22 Basic Training (Technical & General) 101116 - Boiler Surveys - Rev

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Boiler surveys

References : PartA Ch.2 Sec.2 [5.6]

PartA Ch.3 Sec.6
TNS 05
Survey of Boilers

► A complete boiler external and internal survey allows to check out

if any build-up of deposits has taken place, and deformations or
wastage of plate-work, piping or any of the various parts, which
may compromise the safe working order of the unit. The survey
includes research as to cause of any anomalies found and also
their correction.
► Any repair will have to ensure the safe working order of the boiler
until the next survey.
► An "external and internal" survey means a full internal and
external examination of all parts of the boiler and accessories such
as super-heater, economiser, air-heater internal organs and all
principal mountings. This examination may lead the Surveyor to
require thickness gaugings of plate or tubes that appear to be
wasted and eventually to a lower assigned working pressure, if
calculations prove this necessary.

Boiler surveys 2
Survey of Boilers

► Before starting the survey, the combustion chambers and insides of

collectors are examined to determine the presence, sitting and thickness
of any deposits. These may give clues to possible reasons for any
anomalies found later.
► Surveyors should not start survey until the boiler has been cleaned and
dried out and all internals which may interfere with the inspection have
been removed, in the combustion chamber as well as in the drums.
► Even though all necessary precautions taken by the crew prior to
commencement of survey, Surveyors are advised to personally check
and respect the following points :
► Never enter a boiler unless all manhole doors (upper and lower ones)
and other doors have been open for a reasonable time previous to
survey, in order that an efficient circulation of air has taken place.

Boiler surveys 3
Survey of Boilers

► If during survey another boiler is under steam on the ship, Surveyors

must be sure that :
► isolating valves are closed and a locking bar has been fitted to prevent
any possibility of the valve being opened accidentally,
► security devices on the fuel oil systems are in place and in working order
and that exhaust gas shut-offs are working,
► smoke trunkings are independent. If they are not and if no separating
device is fitted (a flap for example), then the Surveyor must refuse to do
the inspection.

► During tests under steam, the first action of the Surveyor, in entering the
boiler room, must be to verify the lay-out of the installation and the
various escape routes and their availability.
► It should be remembered that, if a massive escape of steam takes place,
any attempt to escape upwards out of the boiler room should be avoided,
if possible.

Boiler surveys 4
Boiler survey

► External surveys conducted annually with ASH & ASM

 In operation - under steam
► Periodical internal & external survey conducted twice in 5 years,
intervals should not exceed 36 months
 Shut down & opened up
 Boiler mountings dismantled for inspection
 There is to be one internal examination of thermal oil heaters in each
period of class of five years
► Review of log book

 Review boiler water analysis results

 Review feed water analysis results

 Ascertain water consumption

Boiler surveys 5
Annual survey

► Visual examination, checking

 Insulation
 Foundations and holding down bolts
 Inspection of boiler mountings
 Inspection & test of gauge-glasses, local & remote
 Inspection of the safety valves & the hand easing gear
 Inspection of the feed and steam lines
► Testing and inspection under steam
 High & low level water alarms
 Low level shut down
 Steam pressure alarm

► Inspection and testing of the boiler burning system:

 Fuel lines & filters
 Flame failure, alarm & shut down
 No ignition, alarm & shut down

Boiler surveys 6
Internal Examination

►Scope of Internal surveys

 Review of log book

 Internal survey of the gas side

 Internal survey of the water side

Boiler surveys 7
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Before starting his inspection, the Surveyor consults, when

available, plans of the boiler to make certain that there is no
unusual feature and specially, if the particular model of boiler is
► Surveyors must remember that materials used, in boilers where the
degree of superheat is over 400°C, are special steels and must be
matched if repairs are found necessary.
► The commonest type of water-tube boiler encountered is the two-
drum, a good example of which is the Foster-Wheeler D type, as
shown in next slide. The procedures followed for other types are
similar and functionally the same.
► Survey of a Foster-Wheeler D type may be made in various ways ;
however, the one now described is strongly recommended.

