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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses of

superelastic and nonsuperelastic nickel-titanium

orthodontic wires
Thomas Gerard Bradley, BDS, MS," William A. Brantley, PhD, b and Bill M. Culbertson, PhD °
Columbus, Ohio

The purpose of this study was to determine the transformation temperatures for the austenitic,
martensitic, and rhombohedral (R) structure phases in representative as-received commercial nitinol
(NiTi) orthodontic wire alloys, to reconcile discrepancies among recent publications. Specimens
were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) over a temperature range from
approximately - 1 7 0 ° C to 100 ° C, with a scanning rate of 10° C per minute. Two different
pathways, with the intermediate R structure either absent or present, were observed for the
transformation from martensitic to austenitic NiTi, whereas the reverse transformation from austenitic
to martensitic NiTi always included the R structure. The enthalpy (AH) for the transformation from
martensite to austenite ranged from 0.3 to 3.5 calories per gram. The lowest AH value for the
nonsuperelastic Nitinol wire is consistent with a largely work-hardened, stable, martensitic
microstructure in this product. The DSC results indicate that the transformation processes are
broadly similar in superelastic, body-temperature shape-memory, and nonsuperelastic NiTi wires.
Differences in bending properties for the NiTi orthodontic wires at room temperature and 37 ° C are
due to the relative proportions of the metallurgical phases in the microstructures. (Am J Orthod
Dentofac Orthop 1996; 109:589-97.)

C o m m e r c i a l nickel-titanium orthodontic Subsequently, Burstone et al. 7 and Miura et al. 8

wires fabricated from near-equiatomic NiTi (niti- introduced the Chinese and Japanese NiTi wires,
nol) compositions were introduced during the respectively, to the specialty. These wires, now mar-
1970s, after the pioneering research of Andreasen keted as Ni-Ti (Ormco/Sybron, Glendora, Calif.)
and coworkers? "2 The mechanical properties and and Sentinol or Sentalloy (GAC International, Cen-
clinical characteristics of the original NiTi product, tral Islip, N.Y.), displayed superelastic characteris-
marketed as Nitinol by the Unitek Corporation, tics, where the deactivation plot contains an ex-
were reported by Andreasen and Morrow? This tended region of largely constant bending moment
wire has a very low elastic modulus, as well as an or tensile stress. TM By using a cantilever bending test
extremely wide working range and excellent spring- span (6 mm) similar to interbracket distances, Khier
back (using a 12.5 mm cantilever bending test et al. 9 found that commercial NiTi orthodontic wires
span), thus providing much lighter and more con- could be classified as superelastic or nonsuperelas-
stant forces over an extended treatment period, tic, where the latter products had much lower
compared with the use of conventional stainless springback. The superelastic wires were reported to
steel wires. In additional publications, Andreasen be austenitic NiTi and underwent a reversible stress-
and his colleagues described the force delivery and induced transformation to martensitic NiTi during
temperature dependence for nitinol wires. 4-6 activation, whereas the nonsuperelastic wires, such
as Nitinol, had stable work-hardened martensitic
structures. 8 Later, Leu et al. 1° employed differential
From the College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University. scanning calorimetry (DSC) to show that the phase
Based on a thesis submitted by the first author in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Science degree, Graduate School, The transformations in the superelastic NiTi wires were
Ohio State University. more complex and involved an immediate rhombo-
Partial support for this investigation was received from the Foundation hedral (R) structure? 1'a2
for Orthodontic Research.
aResident, Section of Orthodontics. However, recent research has suggested that
bprofessor, Section of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry, and Director, these concepts for the metallurgical structures and
Graduate Program in Dental Materials. phase transformations in orthodontic NiTi alloys
CProfessor, Section of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry.
Copyright © 1996 by the American Association of Orthodontists. may require some revision. By using x-ray diffrac-
0889-5406/96/$5.00 + 0 8/1/57604 tion (XRD) to analyze wires in the as-received
590 Bradl~ Brantley, and Culbertson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996

Table I. T h e nickel-titanium o r t h o d o n t i c wires used in the study

Wire product Size (inch) I Manufacturer

Nitinol SE 0.016 Unitek/3M, Monrovia, Calif.

