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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Prof. Shubhangini Bhalla Aman Gupta (20BSP0199)
Jyotsna Prateek (20BSP0995)
Parul Thadani (20BSP3329)
Rakshita (20BSP1818)
Rup Narayan Jha (20BSP1973)
Saroj Muni Murmu (20BSP2131)
Sunny Balyan (20BSP2559)

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INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 4
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT GOOGLE ........................................................ 6
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT AMAZON ....................................................... 9
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT MARRIOTT ................................................. 11
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 15
REFERENCES................................................................................................................... 16

Training is specifically vital for brand new employees. Every individual has some
shortcomings and training & development helps employees to overcome them. If
shortcomings and weaknesses are addressed, it is apparent that an employee's overall
performance improves. Training gives employees an opportunity to accumulate new skills,
sharpen present ones, perform better, increase productivity and be good leaders. An
organization that invests in training and development has more chances of getting satisfied
employees in their company. However, the exercise must be pertinent to the workers and one
from which they will learn so they will take back something. It may be worthless if training
and development become boring and dull, and employees attend it merely because they need
Employees who have attended the correct training need lesser supervision and guidance.
Training develops essential skill sets in employees and enables them to deal with obligations
independently. This also allows supervisors and management to target more crucial areas.
Training programs have quantifiable goals, like working on a specific piece of machinery,
understanding a selected process, or performing certain task with good precision.
Developmental programs, on the opposite hand, cope with broader capabilities which might
be relevant to a greater style of situations, like higher cognitive process, leadership skills, and
goal setting.

What are the Goals of coaching & Development?

• Improve team morale, confidence and hone the abilities
• Improve human relations
• Improve organization efficiency
• Reduce monitoring needs
• Improves the organizational viability, scalability, and adaptability.
Effective training and development begins with the strategy and objectives of the business.
The entire training process should be planned before while keeping the precise company
goals in mind. In developing a training strategy, it would be helpful to look out for the
company's customers and competitors, strengths and weaknesses, and any relevant industry
or societal trends. The main step is to use this information to spot the areas where training is
required by the organization as an entire or by individual employees. It should even be
beneficial to conduct an interior audit to seek out general areas which may like training, or to
complete a skills inventory to work out the kinds of skills employees possess and thus the
categories they'll need within the long run. Each different job within the corporate should be
segmented into task-by-task basis which is able to help in determining the content of the
educational program.
Types of Training
• Quality training – This is to enlighten employees with the means of detecting,
preventing, and eliminating non quality items, usually during a company that
produces a product.
• Skills training – This includes skills needed to really perform the duty.
• Soft skills – This is associated with personality traits, communication, and private
habits that are accustomed identify relationships with people.
• Professional training – This could also be a form of coaching required to be up to
date in one’s own professional field.
Training and development programs don't seem to be only beneficial for the staff but also for
the corporate. Like every other activity in your company, training and development should be
focused on producing targeted and concrete results for the business. The vital factor is that
training and development program should be treated seriously and brought into consideration
as a capital investment and make it result-driven.

The three organizations chosen to explore the training and development program for the
purpose of this report are:

1. Google
2. Amazon
3. Marriott

Google is an American global innovation organization that has some expertise in Internet-
related administrations and items, which incorporate web-based promoting advancements, a
web index, distributed computing, programming, and equipment. It is viewed as one of the
Big Five innovation organizations in the U.S. data innovation industry, close by Amazon,
Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. Google is the huge source viewpoint of information on the

Google’s Mission is to "put together the world's data and make it all around open and


The training method utilized by Google is G2G (Googler to Googler). This program is made
to offer first-hand information in various fields from representatives to workers.

There are 4 stages in which Google train their representatives:

• Google management utilizes various sorts of necessities examination, for
example, hierarchical investigation, work investigation, and money saving
advantage investigation.
• Organizational investigation recognizes new human asset needs dependent on the
company's present circumstance. For instance, in growing new items and putting
resources into new organizations, Google conducts authoritative examination to
decide the relating human asset necessities.
• Work investigation decides the particular prerequisites to satisfy work errands.
Google applies work examination on new openings, or when a hierarchical
rebuilding has recently happened.
• Cost-advantage investigation decides the reasonableness of preparing projects and
exercises. Google's unbiased in utilizing this kind of examination is to amplify the
advantages accomplished through preparing programs.

• Google management utilizes a blend of the social model and the outcomes situated
methodology for preparing program plan. The social model spotlights on the
relationship of the organization with representatives.
• Google keeps up certain interior relations to cultivate representative investment in
inventive and imaginative cycles. The outcomes arranged methodology centers
around preparing results.
• For model, in actualizing a preparation program, Google utilizes this way to deal
with encourage workers' learning. Hence, the social model enhances relations
among workers, while the outcomes situated methodology guarantees that Google
assets are viable.

