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DWS800, SOOE DRAWWORKS OPERATOR AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL APRIL 1982 200-43, ‘Table of Contents (CHAPTER | ~ INTRODUCTION LL Scope 12 Service Life 1.3 Equipment Variations 4 1s 16 Features 17 Warranty (CHAPTER Hl - CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS, 2.1 MODEL DWS00 Controls and Instruments 2.2 MODEL DWSOOE Controls and Instruments (CHAPTER Ml ~ LUBRICATION 31 Grease Sytem > 32 Grease Fitting Loe 33. Lubrication Char (CHAPTER IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 41 General 42. Alignment 43° Water System 44° OilSystem 45° Grease System 46 ie System 47 48 49 rockets 4.10 eClamp CHAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING Page No, 1 21 26 39 Table of Contents CHAPTER VI ~ SHAFT FITTING SPECIFICATIONS 6 6 63 6a 65 Drumm Shaft Sandreel Shaft Input Shaft Output Shart Rotary Countershaft CHAPTER VII — ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS a 72. 13 4 7S 18 Specifications Power Flow Disgrams Rotary Speed Power Flow Diagrams Hoisting Speed Power Plow Diagrams Reverse Speed Power Flow Diagrams ‘Typical 800 Drawworks Layout Page No or 68 9 7 n 3B 8 %6 n ® » a 12 CHAPTER | ~ INTRODUCTION score. func and perfomance of the equipment to be extended ‘operating or servicing the drawworks. Keep it conjunction with the Drawworks Parts Manu SERVICE LIFE im service life and trouble-free operation, routine maintenance chapters of this manual. For | contact the nearest Gardner Denver representa Continuing improvement and advancement of mented in your drawworks and may not be reflected CAUTION TF YOU ARE NEW TO OPERATING THIS EQUIPMENT. You MUST READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING OPERATION. PERSOW. AL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT COULD RESULT OTHER wise (CHAPTER | ~ INTRODUCTION 1.4. SPECIAL INSIGNIA and SAPETY INSTRUCTIONS are wsed nportant and critical instruc mediate DANGER = Used only where an i hazard exists. A CAUTION = Used to warn against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe practices STRUCTIONS ~ Used where SAFETY anu suggestions ie ‘CHAPTER I ~ INTRODUCTION ‘OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS. A. Do not operate drawworks unless you are thoroughly familise functions. the controls and their B. Be sure pneumatic or hydraulic systems are not pressurized before loosening or removing any connection or pat. C. Keep hands, clothing, rags and tools away ftom moving parts D. Wear protective clothing (helmet, shoes te) while drawworks i in operation E, Do not attempt lubrication or service while drawworks i running, F._ Keep work areas clear of hazards G. Lubricate and service drawworks as recommended. Use only recommended lubricants. HL Periodically check all bolts, nuts and adjustments for proper tension. |. Do not attempt unauthorized disassembly, maintenance or modifications of any compo nents under warranty. Contact your Gatdner-Denver representative for further informe 4. Periodically check belts, chains and hoses for indication of wear, loosening, racking or traying KK. Be sure all safety guards are secure and in place before operating drawworks. L. Prior to operation, be sure drawworks input sprocket is properly aligned with power M. No welding or modifications should be performed ‘zed representative of Gardner-Denver. (Chapter Page 3 avn (CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION B. ‘The model 800 drawworks isa single package, cross-skilded