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HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.


1. Many girls want to go to the pub only a minority _________ to watch TV at home now.
A. is wanting B. want C. will want D. wants
2. They’ve faxed me I should stay till they _________ a replacement. Well, last time it took two weeks.
A. found B. will find C. find D. had found
3. She _________ you that evening. You should have told her everything.
A. was there to help C. must have helped
B. would help D. wished helping
4. Take a couple of extra traditional Vietnamese gifts with you to Germany in case you _________ any other
members of the Scholz family during your stay.
A. met B. had met C. will met D. meet
5. Melanie _________ her hand. It’s bleeding heavily.
A. has cut B. is cutting C. cut D. cuts
6. The first boy or girl who _________ all the questions is to receive the singer’s new album.
A. answer C. will answer
B. would answer D. answered
7. When I met Walters about two years before his death he didn’t seem satisfied. He _________ no major book
since he settled in Uganda.
A. has published C. published
B. could have published D. had published
8. “When will Mary be able to leave the hospital?” – “Don’t be so impatient. We cannot release her before we
_________ the last test.”
A. have completed C. will complete
B. will have completed D. completed
9. We can win only if we remain united, and so we must support them the moment they _________ on strike.
A. will have gone B. will go C. go D. went
10. What made you think he _________ in the Royal Air Force?
A. must have to be C. was being
B. had been D. had had to be
11. Although at that time my knowledge of German was very poor, I _________ most of what they said.
A. did understand C. managed understand
B. have understood D. didn’t understand
12. Since the Green Contest _________ before the end of the school year, I was against extending the deadline.
A. must have been judged C. has been judged
B. had to be judged D. would have been judged
13. Don’t try to stop him. The sooner he _________ the better. I certainly won’t miss him.
A. had resigned C. will have resigned
B. will resign D. resigns
14. As a rule you shouldn’t argue with your hosts unless they _________ something openly offensive.
A. had said B. will say C. have said D. would say
15. Our lack of interest in the project had nothing to do with money but came from the fact that since graduation
we _________ fairly regularly. Thus, for most of us an anniversary party had no special attraction.
A. were meeting B. have been meeting

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

C. have been met D. had met

16. They _________ him to make his decision as quickly as possible because they _________ the arrangements
A. were pressing – have been finalising C. have pressed – finalised
B. are pressing - finalise D. have been pressing – are finalising
17. Much progress _________ in telecommunications during World War I, but the basic techniques _________ in
the previous decades.
A. was achieved – had been developed C. had been achieved – has been developed
B. has been achieved – were developed D. would have been achieved – were developing
18. The weather was perfect and so we _________ the little shelter at the top in just two hours while normally the
climbing would have taken at least half an hour longer.
A. were able to reach C. could have reached
B. could reach D. might have reached
19. Even if she thought the ride and the tickets would be free, she _________ Jimmy some pocket money. As it
was, the boy couldn’t even buy himself an ice cream.
A. ought to have given C. had to give
B. should give D. could give
20. A: This student has circled the mistakes in the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so he’ll only get half marks.
B: He _________ the instructions properly.
A. would rather not read C. needn’t have read
B. must not have read D. shouldn’t have read
21. If the postal strike doesn’t end by next week, we _________ to the bank for a short-term loan.
A. may have turned C. may have to turn
B. can have to turn D. will have turned
22. It’s good I got interested in that bottle. Granny _________ the poison taking it for her asthma medicine
because the bottle was unmarked.
A. might have swallowed C. could swallow
B. had swallowed D. was able to swallow
23. I can’t believe it. She _________ it by herself. It weighs over a ton.
A. couldn’t lift C. may not have been able to lift
B. might not lift D. can’t have lifted
24. James will book the hotel rooms for the German representatives and you _________ them at the airport at
eight o’clock. Is that clear?
A. are to meet B. can meet C. have met D. would meet
25. The Prince’s aircraft had to undergo a security check and so we _________ to him for almost an hour. Father
was very impressed as normally he could have counted on nothing more than a handshake.
A. might talk C. could have talked
B. were able to talk D. may have talked
26. You should be very glad that Bob didn’t recognize you that night. Can you imagine his fury if he _________?
A. had B. did C. did not D. would have
27. What a pity this is only a 19 century copy. Can you imagine the curator’s enthusiasm if we _________ him
with the original?
A. presented C. present
B. would present D. have presented

