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*Degree program and Year*


Direction. Edit this file to answer the questions below. Follow specific instructions. Italicize and
underline your answers. Submit ON OR BEFORE December 18, 2020, at 5:29PM.

Part 1. Identification Identify what type of Information Warfare is/are present in each of
the following situations. Explain why you selected your answer. Type your answers in
the blanks provided.

Insider 1. Juzo and Omen have been working for the same company for
over a decade. They already memorized the layout of the company building, making
their job as maintenance crews easier. However, they feel that they are very much
underpaid. Because of such, they were tempted to commit a crime. They broke the hard
drive which serves as the storage for CCTV footage. After that, they looted the place
like there is no tomorrow.
The next morning, they went back to work as if nothing happened.
Justification for the answer:

Because they are employees of the company they have stolen from and the IW
insider stated that insiders are people who has close access to information and as
stated in paragraph they both memorize the build meaning the information is already in
their head because they already memorized the layout of the company building where
the cctv is connected.

Hackers 2. Marlo forgot to send a project for an online subject. Since he is at his
friend’s house, he borrowed a laptop and utilized the Command Prompt program to identify the
password of the existing Wi-Fi in that house without the consent of his friend.
Justification for the answer:

Because he breaks or gain access to the wi-fi password without the consent of
the owner.

Government 3. Country X discovered that another country, Country Z, has been

secretly selling weapons to factions at war. To avoid being criticized by the world, Country Z
immediately held a press conference and told that they have discovered Country X doing the
secret selling.
Justification for the answer:

Because it involves military secrets of a country and that secret is selling

weapon to factions at war,
Insider and corporations 4.  Makario works for the company Vision Possible which
invents high-tech eye glasses. Their latest top-secret project involves an eyeglass which is able
to record the body temperature of anyone standing exactly in front of you from at least 8 meters.
Makario, being the head engineer, is one of only four people who know about the exact
blueprint (design) of the device.

After one week, Vision Possible was so shocked because their competing company,
Eye One - Co Xa Yu, released almost the same exact product, but with improved specs. After
an investigation, they found out that someone sold a copy of the blueprint to someone who
words for Eye One - Co Xa Yu. Of course, Makario became one of the suspects.
(Hint: There are at least two possible answers for this situation. Include TWO of them.)
Justification for the answer:

Because there are four people who knows the exact blueprint of the device and
one of them decided to sell the information to the other companies which is Eye one –
Co Xa Yu the insider is the employee who sell the information to competitor while the
corporation is the one who buys or steal the information of the real inventor of the

Part 2. Free-choice Essay. Select and answer only four (4) of the following questions.
Answer in complete sentences.

Q1. How will you define the Principle of Easiest Penetration using your own words?

Answer: from the word easiest penetration means that is using the easiest way of
penetrating the system or the security of the information.

Q2. Jojo wiretapped his girlfriend’s phone in order for him to hear every call that she
makes. One day, he heard a conversation which convinced him that his girlfriend is
really cheating. The question is, is wiretapping in this situation okey? Why or why not?

Answer: because you are invading her personal privacy which is not okay because
even if you heard who is she talking to you wouldn’t even find out that guy easily and all
of it is just a hunch.

Q3. What is the difference between information assurance and information security?

Answer: information assurance involves strategies for a broader approach of protecting

information and data while IS focuses more on precise details like specific tools and
Q4. Why is it said that network is the reason why there is a need in increased
information security level?

Answer: because the network is an open source which means any one can access it if
it doesn’t have a password or something meaning anyone who can access the network
has the possibility of accessing other devices if you are a professional hacker.

Q5. Among the six discussed components of information security, which is the most
difficult to secure? Why?

Q6. If you are going to select among the six discussed components of information
security, which do you think can be excluded? Why do you think so?    

Q7. Why is it important to follow procedures as a component of information security?

===End of Exam===

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