Ni-Ti 0.016 Ormco/Sybron, Glendora, Calif.
Neo Sentalloy 0.016 x 0.022 GAC International, Central Islip, N.Y.
Titanal LT 0.018 Lancer Orthodontics, Carlsbad, Calif.
Nitinol 0.016 Unitek/3M, Monrovia, Calif.

condition and after tensile strain, T h a y e r et al. 13 (available only in rectangular cross-sections), the popular
identified X R D peaks for the martensitic NiTi 0.016 × 0.022-inch size was selected.
structure and concluded that the nonsuperelastic The wire specimens were carefully cut with a water-
wires principally have the austenitic structure at cooled, diamond-embedded saw (Vari/Cut VC-50, Leco
r o o m temperature. This conclusion was s u p p o r t e d Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.). Considerable care was taken in
cutting the samples so that minimal heat and stress
by the v e r y low martensitic transformation tem-
would be generated. Straight segments of 5 mm length
peratures o b t a i n e d by C h e n et al. 14 from electrical
were cut from each arch blank, and five segments of each
resistivity measurements, w h e r e the M s and Mf wire were weighed (N 20 mg sample size) with an elec-
t e m p e r a t u r e s for the start and finish of this trans- tronic balance and placed in an aluminum pan. The
f o r m a t i o n were typically below - 40 ° and - 100 ° C, 5 mm segment length was selected because of the pan
respectively. T h e s e transformation t e m p e r a t u r e s dimensions, and pilot experiments indicated that the use
were m u c h lower than those o b t a i n e d f r o m D S C of five segments yielded excellent thermal contact within
m e a s u r e m e n t s for o r t h o d o n t i c alloys a°'15'~6 and the sample and DSC spectra of high resolution. Shorter
f o u n d in the materials science literature. 17"18 wire segments were not used to minimize the amount of
T h e p u r p o s e of this study was to reconcile these cutting required for sample preparation. There is no
conflicting results by carefully examining the D S C consensus in previous studies about the ideal DSC
sample weight for the NiTi wire segments, and the
heating and cooling curves for several representa-
present size was intermediate between those used by
tive commercial NiTi wires. T h e aim was to char-
Todoroki and Tamura (10 mg) ~7 and by Yoneyama et al.
acterize the p h a s e transformation processes in (40 mg). 15
these different products, specifically seeking evi- For the differential scanning calorimetry experiments
d e n c e of very low t e m p e r a t u r e martensite transfor- (TA 910, TA Instruments, Wilmington, Del.), each
mations. Specimens evaluated with the present sample of five wire segments was initially cooled from
D S C apparatus could be cooled to approximately room temperature to - 170° C and then heated to 100° C
- 1 7 0 ° C, which was not possible in the previous at a scanning rate of 10° C/min. Subsequently, the sample
extensive study by L e u et al. ~° was cooled again to approximately - 170° C at the same
scanning rate, and the same heating and cooling cycles
MATERIALS AND METHODS were repeated a second time. Pilot experiments estab-
The commercial NiTi alloys selected for study are lished that excellent reproducibility was achieved be-
summarized in Table I. All wires were contributed by the tween nominally identical five-segment samples of the
manufacturers in standard arch blank forms. Two of same NiTi alloy, so that the procedure of a single sample
these products are superelastic (Nitinol SE, Unitek, and replicate DSC heating and cooling runs was adopted
Monrovia, Calif., and N i - T i ) , 7-9 and the Nitinol wire for the present experiments. Dry nitrogen gas was used
(Unitek, Monrovia, Calif.) is nonsuperelastic. 3'9 Fletcher to flush the specimen chamber, to prevent condensation
et al. 16 have shown that the Neo Sentalloy wire has of water vapor and oxidation of the NiTi wires. A second,
shape-memory (superelastic) behavior at 37° C, but not empty aluminum pan served as an inert reference, and
at room temperature (22° C). The Titanal LT product the apparatus was calibrated with an indium standard, as
(Lancer Orthodontics, Carlsbad, Calif.) is advertised as a well as by the melting point of water.
body-temperature, heat-activated nickel-titanium wire In the DSC procedure, the differential heat flow
with shape-memory capability, and was thus expected to required to heat or cool the experimental and reference
have characteristics very similar to those for Neo Sental- samples at the same scanning rate is recorded as a
loy. The clinically popular 0.016-inch diameter size se- function of temperature to yield the spectrum or ther-
lected for Nitinol SE, Ni-Ti, and Nitinol has been used in mogram. The start and finish temperatures of each phase
other studies 7-9 of these wires. For the Titanal LT alloy, transformation were determined from tangent lines
0.018-inch diameter wires were used due to the unavail- where the DSC curve deviates from the adjacent base-
ability of the 0.016-inch diameter size. For Neo Sentalloy lines. Individual or combined peak areas (enthalpies)
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bradl~ Brantley, and Culbertson 591
Volume 109, No. 6




