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Tiempos Verbales (Ejercicios)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb, then write the
interrogative and negative form time

I (travel) to London every week.

They (run) in the park every Saturdays.
My mother (clean) the house.
You (be) a good student.
Mary (work) in a bank.
John (walk) to his office.
You (study) English at school.
The dog (break) the fence.
The car (be) in the garage.
My father (have) a nice coat.

Yesterday my father (go) to work by car. 

This morning I (have)  a shower. 
My sister (not clean)  her room on Saturday. 
The birds (fly)  over our heads. 
Last week my family (not buy) a new table for the dining room. 
The other day, I (lose) my math's book. 
I (tell)  my mother a lie. 
We (hear)  a terrible sound outside last night. 
(you see)  football match Tuesday night? 
Pau (drink)  a litre of Coke for lunch yesterday

When Clark arrives to the airport, he (take) a taxi to my home.

Mark (meet) me at the airport.
If I can not open the door I (break) it.
Joe (call) me as soon as he arrives to the city.
If I pass the exams, I (celebrate) ... with my friends.
Ann (make) ... a beautiful dress to her sister for the party.
I (get) my graduation at the end of the year.
Charles (buy) car as a present to his son.
A lot of people (attend) the theatre the next week.
Sam (drive) a very fast car in the race.

She (be/ give) me a gift.

My father and my brother (not/be/paint) the house.
Joe(be/climb) the mountain.
They (be/eat) at the shopping center.
My grandmother (not/be/wear) a coat.
Meg and Brian (be/wait) for you.
The pupils (be/explain) the lesson.
My sister (not/be/buy) a red dress.
The secretary (be/write) a letter.
The maid (be/clean) the house.

My son (play) tennis when he broke his leg.

Michael (climb) the mountain for three days.
It (snow) a lot in the top of the mountain.
John (sleep) when the thieve broke the window.
My mother (prepare) the dinner when Charles got home.
Sarah (send) a message to me when I saw her.
The tourists (travel) to London when the plane crashed.
Sally (sing) beautifully during the concert.
Tom (work) very hard in the weekend.
Sam (have) lunch when my roommate met him.

John (fix) his car this afternoon.

I (study) for the final exam next week.
I (fly) to Spain next Monday.
We (see) Jim this evening.
Peter (visit) you tomorrow morning.
My father (come) next week.
He (have) dinner at nine.
Tom (paint) the house tomorrow morning.
Next Sunday Susan and Michael (travel) to London.
My parents (stay) in a luxurious hotel in Italy.

Sofie (have/study) so hard for the final exam.

We (not/have/write) a lot of beautiful poems.
Margaret (not/have/travel) to Italy.
I (have/go) to the cinema.
They (have/bring) a lovely dog.
Sam (not/have/arrive) late to work.
Mark (have/visit) wonderful cities in Europe.
My mother (not/ have/make) a nice dress for my sister.
Clare (not/ have/invite) her boyfriend to the wedding.
Lia (have/want) to work in the fashion industry.

Astronauts (have/fly) through space for hours.

The boys (have/steal) the bicycles.
They (have/have) a long and uncomfortable trip.
The beggar (have/find) five bottles of beer.
He (have/show) me the content of the parcel.
My sister Ann (have/begin) her diet a week ago.
She (have/think) a good idea.
The postman (have/deliver) my letter.
He (have/retire) from political life.
Alice (have/leave) her bag on a chair.

Before her birthday, we (have/buy) the gifts.

By the end of December I (have/finish) the school.
Before 8 o'clock, I (have/drink) two coffees.
You (sell) your house by the time you have moved to Seattle.
She (have/approve) the test before the holidays.
Before the weekend, we (have/travel) to Chicago.
They (not/ have/study) the lesson by this afternoon.
They (not/have/undestand) the translation before tomorrow.
Susan and Brian (not/ have/organize) a party, before Tom gets home.
By the end of the weekl I (not/have/pay) all the debts.

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