4.torsional Properties of Commercial Nickeltitanium

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Torsional properties of commercial nickel-

titanium wires during activation and deactivation
Julio de A. Gurgel, DDS, PhD,a Stephen Kerr, DDS,b John M. Powers, PhD,c and Arnaldo Pinzan, DDS, PhDd
Bauru, Brazil, and Houston, Tex

This study evaluated torsional moments on activation and deactivation in commercial, nickel-titanium wires
that are intended for use in the initial phases of orthodontic treatment. Nine commercial, rectangular nickel-
titanium wires (0.017 × 0.025 in) were tested in torsion. One wire was conventional nickel-titanium, and the
others were superelastic nickel-titanium wires. The specimens were tested in a torsiometer for rotations
between 10 and 40 degrees in activation and deactivation. Wires E27, RF and R had the highest moments
during activation and deactivation, without evidence of the plateau typical of the superelastic effect. Plateaus
of constant moment were observed for wires C27, C35, E35, MO, NS, and NI. Torsional moments varied
among superelastic nickel-titanium wires, even with wires that had the same transition temperature range.
Some superelastic wires had torsional moments that were comparable with conventional nickel-titanium wires.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:76-9)

ew orthodontic wires of various alloy composi- Unitek. Nitinol was a passive, martensitic-stabilized
tions are being developed that facilitate tooth alloy that possessed low stiffness. The wire was quite
movement and reduce chair time. For the springy and delivered one fifth to one sixth of the force
patient’s benefit, the ideal wire should allow rapid per unit of deactivation as did stainless steel. This prod-
tooth movement with a minimum of discomfort and uct possessed 3 desirable qualities: low stiffness, good
reduced damage to the teeth and supporting structures. range, and high springback. However, a major limita-
From a clinical perspective, an ideal archwire should tion was the lack of formability.
possess good strength, stiffness, range, formability, and In the mid 1980s, new NiTi alloys that demonstrated
weldability. Certainly, it has not been possible to find a superelastic behavior were introduced.2,3 In addition to
wire with all of these characteristics that could be used the martensitic-stabilized Nitinol, 2 other types of NiTi
in all phases of orthodontic treatment. Because they alloys are available today: an austenitic-active alloy and
exhibit several of these characteristics, the superelastic a martensitic-active alloy. Both exhibit some form of
nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires are useful in many clinical shape-memory effect and are superelastic, properties
applications. However, more research is needed to doc- that result from changes in the atomic lattice of the alloy
ument the characteristics of these alloys. from the austenitic phase to the martensitic phase
Conventional NiTi alloys that have a large working because of changes in temperature and stress.1
range and low elastic modulus when compared with In the austenitic-active alloy, both the martensitic
stainless steel and chrome-cobalt alloys were devel- and austenitic phases play an important role during
oped in the late 1960s.1 In the early 1970s, the first mechanical deformation. Martensite represents the
NiTi alloy, Nitinol, was marketed to orthodontists by low-stiffness phase; austenite represents the high-stiff-
ness phase. On loading, the austenitic-active alloy
aAssistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Sagrado
starts with a stiffness that produces approximately 3
Coração. times the force per activation of the conventional
bAssociate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Texas Health martensitic-stabilized NiTi alloy. This effect soon gives
Science Center at Houston Dental Branch. way to a long plateau-like area. A stress-induced phase
cProfessor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials, Director,

Houston Biomaterials Research Center, University of Texas Health Science transformation occurs in which the austenitic phase
Center at Houston Dental Branch. transforms to the martensitic phase.4 On deactivation,
dAssociate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Sagrado
the reverse occurs because the linear region that is
Reprint requests to: John M. Powers, PhD, UT-Houston Dental Branch, 6516 associated with the martensitic phase of a conventional
John Freeman, Houston, TX 77030-3402; e-mail, John.M.Powers@uth.tmc.edu. alloy gives way to a second plateau region at a lower
Submitted, March 2000; revised and accepted, December 2000. force. The martensitic phase is gradually transformed
Copyright © 2001 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2001/$35.00 + 0 8/1/115147 back to the austenitic phase. The second plateau region,
doi:10.1067/mod.2001.115147 in which martensite transforms back to austenite and
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Gurgel et al 77
Volume 120, Number 1