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

28. The company might make much more money if it _________ in a more aggressive fashion.
A. had run B. ran C. were run D. would run
29. Instead of condemning John, you ought to try to imagine yourself having to make the decisions he was forced
to make _________ in his position.
A. had you been C. if you would be
B. would you be D. if you were
30. A broken leg and some slight injuries! Wasn’t he lucky? Just think about the consequences if he _________ at
the moment of the crash.
A. smoked C. had been smoking
B. would be smoking D. was smoking
31. If the economic crash hadn’t happened just when my brother’s business was about _________ off, he
_________ financial difficulties today.
A. taking – wasn’t having C. to take – wouldn’t be having
B. having taken – didn’t have D. to be taking – must not be having
32. Ann Nolan Clark’s simple but poetic prose and ability _________ people _________ cultural similarities and
differences gained her a mainstream following.
A. making – to appreciate C. to have made – appreciated
B. make – to be appreciating D. to make – appreciate
33. He was by far the most knowledgeable person _________ on the subject, so it would have been foolish
_________ his opinions.
A. to comment – disregarded C. having commented – disregarding
B. commenting – to disregard D. commented – having disregarded
34. From the distance, we could hear the sound of some dogs _________
A. to bark B. to be barking C. barking D. bark
35. I’m delighted _________ the chance _________ you at last.
A. to have had – to meet C. to be having – being met
B. having – meeting D. having had – to be meeting
36. I’ve spent virtually the whole winter _________ and I don’t think I’ll get any better until the weather gets
A. to cough C. to have coughed
B. coughing D. to be coughing
37. She appears _________ deeply by what I said to her yesterday, because she’s been avoiding me all day today.
A. to have been offended C. having been offended
B. to be offended D. having offended
38. Don’t hesitate _________ me a ring if any difficulty arises while _________ the contract with the landlady.
A. giving – having signed C. to give – signing
B. to have given – sign D. being given – to be signing
39. We are very anxious because we are hoping _________ our application at the adoption agency _________ by
the end of the week.
A. having – to be approved C. to have – approved
B. will have – be approved D. to be having – approve
40. I’m sorry that I didn’t remember _________ $100 from you, but I promise _________ you back as soon as I get
my salary next week.
A. borrowing – to pay B. to borrow – having paid

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

C. having borrowed – pay D. to be borrowing – paying

1. Belinda Harrell _________ taking her driving test until she finally passed it on her twenty-first attempt.
A. kept on B. cleared off C. used up D. wore out
2. The total cost of all of Mr. Harrell’s driving lessons _________ $6,000.
A. held out B. paid up C. passed as D. came to
3. Kate had been _________ in order to buy a new laptop, but then she decided to use the money on guitar
lessons instead.
A. working on C. saving up
B. paying off D. giving away
4. According to recent research, if a person has just one fizzy drink a day, he or she could _________ an extra six
kilograms a year.
A. put on B. turn up C. keep to D. weigh down
5. My Venezuelan friend has promised to _________ my essay on Elena Quiroga with me before I give it in to my
literature professor.
A. check in B. write off C. go over D. look up
6. I must have set my alarm incorrectly last night, because it _________ an hour too early this morning.
A. ran out B. blew off C. woke up D. went off
7. Even if a person manages to _________ the eternal flame at Yanartas in Antalya, it will instantly relight itself.
A. stop in B. put out C. get down D. blow up
8. Jeanne said that she would _________ our place this afternoon if she had enough time before she had to go
back to work.
A. drop by B. give in C. put up D. call off
9. Even though two of the band are dead, a new The Beatles album called Love was recently _________
A. sold up B. let on C. brought out D. picked off
10. _________ a minute! I think I’ve left my keys in my other bag.
A. Get off B. Carry out C. Run up D. Hold on
11. Sue has _________ smoking, but now she can’t stop eating junk food!
A. closed down B. put out C. given up D. crossed out
12. Harvey didn’t want to tell his boss the real reason why he was late, so he _________ a story about a crash
having blocked up the road.
A. made up B. pulled away C. spoke for D. watched out
13. The first census to be _________ in Ottoman Istanbul in 1477 revealed a total of 16,324 households.
A. hung on C. counted against
B. carried out D. done for
14. The vice-president is going to _________ the president at tonight’s fundraiser, as the president is out of the
A. stand in for C. look back on
B. live up to D. watch out for
15. A teenager in Bosnia recently threatened to _________ her father with a hand grenade after he refused to
return her mobile phone.
A. hand back B. set down C. make off D. blow up
16. Eugene was worried about having to _________ for the boss’s retirement dinner, as he didn’t own any formal