"-- 0 . 0 1 -

• ~_ O.O0-

g c2
-O,Ol o

-o.o2- C3

-t~o -~o -,io ~ 4b .o
TemperatuPe (°C)

Fig. 1. DSC heating and cooling curves for Nitinol SE (Unitek). H1 and H2 peaks are indicated for
heating curve, and C l and C2 peaks are shown for cooling curve, along with possible position of very
poorly resolved C3 peak. Apparent substructure in H2 peak is attributed to instrumentation noise.
Area under peak (enthalpy change •H for phase transformation) is determined with respect to
extrapolated baselines from adjacent portions of curve.





C3 c


-t io -~o -~o -Jo 3b 70
TempBPstuPe (*C)

Fig. 2. DSC heating and cooling curves for Ni-Ti (Ormco). Curves are similar in general appearance
to those in Fig. 1, although phase transformations occur over different temperature ranges.
Fluctuations in cooling curve below C3 peak are due to instrumentation noise.

were calculated from a peak on the DSC plot whose area RESULTS
had previously been analyzed by the computer software.
Segments of beta-titanium arch wire and a polycrystalline Representative DSC curves for the NiTi wires
alumina bracket, which do not undergo phase transfor- studied are shown in Figs. 1 to 5. Two peaks (Figs.
mations over this temperature range, served as inert 1 and 2) or one peak (Figs. 3 to 5) were observed
controls to establish the resolution of the apparatus. on the heating curves, and these endothermic
592 Bradley, Brantley, and Culbertson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996


C3 ~ C2 A C1


~ -0.05-

- 0 . lO
-do " -~ ' -lo 3b 70
T.mperstuvs ('C)

Fig. 3. DSC heating and cooling curves for Neo Sentalloy (GAC). Note that only one endothermic
peak (H) is found on heating curve, in contrast to Figs. 1 and 2.




.-130 -90 -~0 -lO 30 70
Tempereture (°C)

Fig. 4. DSC heating and cooling curves for Titanal LT (Lancer). Small fluctuations in curves are
attributed to instrumentation noise. Phase transformation characteristics are similar for those for Neo
Sentalloy in Fig. 3.

peaks have been labeled as H1 and H2, or as H, and R structure to martensite (R-M), respectively.
respectively. From the analysis of Todoroki and An additional low temperature peak (C3) ap-
Tamura, 17 the H1 and H2 peaks are interpreted as peared to occur near the limit of resolution for
the transformations from martensite to R structure Ni-Ti (Fig. 2) and Titanal LT (Fig. 4). I_z)cations of
(M-R) and from R structure to austenite (R-A), possible C3 for Nitinol SE (Fig. 1), Neo Sentalloy
while the H peak corresponds to the direct trans- (Fig. 3), and Nitinol (Fig. 5) have been placed near
formation from martensite to austenite (M-A). the cooling curves, but these peaks cannot be
Two exothermic peaks (C1 and C2) observed on all resolved by DSC. If it exists, the C3 peak is as-
cooling curves are interpreted a7 as the reverse sumed to represent an additional phase transfor-
transformations of austenite to R structure (A-R) mation within the complex martensitie structure? 7
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics B r a d l ~ Brantley, and Culbertson 593
Volume 109, No. 6




~ 0.02"

~: o.oi- C1


-0.01-13o -,~o -do -Jo 3b 70
Temperatur's (*C)

Fig. 5. DSC heating and cooling curves for Nitinol (Unitek). Area under H peak is much smaller than
areas under peaks on heating curves for other NiTi alloys (Table II).