• Google management conveys preparing programs differently, for example,
conversations, re-enactments and hands on preparing.
• Discussions empower Google to keep up rich interchanges including
representatives. With rich interchanges, preparing programs additionally
advantage through greatest criticism from the learners.
• The organization utilizes reproductions to encourage imaginative reactions.
Recreations enable Google's representatives to comprehend the subtleties of work
assignments, undertakings, and items.
• The organization likewise utilizes hands on preparing to amplify the exchange of
information to recently recruited employees or assistants.

• Google has summative and clear purposes in assessing preparing programs. The
summative reason for existing is to decide the adequacy of the program in creating
• The engaging reason for assessment is to comprehend the impacts of the
preparation on workers.
• Google management utilizes assessment factors like students learning and
responses, and the aftereffects of preparing programs as far as changes in human
asset information, aptitudes, and capacities.


• Instituting Career Development Initiatives - Career advancement activities are

consistently initiated at Google, while others are applied as the need emerges.
Ordinary execution of vocation improvement activities depends on the
organization's profession advancement programs.
• Google conducts yearly evaluations, which are additionally utilized as a basis for
career development. During or after evaluations, the organization's administration
educates representatives regarding conceivable profession openings.
• In expansion, the firm establishments some career development activities as the
need emerges, for example, when another business or item is created. For
instance, the advancement of the Google Fiber business makes new career
opportunities, which are introduced to the organization's representatives.

About Amazon is a large Internet-based business that sells books, music, movies, household
items, electronics, toys, and many other goods, directly or indirectly to other Amazon
retailers and millions of customers. Its web services business includes hiring data storage and
computer resources, called cloud computing

The company also makes the best readers of the Kindle e-book market. Its promotion of these
services has led to significant growth in e-book publishing and has transformed
into a disruptive influence in the book publishing market.

Training programs offered by amazon-

1. Amazon Technical Academy equips people with the ability to switch to software
engineering. Another supporter of peer training, this was created by Amazon software
engineers and uses project-based learning to ensure that trainees understand how to
apply these skills by practicing non-learning.

2. Associate2Tech program is a 90-day course for the roles of IT professionals, where

they receive on-the-job training and then Amazon pay for their A + Certification
exam. Apart from the required level, there are minor entry barriers.

3. The Machine Learning University, on the other hand, is open to those with a
background in technology and coding. These six-week modules require only half a
day or a full day of participation each week, during which Amazon Machine Learning
scientists help them develop the skills needed to progress.

4. The idea that Amazon controls the delivery of their wanted positions is appealing, but
it could be what makes them successful. As the company and learning / technology
grows rapidly, there is no guarantee that talent will be available to fill those vacancies
in the coming years. Also, if better engagement, character and retention is a product
of developing the skills of their people

5. International leadership development program –

“Our goal is it to become Earth’s most customer-centric company. This is only

possible with talented employees like you who are willing to move across our world-
class Operations network to continuously learn and grow. We know that there are
many opportunities out there for fresh MBA and Master Grads like you, but none of
them will provide you the opportunity to lead and impact change like Amazon does
and move up quickly to become one of our senior leaders.”

"My favorite project was the launch of the first customer returns department in
Poland. After going through training at one of our return centers in Prague, I worked
with a project manager in Poland to successfully receive the first package. I will never
forget that moment of achievement." Dominika S., Area Manager


• Leadership experience in one of the international companies

• Work experience in the rapidly growing Polish market
• Working with smart people from all over the world
• Be part of an ever-expanding Operating network serving our customers
• Competitive salary package

About Marriott
Marriott International, Inc. is an American hospitality company that manages and franchises a
comprehensive collection of hotels. It was founded by J. Willard Marriott and is now run by
his son, Bill Marriott (Executive Chairman), and Arne Sorenson (president and chief
executive officer). It is the largest hotel chain in the world according to number of available

Marriott always put people first means to care about them, therefore, Marriott provides
Training and development programs for their employees, which gives them the opportunity in
the planning their future career.

“In the Beginning” training program

This program consists of three parts and it is for both management and non-management.:

1. 1st stage - Orientation

2. 2nd stage - 60 days program
3. 3rd stage - 90 days program

Stage 1: Orientation

This is process by which new hires are introduced to the organisation’s philosophy, values,
norms and culture. It is also the first training that each employee can experience. This
training should be attended all employees in the 1st week on the Job.

The program content includes an introduction to the company’s history, value, culture, brand
information, safety and security, service offering etc.

Afterwards, every employee in a day of signing working agreement gets the “Associate

Stage 2

Associates can’t start with Stage 2 if they did not fulfil ‘Orientation’.

