3.Force-Deflection Properties of Superelastic Nickel-Titanium Archwires

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Force-deflection properties of superelastic

nickel-titanium archwires
Júlio de A. Gurgel, DDS, PhD,a Stephen Kerr, DDS,b John M. Powers, PhD,c and Vance LeCrone, DDSd
Bauru, Brazil, and Houston, Tex

This in vitro study compared the force-deflection behavior of 8 superelastic nickel-titanium orthodontic wires
(0.017 × 0.025 in) under controlled moment and temperature. To simulate leveling a lateral incisor, brackets
and first molar tubes without tip and angulation were used. The wires (n = 5) were ligated into stainless steel
brackets attached to a plastic jig to simulate a mandibular arch. A testing machine (Instron) applied deflections
of 0.2 to 2.0 mm at 35°C in the lateral incisor area. Force-deflection diagrams were determined from the
passive position to an activation of 2 mm and then during deactivation. Forces on deactivation at a deflection
of 1 mm were compared by analysis of variance. Significant differences (P < .05) in forces were observed
among wires. All wires exhibited superelastic behavior, but in stratified loading levels. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:378-82)

vital component of the fixed orthodontic appli- weldability, formability, resilience, and springback.
ance is the orthodontic archwire. An ideal arch- Stainless steel and cobalt-chromium alloys became
wire should be able to move teeth with a light, available in the 1940s and were used extensively in
continuous force. This force should be designed to min- orthodontics for many years. The introduction of
imize patient discomfort, tissue hyalinization, and root nickel-titanium and multistranded stainless steel wires
resorption. When a force is applied, the archwire in the 1970s, titanium-molybdenum and superelastic
should behave elastically over a period of weeks to nickel-titanium in the 1980s, and temperature-activated
months. Four archwire alloys are now available that superelastic wires in the 1990s has provided a wider
strive to accomplish this objective. These are stainless range of choices. The newest materials enable the cli-
steel, cobalt-chromium, nickel-titanium, and beta-tita- nician to use light continuous forces to move teeth with
nium. The nickel-titanium alloys have 3 subdivisions: less discomfort to the patient and less stress on the sup-
conventional alloy and 2 superelastic alloys—pseudo- porting tissues. A light force delivered at a constant
elastic and thermoelastic. Each of these has unique level provides the optimal condition for tooth move-
properties and characteristics.1 Clinically, there is no ment. This can best be achieved with wires that exhibit
single archwire that possesses all the desired qualities large elastic deformations before breakage and thus
necessary for all stages of orthodontic treatment. With have a large working range.
a clear understanding of the properties inherent in each Stainless steel archwires have been used success-
wire, the clinician can select the one best suited to a fully in orthodontics for many years and remain popu-
particular phase of treatment. lar because of their low cost, excellent formability, and
The design of an ideal archwire should consider good mechanical properties. Although stainless steel
such properties and characteristics as esthetics, friction, has many uses, it has a relatively high stiffness when
compared with wires made from some of the newer
aProfessor and Head of Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry Sci- materials.
ences, University of Marília; and Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodon- The Elgin Watch Company (Elgin, Ill) developed a
tics, University of Sagrado Coração.
bAssociate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Texas Health cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy in the 1950s. This alloy
Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch. is marketed as Elgiloy by Rocky Mountain Orthodon-
cProfessor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials, and Director,
tics (Denver, Colo) and is available in 4 levels of
Houston Biomaterials Research Center, University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston, Dental Branch. resilience. This wire is capable of having its strength
dFormer dental student, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and formability modified by heat treatment.2
Dental Branch. The introduction of the beta-titanium alloy in the
Reprint requests to: John M. Powers, PhD, UT-Houston Dental Branch, 6516
John Freeman, Houston, TX 77030-3402; e-mail: John.M.Powers@uth. 1970s provided a wire that had formability similar to
tmc.edu. the austenitic stainless steel while delivering lower bio-
Submitted, June 2000; revised and accepted, February 2001. mechanical forces. Beta-titanium wires can also be
Copyright © 2001 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2001/$35.00 + 0 8/1/117200 welded, but they have a tendency to fracture and pos-
doi:10.1067/mod.2001.117200 sess a high coefficient of friction.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Gurgel et al 379
Volume 120, Number 4

