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annamatareat UNIVERSITY ‘(Accredited with A” Grade by NAC) (DDE Bxaminations, May 2020 Arrear Candidates and December 2020 Semester Pattern Candidates only) Qpprsneoginsds wedo8 Bh eye, Qu» 2020 Puss wp gud sha 2000 xs ors pho seg wna se 4! Ob [Name ofthe Programme LLG ugews Gu) Number of the | Course (SubjeayCode pai ash Course Subjen) Tie rata oa s.Fupa trem Enter Pao mnnoge nes T Coutse. Cove = 4¢F Tiyear 2026 ARE MI0WAGOCEY 6 Ato PRINCIPLE oF MANAGE ME Date ofthe Examination Sq sr ‘Number of Pages Written Siena aos whi eg m20142 S 00m 6 —4 UNIT: @2 Briefly exploinn tie Suinbhe Appel Sf the manegorns A Sienbhe Mamagenmh hoo been an eukteme tp a Long Wevomenk in dt feldaf Mowsyemnd . tha fll yon NLA Geahhe Apmachet Momrgenah Hee, stoech: B8rwom Fake aapprecch — mprnbinn anesearch speaakots af Ok ond o SA. b Syetin Ayprecth — drgawrraLion stytems Maso 'er Ldeny and bin eth be gy ha tes — 10 mebuth, Stake, foul Ranmme AlfibdDs ef Gallente FGromay J fete, RobOk wrath Behoviowral Appresch: —— Mamagumuh A Humen sialon — glhen Mayoord AeneciaDn Acprroach 2 Mohawi sur cme Dower MeGegec, Morley, © Contin et Rernacd kerk, frmen, oli. Chormicad Aprrtale s- BE Cereatific apysh Fw Taylor) Creel, On lb i MO, —— Contaipmnya ibe Trt TCT Tag 4 ~ [kenwy Ayo eeldon, “ ; boos Tate, ali. Co Bavenncrt organ — al! : Fu Tayler who lar given ov Conwebe Rape OH Seentifc wamgeonk led ‘PxMtor of Scio Moun genni’ qaemro 26000 46-2 ‘Ceuantifre Managem” tb tonaaned wil’ Cusuunyy sastly that are wont Uae & lo cmd then tee tn that they de it bert vend Chemport way. feral faarajenll: Ata. Hameeiendh Vilas fae tooalges Work Plows te dnprove Ceonomic Cffrertined )° Roperredly Labow prroduw's. Tht te cated Tay loriem The Rapti of Caintihe Mamet ont, Stiene prot Rute of Tump Mew meng 7 hot Oiscosd Coepemtiee cmd wot Bodavicluol tom Marinum oukpab om not Restiched outpat “he duralopemub of eat wom te Wis Greater Areremey oD precduchialy Be Serene prot Rule Tf Thump” For Solving prabelow vd Rlooy Aacrmems, tere Wowrgeer Frutd abo a Saenti he jattitede, nd ne Seriewlibe Mainteng ond Mutheds Rate of Terug” ov buiheer tiie Apprrach eomdd be reMacd ond inrbend, WU Yoho ead be Sabana al omens , A - dati Cosma be Colerbed 2nd cmalagntah fv Calling . So \ntutine deters Cowld be Ludowbt> by Aleicnms bared on dts. b: Marmeny , not discord :- A deport ments omd Wares Onn a perk ond Parcel Sf Ovm Organisation Wert at & deWiere Common Gols, Wuwefoe, Jeane rutd be bel Rnemang oF Ceerlindien ‘In tuev paneer 4. ABEM 214 3 $00 4-B Fanchoning ond bias, Kind of dig agreamennt , Clank 0 Comblik Cheold hur be allowed & Croyin owd 1b at afl ib arigen, fr Qisuld be reduced bc Wadai wanen ©: Ceo purettion omd hol Sadivi dnabicnnt— Bovtead of encouvagng vndiidnaliom, tr ‘wuspevinne Of ewoperelinn Group efforts Sold be need niad Th Ute abjelin ef (US ergend rubin wae cxtcom pli goed Laseann fully IE Ceedit feurtd not be Cin & fore wadividwols oby. Latte, UC Conbribabens 9 Coopabe ot add le meme thmld be egnably adtrouledgd ds Uskimuw Oat pat avd not fetecred uh pat The preduuhor of goody Gat be dons af Hie Wieximum Copernaby auiltble se a produchen onif, TU IS became Ab predubin groveouss , Iki oval Cont of predukon 15 bound b Aacemrns fe apoluy Ske! output Saadd be Comsictired a1 on one - 2 the clevolopmont Of Carr man bo Ws Grebe sony 09 pres wail = The eAficiomy few of (Ke wort ot 2umplo es Reauld be Unteard dw maypert 0 packivlana | ‘4 a a nadie A i re tg prowdeng Cuctlipe runny & Mew dim boyy jen pebenbad abil fey be tn warinnn Tha Wl bewikt ate eurployers ond onjori rat. TedmiRuer Bf Secedtihe Uourgent s- athe! follerng ome teu Aeclwi fies Sf fete Morgen FEB M 20135 C00h6-} tdi Re Cldy ond Hawg OF dus weld .