Table I. Codes and manufacturers of tested NiTi wires

Code Wire Manufacturer

C35 Copper Ni-Ti 35°C Ormco, Glendora, Calif

C27 Copper Ni-Ti 27°C Ormco
E35 Elastinol 35 Masel, Philadelphia, Pa
E27 Elastinol 27 Masel
MO Nickel-titanium Morelli, São Paulo, Brazil
NI Nitinol Heat-activated 3M/Unitek, Monrovia, Calif
NS NeoSentalloy F200 GAC, Islip, NY
R Rematitan Lite Dentaurum, Pforzheim, Germany
RF Original Reflex TP Orthodontics, LaPorte, Ind
Fig 1. Torsiometer.

changes shape to maintain force, represents the key Currently, several types of NiTi superelastic wires
attribute of this nonlinear elastic alloy, pseudoelasticity. are available that are distinguished by their transforma-
Clinically, this means that a practitioner can align teeth tion temperature of final austenite phase of 27°C,
with a constant force.5 35°C, and 40°C.5,13 The addition of copper in NiTi
The martensitic-active alloy on the market today alloy and the control of the transformation temperature
exhibits a thermally induced shape-memory effect. Tran- during production provide control of the amount of
sition temperatures from martensite to austenite occur in resilience of the wire, depending on the temperature of
the region of ambient oral temperature. On distortion and the oral cavity.14 Wires, therefore, should be selected
insertion into the patient’s mouth, the appliance is acti- for their transformation temperature and for their
vated by the warmth of the oral cavity and returns to its dimensions.13
predetermined shape, a process called thermoelasticity. Increasing interest in the use of superelastic wires
Producing tooth movement with a known and con- has resulted in an increase in the number of commer-
stant interval of force is more comfortable and takes cially available wires. To aid in the clinical selection of
less time in the initial stage of the treatment. Some the most appropriate wire, this study evaluated tor-
authors have recommended superelastic rectangular sional moments on activation and deactivation in com-
NiTi as the most suitable wire for the initial stages of mercial rectangular NiTi wires that were intended for
the orthodontic treatment.6 Laboratory tests to verify use in the initial phases of orthodontic treatment.
the amount of force liberated by the deflection of
superelastic wires proved the existence of variability in MATERIAL AND METHODS
the amount of force produced by different commercial Nine commercial NiTi wires (Table I) with dimen-
brands.7,8 Recently, Filleul and Jordan9 measured tor- sions of 0.017 × 0.025 in were tested in torsion. One
sional properties of several superelastic wires and wire was conventional NiTi wire (Original Reflex; TP
found low rigidity over high deflections; however, vari- Orthodontics, LaPorte, Ind) and the others were super-
ations in the generated force depended not only on the elastic NiTi wires (as classified by the manufacturers).
degree of deformation but also on the crystalline struc- The specimens obtained were preformed arches. Seg-
ture and thermal transformation range. ments of 13 mm in length were cut from the ends of the
The effectiveness of the torque depends not only on preformed arches.
the amount of torsional moment applied by the wire but The specimens were tested in a torsiometer (Mem-
also on the adaptation of the wire in the bracket slot. A ocouple; Centre Suisse d’Eletronique et de Microtech-
poor fit means that some of the torque could be lost. nique SA; Fig 1) in an oven with a controlled tempera-
The importance of the effectiveness of the torque was ture of 35°C. Two diametrically opposed jaws held the
described by clinical observations10 and by specific ends of the wire. The jaws of the torsiometer held the
measurements of the chamfered edges in different wire at a fixed distance of 5 mm to approximate inter-
types of alloys.11,12 In comparisons of orthodontic bracket distance. One of the jaws was rotated from 10
wires, NiTi wires had higher activation loss because of degrees up to 40 degrees, in intervals of 5 degrees for
rounded edges.11 Meling and Ødegaard12 observed that each activation. After clockwise rotation of 40 degrees
none of the NiTi wires that were tested exhibited super- for activation, the deactivation began in a counter-
elasticity when activated to 25°C and that the amount clockwise direction in 5-degree intervals. The torsional
of torsional clearance was significant because of moment generated at each activation and deactivation
beveled edges. interval was measured in Newton-centimeters (N-cm).
78 Gurgel et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2001