T a b l e Ih Transformation temperatures and enthalpy changes (AH) for NiTi orthodontic wires

Cooling CC)* Heating (°C)**

,51-I (calories per
Wire brand gram)

Nitinol SE -19 -46 -70 59 21 - 4 63 1.5

Ni-Ti -25 -43 -60 30 10 - 13 40 3.0
Neo Sentalloy -22 -49 -70 22 13 19 36 3.5
Titanal LT -22 -48 -80 24 2 12 34 3.5
Nitinol - 12 -28 -50 55 25 22 55 0.3

*For the cooling DSC curves, the R s and R e temperatures correspond to the A-R transformation (C1 peak). The Msz and Mfl
temperatures correspond to the R-M transformation (C2 peak). The highly approximate starting temperature for the poorly resolved,
martensitic C3 peak is designated as Msz, and there was no evidence for the Me2 temperature.
**For the heating DSC curves, the As and Af temperatures and AH value include both the M-R and R-A transformations in Figs.
1 and 2, and the single M-A transformation in Figs. 3 to 5. Figs. 1 and 2 should be consulted for the temperatures corresponding to
the individual M-R and R-A transformations.

Table II summarizes the temperature ranges for the heating and cooling curves for Nitinol SE and
all cooling transformations, along with the tem- Ni-Ti indicate that the R structure forms as an
peratures and enthalpy changes for the overall intermediate phase during the reversible M-A
heating transformation from martensite to austen- transformation. The phase transformation tem-
ite. Under the present experimental conditions, the peratures differed somewhat for these two alloys,
temperatures in Table II are considered to have an as shown in Table II. Thermal analyses of the two
accuracy of approximately ___2° C and the enthalpy controls (beta-titanium and alumina) indicated that
values have been rounded to the nearest 0.5 calo- the substructure in the H2 peak for Nitinol SE and
ries per gram except for Nitinol. For Nitinol SE the fluctuations on the cooling curve below the C3
and Ni-Ti, the As, Af and AH values correspond to peak for Ni-Ti were due to instrumentation noise.
both the H1 and H2 peaks in Figs. 1 and 2. Highly The curves for Neo Sentalloy in Fig. 3 show
approximate Ms2 temperatures have been esti- transformation temperature ranges similar to those
mated for the C3 peaks, and no Mr2 temperature reported by Fletcher et al., 16 except that an unre-
could be resolved for any alloy. solved pair of peaks for the M-R and R-A trans-
Referring to Figs. 1 and 2, the two peaks in both formations were observed in the earlier study. A1-
594 Bradley, Brantley, and Culbertson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996