drawworks, with eight hoist: ing speeds which provide a smooth progression of line speeds and fast, accurate conteol of rig on bricated by pressure C. The modet 8008 electric motor powered drawworks can be powered by one or two el ‘motors which are inteprally mounted on the drawworks skid and are directly coupled to transmission. This eros-skidded unit offers a selection of four hoisting and two rotary speeds. The full width front panel can be removed to make brake adjustments and to check the drum. A full view inspection plate on the rear of the housing provides access to trens- ches, mission chains, sprockets and Fepape 5 1.7 WARRANTY AND APPLICATION ject tothe ter ' and conditions herwinater set forth. Gardner Denver (the Company) ‘warrants products and parts sold by i, insofar as they are ofits own manufacture, against defects of mat al and workmanship, under use and service in accordance with Company's ‘written instructions, recommendations and ratings for installation, operation, maintenance service of products, fora period ofthe h period shall in no case extend beyond one year from the date of| shipment by Company. THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR RE PLACEMENT AS COMPANY MAY ELECT OF ANY DEFECTIVE PARTS, REGARD ING WHICH, UPON DISCOVERY OF THE DEFECTS, THE PURCHASER HAS JIVEN IMMEDIATE WRITTEN NOTICE. Install have the op nths from the date of inital use, provided that such three m yn and transportation costs are not n of requiring the return to it of the defective terial, transportation prepaid, for inspection. Because of varying conditions of instlla- tion and operation, ton of 35, COM: PANY DOES NOT WARRANT THE MERCHANTABILITY OF ITS PRODUCTS AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OTHER THAN THE WARRANTY CONTAINED HEREIN. Company has not representa varantees of performance are subject to a n oF warranty other than the warranty cont (CHAPTER It - CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS ~ 800 2 CHAPTER II CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS ~ 800 MODEL DW800 (See Fig. 2-1) A. SPINNING CATHEAD CONTROL (1) ~ operates spinning eathead clutch, B. CATHEAD AIR PRESSURE GAUGE (2) ~ indicates pressure to spin sure canbe varied by control to ease into load when making up a joint. ©, BREAKOUT CATHEAD CONTROL (3) ~ operates breakout eathead clutch, E. HAND THROTTLES (5) ~ manually regulate engine speeds. Throttle Junction with each other to operate various engines oF engine comt spoeds F. THROTTLE SELECTORS (6) = select engines) to be controlled by the FOOT THROT- ‘TLE (22). The FOOT THROTTLE (22) will always operate the number | engine and any ‘other engine that can be controlled by the number 1 HAND THROTTLE (3). The THROTTLE SELECTORS (6) are used in conjunction with each other and th THROTTLE (5) to facltate operating various engines oF engine combinations at dif ferent speeds SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS THERE IS A THROTTLE COMPOUNDING INSTRUCTION CHART ON THE SIDE OF THE CONTROL PANEL. (See Fig. 23) "TRANSMISSION SPEED CONTROLS (7) — the operator has a selection of eight Forward four forward and to th variable engine speeds, (2) The bottom left hand FORWARD/REVERSE SPEED CONTROL (7) operates the reverse gear. This control has a locking device to prevent accidental engagement () The DWS0O model drawworks has a mechanical transmission. Bofore selecting or yn_spoeds, move MASTER. CLUTCH/TRANSMISSION. BRAKE TRANSMISSION BRAKE position to stop input drive shaft Page 9 CHAPTER Il ~ CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS ~ 800, (5) The transmission control system incorporates, bo These infetiocks heip prevent damage to the hoist from improper sh ‘dalton, ‘Heeivcs its air supply only. when the MASTER CLUCH/TRANS- TRANSMISSION BRAKE pos ing, a chock val Wve slows engagement of system is regulated to prever be adjusted as low as posible and yet insure proper shifting, approximately Pa |. PUMP CLUTCH CONTROLS (9) ~ engage and disengage number 1 engine and number 2 ne fs Pump clutch ait pressure should not exceed 100 psi A pres Sve regulator i located in the contol pancl to serve this function. J. DRUM BRAKE LEVER (10) ~ engages and disengages main drum brake, K, MAIN AIR GAUGE (1 s main input air pressure to control panel, Air pressure should be 100 psi to L. OIL PRESSURE GAUGE (12) — indieates output ol pressure from drawworks 0 Pressure should be between S psi and 21 M. DRUM CLUTCH AIR GAUGE (12) ~ indicates DRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CONTROL ( fon LOW DRUM when HIGH DRUM/LOW DRUM position. IIGH DRUM position, or ar pressure IM CLUTCH CONTROL (17) is im LOW N. LOW DRUM AND CATHEAD CONTROL (14) ~ engages and disengages low drum drive and cathead shaft ©. MASTER CLUTCH/TRANSMISSION BRAKE CONTROL (15) ~ in MASTER CL rt enuages masfet clutch, In TRANSMISSION BRAKE position engages [rake to stop input drive sha, stopping all power to the drawworks, P. ROTARY CLUTCH AND ROTARY BRAKE CONTROL (16) ~ in ROTARY IN position, feleases rotary brake and engages rotary clutch. In ROTARY OUT position, disengages fotary elute and engages rotary brake. Rotary brake consists of shoe type brake operating ‘the driving ring of the rotary clutch, DRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CONTROL (17) ies dram LOW DRUM ‘engages LOW s incorporated to insure only singular engagement o ry brake water ‘Ait pressure in ry brake water Sa (CHAPTER II — CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS ~ 800 S. AUXILIARY BRAKE WATER GAUGE (19) ~ indicates air presure of tank water lvel ‘on main brake drums activate elit valve ‘Tocngage catch (2) Move MASTER CLUTCH/TRANSMISSION BRAKE CONTROL ( ‘TRANSMISSION BRAKE position, stopping all drawworks rotation, (b) Step on LOW DRUM AUXILIARY CLUTCH CONTROL QD) (©) Move MASTER CLUICH/TRANSMISSION BRAKE CONTROL (15) very o AXANTION AN "bo vor ATrEMPr To ENGAGE CLUTCH UNTIL DRUM HAS STOPPED ALL ROTATION. THEN BE SURE DRAWWORKS ROTATES VERY SLOWLY WHILE ENGAGING CLUTCH. \V. FOOT THROTTLE (22) ~ regulates engine speed by means in conjunction with THROTTLE SELECTOR (6). When HAND THROTTLE (5) is set at IDLE or minimum speed, FOOT THROTTLE (22) will everride HAND THROTTLE (5). FOOT THROTTLE (22) will always operate number | engine and any other engine that can be controlled by number ! HAND THROTTLE (5). W. AUXILIARY BRAI works @\ CAUTION DO NOT ENGAGE AUXILIARY BRAKE SHIFTER CONTROL (23) WHILE DRUM IS IY MOTION. 9 © fa THROTTLE COMPOUNDING CONTROL ‘3 ENGINE COMPOUND tt ee ivi ee} 32 Sec S24 ‘CONTROLLING No.1 THROTTLE NO. 42 ENGINE NO. THROTTLE ‘CONTROLLING ‘CONTROLLING (CONTROLLING NO. ZENGINE No.1 THROTTLE ‘CONTROLLING ‘NO. H ENGINE No. a THROTTLE CONTROLLING: NO. 3ENGINE No. a THROTTLE CONTROLLING. NO. 28:3 ENGINE oe GARDNER-DENVER CO. © DALLAS, TEXAS USA. (008 ~ SNOLLAIHOSAIG TOMLNOD ~ HALVED z 08 ~ NoLLANIDSI-TOULNOD ~ HH AaLAVD CHAPTER ~ CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS — 8008 22 MODEL DWSOOE (See Fig. 2-4) A. SPINNING CATHEAD CONTROL (1) ~ operates spinning cathead