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Smoking can affect people’s health seriously, so people should give up smoking

-It is recommended that people quit smoking because it have a negative effect

2. Poor countries may have difficulty solving social problems

-Social problems may not solved easily by countries that not rich


-The government needs to find suitable method to reduce roadblocks and casualty, and create
happiness for people

4. Doing business between different countries has many benefits

-There are many benefits of doing busines with other countries

5. Advertising can sometimes be harmful to consumers for several reasons.

-Consumers can sometimes be harmful by advertising activities for various reasons

6. Many people say that exercise is key to health while others believe that a balanced diet is
more important

- Some people argue that exercise is integral part of our health, while others assert that a well-
balanced diet is more important

7. Some people think that government should ban dangerous sports, while others think people
should have freedom to do any sport or activity

- Some person think that dangerous sports should be interdict by goverment, while others
view are that people should have freedom to participate in any sport or activity.

8. Detailed of description of crimes on TV is having bad effect on society, so it would be


-Detailed of description of crimes on TV should not be allowed because of bad effect on


9. The world’s most urgent problems can be solved by international collaboration

-International cooperation can solve the globe’s most instant problems

10. The government spends too much money on developing space exploration technology.
There are many other financial needs that the government should address in stead

-In stead of spend enormous amount of money for space research, the authorities need to
handle other financial needs

11. Some unpaid community services should be a compulsory part of high school programs
- High school programs need to include community work and pupil ought to do it free of

12. In order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make
comments or even criticism on their teachers.

- So as to improve the quality of education, high school students are exhort to interpret or
complain their teachers

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