Boiler surveys 8
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

Boiler surveys 9
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► The survey should start here, and this involves at least the partial
dismantling of interior mountings.
► The shell may show some pittings which, due to its original
thickness, do not affect the strength of the drum to any appreciable
► However, the mere presence of these pits should make the
Surveyor suspicious enough to search carefully in areas around
the bellmouths of expanded tubes.
► If there is serious pitting in these areas, then a tube should be
removed and a longitudinal section cut to verify the thickness of
tube left. Once such samples show wear of half the original
thickness, then a partial retubing of the boiler in the most affected
zone must be considered.
► Generally, the tubes in the rows closest to the combustion
chamber, are the ones most likely to show pitting.
Boiler surveys 10
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

Boiler surveys 11
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Surveyors should also look for cracks between tube holes in the
drum, these will probably be hair-line and are extremely
dangerous, but fortunately rare.
► The condition of the internals (feed-water pipes, desuperheaters,
...) must, of course, be checked. If the inside of the drum is
oxidized, then a chemical bath should be given before putting the
boiler back into service.
► It should be remembered that an efficient feed-water treatment is
vital, the boiler manufacturers will provide any necessary
information as to the correct system and procedures.

Boiler surveys 12
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

Boiler surveys 13
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Top drum exterior and its mountings

► Mountings should be carefully examined, overhauled and repaired

as found necessary, particularly as regards packing (which should
be renewed) and spindles, for slackness on the threads. Manhole
and hand-hole doors and landings should be checked for signs of
leakage and condition of securiting stud threads.
► Erosion due to leakage is rare on welded drums, but special
attention should be given to danger points such as mountings
welded directly onto parts of the pressure vessel probably without
special precautions, supports for various fittings or for lagging,
these points are particularly dangerous on drums that have been
normalized or stress-relieved before the welds were made.
► The joint between casing and drum often leaks, due to unequal
expansion causing cracks in the seal when correct joints are not
used. These leaks must be dealt with.

Boiler surveys 14
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Internal examination of superheater

► This is mainly confined to the headers, as the visible tubes

through the inspection doors on most models, are not many.
These headers generally are fitted with internal plates, which
divide the tube bank up into "passes", the condition of these
plates, i.e. impermeability, should be checked, any leaks
would reduce the flow of steam through a particular pass and
lead to overheating and possibly collapse of the tubes.
► Deposits found in the inlet end of the header are an indication
of carry-over from the water-side, this could lead to pitting in
the headers and tubes and/or poor heat transference with a
resulting possible failure of tubes.

Boiler surveys 15
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

Boiler surveys 16
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Water-walls" and boiler casing

► These are the rows of tubes which form the vertical back and
side walls of the furnace, and they may be expanded or
welded into headers or drums.
► All accessible parts must be examined and casing panels
► Any soot deposits must be removed and metal-work in way
carefully checked, soot causes corrosion and its source and
reason for collecting in a particular spot should be traced.
► The Surveyor should hammer-test casing plating, and any
plating found reduced by 50 % or more, should be renewed.

Boiler surveys 17
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Combustion chamber or furnace

► Check the condition of brickwork, facade and surfaces, Any

crumbling shall be repaired.
► Glazing shall be uniform.

► Check soot blowers for condition of nozzles, burner diffuser

plates and air deflectors, if visible.
► Check tubes for straightness, as should walls. This can be
done quite accurately with a flashlight laid along one
extremity of the surface to be checked. The straight light
beam will show any deformation, concave or convex.
► If there is a general deformation of tubes, this was most likely
caused by a feed water failure and may only have been

Boiler surveys 18
Internal Examination - water tube boilers
► Combustion chamber or furnace

Boiler surveys 19
Internal Examination - water tube boilers
► Screen tubes

► These are the first row of tubes and are exposed directly to the
flame, they are generally very closely stacked to protect the
superheat tubes which lie behind. Deformation of screen tubes is
frequently found. A limit of acceptability of deformation is
difficult to establish, but the Surveyor should base his decision
to ask for renewal, on whether the tubes are masking the
superheat tubes sufficiently to prevent overheating.
► Any tubes showing bulges should be renewed, as should any
plugged tubes.
► Screen tubes showing signs of flame impingement, due to faulty
burner alignment should be examined with special care and
renewed if there is any doubt, as hair surface cracks develop due
to thermal fatigue and become rapidly dangerous.
► Leaks at headers due to slack tubes, are generally indicated by
white deposits near the landings, these tubes must be re-
Boiler surveys 20
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Water-wall" tubes

Boiler surveys 21
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Water-wall" tubes

► These are open to the same defects and causes of damage as

screen tubes, but are more sensitive to poor circulation.