— TTR caer Renudd he Onigned to ond performed by wert Ksalel he Shocred pana owe Cy ay t+ Aatowine a Aaug's daw wert fy each wurberg Tagloe mpracined Wud Corevrk hide, Sadnos tims Stindy, Speed Sberdy , deahqve wer Grorly ands aston ¢ nt be Comduibed or, various asgerte ob he Wet: Tam weald gree a precise don te worden ALE hah IS be Lode ond how te do ifelfveill 2 Screstific Colubbin , Platimmd and feomig:— Te Kom of effperrent wortort , their Coludkinr Koad be wade wing Lerenlific metieds imateak of Wobuibion ond dan judenunt SE fre men. Dr implier Mar Sedeeliim ef uraltery fv Hin jo by Bllymy Job Ae aivemats with Haw abilitio and Lui Mald Le grem on eu bend of repli Copahilil A well a aptitude, Scredifir Proonieg CAeuWd he Gm t thom tr dodope —dtser bexiwhige owed pebertins abil ew 2) Shewday dirakion :— Tae Scheme of Ctomdaveliradion Should he afbrled We Derpeck OF bende Gold ond SAH Pmenh, rad madbank Wed bp Hoe uredoy OD phydin’ woking Conditions Poured be thew . OSE Mr01y 2 fo00 46 Tore 18 bccn aay dftvenee in Ker Beh of Ow wateiial gwd (Soli Bai me Aw. effec | Te Heel of effeieng of bo women Una PreducwiG 15 hound te Aiffew whan w erie do Lowsler tines ef fobs ave prowdad wich « diff Lek oft plhyacal uuovting Condi buns A: Diusion of eeaporcshlilg bcliicemn Warmigcrrat— Owe) Kos » Tors arpets of plang — tinemy ad domy - kewdd be feputed, Plawg fnealvag deanery ed preemer which Stauld be responsibil Mamapn Monger Should Anolon havea tet Srindovss hy Conduling vawrcun Stndldtr, incuba Sehewe , disigling (tw md emigen Hw wotl, While Te Ace eG wonltnn Feauldlar Combed & 1 waphumtata sf Ne plan Ss Fonthion Foreman 66s — Bo teed tential, Dribad of wre deren am Snchorge fo Ne onl produhon, [F Hus! i) ath 1 <—pheper or cubwtress G be Anda info 2 Guanes Mamdey, Plamig forum «> week Shoe , & Mental Kerelafien — Te get durweod rwwalle, tne sRauld be oO Comptehe lovin! revoluben mm tue pact of warts 00 well % matayn. OAkEM DON Seco — 6° Manta stvoluben 1s be berg decche Chaya om edb rede , out dao ond hehe curas pallu of arses To being cub & range in We waertal attitude of- beth wnsnunt Tayler teryerted a ddhems oF uniter porkichabien in mamepeck OW) hen Sangin ook t 20 fooneun amen ton woe Pr wage Encomlie Tacentine trou be Aivedly Lonteed euler Prduchiliy any wortuen went igh waged - The mene preduchwe; men mone [haste war angen 13 a Conlitere proton beproig wide plawey ow ending corte Lonherlling aD roth 6 and te totose bectln ee wnt » Hawenrg 00d fers Conbrye , Ergarrinng ; Commanding, (evcdineliy ond Cenhe Wy: nit: Seam S - 4 qe Enytam tre Contant of Stall aQ Line ongenizalin Line SNE organi cation » Ty mauernd, Cypradh fe which autreriber Chargers) orbablosrgeals ond AiethVic that ane then full Alhd by Gad otiw Kh dram BEE organ rational fruit ASE mre143 Loooys— Pe athounly conde, a Laxge ond Cornylex dacterprige pusre flearble uitiork corecihung mange cal auttonlG, Lrol® ond Line. or garni raion -— Macaigng Olen Pereamg oteere] oem Conve Ha ine, Aeportrmouts tao the Lom cmd Hale eryams nation