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

A. wear out B. put on C. dress up D. try on

17. Byron De La Beckwith _________ having murdered the civil rights leader Medgar Evers for 30 years, but in
1994, a new trial finally convicted him of the crime.
A. live up to C. watched out for
B. kept out of D. got away with
18. David _________ his grandmother’s phone number with his girlfriend’s, which later led to some
embarrassment for him.
A. rang in B. played out C. mixed up D. called off
19. I’m going to the train station tomorrow morning to _________ Eliza _________ but we could go out for a
coffee afterwards.
A. see …. off B. put …. down C. hold …. out D. set …. to
20. If you give Lisa some time to think about what you said, I’m sure she’ll _________ to your point of view.
A. deal with B. keep down C. come around D. fit out
Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. If you don’t want to be late for work again, try to go to bed earlier.
A. don’t want B. for work C. to go D. earlier
2. He was awarded the employee of the year though his young age.
A. was awarded B. employee C. though D. young age
3. Although I will have a very busy day tomorrow, I have arranged meeting him at 4 o’clock.
A. Although B. a very busy C. have D. meeting
4. Despite of not being a professional dancer, she practises dancing every day.
A. Despite of C. professional dancer
B. being D. dancing
5. My brother always suggests to read the book before seeing the film
A. always B. to read C. before D. seeing
6. Of all the elements in the Earth’s crust, oxygen is known to be the more common.
A. Of all B. elements C. to be D. more
7. One of the most famous structures in the world, the Statue of Liberty is widely considered an unique symbol of
hope and freedom.
A. the most B. structures C. an unique D. freedom
8. According to a team of scientists, there is evidence that Mount Everest is still risen.
A. According to B. scientists C. there is D. still risen
9. Some tools began to be replaced around 6000 years ago by metal tools, that were used to build instruments
and simple machines.
A. be replaced B. that C. to build D. simple
10. New laws should be introduced to reduce the number of traffic in the city centre.
A. laws B. be introduced C. number D. city centre

I, Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.
1. Say anything with enough ……………….............................. (CONVINCE) and people will believe you.
2. Good eyesight has proved to be a major ……………….............................. (EVOLVE) advantage.
3. Dominic’s decided to get a tattoo for some ……………….............................. (EXPLAIN) reason.
4. Many of the car parts are virtually ……………….............................. (PLACE) now as the factory has closed.

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

5. I’m going to quit my job, move abroad and start completely ……………….............................. (NEW).
6. ……………….............................. (WISE) comes through experience.
7. Lucy has to work every ……………….............................. (ALTER) Saturday.
8. The ‘soul’ is a fascinating ……………….............................. (CONCEIVE).
II, Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1. We would always take great care when flying at night. (wits)
We always used ………………........................................................................ when flying at night.
2. There’s no way you’re getting a new computer for your birthday, Michael. (question)
Your getting a new computer for your birthday ………………............................................................, Michael.
3. I couldn’t stop thinking about the exam despite playing backgammon with Paul. (mind)
Playing backgammon with Paul ………………........................................................................ the exam.
4. Elaine’s very bright so she won’t have been taken in, whatever they said. (uptake)
Elaine’s very ………………........................................................................ so she won’t have been taken in,
whatever they said.
5. Don’t let her give in however hard they try to persuade her. (guns)
Make sure she ………………........................................................................ however hard they try to persuade
6. I used to believe in capital punishment but I don’t anymore. (mind)
I used to believe in capital punishment but I ………………........................................................................ now.
7. Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (leaf)
Bill ………………........................................................................ since he came out of prison.
8. Hardip has been to Edinburgh lots of times so he’ll tell you where you should go. (inside)
Hardip ………………........................................................................ so he’ll tell you where you should go.
III, Circle the correct prepositions.
1. Our school’s new website is still on / under construction, but it will be ready soon.
2. Without / Out warning, the screen went blank and smoke began pouring out of my computer!
3. I cannot repeat what he said as he told me in / out confidence.
4. The blogger took my comments out of / without context and made me look like a liar!
5. Why don’t you get some fresh air on / at occasion? You’re always sitting in your room staring at that
6. I’m not sure how many people attended the online seminar, but under / at a guess I’d say there were over
a hundred.
7. She gossips about me online, but she hasn’t got the guts to say anything to / in my face.
IV, Complete the idioms in the sentences with these animals.
1. Believe me, it’s true. I got it straight from the _________________’s mouth.
2. He confessed everything to the police! He sang like a _________________!
3. Antonia is painfully shy; she wouldn’t say boo to a _________________.
4. ‘How do you know that?’ ‘A little _________________ told me.’
5. He could barely speak as he had a _________________ in his throat.
6. ‘Well? Why won’t you answer me? _________________ got your tongue?’

