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Saint Anthony Academy

Batuan, Bohol, Philippines

Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools ( BACS)
Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)

Name:___________________________ Year & Section:___________________________

Date:______________________________ Score: __________________
Teacher: Ms. Anabel A. Bahinting, LPT
(Week 1)
Topic: The Management Concept
Competency: Discuss the meaning and functions of management
Objectives: 1. Discuss the nature of management
2. Explain the importance and meaning of management
3. Appreciate the importance of management in the success of organizations
Concept Notes:
Nature of Management
Management is a science as well as an art. It is a body of knowledge whose ideas and principles have
become the basis of organizational frameworks employed by many businesses and organizations. It is
considered a science because it evolved from a number of theories that involved extensive studies and
experiments. The management principles practiced by business people and professionals are based on
scientific principles, scholarly studies, and statistical data. The problem-solving nature of management
benefits greatly from methods and practices adopted from scientific principles.
Meaning and Importance of Management
Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of an
organization effectively and efficiently to achieve its goals. It plays a crucial role in every organization,
especially in today’s world that is much more complex and where constant change is the norm.
Organizations, therefore, need to keep abreast of all these changes and managers need to be dynamic and
flexible to address the challenges that changes bring.
Management also provides the means to maintain a firm’s competitive advantage. It lays out the
foundation of successful operations that lead to efficiency and profitability, and establishes the link between
the development of strategies and their implementation and control. The effective application of plans
require skilled managers who are able to combine resources and capital executing strategies and sustaining
the operations of their organizations.
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Efficiency is the ability to maximize output. It is often referred to as “doing things right”, and seeks
to limit the wasted input which is costly for business. There is an element of speed in efficiency since it
requires things to be done quickly to avoid wasting time and effort.
Effectiveness, meanwhile, is the capacity to attain an intended objective or result. It is often called
“doing the right thing”. The intention is to meet the desired goal regardless of amount of input required.
Careful analysis and critical thinking are present in effectiveness. If there is a goal that needs to be achieved,
the things that need to be done are prioritized to achieve that goal.
Factors Influencing Management
Globalization refers to the phenomenon pf growing interconnectivity and interdependent relations
between nations. This growth has been greatly influenced by the advancements in technology,
transportation, communication, and education, as well as the gradual deregulation of trade.
This poses a challenge for managers to consistently make a good decisions to satisfy and maintain
their costumers and attract more buyers for their products and services. Managers also have the
responsibility to oversee the performance of employees to ensure that they deliver products and services that
are compliant with the minimum standards of global competency.
Technology is one of the main driving forces of business. Advancements in this area have
immensely improved business trends. New technologies have rendered business functions and related tasks
easier to accomplish, bringing about increased levels of productivity. A significant phenomenon brought by
technology is outsourcing. Outsourcing is defined as the transfer of an organizational function to a third
party. When the third party is located in another country, the transfer is called offshore outsourcing or
simply “offshoring”.
Marketing, distribution, and manufacturing have also improved with real-time information systems.
Improved communication channels shorten the transaction time between companies to a matter of minutes.
Costumer order products online, companies finalize transactions within minutes, and deliveries are done at
the soonest possible time.
Online tools and technology now allow managers to have a firmer control over the different
functions of the company, from receiving and carrying our orders from the top management to managing
every individual team member. At the click of a button, the manager is able to view business transactions
and processes, determine the best courses of action, and identify areas of improvement.
Sustainability in business means that companies should plan and conduct long-term business
operations to ensure minimal negative impact on the social, cultural, and economic aspects of their external
environment or community. Corporate social responsibility, meanwhile, is defined as the willingness of
companies to run their business operations in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Managers are continually challenged to implement programs and processes that will enable their
organizations to engage in sustainable and socially responsible activities while maintaining their level of
The study of Psychology is an important facet in management since it focuses on developing people
management skills and analyzing customer satisfaction. A better understanding of psychological concepts
such as motivation, behavior, attitude, and personality is vital for effective management.
Psychology can help managers foster closer relations and better communications with employees.
Improved communication, in turn, enables managers to better assess their employees, determine their
strengths and weaknesses, and guide them toward personal and professional development. Psychology also
aids managers in gauging and analyzing customer satisfaction and external business environment, enabling
them to carry out sound decisions.
A business ecosystem consists of a group of firms that provide related products and services. The
emergence of business ecosystems has resulted in improvements and innovations in industries. A good
example is the collaboration between telecommunication firms, media, and technology to disseminate
information to the public.
Having several key players in a business ecosystem presents each company a wider perspective of
their product or service.

A. Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is wrong. (10 pts)
_________1. Management is a science but not an art.
_________2. The management principles, which are now practiced by business practitioners and
professionals, are based on the scientific principles.
_________3. Efficiency is the quality of being able to maximize output with minimum input.
_________4. Some companies failed to implement their strategies because of the lack of employees who
execute them.
_________5. Efficiency means “doing the right thing”.
_________6. The driving force of people to do business in a faster way is communication.
_________7. Globalization enables people to do business in any part of the world.
_________8. Several concepts from psychology such as motivation, behavior, attitude, and personality give
managers the means to know their employees better.
_________9. A business environment consists of a group of firms which provide related products and
to meet the needs and interests of all the key players involved.
_________10. Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of
an organization effectively and efficiently to achieve organizational goals.

B. Question: What important role does management play in organization? (10 pts)

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