► A stoppage in the feed-water supply even of very short duration

can cause heavy deformation particularly in the roof tubes.

Boiler surveys 22
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Water-wall" tubes

Boiler surveys 23
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Refractories

► The good maintenance of brickwork is critical to the safe

operation of boilers.

► A most important area being that which protects the screen tube
landing header in way.

► Any deterioration of this would open the lower header to flame


Boiler surveys 24
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Lower drum

► An internal inspection will not usually show much but any signs
of pitting in the upper drum or tubes should be followed up by a
further examination of the tubes via the lower drum.
► Manhole doors, their landings, joints and dogs should be
carefully checked.
► Note :

► As with all pressure vessels, before closing, it is the

responsibility of the owner's representative to make a thorough
check for any foreign bodies, rags, tools, rusts, bits of jointing,
► Downcomer tubes from top to bottom drums should be checked
with a ball bearing for obstructions, and any obstructions found
must be cleared.

Boiler surveys 25
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Lower drum

Boiler surveys 26
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Superheaters (exteriors)

► Next, the exterior of the superheater elements, the supports

should receive close attention, as they reach high temperatures
in service and are fliable to suffer thermal shock and break.
► Deposits on tube surfaces and between tubes is dangerous and
must be removed.
► This deposit leads to a rise in temperature of the elements.

► At the same time, the reduction in area of passage between

elements causes a rise in combustion chamber pressure and
slows down heat transfer, super-heat temperature will drop under
these condition

Boiler surveys 27
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Superheaters

Boiler surveys 28
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Superheaters (exteriors)

► However, the more serious aspect is the risk of what is known as

a "Hydrogen Fire".
► A description of the mechanics of this phenomenon is the best
illustration of the dangers of dirty superheaters :
► "A burst superheater element, the temperature of which has
passed the normal, may be red-hot and releases a jet of steam at
maybe more than 600°C. This is sufficient, that on open contact
with the red-hot tube the steam (water) breaks down into its
constituents, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen in air and
added oxygen promptly ignite and the heat generated superheats
to an extreme degree any steam which, in this state on contact
with the red-hot tube breaks down to hydrogen and oxygen and
so on. Once underway the reaction continues, being self-feeding
until there is no more water left. Of course, the high temperatures
developed by the burning hydrogen gave meanwhile caused the
steelwork to burn also, forming part of the propagation of the

Boiler surveys 29
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Superheaters

Boiler surveys 30
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Economiser

► This survey follows that of the superheater. The exterior of the

tubes, particularly if they are finned, are very liable to deposits of
soot and corrosion from the effects of sulpur dioxide in the
combustion gases (if of low temperature). The elements which
are the last in the flow of gas are the ones most likely to be
► The economiser can be the source of a hydrogen fire under the
same conditions as the superheater.
► The water-side of economisers, normally would pose only minor
problems such as the necessity of re-expanding tubes.

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Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Economiser

Boiler surveys 32
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

► Air pre-heaters
► Situated in most cases as the last item in the flow of combustion gases,
the air heaters operate at temperatures lower than the economisers and
are thus prone to corrosion from combustion by-products, particularly
from sulphur-heavy fuels, the gases of which condense at low
temperature especially during periods of low output.
► Deposits of soot, due to poor boiler handling may be found in the
economisers and air heaters, these are dangerous, if they should catch
fire, this may cause the phenomenon known as a "hydrogen-fire", which
can quickly destroy the installation.
► In heaters tubes, corrosion may be found at the end of the entry of air
(the coolest).
► In heaters of the turning vane type, there are practically no cold spots
and the corrosion risk is much less.
► Steam-air heaters normally present no corrosion problems.