unktr ole en pent mente, Wa mdbiphe + Lauer of raamgenel wiktria br Line ond Halt Orryan delen « Live ond MAE e7gani cabin th ome 2 Ue debe Seems of Organiratio dhutwe - AREM20142 Coco4e — B. Tr Unc ond alf ongownrabten tee antionG, Uows Gam te lp Wuds & lone Lunel trouir all Mamgeriak poodiony- Thee pouien ont created Owed bewic ov lore achVities tint Are Cerevtol f achione eryaun ration al dhjecbvn, Dy toe Ror of usta G ea rong (S attached Usitty Deletion ship Anmogattionn vf Ssperior nod Subordinate, therr 14 a divet Jeical Febetionthip pmongt Hem. Jn tee Ame (rub \Waw wo Specific Separate Sewites or Coporlivo Uats ons duerr atin ore aro undated iq Vins depart mutes The Low ef auttenls (Won bre Conarvts ot there Freullio pwhoow Avec Peapon ble For Catow phishing wnyr minal Goals « TH Bina Ghubee of am organ dation Glee 2 fess pure ond depart moll. Ineads pore ans wren valim active We ab error Lowst of. Oryorrinalin One waiter Laud Crraglo gen perteromoy TN TG OF SAL AD ARAB AE Created only OG fariliteli Combo! ond divechon Foy ray le , AL Hore Lely manges wert Onc Cornmad of naw bebhy many ’ cheabung WN aetw of Cone product i cifferrd- tas. TWis 1S Puen ap pare SMulro- AGE mIOW 2looo46- F Tm a deport Sime Chucbr, wor nrformecd to Aiffeorent Arportmend © is of a dibferent mals Foe acongle UE Groupe 6 aciviiy 1S made ow Wd bars ot fammeim Lenk 2s fale, protubiv, Brome, prbomnsl ,ebe, dere heportrats plrek Under tomamand of ou general Mane fer: Fn Une anion: How (Q Limk bowser Auk Uke Woriow Mmangeriak poaibens . i hs | How of pesporcimlity hart from The “edl oxd Plows ad le bagon cue, oe nr oe ts peapensile bee Fonmacbial conde & patown weal amgral bona Ther Ise cuvet repeng ftom belie a Qapovior ond Wes tabordindi , Al manger wee ina Live of authon& in [Ga gelation Ship of Suptry G LuberdindlT ond One row ao Le manners Ane actin'lan ond Landm ond thir Awadty, Pooper Ghle dan Ie orzo aati Adhere ef Wa vbyechves of Mk orgemralion - Low aclvila ont Cort end ewontal & duliene C1 Som rotinsd goals AK mooi 2 Loooye, — (0% The pipe ef 00'lj4Qmmand 18 Followed dow Awsigning a Line Shri : Line ond Stal? organiraliion 16 & Compremite ah Le organi zation » Dh is rove Compe thar Jane carga Conerae Dyision of wert Ame pl to Lowe ond Mad organi ration The Whole organiration is Aividod inte Bifferent Pamelor owcns walicls tall Speaaliets ore abtaclok EB fPicrenty Cam be aelrued throug Ute fealines Of LesnGoation. here au toe Lon of aufient whir How ab ore Gane in m Contrn - Ys Line anthony m Shale cuthorily - Powe, ef Commad nomary wit Lye bee ole ord Haff —feanty ory 2g —Cotum te bs There one moult ‘in line ond dHolk orgnnirabiow Liew, Rabef te Loa of create, Expat cain, Benakt oF cpecaliretion, tall ordination Rencht SE RAD Troming, Predmniad decision anh Uwly rf actors - 4 FRE M2014 2 L000 46-1] UNIT: wm. Gvephen Sx Explain We prawn of Stabling: sraffing if toe proan of necting enuployces Whe as Chigible for tatam petites in an Ovfamireackion , SEP te valved in Na Stalfing Prot ac ls Mam pourer | Resource elawning 2 BdvatiCment Be Reerwibment A. Selre Kon Splat 6 Troimng P+ Dewetopemml 8 Dremotion Team shen lo» Appraisal We pekirmination of Ramunaation . 