cl B. CATHEAD AIR PRESSURE GAUGE (2) ~ i sure can be varied by control to ease into load fen milking up a joint. ©. BREAKOUT Cc! ~ operates breakout cathead clutch IEAD CONTROL (3) E, TRANSMISSION CLUTCH CONTROL (7) — used IGH DRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CONTROL (17). Offer a Selection of 4 forward and 4 reverse dr spceds, 2 forward and 2 reveise rotary speeds, as well a5 2 forward and 2 reverse eatsha Gandree) speeds. These speeds, combined with fullrange of working speeds nd line (1) The drum speeds ae selected by moving controls as follows ‘TRANS. HIGH DRUM/LOW DRUM SPEED CLUTCH CONTROL (7) CLUTCH CONTROL (17) 1 ‘TRANS. LOW LOW DRUM 2 ‘TRANS. HIGH LOW DRUM 3 TRANS. LOW HIGH DRUM 4 TRANS. HIGH, HIGH DRUM (2) The 2 rotary and catshat (sundreel) speeds are selected by ng controls s follows: TRANSMISSION ROTARY CLUTCH & SANDREEL SPEED CLUTCH CONTROL (7) ROTARY BRAKE CONTROL (16) CLUTCH CONTROL (24) "TRANS. LOW ROTARY IN IN TRANS. HIG! 1N he DWSOOE model ng transmission speeds, move TRANS ‘ive shat. This mnsmission. Before selecting or SSION BRAKE CONTROL (15) to ON ako stop all power to the draswworks. we LOW DRUM & CAT rotary wil EAD IAPTER Il CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS 8008 hoist from improper sifting. in adi the TRANSMISSION BRAKE CONTROL ford fof the master eluteh, Air pressure to the to prevent undue strain on shifter parts. Th ly 60 ps to 80 Ps. 1, DRUM BRAKE LEVER (10) — engages G. MAIN AIR GAUGE (11) ~ indicates main i 100 psi to 130 psi mai H, OIL PRESSURE GAUGE (12) indica Pressure should be between 5 psi and 20 psi 1. DRUM CLUTCH AIR GAUGE (13) ~ indicat IRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CONTROL (17) isin HIGH DRUM pos Se LOW DRUM when HIGH DRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CONTROL (17) is in LOW DRUM posto J. LOW DRUM AND CATHEAD CONTROL (14) ~ engages and disengages low drum drive and cathead shaft K. TRANSMISSION BRAKE CONTROL (1 power to drawworks. In OFF pi i dinengages ine in ROTARY IN postion, E postion, disengaes brake operating L. ROTARY CLUTCH AND ROTARY BRAKE CONTROL brake and engages rotary clutch, In ROTARY BRAI i engages rotary brake. Rotary brake consists of shoe ch M. DRUM/LOW DRUM CLUTCH CO? ‘ In LOW DRUM post N. AUXILIARY BRAKE CONTROL (18) ble by use of tank and hold 2 juantity of water in tank. ressure of tank water (©. AUXILIARY BRAKE WATER GAU Sa cxaerens- coneo.Descunons 18 | 5. SANDREEL CLUTCH CONTROL (24) (Optional) — engages and disengages sandrecl ‘T, SANDREEL BRAKE LEVER (25) (Opti ‘panel Engages and disengage sa 1) ~ located next to upper right side of control 3s How exceed 50 pi valve water for cooling main f DRUM BRAKE WATER U. DRUM BRAKE WATER VALVE (26) ~ Ci brake dranis, Adjust valve as required. Do GAUGE (20), Excess pressure will activate V. WATER PRESSURE GAUGE (27) — indicates water pressure of main supply to draw- works ' W. AUXILIARY BRAKE VALVE (28) — controls water supply to a brake (CHAPTER TI - LUBRICATION 3.1 GREASE SYSTEM |A. Grease fitting locations are cleanly marked 1s. Drawworks should be carefully type fittings ate used on water stuffing boxes on each hould be paid to greasing of bearings on drawworks. briated, The following bearings require grease teased once daily. Alemite fend of drunishaft, Careful ate (2) High drum sprocket bea G) Main drum bearings {shaft or sande! shaft main bearings drum bearings ws @ market are of differs to jeopardize dependable bearing sev properties: (4) Freedom from chemical ‘oxide and similar