This is a 60 days long training after hiring. Mainly, this training form upon guest service
skills – “maintaining rapport, dealing with challenging guest, service excellence etc.”

Stage -3

Stage 3 begins after the completion of stage 1 and 2. This is a 90 days long stage and it
consists of several trainings such as goal setting, action panning, teamwork etc.
After completion of Program:

After completion of “In the Beginning” program is completed, non-managerial staff go on

with the technical trainings like “Passport to Success” program, which focused on the
“Operational and F&B departments”.

While, “Getaway” program concentrated on other departments such as “HR, Sales &
Marketing, Finance departments”, etc.

Managers can continue their TDP with the “Core Management” training program. Whereas
those supervisors or managers who don’t have any managerial experience need to complete
Essential skills training program, afterwards they can join Core Management Training

“Core Management” training program.

This program aims to develop Marriott associates. According to J. Willard Marriott,
philosophy “People are number one – their development, loyalty, interest and team spirit”.

Core Management training program levels:

Level 1 - Foundations of Leadership & 7 Habits.

Level 2 - Navigating through change - Developing You: Developing Others - Dynamic

Teams - Managing Business Priorities - Brand Universities.

Level 3 - World Class Negotiating Skills - Impact Leadership - Business Acumen - Advanced
Presentation Skills - Property Strategic Planning Implementation.

The Core Management program consist of 3 levels, each level includes several trainings,
which conducted in groups of 20-25 participants and include “extensive group interaction”.

Moreover, Training Manager emphasised that “each manager should have one core
management training per year”.

Core Management training supports for the development of the Marriott leaders, who will
continue to carry on the philosophy and believes of the Marriott International.


Essential Skills for Supervisors and Managers

This program consists of 15 modules which include the following:

1. Welcome to Marriott Management

2. Communicating for Success
3. Hiring the Best
4. Training and Developing your Associates
5. Coaching for Great Performance
6. Building Top Performing Teams
7. Conducting Performance Appraisals
8. Managing Conflict
9. Juggling Time
10. Business Basics
11. Create Experiences
12. Effective Daily Meetings
13. Goal Setting
14. Your Career and You
15. Stress Management.

This is a training program for supervisors that utilizes hands-on experience to learn about
various departments of the hotel and develop comprehensive hotel expertise which helps
prepare them for management responsibilities.

Get on Board
This is for new managers to introduce them both externally and internally to International
Lodging. They experience and learn Marriott’s culture, policies and procedures for
International Lodging through a variety of mediums while building the necessary

Ashridge Virtual Learning Resource Centre

Virtual Learning Resource Centre is mainly for allowing the employees with the opportunity
to learn at their own pace.


Property Strategic Planning Implementation

This is a two-day program which is conducted 30 days before a new Marriott International
hotel opening. This is planned for the hotel Leadership Team.
Courtyard by Marriott International University
This is an international program and the only Marriott training program that is offered to
Courtyard by Marriott General Managers and Assistant Managers. This mainly focuses on
understanding the product and service standards, positioning of the brand, pricing strategies,
effective food and beverage, and creating hotel-specific action plans to achieve goals.

Training On-Property Programs

This is a workshop for hotel managers enabling Marriott’s “In the Beginning”, “Passports to
Success”, or other on property training programs for hourly employees.

Effective Training Skills

This mainly focuses on co-facilitation techniques, stages of experiential learning, and better
understanding of learning styles. This is both a workshop and a certification process.
Training and development programmes are important not only for employees but for
organization as well. We took 3 companies to show how different companies prepare their
employees for the job.

I. Google
The method of G2G (Googler to Googler) is very effective as the new trainees come to know
about the day to day activities from the employees themselves as it helps them save time.

Facilitating the employees for their valuable contribution towards their organization is
another way of Google to motivate their employees. Annual Appraisal helps in the overall
development of an employee.

II. Amazon
Knowledge has no limits and Amazon is the perfect example for this. Various courses and
certifications are offered by the e-commerce giant. They also pay for these courses. They
like to keep their employees up to date with the latest technology that’s available. There
International leadership development program is a great opportunity for those who want to
showcase their, skills for the betterment of the company.

III. Marriott International, Inc.

As said by their founder J. Willard Marriott's, philosophy “People are number one – their
development, loyalty, interest and team spirit”. They believe that Customers increase the
value of their brand. So, to keep customers happy, training in important areas for an optimum
time period is important.

They conduct a 157 days programme. 3 steps are involved in their programme and they make
sure that no candidate goes to next step without the successful completion of the 1st & 2nd

Various types of programmes are run by them to sharpen the skills of employees.

Their methods are different, they belong from different industries but are leaders in their
domain. You don’t taste success just by giving good offers but also giving good services.

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