1 Manpower Plewningi— Mavnpeueer plaving Combe regondad as Wut Gvarditaltn | Cw Buel aim weaauvemnan of Half eqpmed \n An oxgonitation .Theufere, in an onrath conte, Re planing pradon iwelver Iti Sg nergy bo ad Cvatincdies its Wagoner invitee” ound) rel My “ om nN, 00 in duvelopms Wt meqid Salas ewnong Luz Cronplortors Clieped fer Promotion Cudveres wet ASE m roy 2 cocys— 2 Mauporur plauing Can re 2 bppe, Ghort Wom — Mawpouate plawny end Long Crm menporer— pawning * Coot Bin manpeur Waning is Bed av tauporarg tnalte belaiom Iu -entshs indivi dunalls on) tw exittng gebs- Um Mis Hep reed © Teds by Wee cmd Lhrang Intambents. Weel Incumpomte > wstate CUS fal ehedh of War Joe prequel | ; Chong Eatamvets > vohew SENG far gecent Veadr Joo neque Let ham war ph aloe p< Ve prt alloy vnarperhedly vacant duc & Srddun Broke, ro Sgration ov beams der Leong liam maupeuct Nam — to Bad foc brubiie S868. Tr tas plany new takfey ov pomolin. Carthy Shlf oe Cems dear A a Recruttmonts— pen chmvalinig Lia nargour tKauning . roauibwet whe Ane Rewuitmenk 2 0 proton of Seowelring for Pretpetve oma Gtimalating Hien bb agply fw SHS M0 Gm errgomirattion , C4 tao Lov frndmg, UG Seurde from UWL patertral Cuployen wil be deloked « p ‘po wil ASE M2014 2 So@oge- (2 Balin wah — oy eanal. Fs hollows , \ Source, eh reewitmats > Cource ey Coun he dome Re. emmloymg Former Curplo ocr. For uiployer Peen dnvcharge A Rey aon OVjauiratin due & reduced Load ay by MeGgnalie of Cafe 2 Friends ond rslaton ef prorent eunplayee- 3. Apiliods ot Mo Solr ~ Un euuployed Heth may approah Or Bowirralvns Qrery . A. lollege a Techniol Boab tuibenc ony Com aproch College G& Colects aprapiale Cowdidetes wide S enylog nent onehanys 6 Advesignrg I vatamys adatoms Cow We pedtid I nouw paper ond Goorat moder k Louree - Fe pobour Umont!- Tn additser te We aboere baw be Sayeed intend aH wexhernak , MGwolor Lourceds 3. Goleckon:— Solefrer ig the proc of clumi Heoce who oie cheney v pose lhiy Selahern mf ee Bard IL ais totoe ASE M2014 206046 44 for ereployment in He 6rgamiratio oc not. Therefore, dre main aim of le prec of felulion iS Seleebing Me srighh Camdiatis & BU vawous positon in Ahk Brfaui dation» Arwctl planned oben Prowdure is of ubmott Wmportamee eps of selehon procedure > Tob amolysis Feb omalyas is Phe proces7 by meas of orhich aAsruption Aovelpedd =f Ite Prevnce methods ob preCedue doy o jab, phapricat Conditions Mm which le pb icicllion ot lla fob te Otay Jeot ond olay Condilin Of- Armploy mont Tob dedeiplin > Coxtain {he meg menial Si Brel Peatim, Exprine » His ts Tob pu felm-2 Contam WW tuhnial PLLL es ano ~ Selvehon iS done bir Te Bling : Apsticdion, Dnibvak Dntin wien, Emp loymaat Lou, Chptitnd bit, Drtion Got, Sntelligence tor, Trade tor, Natoralily tt) , nofeve nee si ooh nite heck ov mali tal Crew ASEmrAo1YRooo4o— I~ 4 Plawment Placemat cans putting [ta poten om Wa Fob: for which he 15 Selecbed s D+ jnuluder Dateo ducrag Na Auplogea Ms gob. S. Prato ing — AHR Selection of am eomployer , (tee jmpevtouh pat vf I erjemratin +3 provide Wr meguincd treimy * Wits Voiou dherroologion alranis Wx weed for Seog 1S th Creedld « 6 Dee topmnt:— A Souwd fey pe liu provi das fer Mr Eobredeubion of a Cyprtin ef planed framelin in anoy ofank rhiw “Fo DromohoxS.