mineral or solid substance. (2) Resistance to change in consistency, sich a8 thickening, separation of oil, aid for ‘mation or hardening. QA ‘considerably hi + than the operating temperatures. ‘base grese i satisfactory forall lubes: y brake water seals . A good grade of roller bearing sodium 0} tion except for water staffing boxes and the . The grease used on water stuffing boxes ‘nase ereae due to the presence of water auiliary brake water seals shouldbe caleium E. The grade of grease may be either mumber 1 or number 2, depending on the climate in he drawworks will operate, For temperatures below 32°F, use number | grade 2 prade grease, The grease should have 4 melting point of not less than 30°F NOLLYORIANT ~ IHL ITLAVHIO oy (CHAPTER III — LUBRICATION 3.3 LUBRICATION CHART TYPE OF PERIOD OF LUBRICANT. LUBRICATION REMARKS, i Sump SSAE20 or SAEAO 3 Months ‘Check Ost Level Da (Non-Detergent) Air Line SAEIO Daily (Check Level Visually Lubricator (NonDetergent) Rotorseals SAEIO Weekly ou Cup (Non Detergent) Catheads Souiumn or Lithium Weekly One Shot ase Grease ‘See Parts Manual ‘As Needed NIA (Note Leakage) Water Seals ‘Clean Base Grease Before Each Trip “ZERK “Auxitiary Brake Before Each Trip | “ZERK Fittings Bearings Dynamic Brake Daily Two “ZERK" Fitings Base Grease Brake System Daily “ZERK™ Pittines Sandro! Brake | Sodium oF Li Weekly “ZERK® Fitings System Base Grease Main Dr Bearings ‘Sout or Lith Base Grease Main Dr Sprocket Bearines Catshaft Main Bearing Soatiam of L Daily ‘One Shot Stuffing Boxes Daily “ZERK” Fi Page 26 4a 42 GENERAL (©) Drive 3) Sprockets w (4) Leaking seals Loose or Corrective Action 1) Loose or missing nuts, b Fig. 4:1 Draw sks Drum & PTER IV Roum E MAINTENANCE Shaft assembles should remain in true alignment sary unless a shaft asembly has been disassembl sprockets, use a straight edge or string. Be sure it touches both sides of each sprocket c, Rotary Alignment Set rotary table and align the drawworks to the rotary table per fig. 42. drawson CAUTION EXCESSIVE TIGHTE: BEARINGS, IN WILL OVERLOAD SHAFTS AND Chapter IV Page 28 Seal box and CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Fig. 46 Airand Water Seal E, Removal of air/water tube from offsrillers side (Ref ig. 4-6) (1) Be sure there is no air or water pressure on ai and water sel (2) Dsconest water suply from sit and water sel and dacomnect ar sippy fom 10 @) Remove ‘union from air and water sea (4) Remove nut (10) and lockwasher adapter (6). 5) Disassem jug (1) and gasket (17) from air/water tube bearing housing (6) Remove air and water seal from air/water tube, Adapter (6) will remain on air/water tube CAUTION “AS AIR AND WATER SEAL IS BEING REMOVED. BE SURE END CAP (8) AND ADAPTER PLUG [1] REMAIN IN PLACE ON AIR AND WATER Seat’ CHAPTER IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE (2) Remove safety wire and four capserens securing n/vater tbe bearing owsng 0 brake, Remove bearing housing tube from drum shaft (8) Withdraw aifw rnd adapter (6) from air/water tube (9) Remove retaining ring, beating, bearing rea (20) Remove safety wire and fur capscrews securing sin/water tube retaining ring tute Remove retaining ring and end cap. (11 Remove two pieces of packing and lantern sing from inside arwater tube end sap and ignove O-rings from outside of end cap. bearing, packing and O-ring can now be replaced O-rings in air and water seal FF. Removal of packing in ar and water seal. (Ref, Hig. 6) 1 bearing (9) from end of air and (1) Remove adapter plug (1), gasket (17), ings (13) water