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FRI.GV - 09.04.



I, Circle the correct words.

1. The Chinese government is giving more land for conservation / endangered areas for pandas.
2. This book is a great source / research of information on polar expeditions.
3. Archaeologists found a cave / glacier with ancient paintings on the walls.
4. Wind and solar power are forms of renewable / beneficial energy.
5. The wide use of fossil / endangered fuels is causing them to run out.
6. They are building a new solar / power station not far from my house.
7. If we want to save the panda, we must focus on the conservation / pollution of its natural habitat.
8. Many endangered / conservation species will eventually become extinct.
9. Water flows down this stream / coast in spring after the snow has melted.
10. New ideas / threats are being considered to protect our wildlife.
11. Many coral reefs have damaged / survived for millions of years.
12. My grandfather has a physical / suspicious disability.

II, Complete the sentences using these words.

ashamed – astonishing – beneficial – complicated – domesticated – embarrassed – obedient – protected –
suspicious – talented
1. Our dog is not always as ______________________ as we would like him to be.
2. I always get ______________________ when my grandmother starts kissing me all the time.
3. It is ______________________ how many new species have been found in these deep waters.
4. Molly is a very ______________________ singer and dancer, but she wants to be a conservationist.
5. The Bald Eagle in America used to be a ______________________ species, but now it is doing well.
6. The situation is ______________________ by the fact that they haven’t spoken to each other for years.
7. Dogs and cats have been ______________________ for so long, that no one knows when it happened.
8. Malcolm was ______________________ of himself for destroying the bird’s nest.
9. Jeremy’s behaviour is a bit ______________________ lately. What do you think he’s up to?
10. Planting trees can be very ______________________ to the environment.

III, Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. My teacher is a wonderful person and we all look _________ to him.
2. I argued _________ my mum this morning and now I wish I hadn’t.
3. Don’t forget to turn _________ the heating when you leave.
4. Simon decided to ask his classmate _________ on a date.
5. She asked her family for help, but they let her _________.
6. You should apologise and make _________ after the argument you had.
7. They must be friends as they hang _________ together all the time.
8. You shouldn’t rely _________ other people all the time. Be more independent.
9. They argued when they first met, but now they get _________ really well.
10. Jason thinks he’s cleverer than everybody else and is always putting us _________.

IV, Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Simple of
these verbs.

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

FRI.GV - 09.04.21
begin – cause – do – finish – increase – rise – study – take
1. The team of biologists ____________________________________ the effects of pollution on plants for years.
2. The government ____________________________________ measures to limit sea pollution by passing new
laws in 2000.
3. Overfishing ____________________________________ some species to become extinct over the years.
4. Ecotourism ____________________________________ to become popular when I was at university.
5. The use of fossil fuels ____________________________________ the amounts of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in the past few years.
6. The scientist ____________________________________ research on coral reefs since he left university.
7. Sea levels ____________________________________ gradually in the last 10 years.
8. The journalist ____________________________________ writing an article on the Amazon a month ago.

V, Choose the correct answers.

1. My best friend, ________ parents travel a lot, feels very lonely at home.
A. who her B. who C. whose
2. Turning 21 is the time ________ people should think about their future.
A. which B. that C. when
3. We can’t continue our research until he ________ us some information.
A. has given B. will give C. is giving
4. The doctors won’t tell us anything about Grandma’s health ________ they see the test results.
A. until B. when C. by the time
5. Please call me as soon as the babysitter ________.
A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving
6. ________ people realise the damage we have done to our planet, it will be too late.
A. After B. By the time C. Until
7. The dog ________ we found on the street is very friendly, so we took it home.
A. where B. that C. who
8. This is the restaurant ________ the wedding reception was held.
A. which B. where C. that

VI, Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. People will develop alternative sources of energy.
Alternative sources______________________________________________________________________
2. With that device people will change the wave energy into electricity.
With that device the wave energy __________________________________________________________
3. People will construct more wind turbines in that area to produce electricity.
More wind turbines_____________________________________________________________________
4. Scientists will find solutions to reduce pollution in our city.
Solutions _____________________________________________________________________________
5. Governments will make more regulation to reduce industrial pollution.
More regulations _______________________________________________________________________

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

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