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“Smart Door Locking System”
Submitted by:
Prastuti Pokhrel (160321)
Kareena Khadka (160313)
Sneha Dahal (160339)
Abhisekh Kazi Basnet(160303)
Roshan Twayana(160330)

Submitted to:
The Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering

Cosmos College of Management and Technology

Satdobato, Lalitpur
This project proposal is a leading way to the better understanding and implementing the
acquired knowledge in the practical world. We express our gratitude to the department of
Electronics and computer engineering for providing a base for developing a project of our
own that professionalize our knowledge and provides us a remarkable experience for our
This project is the outcome of knowledge and technical support shared by respective teachers
so we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Manish Man Shrestha for his
guidance co-operation and contribution of his valuable time in order to complete this report.
Similarly, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to our college family for their
continuous encouragement in our study.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1. Background
2. Problem Statement
3. Objectives
4. Scope
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
1. Technology used
2. Block Diagram
4. Working Schedule
5. Expected Output
6. References
Smart Door Lock 

1) Introduction
Smart Door lock system is one of the modern electronic lock system. To ensure
security many electronic lock have been introduced. It is a computerized, intelligent network
of electronic devices designed to monitor and control the security in a home. This system
allow a homeowner to enter their home or provide others access without requiring a
traditional key. This system is best suitable for corporate offices ATMs and home security.

Security has become one of the most prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to
be as much secure as possible. It represents protection of our life and assets. Ensuring safety
of peoples and their valuable things is very important for the prevention of illegal handling.
Hence, mainly focusing on door lock security or gate security is very important to avoid the
further problems in monitored area. An access control for doors forms a vital link in a
security chain.

Problem Statement

 Who does it affect?

    Security is the crucial factor in today's world. So, security management is pretty much  
problem in every place.
 What is the impact?
We all are familiar to the problem that arises due to poor security system. We have to
face different unnatural condition such as burglary, leakage of file, and similar

 Where is the issue happening?

This is the issue that should be considered by every human being living at any corners
of the world. In short, this is a global issue.

 Why is it important to fix this problem?

Security is major concern for healthy and peaceful life. So, we should focus on the
methods for maintaining security in any place at a maximum level. To prevent us from
possible problems such as theft, robbery and possible life threats.
 How do we solve this problem?
One of the solution to this problem is to apply smart door lock system in every house,
offices and other important places containing important documents and files. It allows
a user to lock door that is protected by automatic password hence it could not easily
hack by hackers.


  To promote the security in global level.

 To implement a Password Based Door Locking System Using AT89c51

It has board scope of application, can be used for hotels, guesthouses, organs and
departments, offices, residential and so on.

2. Literature review:
When we think of locks, we think of a bolt containing a notch known as a talon, which is
operated by moving the bolt backwards or forward by engaging a key in the talon. But there
is more to locks than just a bolt or latch. A lock is a mechanical device that can be use for
securing doors, cabinets, lid of brief cases or other luggage.

With the fast growing of technology, the lock has evolved from only pure mechanical type
into electrical and electronic type. In the current market, there are many authentication
methods to trigger the electronic lock including, button sequence, radio frequency
identification (RFID), biometric, security token and etc. Generally, these kinds of
authentication use the embedded system to process or verify password or data entered by the
users. The electronic code lock respond to an electronic logic signal mechanism, with a digit
sequence counter performing the function of a key. They are operated by inputting the
correct code by external means through a keypad into a microcontroller which already have a
pin number in its EEPROM memory (internal) to compare with, so that if it is correct (that is
the pin number inputted by the user), It activates the port to which the LED is connected (the
load that represents the door). However, password seems to be the main authentication
method for some period due to the consideration of dependability, safety, user friendly of the
technologies and confidentiality. But there will always a conflict between safety and user

3. Methodology:

 The microcontroller based Door locker is an access control system that allows only
authorized  persons to access a restricted area. The system is fully controlled by the 8 bit
microcontroller AT89C51 which has a 2Kbytes of ROM for the program memory.
 The password is stored in the EPROM so that we can change it at any time.
The system has a Keypad by which the password can be entered through it. When the
entered password equals with the password stored in the memory then the Stepper motor 
rotate forward side so that the door is opened. If we entered a wrong password for more
than three times then the Alarm is switched on. When we go inside and come back then the
microcontroller will sense the person using the IR, the microcontroller will automatically
open the door for you.

 Block Diagram:

Keypad LCD

AT89C51 Motor Driver


Buzzer Stepper Motor

Technology used:

Keil Vision
8051 Programmer
4. Expected output:
This system provides user a numeric keypad which is fixed outside the entry door. When an
authorized person enters pre-determined user id and password via keypad the lock is
unlocked. When the code is incorrectly entered for three times in a row, the code lock will
switch to block mode. If the user password, the code lock can be accessed by a unique
administrator password. The secret code can be changed any time after entering the current

5. Working schedule:

Gantt Chart showing Progess of the project

Designing and Final Processing 2

Application 4
Axis Title

Learning IDE tools 2

Project Planning 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5


6. Reference:

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