► However, in all air-heaters, careful cleaning is the most essential

Boiler surveys 33
Internal Examination - water tube boilers

Boiler surveys 34
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► A Scotch boiler with two furnaces, of rivetted construction, a

type of fairly old design, is used as an example for purposes of
describing the process of survey. This type being more inclined
to show deterioration - often due to leaks through the rivetted
joints - than a boiler that is all welded.
► As few of the faults found in Scotch boilers develop rapidly, it is
therefore advantageous to detect them as early as possible.
► Poor condition of this type of boiler may originate from :

► poor worksmanship during construction or repair,

► deterioration due to leaks or deposits,

► local overheating,

► combined effects of mechanical stress and corrosion

► These boilers are almost disappearing and are replaced by water-

tube boilers. They are installed on ships that are quite old by now.
The Surveyor is thus faced with an already worn unit and should
be particularly cautious during surveys of this type of boilers
Boiler surveys 35
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Furnaces

► The furnaces may show distortions, corrosion or cracks.

► Distortions - Before beginning the survey, the Surveyor should

ask for the latest deflection readings so that he may check -
where such distortions previously existed - whether they are
progressing or are stabilized.
► He should inquire whether the furnaces have already been fitted
with strongbacks.
► He then inspects each of the furnaces and if finding any
distortions, a reading of deflections must be made.
► If the deflection readings show a maximum deflection exceeding
8 % of the furnace diameter if the boiler is oil-fired, the furnace is
to be re-shaped.
► Irrespective of whether fuel-oil or coal is used, when the
deflections come close to the above limit, it is recommended that
the cleanliness of the furnaces on the water side as well as the
firing should be specially watched.
Boiler surveys 36
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Furnaces

► Distortions

► Should the distortion be pocket-shaped, with a very pronounced

belly (the result of water shortage) together with an almost total
disappearance of the corrugations, then the replacement of the
furnace becomes mandatory.
► After the furnace has been reconditioned, the Surveyor has to
check, by means of an internal and external inspection, that there
are no cracks developing :
► small incipient cracks are sometimes observed at the tip of the
corrugations : they disappear with light grinding.
► deep cracks should be stopped by drilling a hole at each end,
opening up and then welding.
► If the Surveyor considers it necessary, and especially after a
second reconditioning, he may ask for strongbacks to be welded
on the corrugations in the reconditioned area, on the water side.

Boiler surveys 37
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Furnaces

► Corrosion

► Corrosions along and above the grate line on the water side are a
frequent occurence. They should be chipped clean and brushed
clear, then coated with an anti-corrosion product (e.g. aluminium
paint or Apexior).

► They should be watched since they are often the source of


► It is possible to build up the weakened areas by means of

electric welding, this should not be delayed.

Boiler surveys 38
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Furnaces

► Cracks

► A corrosion path, narrow and at times deep, is frequently

observed at the lower part of the round of the horse collar
securing the furnace to the combustion chamber, caused by
corrosion fatigue.
► When this is noted, the Surveyor should measure the thickness
of the sound part of the plate by clearing the corrosion path
where it is deepest and by drilling a hole at either end.
► Where the path depth does not exceed one half the plate
thickness, building up by electric welding can be applied after
having made a V-shaped groove down to sound metal.
► Where the depth exceeds the above limit, it would be better to
open up completely and to repair by welding from both sides of
the plate.

Boiler surveys 39
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Combustion chamber

► Just as with furnaces, combustion chambers may show

distortion, corrosion and cracks.
► Distortions

► When the Surveyor observes buckling, i.e. distortion between

stay bolts, at the bottoms and sides of combustion chambers, he
has to trace their cause.
► Often they may be due to local overheating resulting from
deposits of lime or grease.
► Buckling deflections, as measured with a ruler, may be tolerated
if they do not exceed 5 mm.
► To prevent buckling from developing, the plate should be kept as
clean as possible.

Boiler surveys 40
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Combustion chamber

► Distortions

► Beyond the 5 mm limit, and if the area affected is not too large
and the stay bolts are not leaking, the distortion area may be
reinforced by an additional stay bolt at the centre of each blister,
the additional stay bolt having a smaller diameter (25 mm).
► If the area affected is too large, it would be better to renew the
buckled area.
► Distortion may also occur at the upper part of the combustion
chambers caused by a water shortage or too thick deposits on
the crown.

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Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Combustion chamber

► Corrosion

► They occur on the water side, on the shaped plates and around
stay bolts where they are dished.
► If the corresponding stay bolt is leaking, it should be removed.
As it is not possible to build up by welding on the water side, this
is compensated by building up in the shape of a boss on the fire
side so that there should be the same number of threads as
► After building up, the weld should be ground smooth.

