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What Is Your Long-Term Goal and In What Ways Can Northcentral Help You to

Achieve It?

Dorla Grant

Northcentral University
What Is Your Long-Term Goal and In What Ways Can Northcentral Help You to

Achieve It?

This paper addresses my goals and aspirations for the future and looks at the various

ways in which Northcentral University and its community can help me attain this objective.

Emphasis is placed on a history of my educational and professional background and long term

five-year personal and professional vision. In other words, the paper raises the question “What is

your long-term goal and in what ways can Northcentral help you to achieve it”?

Professional and Educational Background

One of my main goals in life is to be a lifelong learner and in doing so continue to

educate myself. My educational background consists of the following degrees: Associate Degree

in Business (1986), Bachelor Degree in Business (2011), and Master’s Degree in Labor Relation

(2014). This degree culminated in the completion of a research project and paper focusing on

cooperative movements in New York City.

Additionally, my present employment in the Information Technology department at

CUNY Medgar Evers College, by arming me with technical background knowledge, has

influenced the decision to further my education in the field.

Personal/Professional Vision

My long-term goal for the next five years includes completing a doctoral degree

and working in a full-time leadership position. Particularly, I am focus on completing the

program and obtaining a Doctorate of Education degree in E-Learning from Northcentral

University. With this degree in hand, I aim to work as a Technology Training Specialist,

collaborating with teachers and students who are using technology in the classroom. Specifically,
training faculty and students in emerging trends in technology, as well as other learning tools

which can enhance the learning process.

Northcentral and Me

Attending Northcentral University will provide the foundation to accomplish my

goal of becoming a Training Specialist in the technology field. A Doctorate of Education degree

in E-Learning will offer the opportunity to meet, network, and work with educators and other

students who share my passion for E-learning. Additionally, the program at Northcentral

University will put me in a place where I can advance my career, learn new skills, and impart my

education. By equipping me with the knowledge and skills in the field, I will be prepared to

move forward.

The NCU Doctoral Process

The information given to me during the orientation process and those referenced in the

Dissertation Center did not match my expectations of the doctoral process. In fact, the guidance

and information provided to me was much more than I expected. My review of online classes led

me to think that support was lacking in these programs. I was very much surprise to find the

overwhelming support and guidance from both student and faculty communities given to

students who were doing online classes at NCU. This has had an impact on how I will proceed

with my degree, as I feel this assistance will enable me to complete my degree with greater

certainty and confidence knowing that the support is available to me.

Academic and Professional Communities

Presently, four academic and Professional communities are available to students

for support and guidance. They comprised the following communities: Research and statistics

support, Resource for writers, APA Style guidelines, and the Academic coaching services. By
becoming a member of these communities, I can take advantage of the information available to

me as a writer and researcher. For instance, one resource available to students in the “Resource

for Writers Community” supports the ability to write coherently. At the time of writing, 1,228

members form the discussion forum where students can meet and discuss issues and give advice

to each other.

The Northcentral Community

Although, I have set broad academic goals to pursue a degree, I may need assistance from

Faculty and Advisors in planning and setting specific goals. In effect, my question to this

community would the following: in what ways can the Northcentral Community help me to set

specific goals on my path to accomplish broader academic goals? To the student’s community, I

would ask, what advice you would give to a student who wanted to be successful in the

education program? Are there any specific pitfalls to avoid?


In sum, my long-term goal is to obtain a doctoral degree in E-Learning from Northcentral

University and to gain full time employment as Technology Training Specialist. The school can

help me to achieve this goal by giving me the skills and knowledge to be at the top of my field.

Through support and guidance from the student and faculty communities at NCU, this dream can

become a reality. Most importantly, I will be able to use this new knowledge to impact the lives

of teachers, and students in the classroom.

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