seal end, remove end cap (5), O-ings (13) and (14) and beating 9) (2) From opposi Remove eight locknuts (12) and four stds (8) from bearing caps (2). NOTE: Some models use four capscrews and four lockwashers to hold bearing caps (2) inphace (4) Remove be ng caps (2) from packing box (3), (5) Withdraw washpipe (4) from packing box (3) {6) Remove four pieces of packing (16) and two lantern sings (7) from washpipe () an packing box (3) The four grease fittings (15) need not be removed unless they are being replace water seal ean now be repacked. from dailers sie. (Ref. fig. 46) ® G. Removal ofat/water spe (1) Be sure there no air or water pressure on air and water sel connect water supply from air and water seal and disconnect ar supply from ro- (3) Remove rotating union from air and water sea 1) from adapter (4) Remove nut (10) from stuffing box Mane hag ple, Adapter (6) wl remain oF CAUTION CAUTION.» waTeR SEAL IS BEING REMOVED, BE SURE END CAP fan UDAPTER PLUG (1) REMAIN IV PLACE ON AIR AND WATER Skat. (Chapter 1V Page 32 (CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ple and soft copper gasket from stuffing box Mange. Re water special nipple (8) The air/water special nipple and soft copper gasket can now be replaced (8) Remove safety wire and four capserews securing sufi Remove stuffing box flange (10) Remove two O-rings from around stuffing box Mange. (11) Pri to assembly, replace packing and all O-rings in ir and water sel sir and water seal. (Ref. fg. 46) CAUTION “ALWAYS USE NEW PACKING FOR INSTALLATIONS. (1) Apply insert one piece of p end of i ‘of packing facing inward. Tse ‘one piece of packing (16), again with lip of packing Facing inward CAUTION ‘BE CAREFUL NOT TO NICK, CHIP OR DEFACE PACKING, ing (16) in lantern ring (7) and 2) Post Jn washpipe (4) inside packing box (3). 16) and insert two pieces of packing (16) and ‘opposite end of packing box (3). Position packing (16) with lip of rt ) Install two bearing caps (2) and secure @, 2) and four studs NOTE: Some models use four capserews and four lockwashers to hold bearing caps 2) in place CAUTION ALWAYS USE NEW O-RINGS FOR INSTALLATIONS. (5) Apply a tight coat of grease to O-ings (13) and (14) and install in end cap (5). ‘Apply a light coat of grease to O-rings (13) and instal in adapter plug (1), (7) Install two bearings (9), one in each bearing cap (2), and secure in place with end cap (S) and adapter plug (2) (8) If grease fittings (15) were removed, install four each (Caper Pag 33 water tube, (Ref. fig. +6) CAUTION TLS USE NEW O-RINGS AND PACKING FOR INSTALLATIONS. (1) Apply a ight coat of grease to packing and O-rings and insert one pias of pacing in ADDY ei end cap. Inset lantern rng and second piece of packing, Packing it sie ar ter liga on oth sides, Position O-rings on outside of air/water tube end cap. (@) Assemble arfwater tube end cap and retaining ring to clutch with fur capscrews and tock (3) Awemble bearing retainer, bearing, retaining ring and adapter (6) to air/water tube water tube into drum shat 4) Insert CAUTION TON sLor IN END OF AIR/WATER TUBE ENGAGES PIN I Be RE AME, BE CAREFUL NOT TO NICK, CHIP OR DEFACE PACK- ING IN AIR/WATER TUBE END CAP. ary brake with four capserews and (5) Assemble aix/water tube bearing housing t0 a fockwie CAUTION AUTATS USE NEW GASKET FOR INSTALLATION, (6) Install air and water seal on ainfwater tube, Secure in ind pashet (17) t0 air/water tube bearing housing lace by assembling adapter (2) tostall nut (10) and Fockwasher (11) on adapter (6), {ng union on air