Harvest India Complaint

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To 09-04-2021,

The Director, Hyderabad.

National Commission for Scheduled Castes,
Andhra Pradesh Jurisdiction Office,
CGO Tower, Hyderabad,
Telangana – 500080.

Respected Sir,

Subject: Complaint against Misuse of SC Reservation Benefits by Christian Converts

for Political Purpose – Intentional inaction by Government authorities – Reg.

Reference: Copies of the below documents are enclosed with this complaint.
- Complaint dated 15-07-2020 submitted to Joint Collector, Guntur via email
- Complaint dated 06-11-2020 submitted to Principal Secretary, Social Welfare
Department of Andhra Pradesh, Joint Director, Social Welfare Department of
Guntur District.
- Copies of Images and videos of Practicing Christianity by the said persons who
are enjoying SC reservation benefits.


We, on behalf of the SC Reservation Parirakshana Samiti, hereby making this

complaint against Ms. Kathera Suresh Kumar and Kathera Heny Christina R/o.
Harvest India, Garuvu Palem, Chebrolu Mandal, Guntur District for misusing SC
reservation benefits provided by Constitution of India even after converting to

We also request your good office to take action against concerned public authorities for
issuing Caste Certificates to above said Christians even after making complaint with all


Mr. Kathera Suresh Kumar is the president of a Christian evangelical organization
named ‘Harvest India’ which is registered as a Society and having FCRA license to
receive funds from foreign nations. He is also running a Church named ‘King’s Temple’
at Harvest India Campus, Garuvu Palem, Chebrolu Mandal, to which he is the head
priest. He frequently conducts prayer meetings at above said Church.

Late Rev. K Lalitha Kumari, founder president of ‘Harvest India’ and mother of Mr.
Kathera Suresh Kumar’s was buried in the same campus after her death and her grave
is still existing in the same campus. Her last rituals was done as per Christian Religious
Ms. Kather Heny Christiana, along with her husband Mr. K Suresh Kumar actively
participating Christian evangelical activities on behalf of Harvest India in Guntur
As per the sources, a report was submitted by Revenue Divisional Officer of Tenali,
Guntur District on 29-04-2014 the Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, Andhra Pradesh,
which confirmed that Mr. K Suresh Kumar started a Christian organization named
Harvest India and propagating Christianity. The report also stated that Mr. K. Sudheer
Kumar, brother of Mr. K. Suresh Kumar has started another Christian organization by
a name ‘IERA Ministries’ and bothers were promoting Christianity.

On 15-07-2020, we made a formal complaint with Guntur District Joint Collector

against Ms. Kathera Heny Christina and Mr. Kathera Suresh Kumar along with
evidences stating that the said persons are concerned to Christianity but still enjoying
the reservation benefits which are meant for the people of Scheduled Castes.
As there was no action taken on our above complaint, the copy of the same was
submitted to the Principal Secretary, Social Welfare Department of Andhra Pradesh,
Joint Director, Social Welfare Department of Guntur District on 06-11-2020 through an
email attaching photo-graphich and video evidences.

1). Dt. 22-12-2012 Instagram Post of Harvest India addresses Mr. Suresh Kumar as
“Bishop Suresh and his wife Christina”
Harvest India’s Fall-2016 News Letter: It shows the mission of Harvest India as “To
carry Christ’s compassion to every village in India. The 4 key ways we carry out our
mission at Harvest India is:
1. Mercy Ministries
2. Education
3. Orphan Care
4. Sharing the Gospel”

This line is repeated in the Harvest India’s newsletter of 2016 also, ‘Spring 2016’ and
it is repeated in the front page of all the Newsletters of Harvest India of which Mr. K
Suresh Kumar is the President as such there is no doubt that Mr. K. Suresh Kumar is a
practicing Christian and Harvest India which he is running is an evangelical
2). In the “Spring 2018” Newsletter of Harvest India, in his message, Mr. K. Suresh
Kumar said, “I would also like to bring to your attention to our pastors who are going
into the unreached places of India and paying the price for the gospel we have nearly
500 frontline workers who are faithfully and sacrificially living their lives by taking the
love of Jesus to these people. Please pray about sponsoring a Harvest India pastor so
that they can continue to carry Christ’s compassion to every village in India.”

The same newsletter addresses Mr. Suresh Kumar as “Bishop Suresh Kumar”. Mr.
Suresh Kumar talks of ’25 years of serving the ministry’ and having established 1500
3). In 2016 Harvest India conducted vacation Bible School from 28th January to 30th
January at Harvest India Church, Dhulipudi, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. In the
pamphlets to the general public, Mr. K. Suresh Kumar is addressed as ‘Dr. Bishop
Suresh Kumar, President, Harvest India, Tenali’.
4). In November, 2010, Harvest India conducted a Christian Crusade in which Mr. K
Suresh Kumar preceded over.
5). Instagram post on date 28th August 2015 shows Bible College graduation ceremony
with Bishop Suresh Kumar and his wife Christina in convocation gowns. The post says,
“More than 100 students were commissioned to go out into India to spread the love of
6). Personal Attack on Hon’ble Prime Minister of India at International
Mr. Suresh Kumar, the Chief Functionary of the Harvest India, Tenali made extremely
derogatory remarks against Government of India and Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Sri Narendra Modi. While speaking at Mission Conference 2018 held at Biola
University, USA in the year 2018, Mr. Suresh Kumar had made following derogatory