► Corrosion also occurs on the fire side. This is caused by leaks of

the tubes or stay bolts, especially in the lower row.
► If they are deep, they should be built up by welding after removal
of the corresponding tube or stay bolt.

Boiler surveys 42
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Combustion chamber

► Cracks

► They often occur at seams, starting from the plate edge and
progressing towards the rivet holes. If they are few in number
and no leaks, there is no cause for worry.
► However, if they leak, or extend beyond the rivet holes, or occur
between the rivet holes, then they should be cleared and welded,
taking care first of all to remove the rivets concerned.
► These rivets will be replaced after the rivet holes have been
rebored. If the crack is isolated, the rivet may be crown welded.
► Cracks may also start from a stay bolt hole. In this case, remove
the corresponding stay bolt, open the crack and prolong it until
an adjacent stay bolt (which should also be removed) is reached.
► This groove is then welded, if necessary also building up of
bosses around the stay bolt holes as explained in "Corrosion".
Boiler surveys 43
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Stay bolts

► During the internal survey, the Surveyor must hammer test stay
bolts to check that they are not broken.
► Broken bolts are easily detected by this "sounding" and are
usually found in the upper rows in side combustion chambers,
and in lower rows in central combustion chambers.
► Stay bolts may be corroded too.

► The corrosion is almost always general wastage.

► A stay bolt should be replaced when the diameter falls below 85

% of the initial minor diameter.

Boiler surveys 44
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Tubes

► Tubes that are heavily scaled will show excessive expansion and
leaks at the weaker end, i.e. on the tube plate end in the
combustion chamber.
► The tube ends on that side will also tend to thin on account of
repeated tube expansions.
► The Surveyor should not hesitate to ask for the replacement of
those tubes which show signs of movement.
► In an emergency, a tightness weld bead may be made.

► When damaged tubes are found plugged, the Surveyor must

recommend that they be replaced, especially if the plugs show
signs of leaking.
► The Surveyor has also to check that the tubes are not choked by

Boiler surveys 45
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Shells

► Externally, shells may show leaks on the butt strap, usually at the
► If the leak is an old one, corrosion may also be noted. In such
cases, the tightness should be ensured by welding ; otherwise,
caulking should suffice.
► Internally, corrosion may occur, especially in the lower part of
the shell, where it develops under the action of sludge, which is
deposited when the boiler is not well maintained, or when the
blow-downs are insufficient or inefficient.
► This corrosion appears as blisters, at first sight, quite harmless.

► Chipping with a pointed hammer will show a deep corrosion pit

filled with black oxide.

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Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Shells

► Scattered corrosion pits may be filled up with a filler metal.

► Where corrosion is widespread, the doubtful part should be

replaced, or the corroded area should receive a layer of an
appropriate anticorrosion coating, where the average remaining
thickness is acceptable.
► In all case, the Surveyor must check that the condition of the
blow-down manifold provides an efficient evacuation of the
deposits and recommend that blow-downs at close intervals be

Boiler surveys 47
Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Boiler bottom and front

► Internally, these may show crack in the radius in the lower part,
mainly at the front end where cracks may also be detected in the
radius of the attachment of the furnaces to the front.
► Such cracks are always accompanied with a corrosion groove,
which makes them easy to detect.
► They progress slowly outwards. If the depth is less than 25 % of
original plate thickness, they may be left under observation, the
corroded part being covered with an appropriate coating.
Otherwise, the plate should be opened up and welded, care being
taken to ensure adequate penetration, since repair is usually
impossible on the water side.
► Externally, great care should be taken when inspecting the lower
half, particularly below the stokehold floor plate level where leaks
at the circumferential joints and corrosion are likely to develop,
the more for being out of sight.
► Surveyors must also check the condition of collision chocks and
the securing of the boiler stools to the floors or to the tank top.
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Internal Examination - Smoke tube boilers

► Stays

► The Surveyor must sound them and check whether they have not
thinned down due to corrosion.