In the 1960s, a conventional nickel-titanium alloy

was developed that exhibited a shape memory effect
(SME). This wire, marketed by the Unitek Corporation
under the name of Nitinol, had a relatively large work-
ing range and low elastic modulus compared with
chrome-cobalt and stainless steel. However, this first
50:50 composition of nickel and titanium was a shape
memory alloy in composition only. It was a passive
martensitic-stabilized alloy that was capable of being
deformed, clamped, heated, and cooled into a specified
shape, so that when it was later deformed into a new
shape and subsequently heated, the material “remem-
bered” its previous post-heat treatment shape.2 Nickel-
titanium (NiTi) orthodontic wires are especially well
suited for clinical situations that require flexibility and
exceptional elastic memory. Nickel-titanium alloys
have a low stiffness, large working range, and produce
very low forces. Nickel-titanium archwires, however,
have limited formability, produce higher frictional Fig 1. Jig used in testing archwire deflection.
forces, and cannot be soldered.
By the 1980s, 2 generic nitinol-type alloys had been that the use of brackets introduced a more constrained
developed that exhibited superelastic behavior; one was mode of bending as a consequence of the inherent
an austenitic-active alloy and the other was a marten- action of the friction and binding at the bracket-wire
sitic-active alloy.3 Each of these alloys exhibits some interface.
form of SME and superelasticity. The superelasticity The orthodontic appliance is a force system that
and shape memory result from changes that occur in the uses wires and/or elastic bands to move teeth. However,
atomic lattice of the alloy from the austenitic phase to the action of the orthodontic appliance on the tooth and
the martensitic phase, which are influenced by changes its supporting structures involves a diversity of factors
in temperature and stress.3,4 The martensitic-active consisting not only of the wire action, but also other
alloy on the market today exhibits a thermally induced variables such as ligatures and tooth size. The amount
SME. Transition temperatures from martensite to of force available from a wire depends on the mechani-
austenite occur in the region of ambient oral tempera- cal properties of the metallic alloy, structural properties
ture. Upon distortion and insertion into the patient’s of wire, attrition, friction, and susceptibility to corro-
mouth, the appliance is activated by the warmth of the sion. Although NiTi superelastic wire provides consid-
oral cavity and returns to its predetermined shape. This erable deflection in reduced and relatively constant
process is called thermoelasticity.5 amounts of force, recent studies reveal all commercial
The force-deflection curve of these superelastic wires do not necessarily behave in the same manner.
wires exhibits a plateau of constant moment during acti- Minor differences in the production process contribute
vation and deactivation. Wire manufacturers have made to the variation in the behavior of these wires.
an effort to develop a more clinically effective super- This investigation details a comparison of forces
elastic wire by establishing the memory property at achieved in different commercial NiTi superelastic
body temperature and the force plateau compatible with wires in a deflection test of activation and deactivation
optimal biologic tooth movement.1,6 that attempts to approximate clinical conditions.
Four basic types of laboratory tests (tension, bend-
ing, torsion, and deflection) are normally used to study MATERIAL AND METHODS
the mechanical properties of orthodontic wires. The deflection test used a device fabricated to simu-
Although these tests do not replicate a real clinical situ- late the movement of a mandibular lateral incisor. The
ation, they do establish values for comparison among device included an acrylic plate cut to resemble a typi-
wires of the same alloy or wires of different types of cal lower arch, in which the portion holding the left lat-
metallic alloys.7 The deflection test with 3 brackets eral incisor bracket was free to move with vertical or
recently described allowed for variability in the interre- incisal/gingival application of deflection forces (Fig 1).
lation among brackets, wires, and O-rings.8 Comparing To simulate an intraoral clinical situation, 0.018 ×
the 3-point tests with 3-bracket tests, Oltjen et al9 found 0.025-in brackets (S2-02k twin mini, Morelli, São
380 Gurgel et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
October 2001

Table I. Codes and manufacturers of nickel-titanium Table II. Forces

for activation and deactivation
wires tested measured at a deflection of 1 mm listed in order
of decreasing deactivation force
Code Wire Manufacturer
Force on activation, Force on deactivation,
C35 Copper NiTi 35°C Ormco, Glendora, Calif Wire in grams in grams
C27 Copper NiTi 27°C Ormco
E35 Elastinol 35 Masel, Philadelphia, Pa RL 1300 (100)* 834 (38)
E27 Elastinol 27 Masel E27 1340 (40) 538 (58)a
MO Nickel-titanium Morelli, São Paulo, Brazil C27 1050 (80) 460 (40)a
NI Nitinol heat-activated 3M/Unitek, Monrovia, Calif NS 1110 (10) 330 (80)b
NS Neosentalloy F200 GAC, Islip, NY C35 930 (60) 320 (60)b
RL Rematitan Lite Dentaurum, Pforzheim, Germany NI 1180 (40) 250 (22)b,c
MO 1000 (40) 190 (20)c
NiTi, Nickel-titanium. E35 990 (100) 190 (40)c

*Means (n = 5) with standard deviation in parentheses.