“Right now, we are under Hindu rule. Our Prime Minister, he is a bad guy. He
doesn’t want any Christians in India. He wants to make India as only Hindu
country. So many pastors killed in last 5 years. Many missionaries, they send
them out. There is unrest, turmoil. Pastors are killing, Churches are burning.
The government is not doing anything. Brutal mentality, we are struggling. We
do not know what is going happen tomorrow to Christianity in India, to Church
in India but I am believing powerful god on our side. Next year we have election,
please pray. I don’t want this party to come back. This guy is doing so much bad
for Christianity”.
7). False allegations against Government of India at International Platforms:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJVQvDT1UNA (The video was made
private after a complaint filed with Union Ministry of Home Affairs seeking
cancellation of the FCRA license of Harvest India).
In a speech made at the above conference Suresh Kumar talks about increase in
persecution of Christians in the last 5 years (ever since the present government under
PM Sri Narendra Modi has come into power)
“I shared about the nation of India. Pastors are beaten, churches are burning. 5
years churches are struggling. Hindu militants posting videos on SM- husband
and wife pastors stripped naked, made to walk naked just for bearing the cross
of Jesus Christ.”

This is a serious allegation made before an international audience in USA. As usual, no

places, dates or specific instances of Christian persecution are mentioned. Wild
allegations are flung at the audience with the clear intention of maligning the
government and Hindus, project them as intolerant savages who are attacking
These are strong evidence to say that Mr. K Suresh Kumar is a practicing Christian
rabid evangelist who hates Hindus to the core by spreading fake stories of attacks on
Christians. At international forums, by attacking no less a person than the Prime
Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, he has tried to gain sympathy and further money
to carry on his ruthless Christian conversion activities in India.
8). While addressing a convention at Biola University in USA, he has addressed a place
called ‘Avanigadda’ in Krishna District having Hindu majority population as a dark
place with full of witchcraft, idol worship and black magic and he said he planned and
conducted a Crusade in the name of Jesus at that place to ‘remove the darkness’. A
Hindu will never make derogatory remarks about idol worship. Only a rabid evangelist
like Mr. K Suresh Kumar can talk so badly about Hindu religion of which unashamedly
he and his wife carry official certificates that they are Hindus.

9). In the promotional video of Harvest India, Mr. K Suresh Kumar has clearly spelt out
his plans and strategies to spread Christianity across India. He has talked of planting
Churches in villages where there is no Church and these Churches will be manned by
people passing out of Bible Colleges run by Mr. K. Suresh Kumar’s evangelical
organization - Harvest India. Why should Mr. Suresh Kumar who is a Hindu as per
official records promote Christianity, plant Churches, Train Christian Religious
workers and send them to all over India to propagate Christianity?
On number of occasions, foreign tourists visiting Harvest India where found to be
propagating Christianity along with Mr. Suresh Kumar and his wife. Never once, either
Mr. Suresh Kumar or his wife Ms. Heny Christina were found to be doing anything
remotely connected to Hindu religion. Out of the dozens of Photos and videos uploaded
by both foreign visitors and Mr. K Suresh Kumar, there is not a single mention of Hindu
Religion and every photo or video is invariably connected to Christianity.

10). In another promotional video of Harvest India, the slide shows: “8737 die each day
not knowing Christ”. The promotional video goes on to say: “only 2 percent of India is
Christian and millions of people have died without knowing Jesus Christ and that
Harvest India is bringing light into the darkness by spreading Christianity across India”.
Why should Harvest India headed by Mr. K Suresh Kumar and his wife Ms. Heny
Christina should bother about all these facts unless they are Christians to the core? In
the same promotional video Mr. Suresh Kumar is glorifying the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
for our sins. If he is not a Christian why should he praise Jesus? He has put the cost of
salvation which in other words is cost of converting a non-Christian into Christianity as
$4-$10” this is the value he attaches to a Hindu or Muslim’s life that by throwing pittans
he can convert people to Christianity. Will a Hindu which Mr. Suresh and Christina
claim to be valued the fellow Hindu’s life at 4$?

Sir, in the view of the strong evidence submitted by us, it is very clear that Mr. K. Suresh
Kumar and his wife Ms Heny Christina not only Christians but also Christian Religious
workers running a Christian Evangelical Organization by name ‘Harvest India’ by
virtue of various acts of commission, speeches, written material, Mr. K. Suresh Kumar
and his wife Ms. Heny Christina are estopped from denying the fact that they are not
HINDUS but Christians to the core.
If Christian religious workers are running foreign funded evangelical organizations are
able to obtain Hindu SC community certificates, it is injustice of the Highest Order to
the genuine Scheduled Caste people. Any further continuation of Mr. K. Suresh Kumar
and Ms. Heny Christina as Hindu SCs will cause immense to the interest of Hindu SCs.
We request you to conduct an on the spot inquiry at the residence of Mr. K Suresh
Kumar and the offices of Harvest India. We also request you to conduct an open
public inquiry and give opportunity to different sections of public to put forth the
evidence they have, in support of their claim that Mr. K. Suresh Kumar and Ms.
Heny Christina are Christians, but not Hindus. It has become a practice amongst
officials and district level scrutiny committee to verify complaints regarding the SC
status of any person to sit in their office and obtain proof from the accused instead of
the laid down procedure of conducting on-the-spot inquiry.
Hence our demand for open public inquiry.

With Sincere Regards,

Advocate & Telangana State President

#7-5-115/A/3, Lakshminagar Colony, Near Hanuman Temple, Mahabubnagar,
Telangana - 509001.
(M): +91 – 8096291270

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