though exhibiting some instrumentation noise, the cooling DSC curves,17?18 Todoroki and Tamura 17
curves for Titanal LT in Fig. 4 resemble those for also observed three peaks on the cooling curves
Neo Sentalloy, and the transformation tempera- under certain heat treatment and thermal cycling
tures were similar. During cooling, the R structure conditions. They noted that other investigators had
has a role in the A-M transformation for these proposed the occurrence of a complex series of
shape-memory alloys, but apparently not for the martensitic reactions in NiTi alloys. Todoroki and
heating cycle where only a single H peak was Tamura also found that electrical resistivity mea-
observed. Lastly, for the nonsuperelastic wire Niti- surements provided much lower resolution than
nol a single broad, weak peak occurred during the DSC for the study of phase transformations in NiTi
heating cycle, and two weak peaks were observed alloys and that the two techniques did not yield the
during the cooling cycle. same transformation temperature ranges and
peaks. An additional advantage of DSC is that the
DISCUSSION enthalpy change for a phase transformation can be
When the present DSC phase transformation determined, which is not possible with electrical
temperatures in Table II are compared with those resistivity measurements.
determined by Chen et al. 14 from the temperature The present observation that the nonsuperelas-
dependence of electrical resistivity, there is general tic Nitinol wire is largely martensitic at room tem-
agreement for the two NiTi wires (Ormco Ni-Ti perature (Fig. 5) is in agreement with other inves-
and Nitinol) common to both studies. The present tigators, 8'9"15 including x-ray diffraction studies by
As, Af and Rs temperatures for Nitinol are close to Khier et al. ~9However, this conclusion is contradic-
the temperatures reported by Chert et al. (who did tory to Thayer et al., ~3 whose XRD experiments
not provide Rf temperatures). For the Ni-Ti alloy, with wires subjected to tensile strain suggested that
Chen et al. reported differences in the phase trans- as-received Nitinol has the austenitic structure at
formation temperatures for the original Chinese room temperature. Certain martensite variants
NiTi 7 and the Ormco Ni-Ti product, 9 which may be (orientations) 2° should be favored when NiTi or-
attributed to differences in the two manufacturing thodontic wires undergo substantial tensile strain.
processes. Fariabi et al} 8 have shown that varia- Thus the martensite peaks observed by Thayer et
tions in the amount of cold work and the heat al. after tensile loading may be different from those
treatment temperature can have substantial effects in the as-received wires studied by Khier et al.,
on the phase transformation temperatures for a where the work-hardened martensitic structure and
near-equiatomic NiTi alloy. The present data in preferred crystallographic orientation resulting
Table II generally show better agreement with the from the manufacturing processes would yield dif-
Chen et al. transformation temperatures for Chi- ferent combinations of variants. Research is
nese NiTi. Comparison of the present results for needed to establish the metallurgical structures of
Titanal LT is not possible, since Chen et al. used orthodontic NiTi wires and coil springs 21 for the
the original Titanal9 product in their study. as-received condition and after heat treatment
Excellent agreement was found for the as-re- (conveniently performed by the direct electrical
ceived Ni-Ti alloy between the present C1 peak in resistance technique16'22), and with clinical use
Fig. 2 and the single peak observed by Leu et al? ° where practical levels of deformation are encoun-
during cooling. This latter study used an apparatus tered.
(DSC-3 Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, Conn.) where Although phase transformation processes in
specimens were cooled by dry ice, and the mini- NiTi orthodontic wires are more conveniently stud-
mum useful temperature on the DSC plots was ied by DSC than XRD, the DSC results in this
approximately 0° C. There was also excellent agree- study have demonstrated the complexity of the
ment between the H2 peak in Fig. 2 and the single transformation processes between austenite and
peak on their heating DSC curve. Any lower tem- martensite in the various types of commercial NiTi
perature peak on their heating curve would have orthodontic wires. Otsuka 12 has discussed the R
been inaccessible and at substantial variance with structure, which appears to be an intermediate
the H1 peak in Fig. 2. The present C2 peak was phase for both the M-A and A-M transformation
also inaccessible with their apparatus. directions in Nitinol SE and Ni-Ti but seems to
Although the usual phase transformations in only partieipate in the A-M transformation path in
cold-worked near-equiatomic nonorthodontic NiTi Neo Sentalloy, Titanal LT, and Nitinol. The broad
alloys involve one or two peaks on the heating and H peak for Nitinol may correspond to two succes-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Bradle)g, Brantley, a n d Culbertson 595
Volume 109, No. 6

