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Head office: 30 Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore 042-37800293, 0333-1409100,
_____________________ _________________________
Roll No. of Candidate Name of Candidate


Assignment Code: P4 Session MDCAT Time Allowed: 40 mints
1. An example of SHM is
A) Motion of bullet C) Motion of cricket ball
B) A steel ball rolling in a curved dish D) Motion of car along straight line
2. What is the effect on the time period of a simple pendulum if the length is quadrupled?
A) Halved C) No effect
B) Doubled D) It would be zero
3. When K.E of a particle executing SHM is one half of its maximum value, the displacement of the particle
from mean position in terms of amplitude xo is
x x
A) o C) o
2 3
x x
B) o D) o
2 4
4. Total energy of a particle executing SHM at any displacement X is given by
A) T.E = kx
C) 𝑇. 𝐸 = 2 𝑘𝑥𝑜
1 1
B) T .E = kx2 D) T .E = kx2
2 2
5. In an isolated spring mass system, total energy is
A) Variable C) Low
B) Constant D) High
6. If F = 0.4 N and x = 2 cm then k = (for a spring)
A) 10 N/m C) 3 N/n
B) 20 N/m D) 30 N/n
7. A simple pendulum is vibrating in an evacuation chamber it will
A) Oscillate forever with the same amplitude frequency
B) Come to rest eventually
C) Oscillate with same frequency and with decreasing amplitude
D) Both b and c
8. If a spring of spring constant ‘k’ is cut into equal parts, then the spring constant of each part will be
A) k C) k/2
B) 2k D) 4k
9. Damping is the process whereby energy is lost by a
A) Body C) String
B) Oscillating system D) All of these
10. The marked increased in the time period of a body by the application of a force whose time period is equal
to the natural time period of the body is known as
A) Resonance C) Damping
B) Free oscillation D) Phase
11. When the potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M is one fourth of the maximum value. The
displacement in terms of amplitudes A will be
A) A/4 C) A/2
B) 2A/3 D) A/3
12. A particle is performing S.H.M with time period T and amplitude A. the time at which its displacement is
𝑨/√𝟐 is
A) T C) T/8
B) T/4 D) T/12
13. A simple pendulum is suspended in a lift and its period of oscillation, when the lift is stationary, is T. if the
lift starts moving downwards with an acceleration 3𝑔/4 , the time period will become
A) T/2 C) 3/2 T
B) 2T D) 2/3 T
14. A body executes S.H.M such that its velocity at the mean position is 1 ms-1 and acceleration at one of the
extremities is 1.57 m/s2 calculate the period of vibration.
A) 4 sec C) 1 sec
B) 1/4 𝑠𝑒𝑐 D) 2 𝜋 𝑠𝑒𝑐
15. The main cause of an oscillatory motion of mass spring system is
A) Mass of the spring C) K.E. of the spring
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B) Weight of spring D) Restoring force of the spring

16. The time period of a simple pendulum depends upon
A) Mass of bob C) Height of bob
B) Length of thread D) Density of bob
17. A particle of mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion between points x1 and x2, the equilibrium
position being O. Its potential energy is plotted. It will be as given below in the graph

A) B)

C) D)
18. Let a body of mass 5 gm execute S.H.M about a point O with an amplitude of 10cm. Its maximum velocity
is 1000 cm/sec. Its velocity is 500 cm/sec at x cm. Find x?
A) (5 √3)𝑚 C) 5/√3
B) 5 √3 𝑐𝑚 D) 𝑐𝑚
19. The frequency of the second pendulum is
A) 1 hertz C) 1.5 hertz
B) 0.5 hertz D) 2 hertz
20. Time periods of the same pendulum at Karachi and at Murree are related as
A) TK  TM C) TK = TM
B) TK  TM D) 2TK = 3TM
21. If a body moves with a constant speed in a circle
A) No work is done on it C) No acceleration is produced in it
B) No force acts on it D) Its velocity remains constant
22. At what displacement from the mean position the K.E or the P.E becomes one half of its maximum value
𝑥 𝑥
A) 𝑜3 C) 2𝑜

B) D) 2x
23. At what displacement, the kinetic and potential energies are equal? Given : a = amplitude.
A) a C) 𝑎/√2
B) 𝑎/2 D) 𝑎/√3
24. A body of mass 5 g is executing SHM about a point O with amplitude of 10 cm. Its maximum velocity is 100
cm / s. Its velocity will be 50 cm / s at a distance (in cm)
A) 5 C) 5 3
B) 5 2 D) 10 2
25. A particle performs simple harmonic motion with a period of 2 second. The time taken by it to cover a
displacement equal to half of its amplitude from the mean position is:
A) 1/2 s C) 1/4 s
B) 1/3 s D) 1/6 s
26. A person measures the time period of a simple pendulum inside a stationary lift and finds it to be T. if the
lift starts accelerating upward with an acceleration of g/3, the time period of the pendulum will be
A) √3 T C) 2
B) D)
3 3
27. The K.E of a particle executing S.H.M is 16 J, when it is at its mean position. If the amplitude of oscillation
is x=25cm and the mass of the particle is 5.12 kg. The time period of oscillation is
A) π/5 C) 2π sec
B) 20π sec D) π sec
28. A particle executing S.H.M has an acceleration of 64 cm/s2 when its displacement is 4cm. Its time period in
seconds is
A) π/2 C) π/4
B) π D) 2π
29. A student wanted to make a pendulum whose time period would be one second. He used a string of length
L and found that the period was ½ s to get the desired period he should use a string whose length equals
A) ¼ L C) ½ L
B) 2L D) 4L
30. It is required to double the frequency of simple harmonic oscillator. it can be done by reducing the
suspended mass to:
A) 1/2 of initial mass C) 1/8 of initial mass
B) 1/4 of initial mass D) 1/16 of initial mass

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