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The Innovative Research entitled “ACCEPTABILITY OF A TWO-WAY ARM DESK TO THE

STUDENTS OF SRCCMSTHS” prepared and submitted by ABOGADO, Marxel, BUSTARDE, Cyrell
Andrea, NAYRE, Camela Mae, MAROHOMBSAR, Rolyn, SALES, Ephraim and VENTURA, Zion
Cristopher, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Group Six of Grade 10-Integrity, has
been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination

Annalyn Bag-ay Noble


Approved by the panel of examiners on Oral Examiners

Jimnaira U. Abanto Calibara

Member, Oral Defense Panel Member, Oral Defense Panel

Rating: Date of Oral Defense: March 4, 2019

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Group Six of the Grade


Department Head of the Science Department

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