Paulo, Brazil) and a first molar tube (T2-04U, Morelli, The Tukey-Kramer interval for comparisons of means among wires at
São Paulo, Brazil) with no angulation or torque were the .05 significance level was 110 g.
bonded on the lateral surface of the acrylic jig. These Forces identified with the same superscripted letters were not differ-
attachments were bonded with an interbracket distance ent statistically.
of 5 mm for each segment. This interbracket distance
was arbitrarily chosen as an average clinical inter- Wires MO and E35 were similar in that they had the
bracket distance. Individual 0.017 × 0.025-in archwire lowest deactivation forces, whereas wire RL had the
specimens were placed in the bracket slots and tied with highest deactivation force. The deactivation forces were
elastomeric ligatures (silver Quik-Stik modules A-1, ranked from lowest to highest as: E35=MO=NI,
3M/ Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) for each of 5 specimens NI=C35=NS<C27=E27<RL. Five of the superelastic
(Fig 1). wires tested (MO, NI, NS, E35, and C35) showed a
After the adaptation of each archwire specimen, the force-deflection curve with the deactivation plateau in a
test apparatus was placed into a temperature-controlled range of moment between 190 and 350 g, whereas E27
chamber and heated to 35°C. The entire test was then and C27 both exhibited a plateau between 450 and 550
conducted inside the chamber at this temperature. The g. Only RL reached a level higher than 600 g (Figs 2
force/activation curve was measured from the passive and 3).
position to an activation of 2 mm, then back to zero. Some MO specimens were permanently deformed
Activation for each of the 8 commercial wires (Table I) before reaching the final activation of 2 mm and were
was repeated 5 times with new wire on a testing discarded. This effect was not observed in any of the
machine (Instron, Canton, Mass) with a 5-kg load cell other commercial wires.
and a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min.
Means and standard deviations (n = 5) of the forces DISCUSSION
generated at activation and deactivation for a deflection By virtue of their adaptability, high resilience, and
of 1 mm were calculated. Data for the deactivation production of a constant force, the use of superelastic
forces were analyzed by analysis of variance (SuperA- NiTi wires has spread in orthodontics. Selection of the
NOVA, Abacus Concepts, Berkeley, Calif). Means were appropriate wire for a particular clinical condition
compared by using a Tukey-Kramer interval calculated should be based on the ability of these wires to produce
at the .05 level of significance. a constant moment over different degrees of deflection.
Some companies market wires that reach the superelas-
RESULTS tic plateau with different amounts of force. For this rea-
Means and standard deviations of activation and son it becomes necessary to observe which force is suit-
deactivation forces of the wires measured at a deflection able for the type of tooth movement desired. Although
of 1 mm are listed in Table II and are shown graphically NiTi superelastic wire provides considerable deflection
in Figures 2 and 3. The deactivation deflection of 1 mm in reduced and relatively constant amounts of force, all
was selected to establish a comparison parameter at the commercial wires may not necessarily behave in the
midpoint of the deactivation executed in this study. The same manner. Minor differences in the production
analysis of variance of the deactivation forces showed process could contribute to the variation in the behavior
significant differences among wires. The Tukey-Kramer of these wires.
interval for comparisons of means among the 8 wires at The martensitic stabilized NiTi alloy wires used in
the .05 significance level was 110 g. this study produced varying load/deflection curves. The
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Gurgel et al 381
Volume 120, Number 4

Fig 2. Load/unload deflection graph for MO, E35, NI, and C35.

Fig 3. Load/unload deflection graph for NS, C27, E27, RL.

deflection forces ranged from a low of 190 g to a high superelastic wires should not be accepted as the rule for
of 600 g. The load/deflection curves in activation/deac- all cases. For moderate crowding cases, the superelastic
tivation in this study were found to be typical of super- wire may not be deformed to the point where it
elastic wires. reaches the superelastic plateau. Evan et al12 found
The 5 wires that exhibited the lowest activation/ that these wires should sustain angular deformation
deactivation forces might be more adaptable clinically from 50°C to 70°C to express linear elasticity. For
to cases of mild-to-moderate crowding. The amount of this reason, these wires have been shown to be effi-
crowding should be a major consideration in the clini- cient in the correction of alignment and leveling when
cal selection of a superelastic wire. Satisfactory adapta- used in such thickness (round or rectangular) to allow
tion of the wire in the bracket slot must occur, allowing this relative amount of angular deformation. Also, these
optimal biologic tooth movement. wires have been shown to have little effect in torque
Lowering the temperature of a superelastic archwire correction.
enhances its ability to adapt to a condition such as Although the comparison of the mechanical proper-
crowding. This study tested the activation and deactiva- ties of the NiTi superelastic wires and wires of other
tion of the wires at a controlled temperature of 35°C in alloys presents outstanding differences, the structural
an effort to approximate the oral environment. properties (form and dimension) seem to have a similar
The selection of orthodontic wires for correction of outcome in the movement of teeth with regard to deflec-
dental crowding should be based on several factors tion. In addition to these factors, other components that
related to the degree of the crowding.10,11 Rectangular influence tooth movement are the interbracket distance,
382 Gurgel et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
October 2001

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