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Nama + Wand FaNzah ¢ 43219120138) WRITE ALL THE ANSWERS ON YOUR PAPER. UNIT 2 TEST Elementary 3 5 ‘Time: 20 minutes I. LISTENING Directions: Listen to the conversation. Then read the sentences in Nos. 1-5. Decide whether they are TRUE or FALSE. Conversation: 1. Wahyu lives in Padang, r/® 2. Wahyu is a singer. yr 3. Mary works in Philadelphia. F 4. Mary isn't a chef. T/@ 5. Wahyu and his brother live in Philadelphia. (QY F Il. VOCABULARY Directions: 6. 7 8. L Melissa is a/an OO Dan and Emi are Tom is a/an Arovitecture 9% 10. & Jose and Kim are_SO€F player Johnny is a/an Tax Driver 111. GRAMMAR Directions: Complete the conversation. Use the correct verb and do or does. What 40 __ you _0 1. A B I'ma singer 12. A What 402 Andrea 40> : B She's a singer. 13, A Where 40 _ they _live_» B They live in Sukabumi 14. A where 45 agit © to school? B He goes to UL 15. A Who 4° _ you WOK _ for? B We work for UNICEF, Oxford University Press & LBPP LIA | 1 TV. READING Directions: WRITE ALL THE ANSWERS ON YOUR PAPER. Read the text. Then answer the questions. Meet My Friends My friend Alex is from Mexico City. But now he lives in Los Angeles. He's 25, and he’s a police officer. He works for LAPD, Los Angeles Police Department. I think he has an interesting job. Yukiko is a doctor. Her husband Kabuo is a chef, They live in Tokyo, Japan. Yukiko works in a big hospital in Tokyo. Kabuo works in a restaurant in the city center. Yukiko is 27. Sarah is 25, She’s an English teacher. Sarah works in a school in Taipei. She lives in Taipei, too. Sarah has a lot of students! 16. Alex lives in ‘A. Mexico City Los Angeles C. Tokyo 17. A. Alex is a doctor. ® Yukiko C. Kabur 18. Sarah is 0 a A. police officer B. chef teach er 19. What does Kabuo do? He’S wows {h restaurant in the city Center 20. Where does Sarah live? techie Waseem aHTTTETTaEETPEEEEEEEC SE V. WRITING Directions: Nos. 21-25: This is my onli le) Write five sentences about the woman. Include the information from the box. ine friend. teleaast lea Ee Name: Jane Foster Place of origin: San Francisco, California Job: Office worker Company: TC Carter Age: 22 Coligormin. HEE 22 and hes a opACE Worker. 2. | oxford University Press & LHP LIA He works for Te Caner. 1 diem Ihe Was an {arenes Jao. This Is my online @Wnd. he nawe Ts Jane Foster. Moybe yeu CaN ca Kim Jane. He rom San Fransised,

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