► Manholes

► The Surveyor must have the door opened with the gasket
removed and check that the clearance in the door housing is not
greater than 5 mm.
► If it is more, filler metal should be added but resistance welding,
either on the manhole flanges or on the door itself according to
the location of corrosion

Boiler surveys 49
Internal Examination

► Internal survey of the gas side

 Furnace & combustion chamber

 Brickwork
 Smoke and stay tubes
 Tube plate

► Internal survey of the water side

 Boiler drum plating
 Tubes
 Furnace and combustion chamber
 Internal fittings & feed pipe
 Manhole openings and doors
 Mud hole openings and doors
Boiler surveys 50
Inspection of boiler mountings

► Particular attention to:

 Safety valves and verification of setting

 Gauge-glasses & remote indicators

 Main stop valve

 Feed check valves

 Scum & blow down valves & pipe line

 Steam, feed and fuel lines

Boiler surveys 51
Internal Examination - Boiler mountings

► Boiler mountings

► All mountings (cocks, valves, studs, safety valves and level

gauges) shall be externally examined.
► All principal mountings shall be internally examined. Other
mountings shall be internally examined as considered necessary
by the Surveyor.
► The Surveyor shall inspect the condition of valve discs and
seats, paying particular attention to shrunk-on seats.
► If traces of leaks or corrosion are noted at flanges or joints, the
body should be removed for inspection of the flange faces and
► When the condition of the safety valves is doubtful, they shall be
sent to the workshop, as per manufacturer instructions, for
dismantling, renewal of damage parts and hydro-test.
► The remote level gauges are also examined to the Surveyor's

Boiler surveys 52
Repairs of boiler drums and plugging of boiler tubes

► Repairs of boiler drums and plugging of boiler tubes

► For the welding repairs of boiler drums, the original material

characteristics is verified.
► The welding process, necessary pre-heating and proper heat
treatment shall be controlled.
► Crack detection and non-destructive tests are carried out to the
Surveyor's satisfaction.
► Plugging of smoke tubes:

► Tubes with excessive thinning at the ends should be renewed.

► The makers instructions should be consulted.

► Plugging of water tubes:

► Main steam generating tube bank – max. 10% of the tubes may
be accepted before renewals are required.

Boiler surveys 53
Hydraulic tests

► Hydraulic tests

► This is required after survey when :

► significant repairs have been carried out, such as renewal of

plate in combustion chambers or renewal of furnaces in Scotch
boilers or repairs involving welding or major renewals of tubes.
► the boiler has not been fully surveyed internally.

► the Surveyor has doubts about the general condition of the boiler
(here - good judgement and discretion must be fully exercised).
► Test pressures shall be as follows:

► Before 12 years of age : 1,25 x P if P<40 bar

1,2 x P if P>40 bar
► After 12 years of age : 1,15 x P (whatever P value)

Boiler surveys 54
Survey under steam

► Survey under steam

► A boiler survey should always be followed by an inspection under steam at

about working pressure, to check for leaks both of steam and water or of
combustion gases.
► Before that, the air purge cycle within the boiler burner control system shall be
carried out and the Surveyor shall witness test of same.
► Surveyors must check all "distant controls" particularly those of the safety
valves, isolating valves and stop valves.
► It is also very important to check that :

► the isolating valves or cocks of the water-level gauge have been correctly re-
assembled and are in proper working order.
► the safety valves have been adjusted at the correct pressure (in principle not
more than 3 % above working pressure).
► The Surveyor shall also test the boiler safety alarms (e.g. highwater, low
water, low pressure, high temperature) and fuel shut off (e.g. flame failure, low
air pressure), etc.
► Note : It is reminded that the superheaters safety valves are set to open
before the saturated stear safety valves.
Boiler surveys 55
Thermal Oil Heaters

► Thermal oil heaters are to be internally and externally inspected

► Heater tubes to visually examined,

► The tightness of the installation to be checked

► Thermal oil heater supports and securing arrangements to be


► Accessories and mountings to be examined,

► Forced circulation pumps to be opened

► Fuel supply pipes to be examined

Boiler surveys 56
Thermal Oil Heaters

► Following safety devices to be examined:

 Thermal fluid temperature safety devices

 Thermal fluid flow meter,

 Device for low thermal fluid level in expension tank,

 Other safety systems

 If repairs or renewal of the components exposed to pressure, are

performed, a pressure test to be carried out 1,5 times the working

Boiler surveys 57
Boilers & Thermal Oil Heaters



Boiler surveys 58

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