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

V, For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.
Dumbing down
Recent research (1) ______ that some everyday things decrease intelligence, and the results are guaranteed to (2)
Reality TV has been under (3) ______ for a while. An Austrian study has revealed that watching reality shows
actually makes you stupider. It’s (4) ______ to say that many people had suspected this was the case. For the (5)
______ of the study, which involved two groups, one group of participants watched a reality show and then did a
knowledge test. Those who had watched the show (6) ______ worse results than those who had not.
Food, too, can be a culprit. A californian study showed that we need to be (7) ______ when it comes to sugar. Not
only is it bad for our teeth and waistlines, but continued consumption slows the brain, and hinders memory and
learning. Chewing gum, too, has come in for (8) ______. In Wales, scientists discovered that it (9) ______ short-
term memory. Participants had to look at a group of items and then recall the items and the order in which they
saw them. The group that had chewed gum before the test was not able to (10) ______ the task as well as those
who had not.
1 A. comments B. indicates C. remarks D. observes

2 A. blast B. bother C. offend D. shock

3 A. fire B. threat C. pressure D. warning

4 A. candid B. bold C. wise D. fair

5 A. data B. reasons C. purposes D. observations

6 A. achieved B. reached C. managed D. succeeded

7 A. afraid B. considerate C. apprehensive D. cautious

8 A. notice B. criticism C. praise D. trouble

9 A. affects B. resists C. provokes D. solves

10 A. realise B. cope C. accomplish D. impress

Fill in each gap with the words/phrases you hear from the recording.
Hello, I'm Danny Boyle with the (1) …………………………………………... from the telegraph. It's Monday July the 13th.

And (2)…………………………………………... of Britain's (3)…………………………………... are being (4)…………………………………....

So the UK’s new (5)…………………………………………... are (6)…………………………………………… . Home

(7)…………………………………………... Priti Patel's today setting out the (8)………………………………………….... It's going to

replace (9)…………………………………………... from the First of January. There will be lots of detail in the

(10)………………………………………….... The most (11) …………………………………………... is that foreign criminals

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.THURSDAY – 08.04.21

(12)…………………………………………... to more than a year in jail will be (13)………………………………………….... The route

into Britain for (14)…………………………………………... will also be (15)…………………………………………… . Instead, they'll be

given points if they're given (16)…………………………………………… , speak English and

(17)…………………………………………… . Our (18)…………………………………………... Charles Imus has more details. At the

same time, millions of Britons passports are (19)…………………………………………... in the next year. They're being

(20)…………………………………………... a new one now. Those (21)…………………………………………... Europe from January

will need (22)…………………………………………... on their passports. We've got more on the

(23)…………………………………………... to prepare people for the end of the Brexit (24)…………………………………………....

Now we've heard of some of the (25)…………………………………………... of Coronavirus, Lester being the most

(26)…………………………………………..., but (27)…………………………………………... Matt Hancock revealed more than 100 a

happening in the UK each week. He's written a piece for us explaining that (28)…………………………………………... are

being (29)…………………………………………... (30)…………………………………………..., and that a new

(31)…………………………………………... includes (32)…………………………………………... walking centers. And normal services

are being (33)…………………………………………... in Magaluf after (34)………………………………………….... But Yorkers biggest

nightspot was again (35)…………………………………………... to (36)…………………………………………... over the weekend, and

Britons were (37)…………………………………………..., including jumping on park cars in the party strip. There were no

(38)…………………………………………..., nor any (39)…………………………………………… . We've got pictures and a full

(40)…………………………………………… . I can also recommend some other (41)…………………………………………… too,

including the flying taxi maker (42)…………………………………………... Elon Musk, and why

(43)……………………………………... is (44)…………………………………………... and (45)………………………………………….... I'll send

you those links. Now if you're listening on WhatsApp, you'll find them in the show notes. If you're listening on

Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts. That's it. You're up to date, Chris, we'll have your second briefing

of the day this evening.

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

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