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Name = Shruti Sharma

Registration no = 46116210006

Subject name = Land Laws

Subject code = BBL 802

Year/Semester = 4th year/8th semester


Answer no=1(a)

158 sections

Answer no=1(b)

Estate: Section-3(1)

Estate means any area

(a) For which a separate record of rights has been made; or

(b) Which has been separately assessed in the land revenue, or would have been so assessed
if the land revenue had not been released, compounded for on redeemed; or
(c) Which the state government may, by general rule or special order, declare to be an estate.

Answer no=1(c)

Arrears of Land Revenue: Section-3(7)

It means land revenue which remains up paid after the date on which it becomes payable.

Answer no=1(d)

Assessment Circle: Section-3(19)

It means a group of estates which in the opinion of the financial commissions to be recorded in
an order in writing, are sufficiently homogeneous to admit a common set of rates being used as a
general guide in calculating a land revenue to be assessed upon them.

Answer no=1(e)



Functions of Revenue Officer:-

1. He is the Chief Administrative Executive head of the department.

2. He will be mainly responsible for the proper assessment & prompt collection of all
Municipal taxes & under the control of Dy.
3. Commissioner (R&F) & The Commissioner.
4. In respect of office work he has to attend the following works.

Postings, transfers, punishments, leave & terminal benefits etc.

To exercise close supervision over the staff in the matter of maintenance of the various registers
& disposal of papers in different sections under him.

He has to scrutinize the diaries & arrear list of the assessors & tax.

Powers of Revenue Officers:- There are five classes of Revenue officers; The financial
commissioner, The collector, The Assistant Collector of the First Grade ,and The Assistant
Collector of the Second Grade. The Deputy Commissioner of district is by virtue of his office ,
its collector a revenue officer who is transferred from One district to another retains the power
with which here was invested in the former district.


Types of assessment:-

1) General assessment
2) Special assessment


1) General assessment:-
(i) General reassessment of the land revenue shall not be undertaken without
the previous sanction of the state government and notification of that
(ii) In granting such sanction the state government may give such instructions
consistent with the provisions of this act and the rules made there under as
it deem fit.
2) Special assessment:-
(i) When land revenue which has been released or assigned is resumed.
(ii) When lands are sold, leased or granted by the government.
(iii) When assessments of land revenue require revision in consequence of the
action of water or sand or of calamity off season or from any other cause.
(iv) When the assessment of any land has been an annulled or the land owner
has refused to be liable there for and the term for which the land was to be
managed by the collector for his agents let in farm has expired.


Section 110 to 126 deals with the concept of partition which confers right to a co-sharer to get
his joint property partition without any restriction.

2 types of partition under chapter 9:

1. A partition of joint holding by the owners of the land.

2. Partition of tenancy by the court tenants.

Basic Principle of Partition:

The law of partition is that co-sharers who come forward for seeking partition of the land have to
display the clear title qua the land proposed to be partitioned, and in the absence of the clear title
all proceedings are nullity.
Application of Partition: (Section-111)

Any joint owner of land, or any joint tenant of a tenancy in which a right of occupancy subsist,
may apply to a revenue officer for partition of his share in the land or the tenancy.

A mortgage cannot apply for partition unless he proves that he is entitled to it by custom by
terms of his mortgage.

Restriction and Limitation On Partition: (Section-112)

1. Places of worship and burial grounds held in common before partition shall continue to
be held after partition, unless the parties otherwise agree among themselves & record
their agreement & file it with revenue officer.
2. Any embankment, watercourse, well or tank and any land on which the supply of water
to any such work may depend.
3. Any land which is occupied as the site of a town or village and is assessed to land
revenue because of that the site of a town or village is treated as the common property of
all the village or town.

Notice of Application for Partition Under Section-113:

It states that the revenue officer, on receiving the application and not open to objection, than
fix a day for the hearing.

Power To Make Rules As To The Cost Of Partition Under Section-124:

The financial commissioner may make rules for determining the costs pf partitions under this
chapter and the mode in which such costs are to be apportioned.

Collection Procedure of The Land Revenue:-

1) Revenue of first charge on produce of land:- The land revenue of holding or of an state
being a cash computation of the right of government to a share of the crops grown upon it
is properly declared to be the first charge upon the rents profit and produce their crops.
2) Installments it seemed at one time natural and forced the government line on the produce
by making the installment of land when you fall due before which they were to be
liquidated for cut.
3) Landowners jointly and severally responsible:- The joint and several responsibility of
all the land owners in an estate for the payment of the whole land revenue assessed upon
it is emphatically asserted in the 61st section of the land revenue act.
4) Shareholders must not be allowed to pay direct shareholder is no bad terms with his head
man sometimes tries to pay in revenue direct either in cash or by money order such
payment should in variably refused.
5) Payment at headquater’s tehsil’s:- Tehsil at headquarters have no separate treasuries
and therefore no tehsildar and sirja nasab headman bringing money to such a tehsil
present his arz irsal to the wasil baki nasab, who prepares received in triplicate signing
them himself and obtaining or nasab tehsildar.

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