her cat.
Ex: They said to him, was your big mistake to let her 15. SCOLD SB FOR DOING STH: ai vì làm gì
Ex: should have finished the report by the boss
They criticized him for having let her pass. said to his secretary.
The boss scolded his secretary for not finishing
the report on time. 32
thi minh THPTQG 2015: break the vase
ai vì làm gì of the boy said.
Ex: are always getting up my mother said.
The boy denied ________________________________.
My mother complained to me about getting up
THPTQG 2016: sorry. I do the
17. SUSPECT SB OF DOING STH: nghi ai làm gì Peter said to the teacher.
Ex: think he stole that my friend said. Peter apologised _______________________________.
My friend suspected him of having stolen that car.
18. DOUBT + IF/WHETHER + S* + V*: nghi
gì có ra hay không
Ex: think John will said Bill.
Bill doubted if/whether John would come.

33 34

- Khi câu câu nhau (câu Ex: he said. behind the screen.
+ câu ; câu + câu ; câu
lênh + câu ) thì khi sang câu gián ta He said that someone was coming and told me to
có theo và dùng các get behind the screen.
thích cho
Ex: have left my watch at home. What time is it shop on Friday. The supermarket will be very
he asked.
crowded on she said.
He said (that) he had left his watch and asked
(me) what time it was then. She suggested shopping on Friday and said that
the supermarket would be very crowded on Saturday.

going shopping. Can I get you she

She said she was going shopping and asked if she
could get me anything.

35 36
- Khi câu các câu nhau thì
khi sang câu gián ta dùng chung

Ex: am very tired and I want to go to bed Peter
said to us.
Peter told us that he was very tired and that he
wanted to go to bed then.


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