sive transformations involving the R structure, but Comparison of phase transformations for ortho-
there was insufficient DSC resolution of this very dontic NiTi wires with NiTi alloys in the materials
low energy peak. science literature is hindered by their dependence
Although there is an energy difference between on the amount of cold work, heat treatment tem-
the overall M-A and A-M transformations in NiTi perature, and Ni/Ti ratio. Todoroki and Tamura 17
alloys, 2° the total enthalpy changes associated with and Fariabi et al) 8 have presented extensive data
the peaks on the heating and cooling curves in Figs. on the complex influences of cold work and heat
1 to 5 appear to be similar. However, such com- treatment on the transformation pathways and en-
parisons are approximate because of the difficulty thalpy changes. These two critical factors are ex-
in accurately defining the DSC peak positions, pected to vary among the different manufacturers
particularly any C3 peak. Lee et al. 23 found that the for orthodontic NiTi products and would account
enthalpy change for the exothermic A-M transfor- for the differences observed by Chen et al) 4 for
mation was about 60% of that for the endothermic Chinese NiTi and the equivalent Ormco Ni-Ti.
M-A transformation in NiTi alloys; these investiga- Melton and Mercier 24 have shown that varying the
tors observed only a single peak in the cooling and alloy composition from 54.5% to 55.5 w t % nickel
heating DSC curves. causes the M s temperature to decrease from 57 ° C
Hysteresis, the temperature difference between to - 3 0 ° C, with a decrease in the hysteresis be-
the forward and reverse transformations in NiTi tween the forward and reverse transformations
alloys, 2° is evident when corresponding peaks on from 55 ° to 32°. Thus small variations in the manu-
the heating and cooling curves are compared. The facturing procedures for the NiTi wires can have
C1 peak (A-R) occurs at lower temperatures than enormous effects on the phase transformations. The
the H2 peak (R-A) in Ni-Ti in Fig. 2, or than the H incompletely resolved H1 and H2 peaks previously
peaks (M-A) for Neo Sentalloy and Titanal LT in observed by Fletcher et al. 16for Neo Sentalloy could
Figs. 3 and 4. However, there is little difference in be due to manufacturing differences for the two
the temperatures of the C1 and H2 peaks for batches of arch wires, although differences in speci-
Nitinol SE in Fig. 1, and the C1 and H peaks for men preparation cannot be excluded. Considerable
Nitinol in Fig. 5. For all five alloys, there is a care was taken to minimize stress and heating during
considerable difference between the temperature preparation of the present DSC samples since previ-
ranges for the C2 peak (R-M) and either the H1 ous research has shown that both stress and heat
(M-R) or H peaks. Moreover, there is no counter- treatment at temperatures of 500 ° C and 600° C
part on the heating DSC curves for the C3 peak. profoundly affect the bending properties and metal-
Examination of several DSC plots published by lurgical structures of the superelastic wires. 8-~°How-
Todoroki and Tamura 17 and by Fariabi et al. 18 ever, little effect was observed after the heat treat-
reveals that the areas under the R structure peaks ment of nonsuperelastic wires. 9
for the forward (R-A) and reverse (A-R) transfor- The heating DSC curves in Figs. 1 to 5 can be
mations involving austenite can be either greater or used to predict the metallurgical phases in the
less than the areas under the forward (M-R) and as-received NiTi wires at room temperature and
reverse transformations (R-M) involving marten- 37° C. For the two room temperature superelastic
site. The present AH values of 0.3 to 3.5 calories wires, Nitinol SE and Ni-Ti, the conversion to
per gram in Table II for the endothermie transfor- austenite (HI peak) started at much lower tem-
mation from martensite to austenite (H peak or the peratures than for the other three products (H
sum of the H1 and H2 peaks) are in good agree- peak). For the two body-temperature shape-
ment with recent values reported by Yoneyama et memory (superelastic) wires, Neo Sentalloy and
al. 15 from DSC studies of seventeen commercial Titanal LT, the Af temperatures (H peak) were
NiTi alloys. These latter authors measured values below 37° C, although the A s temperatures were
of AH (typically for the combined M-R and R-A much higher than those for Nitinol SE and Ni-Ti.
transformations) ranging from 1.0 to 4.9 calories The heating DSC curves suggest that Ni-Ti, Neo
per gram, but reported no endothermic M-A trans- Sentalloy and Titanal LT should be almost or
formation for Nitinol similar to the very weak peak completely austenitic in the oral environment,
in Fig. 5. Fariabi et alJ 8 found that the endother- whereas Nitinol SE should be a mLxture of auste-
mic AH values ranged from 3.6 to 5.7 calories per nite and R structure. The nonsuperelastic Nitinol
gram for cold-worked and heat-treated nonortho- should be entirely or almost entirely martensitic at
dontic alloys. room temperature, although this product would be
596 Bradley, Brantley, and Culbertson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996

