Critical Task 5

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Dear Kenneth and family,

Today, I’m reaching out to you to discuss Kenneth’s performance on this year’s FCAT.

Kenneth’s raw score this year was 37 out of 45 possible points. Kenneth’s raw score is

how many questions on the test he correctly answered. Kenneth’s performance level this

year is a 3, meaning that he was met with partial success on the 2010 FCAT. Kenneth’s

confidence interval, or the score that he would most likely earn if he were to take the test

again, is anywhere between 2064 and 2216.

Kenneth’s progress over time has shown a steady improvement in scores, with the

exception of this year being slightly lower than last year’s score. Kenneth has

consistently been on or above grade level each year he has been tested.

Kenneth’s strengths in reading include comparisons and cause/effect, as well as reference

and research. Kenneth knows the different writing structures, and he knows how to use

information from a variety of sources to reach a conclusion. What Kenneth should

practice next is using his skills to determine word meaning, including word parts and

relationships between words. Kenneth will also be working on determining main idea,

plot, and purpose of writing.

Over the next few weeks, I will assign Kenneth work focused on word semantics. I will

also have Kenneth work with graphic organizers to help identify main idea/plot/purpose

to develop his comprehension skills.

If you have any further questions about Kenneth’s performance on the FCAT, please feel

free to contact me by phone, email, or in person.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Catherine Boyd
Dear Salma and Family,

Today I’m reaching out to you to discuss Salma’s performance on this year’s FCAT.

Salma’s scale score in reading comprehension was 721, and her scale score in

mathematics problem solving was 704. These numbers are not her raw score, but the

product of her raw score multiplied with a determined number in order to plot her

development as a student. Salma’s raw score for reading was 153 correct responses out of

162 questions, and for math her score was 90 correct responses out of 96 questions.

Salma’s national percentile rank in reading comprehension is 98, while her percentile

rank in mathematics problem solving is 96. Salma has scored higher or as well as 98% of

students in her grade level across the country in reading and 96% of students in her grade

level in math. Salma’s stanine score in both sections is 9, which is the highest stanine

score. Salma’s national percentile bands for both tests are around the range 90%-100%,

meaning if Salma were to take this test again, her score would fall within this range.

Salma performed exceedingly well and is strong in every content area. The only content

area I would recommend light review on is data, statistics, and probability, and even in

this area, she scored above the national average.

Over the next few days, I will assign Salma a few probability, data, and statistics word

problems, but other than that, Salma will be given the opportunity to work ahead.
If you have any further questions about Kenneth’s performance on the FCAT, please feel

free to contact me by phone, email, or in person.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Catherine Boyd

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