— The frotin of promahior implies MM op-Grlihen Of Om Cuploye & a (rig her pedt invelaing- inteaned ram, prestige ow) terpeti hi lite Promotion ff Lanleed & introns In wroper, Po@rhen ad ineeatinos ©. Tram fers - Trome fev meow manrmut ef om uloyer foo err fob & anole wikrout mucarbtr bm 201k? Leooye — bo Pag, Stalin cy sreaporsibililie . Thes fre iis pret of Slaffng mods & be Croductul on a Dimely haw. oo Appretic al - Appraisal of erwueployen 4 t hows Cfhderdly (& Duberdimati ic’ prrformieg a AG aw) ahols Kon Hig arptitueler owd ofr AraliGas necimogy fr por formar & FOb ami pred 0 Kine lo. Deter minalion wf Mmuneration :— That pt the Lact pescers which ie ve Guciak a5 |+ thealves in alr oni ning Piruunralion which Io ome Of Mi rth diffiatt dombiud of Iam [rkooml kepartmut yecane Hire an no dapinil® of ekact means te celetane lomak brayeo Llatfing prewn helps in seller magne people Be Ms Dayar ge at oath Loan. Pefhry poe: Wmpwort Orgawmrclionl puodutinl, Df helps 'S Satisfaction ound Iw leap they moral high, - Maintain haw In Ika evgeriata| Thee Bumrall Pirpormarcce In ow ovfour delim , Big mo ate vpn feb Meni lenny pefermamce, MWmolin Lhe , ARR M2014 2 6e0046- |F UNIT: Vy Qvehen 8. Explam principles ef Coordinating, | Coordination ig Hue protien Hut ensure tmoollir inG- play. This 18 pelican fa forces and Seuilions of diffevert Componets pasts of MS enganriraba “thus, ir pucpose is ge” by Makin Glladbrabiv LFhedtiviaer om) mivinum Ariction + Co-ordination ig the on Reaction, integeetior, dgnchroni retin of (a efforts ef Froop ruses Si % be provicke unity of action in lo purtut ef Gmmon goalk Principles wh Coocinalion one D> Divet Contact 2). Carly Sige 3)- Reciprocal Relation ship Ads Continous proten Vs Divect Contact pvicigle — Attording te His, Coordination i¢ a procew that suequives Camtinyi by. They, 1b menrs that Ike procow Shout rot be only a owe “time Proto. Lo, tre proten ef (Coord maLion Should begin at Ic Ras ef ervaniralin State, This Rat ghee Cortinese Util am enpaniretinr GLichs TUkEM2014 2hoocyE— IR. 2 axly ays; — — Ths prvieipls stat that Gordinebion ment elie ab ave Carly Ktge. bo, jn 1 haere Prot Faas 1s way uital . Thus ib tam be Said thet Mis Should Stak ab Io plang eg Bo, HOGS Will Ontore thot Her bot pane are foadr | AN de iF is necenoug fi tm ple moat [er plows aceers fully « 3 Recipe psletin Priuol we achkers ond Aerisionc ofler peetle warty, in an orpomiration ond toiv Btparkmenty Ae intr rotated. Thur, the acto ond Owd decigtms of cre Aepentmont a7 le portor will affect ofhav ‘Leptnen Od pene in IG O7Somi defi « lies daissr Dui oe but Ya efted of "Wal daoiten On [he othe depart mouts. —Phis 1s Me priciphe of Peapod pelatins: Thus, the @ordivalen | In dee organi rzelm will be folowed pryuly only if te priciptr cu diluted A par IW A+fUrnt- ASEM2014 2600046 ~14. A. Continacg procn:— teordinalion 15 due (Woter Hak Saqune Conroy lig. Thus, iF mean that lia proce Shouldntbe ony oene ting protery , Lo, the Proton ef Communietion /loor dination Bhoald begin ab the time of Ie enpani ration Stak, This Hot ahte Centinve uit! an orgamiraln Anu ko SClowily wf ebyetive prciphe » Coordicabion in dn Or fami ration 14 possible only when Hise ae Coar ebjelhvwy Cob im fle evga dLion» Evo one worleay in Mir Bryer Dain Corald lor, Chuan about [G objeuin , This Iie Chee the Outy doibe veqerdig Mle objedliy of Ir Or fou vali, “hie, Ul ebjeline ap (UK Brows Sabin £3 Gu he Aliens) quietly on) Larily GE fhedme lomuniection Priciper> loord alien in Wie pov ahorw wil he ered erly i ews © pretence of effertin Corny allinn 0, toere bhauld bE 5004 Corum talin (rw elie al lor Li fermt “ Lepmitnuts in an exponinatn Wm 014 3leooyh— 20: UNIT y Bweshon 4:-_ExMam He Cyl of Laadustip The Allowing ano fet different bards