Fig 2. Torsional moment–angular rotation curve for

wires NI, MO, NS, E35, C27, and C35.
Fig 3. Torsional moment–angular rotation curve for
wires E27, RF, and R.
Table II. Torsional moments for activation and deactiva-
tion for a rotation of 20 degrees observed for wires, in
decreasing order of activation moment vation and deactivation, without evidence of the
plateau typical of the superelastic effect. It should be
Mean torsional moment on Mean torsional moment on
activation, measured in deactivation, measured in noted that the deactivation curves are significant clini-
Wire Newton-centimeters (± SD) Newton-centimeters (± SD) cally, because they represent the level of moment avail-
able from the wire as it returns to its original form dur-
E27 0.91 (0.07)* 0.67 (0.04)
ing which tooth movement occurs.
R 0.90 (0.01) 0.80 (0.03)
RF 0.90 (0.04) 0.73 (0.05) Means and standard deviations of torsional
NI 0.78 (0.01) 0.44 (0.01) moments for activation and deactivation of the wires
MO 0.72 (0.02) 0.34 (0.00) measured at a rotation of 20 degrees are listed in Table
NS 0.72 (0.01) 0.37 (0.02) II. An activation of 20 degrees was selected because it
E35 0.70 (0.03) 0.31 (0.02)
was similar to the activation found in pretorqued
C27 0.65 (0.01) 0.43 (0.00)
C35 0.55 (0.01) 0.25 (0.02) brackets. Wire C35 had the lowest average activation
and deactivation moments, whereas C27, E35, MO
*N = 5; the Tukey-Kramer interval for comparisons of means among
and NS had similar values of moment. Wire NI had
wires at the 0.05 significance level was 0.05 N-cm.
lower activation and deactivation moments than E27,
RF, and R. Finally, E27, R, and RF had similar activa-
tion moments; R produced a larger deactivation
Mean values and standard deviations (n = 5) of tor- moment.
sional moment were calculated. Data were analyzed by 3-
way analysis of variance with factors of wire, angle, and DISCUSSION
activation versus deactivation. Angle and activation versus Superelastic wires of the martensitic stabilized NiTi
deactivation were treated as repeated measures. Means of alloy produced torsional moments that were remark-
torsional moments among wires were compared by a ably different. Selection of superelastic wires should be
Tukey-Kramer interval at a 0.05 significance level. based on the ability of these wires to produce a con-
stant moment over different degrees of rotation in tor-
RESULTS sion. As observed in other studies, not all NiTi wires
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate torsional moment versus have a plateau of constant moment.7,8,9,12
angle of rotation for activation and deactivation. NiTi wires are available in 2 main types: conven-
Plateaus of constant moment were observed for wires tional and superelastic, with variations in composition
C27, C35, E35, MO, NS, and NI (Fig 2). Wires E27, and transition temperature range. The variability of
RF, and R (Fig 3) had the highest moments during acti- these 2 factors alters the behavior of the alloy, resulting
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Gurgel et al 79
Volume 120, Number 1

ultimately in the presence or absence of the superelas- CONCLUSIONS

tic plateau near oral temperatures. The reason super- Torsional moments varied among superelastic NiTi
elastic wires E27, RF, and R presented different activa- wires, even with wires that have the same transition tem-
tion-deactivation behaviors may be explained as perature range. Some superelastic wires had torsional
differences between martensitic transformation tem- moments comparable with conventional NiTi wires.
peratures and oral temperatures.
Wires were provided by the manufacturers.
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rigidity and consequently reduces its activation and REFERENCES
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