partially transformed to austenite at mouth tem- oral environment, this wire would be active only
perature. Alternatively, if the cooling DSC curves when hot foods or liquids are ingested and would
are used to predict the phases, Ni-Ti, Neo Sental- thus be suitable for a treatment case where limited
loy and Titanal LT would be austenitic at 37° C, activity is desired. Clinical trials comparing differ-
whereas Nitinol SE and Nitinol would be mainly R ent types of NiTi wires are required to verify these
structure with some austenite present; at room hypotheses.
temperature, both Nitinol SE and Nitinol would be CONCLUSIONS
almost entirely R structure. These predictions of
phases from the DSC curves require verification by Under the experimental conditions of this study,
the following conclusions can be drawn:
some other technique, since the procedure of ini-
tially cooling the samples to very low temperatures 1. The five representative commercial NiTi
before commencing the dynamic heating and cool- orthodontic wires examined undergo similar
ing cycles may yield different proportions of the phase transformations over the temperature
metallurgical phases in these wires than those ap- range of -170 ° C to 100° C. A martensitic
propriate to clinical conditions. transformation peak with a starting tempera-
The foregoing DSC analyses of the metallurgi- ture from about - 50° C to - 80° C may exist
cal structures in these representative alloys appear in these alloys, but was near the limit of
to suggest that the body-temperature shape- resolution for the DSC technique employed.
memory NiTi wires are advantageous clinically in 2. The superelastic NiTi alloys (Nitinol SE and
comparison to the other superelastic and nonsuper- Ni-Ti) undergo austenitic transformations
elastic wires. Although the nonsuperelastic wires involving the R structure which begin below
have excellent springback and elastic ranges com- 0° C. The DSC analyses indicate that in the
pared with orthodontic alloys other than nickel- oral environment Ni-Ti is almost entirely
titanium,3'9'2s these NiTi wires have a work-hard- austenite, whereas Nitinol SE is a mixture of
ened martensitic structure and cannot take advan- austenite and R structure.
tage of the transformation from martensite to 3. The nonsuperelastic alloy Nitinol is entirely
austenite that is required for superelastic and or almost entirely martensite at room tem-
shape-memory behavior. Andreasen and Hilleman 1 perature, and contains small additional
originally stressed the importance of the shape- amounts of austenite in the oral environment.
memory property for clinical orthodontics, noting 4. The phase transformation characteristics for
that the temperature range for transition to auste- Neo Sentalloy and Titanal LT are similar
nite should lie between room temperature and and consistent with their reported shape-
mouth temperature. Consequently, it would appear memory characteristics. These wires are en-
that NiTi wires that are heat-sensitive in the oral tirely or almost entirely austenite at body
environment would provide a more clinically desir- temperature.
able combination of light, continuous, and physi- 5. The enthalpy changes measured by DSC for
ologic force levels. Use of refrigeration would con- the transformations from martensite to aus-
vert the shape-memory wires to the more deform- tenite were in good agreement with the pre-
able martensitic structure, which may facilitate viously reported range for NiTi orthodontic
initial engagement into severely malpositioned wires. The proportions of the metallurgical
teeth under clinical conditions. Subsequent thermal phases should be verified by XRD or elec-
activation in the oral environment would transform tron diffraction, or by the measurement of
these wires to the fully austenitic structure, where electrical resistivity changes.
light and continuous forces are delivered with op- We thank Unitek/3M, Ormco/Sybron, GAC Interna-
timal springback characteristics compared with the tional, and Lancer Orthodontics for contributing the arch
other types of commercially available products. wire products to this investigation.
Recently, a new type of shape-memory wire has
been introduced, where copper has been incorpo- REFERENCES
rated in the NiTi alloy composition to alter the
transition temperature range (TTR) to austenite, 1. Andreasen GF, HillemanTB. An evaluation of 55 cobalt
substituted nitinolwire for use in orthodontics. J Am Dent
lower or raising the TTR between room and mouth Assoc 1971;82:1373-5.
temperature to modify the clinical activity of the 2. Andreasen GF, Brady PR.:A use hypothesisfor 55 nitinol
wire. If the TTR is above the temperature of the wire for orthodontics.Angle Orthod 1972;42:172-7.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics B r a d l oA Brantley, a n d Culbertson 597
Vohtme 109, No. 6

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