Gcu Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance Step Standard 1 Part II - Signed

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Understanding the learning needs of students is critical when designing instruction that is differentiated and geared to meet unique learning needs. As
you get to know your students and their individual backgrounds, identifying their specific learning needs will help you strategically design their
instruction and assessments.
By analyzing the student demographics, environmental factors, and student academic factors, you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of
your students. This contextual data will assist you in developing your instructional unit, which you are expected to teach by the end of week 8. Utilize
the district or school website, your cooperating teacher/mentor, or school administrator for this information.
Complete the STEP Standard 1, Part II that includes:
A. Student Demographic Factors
B. Environmental Factors
C. Student Achievement Factors
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment
to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:
1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1, Part II as directed in the course syllabus.
 Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing
this document in multiple sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another document. When you are ready
to make your final submission, copy and paste your responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be
saved until you complete the signing process.

2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign”, and entering your email address.
 An initial email will be sent to you to confirm your email address.
 A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of confirming your email address.

3. Submit a completed copy to the appropriate LoudCloud submission space for grading.

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Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate Student ID:
First Name:
Last Name:
Merrifield 20391655
Email Address: Phone: State:
HMerrifiel1@my.gcu.edu 4803162051 AZ- Arizona
Program of Study:
B.S. in Elementary Education

Grade Level(s) Taught: 3 Content Area(s) Taught: Elementary- All Subjects Total Number of
Classroom 26
Total Number of Boys: Total Number of Girls: Age Range
11 15 Represented: 8-9
Culture / Ethnicity Number of Students Percentage of Total Classroom
American Indian / Alaskan Native %
0 0.00
Asian %
0 0.00
Identify the number of Black/ African American
students representing 4 15.38 %
each of the following Hispanic / Latino %
cultures/ ethnicities: 7 26.92
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander %
1 3.85
White %
13 50.00
Other %
1 3.85
Total %
26 100

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

 Describe any socioeconomic factors affecting your students.

The students are being affected by the results of COVID-19. Unemployment has increased since the pandemic began. Also, COVID-19 has been affecting lower socioeconomic
groups greater.

 Describe the possible effect these student demographic factors have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.

These demographics play a major role in the planning, delivery, and assessment of my unit. Considering that the class is majority girls, it will be important to ensure that the class
is being inclusive to everyone, no matter their gender. The diversity of the classroom must also be addressed within the unit.

Attach a photo or diagram showing the physical room
 Describe the environmental factors of your cooperating classroom. Include a description of:
o The physical room arrangement
o Available classroom resources
o The level of parental involvement
o The availability of and/or access to technology.
Currently, the school district is all online due to COVID-19. The students all have individual laptops provided by the school. The students use Google Meets to be involved in the
teaching of the lessons throughout the day. In terms of resources, each student has their own textbooks for each subject. They also have access to various learning websites that
can be easily accessed on our LMS Schoology. Majority of their classroom tasks are submitted through Schoology. For students who are unable to remain at home due to lack of
internet or other reasons, the school has specific classrooms set up across campus that are socially distanced seating arrangements. Those students who do go to the school still
attend all of the Google Meet class instruction.

 Describe the possible effect these environmental factors could have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.

The set up of the classroom is a major factor in the planning, delivery, and assessment of this unit. Relying solely on technology to ensure the success of this lesson is challenging.
I have to ensure that I have the students attention without distractions from their own houses. The students all must have a working laptop with internet available otherwise they
will not be able to be taught the unit. In assessing the unit, I need to remember the difficulty of learning online. Especially because the students will be without manipulatives like
they would have available if they were physically in the classroom being taught the lesson.

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

 Complete the table including the number of students whose primary language is other than English, have an IEP or a 504 plan, are gifted, receive
educational services outside of the classroom (e.g., reading/math intervention, speech services, and special education services), and non-labeled
students (e.g., non-IEP, non-ADA, Section 504) who are behaviorally or academically challenged.

Behavior or
Student Subgroup ELL IEP Section 504 Gifted Other Services Cognitive Needs
(Explain) Receiving No
0 1 0 2 0 1

0 0 0 2 0 0

Instructional Speech More challenging While online, his

Accommodations and accommodations questions geared parents are being
Modifications towards them. Specific communicated with
(Describe any instructional
accommodations and placement in breakout frequently to ensure
modifications regularly used groups. that he is doing his
to meet the needs of students work at home. Allow
in each subgroup.)
more time to submit
assignments. In the
process of getting a
504 Plan due to highly
gifted abilities.

 Describe the possible effect these student academic factors could have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.

While planning, delivering, and assessing my unit, it is important to highlight the various student academic factors that are in the classroom. The gifted students will require
higher level questioning that requires them to think more abstractly. They will also need to be grouped strategically to ensure not only they are being challenged, but also
helping others learn by their thinking. The students with the behavior /cognitive need not receiving services is highly gifted and in need of a 504 plan. I need to find ways within
this unit to challenge him in order to grasp his attention and prevent him form losing interest.

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

I, the above named, GCU student attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.
NOTE: The data entered into this document may be audited for accuracy. Students who engage in fabricating, falsifying, forging, altering, or inventing information
regarding clinical practice/ student teaching may be subject to sanctions for violating GCU academic integrity policies, which may include expulsion from GCU.

Teacher Candidate Date:

E-Signature: Hallie Merrifield
Hallie Merrifield (Jan 25, 2021 00:24 MST)
Jan 25, 2021

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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