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Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology

​ of Computer Engineering


Subject​: ​Software Engineering Lab ​Class:​ D12A ​ ​Semester: ​VI

Roll Name:

​62 Barun Singh.

Exp. Title:
Develop Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document in IEEE format for the


15/02/2021 20/02/2021

1. Introduction:

This car showroom management software will be developed for managing all the data
related to car showroom owner and employees as the management software is a vital tool
in the organization. Our aim is to digitize the Management system of the showroom. It
consists of overall management of car showroom through software.

1.1 Purpose
This document aims to give a brief description about the Car showroom
management Project. This project is very use for dealer to maintain vehicle
business transactions to get information quickly. This will help the owner
maintain a record of his employees. In other words, this document will provide a
basis for validation and verification.

1.2 Document Conventions:

1.2.1 Headings and subheadings are written in bold letters using "Calibri"
1.2.2 Appendices are also written in bold and italics letters.
1.2.3 Descriptions are written in "Calibri" font

1.3 Intended Audience:

This Software Requirements document is intended for:
1.3.1 Developers who can review project’s capabilities and more easily
understand where their efforts should be targeted to improve or add
more features to it such as design or code the application. It also sets
guidelines for future development.
1.3.2 End users belong to Car showroom management.

1.4 Project Scope:

This software will help the dealer maintain vehicle business transactions. This will
help the owner maintain a record of his employees. There will be the creation of
different records for respective functionalities namely: A record of all the cars
present in our stock, a record of all the spare parts and accessories present in the
showroom’s workshop, a record for keeping records of the existing clients of the
showroom and one record will be maintained for all the employees of the

1.5 References:
1.5.1 Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman

1.5.2 An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering by P. Jalote

2. Overall Description:
This document will provide the information about the purpose of the software, the
functionalities it is going to encapsulate and the description of how it will be done. It covers
the product functions, characteristics of the expected user and the general constraints.

2.1 Product Perspective:

The module of billing will be different for the showroom and the workshop. This will
help the employee of the company to automatically generate the cash memos
because these modules will be well equipped with the cost of the products whether
it is the price of the cars or the accessories and spare parts and also the various
taxes, labour charges etc. The sale and purchase module will keep the records of all
the cars and accessories bought from the manufacturer and sold to the clients with
their date of purchases and the prices. The service and maintenance module will
have its own billing module and will also derive the records from the sale and
purchase module about the date of purchase of the cars by the clients and will
automatically keep a track of the due dates of the services of the sold cars and
generate automatic messages to the clients to inform them.
The software that will be developed will encapsulate all the basic functionalities of
this showroom and digitize it so that the manual work gets reduced to a great

2.2 Product Functions:

The different functionalities of the software are:
i. There would be an interface for the sales and purchase department where a
database for the new cars as well as the cars booked by the clients will be
ii. An interface for the billing department will be provided to the billing
department in which the cost of all the cars, the various service taxes, RTO
charges will be already present in a database.
iii. An interface for the service and maintenance department will provide the
database for the record of new spare parts and accessories and will also keep
a record of the cars coming for servicing on daily basis.

1.3 User classes and Characteristics:

1.3.1 The sales manager will access the database and the interface provided under
the sales and purchase department.
1.3.2 The accountant will have access to the billing interface will he just have to
enter the name of the car and the cash memo will automatically be
1.3.3 The servicing manager will have access to the service and maintenance
interface and will make updates in the records of the database in that
1.3.4 The owner will have access to all the department’s interfaces and will access
it to keep a track of the showroom on a daily basis.

1.4 Operating environment:

1.4.1 The interface will be in English only.
1.4.2 The system is working for a single server.
1.4.3 GUI features available.
1.4.4 Operating system: Windows

1.5 Design and Implementation constraints

Operating system and hardware constraints
1. This management software is only compatible with 32-bit windows
2. Minimum RAM size 1GB.
3. Hard disk size must be more than 500GB for storing records.

Reliability and security requirements

1. Every employee who will be accessing the software will be given a unique
username and password which they have to change after every 45 days.
2. Repeated entry of false username or password will lead to software halt state
and all the records will be locked, and software can only be revived by the
manager of the car showroom only.

Record encryption
Records are encrypted with Blowfish Algorithm which splits records into
blocks of 64
bits and encrypts them individually (it has never been defeated).

Policies for existing systems

For existing record (ending with the .nsf file extension) the software uses
IBM’s Domino Designer which migrates old records to new records
compatible with Oracle.

Security measures
Records of every day activity will be maintained which can be viewed only by
the manager of the showroom.

1.6 User Documentation:

User Manual would be provided along with the software as a README file. User
guide would be provided with the documentation itself.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces:
1. A login screen for entering user name, password will be provided.
2. There will be a screen taking to menu where user will be provided
option for searching, updating, deletion or addition of new records.
2. Friendly Navigation.
3. Users can search via multiple options according to his/her convenience.
3.2 Hardware interfaces


160 MB
CLIENT SIDE Any Browser Core 2 Duo at 2.0 GHz 2 GB
Apache Tomcat Server
Any Browser 4 GB 500 MB
Pentium-3 at 1 GHz
MySQL 5.1.5 Pentium-3 at 1
4 GB 500 MB

1.3 Software interfaces

Client on Internet: Web Browser(any), Operating System(any)
1. Web Server: Apache Tomcat, Operating System(any)
2. Data Base Server: MySQL, Operating System(any)
3. Development End: Net Beans (Java, JavaBeans, HTML, J2EE),
4. Database Server (MySQL), OS(Windows), Apache Tomcat (Web Server)

1.4 Communication interfaces:

The System shall be using HTTP/HTTPS for communication over Internet and for
intranet communications, it shall use TCP/IP protocol.

4. System features
4.1 Access rights:
1. An employee of a department cannot access the data from another
2. Only relevant records will be visible to the employee.

5. Non-functional requirements
5.1 Performance requirements:
1. Data in database should be updated within 5 seconds.
2. Query results must return results within 3 seconds
3. Load time of UI Should not take more than 10 seconds
4. Login Validation should be done within 3 seconds
5. Response to customer inquiry must be done within 5 minutes.
5.2 Security requirements:
1 Access to the various subsystems will be protected by a user log in screen that
requires a user name and password. This gives different views and accessible
functions of user levels through the system.
2. Maintaining backups ensure the system database security.
3. System can be restored in any case of emergency.
4. Database should be backed up every hour.
5. Under failure, system should be able to come back at normal operation under an
6. All external communications between the data’s server and client must be
7. All data must be stored, protected or protectively marked.
8. Data should be accessed without logging on the system.

5.3 Software quality attribute:

1. Correctness: This system should satisfy operations precisely to fulfil the end user
2. Efficiency: Enough resources to be implemented to achieve the particular task
efficiently without any hassle. Must support at most 10 users at a time. Response
for any request should not take more than 10 seconds
3. Flexibility: System should be flexible enough to provide space to add new
features and to handle them conveniently
4. Integrity: System should focus on securing the customer information and avoid
data losses as much as possible.
5. Portability: The system should run in any Microsoft windows environment.
6. Usability: The system should provide user manual to every level of users.
7. Testability: The system should be able to be tested to confirm the performance
and client’s specifications.
8. Maintainability: The system should be maintainable.
9. Availability: The system must be supported 24/7

6. Future scope:

Developing the management system for Car Showroom with multiple branches/franchise.

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