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1. What is the difference between spam mail and junk mail?

 Which one is a bigger security risk to a

Both spam mail and junk mail are unwanted, annoying emails. Spam is entirely unsolicited, junk
is solicited and sometimes has an unsubscribe button. Spam mails are a bigger security risk
because it sometimes tries to scam the reader.
2. What is the point of automated emails sent to tell someone when they’ve created a new account
or changed a password for an existing account?

The point of automated emails is to confirm that the new accounted for newly changed password
is done by the owner to prevent identity theft or other crimes related to private information.

3. Write a short email signature appropriate for you as a student. Describe any visuals you would
include. Explain roughly how you could apply that signature to all your emails.

Emilia Jonnathon
MSc Marketing College University
Head of Student Union
555-555-555 |
The signature is attached at the end of every email I send so the received would know my title in
a brief, informative way.

4. Compile a list of at least three best practices for information security that you could include in an
employee manual for a company that works with moderately sensitive information.
- Pay attention to the spelling of the email addresses.
- Set up spam filters
- Recognize the sender of frequently received spam emails

5. Your friend Daphne says that her 10-person company is going to go “email free” and everyone
will communicate via text message. She says it will save money and protect the company from
scams and viruses. Are there any drawbacks to Daphne’s plan, or is it a great idea?
Daphne’s idea of working through text message is a very good one. However, other than being
slightly unprofessional, interacting solely through texts has its setbacks. Working through email
lets you sort out the types of mails, highlight the important ones, etc. Despite the risk of spam, a
company should still prioritize sending information through emails.

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