of Leador eaip Lyle Hee fame heen Polowtipok f. Autocratic Democratic Laissen faive Funchonalh Tush tate nal 6. paternalish c Ks wn 1+ Aaloceotic deaker'— An auso trot feader wel bis Caborcli rate & werk in Me manne he wan. Me ly Theo wrhat Hoag Fhauld do, hor, whan od) haw, Ho doer not Sef his followen Suggerteo - rb wil Spteity I goals “Mate, aurettbte Ie Se Sourtaa Mat he tines cue ancugh |, Ond Sets tre doadime within which far Lut ordimale wl howe fo Couplely Fr woh ar lari. Tre Cabuediralrs hore Sper lim at yegular inliwal bo Biers (Pree of world. age M2014 3 S00046— 2 The autoerotic Leaher tines that hic follouces | in cospehle of yz Cilenl To Bare DMformare frm hos Sab ordinaly, He may WH Coeriive pewtr. A SHb ody nali aSbo auifom (la Speerhcstion vt Me Meader 11 rowarded While fir one ate Lila bh perform 1S punivted, 2 Democeatre baker A democratic leader doos hot male Um later | OF ove dod decisions . He provides done fer We foleuon & MAGerpatr in Me hecisiog molting rou. He his Qtordimale & Aisems [lo problems ond put for ttr flew VO frekg. the Brat cloceiton vill he bard on IG Consoneus of all Dp ane Stherdinate Aoey Angttiny thal i¢ oppor-ed fo tHe Mbet of fen Srofe, IG ede mewn at Nia Seow fe inthatine moet Nim, Bemecvotic Leadker Gaip 16 boned on le amuphin that Hes followeey Ay allapabh AGE M2 0142 Looo46— 22. ZB Lakcon Fave. Leakey: The meaning of Laitser daive is policy af von inberfecene. Mie Prowh oy Ov “free vem toate’ a laisse faire Qeader Sree bl hrecdom bis follorers Gack, He doe wot lasy down Ad Lene with in Chie bis fllowes¢ have & wack. he pails tndlacnce Ne Chor dirolins decitroy ear Boas Fa edgfoxe Nea proceno{ decivior matory. The (aisser frive Lada doce nal Alircye te foemal cltonts, gf a Deoke ‘foc face drake! Ae Fanctionals - A fanchowd Leader is one rho Vs om Et 1m & pavbeler frold of atu'ly. Uitwe Hf Calain Lbilly that he poscecces He doer wet Comm ox omg cove! author ty Sur @ foads alwarge thines of He tach ho har Und taten Dd Seprds mort obhis time finda oat wraregs aD recon of deig, beter 988m 20142 S00046-22 The fonctional Leader w'l\ He aloh. I offi help has Cubocrdnate pyyrded Ma Sabor - en bon Fe‘ cxctinn uscfinn Job 2oletedl Pr hems, The Leadin Qxpects Me Laboed maby fe perform fo bis boret ond if Ite, owns ae wolf vou berioun about Hair wort, he may Aunand per formance: Ff le Gobodivalin cue Srod, lomilted an tow Lead is, they will be able & Ube Ais potential tr Men folent artend . © Duikhuhonal Loa dy: An Inshkibonst! Leadin 6 Ore whe has betome A Leader by Véonve of his offeral pewhon in Ae COL AN a etional Nevareleg dee AQ fr don e-pior wed ane le Gevarak Mamayer. fon dni htabinak | Meader rnowy nel be dapat in his freld af achvils - He thsedrre may nef be able te Priole aepink Guiclnu & hie flowers But he will fume fAbomearce frm Herm, Re may Momanding ond Hore Inter Hy of ede 4 Meplen 4&m 20142 £0004 6— Dy. é: Pahewnadis Ke Meshes!— Apabernalke Leadia talter Cour af brs followers tm tee wag dhe head of Ver dernuily ater Cane ot Me feuwily enter He is mainly tonconned wir dee walk boing od his followers awd i alas Sealy & probed them. He mag prewhe then, weit al ly phy tied emeni be, nacalecl. Buk he will rat he abhe & guid tom te Nar feria trav je well, They, He firternaluhe afer is able & be Leciable bub Is nok able & oppor Tobe llectuat help. = ond

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