and water sal (8) Install rt and connect aie supply to rotating union. (9) Connect water supply to air and water 41. tnstallation of st/water special nipple. (Ref. fis. 4-6) A, CAUTION A CAL WAYS USE NEW O-RINGS FOR INSTALLATIONS 112 O-rings around stuffing box flange ) Apply a light coat of grease to Orrings a 0) Secure stuffing box lange to auxiliary brake with Four capserews and lockwire, A CAUTION A CREESose new casker FoR insraLLavion 13) Install soft copper gasket and air/water special nipple in stuffing box ange. (4) Install adapter (6) on air/water special nipple AN CATION, CREEPS se ew cASKET FOR INSTALLATION. ippe. Secure in place by ass ply to air and water seal and connect ai supply to rotating union. Chapter VPage 3 MAINTENANCE 44° OILSYSTEM np ibe SAE20.For temperatures above 32° detergent Fig. 49 ter. (See fg. +10) CAUTION 10 AVOID LOSS OF OIL, REPLACE PIPE PLUG WHILE CLEAN FILTER SCREEN. FILTER SCREEN SUCTION STRAINER ~ PIPE PLUG: Fig. 410) WV Page 37 46 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM \PTER IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ‘of detivering 40 cfm at 130 pst is requir air volume tank i Water onan drawworks Check and cle CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE | 3 kerosene (> ee | rer evemenr -—— Fivren parr Law ning: ASSEMBLY 2 som. ASSEMBLY Fig, 4-13 Ait Line Filter Exploded View CAUTION 0 AVOID BREAKAGE, DO NOT DROP OR STRIKE FILTER ELEMENT. = Orv esirs, STR "AND FIRE RETARD. ANT OS’ OR BOWL ASSEMBLY. ia FUMES MAY 1 -Page 40 (CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE | ) Once the setting on I automatically adjust the dnp rate as the ar low changes needed. accumulate in reservoir, remove reservoir and clean it with ited before assembly. CAUTION ! N SOLVENTS, STRONG ALKALINE SUBSTANCES AND FIRE RETARD. ANT OILS OR THEIR FUMES, MAY DAMAGE RESERVOIR [-_——neseavoin ASSEMBLY ine regulators are provided to adjust of compone! Pressure adiu pressures between WV -Pago at CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE justed as low a6 posible, 10 approximately 60 ps shifting (G) Ai line regulators on the drawwor the same design. perate justed in " ckwise to increase, oF Cou Clockwise to decrease the air pressure through the valve. Actual pressure throug ‘valve is indicated on the gauge provided on each regulator. (See fg. 4-15) &— VALVE ASSEMOLY. |—— wire screen Fig. 415 Air Line Regulator - Exploded View (4) It aie ine regulator air flow should become obstructed, remove valve assembly. and clean wire screen, Use a soft brush and diesel fuel or Kerosene. Allow screen to drain for blow dry with compressed air bofore assembly. On assembly, be sure valve does ‘ot bind in valve seat, Chapter IV -Page 82 (CHAPTER IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Sa (CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ‘aR CLUTCH Come-Home” Feature (CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. C. Clutch Repair is provided with « lication for further maintenance and repair instructions, parts manuals. Refer to that pub- Drutn Ty ission brake on drawworks, Quick, positive e hy use of quick-release valves, sof ait press (See fig. 45). This forces ition shoes agunst the etch drum providing the Sake D: tomatic when air pressure i manual adjustment. iary brake only: unit has dynamic brake, overrunning catch isnot sed.) CAUTION “ALL UNITS ARE SHIPPED WITH APPROXIMATELY ONE PINT OF OIL 1 the CLUTCH. DO NOT PLACE IN OPERATION UNTIL. FILLED WITH O1L OF THE RECOMMENDED GRADE AND QUANTIFY. in the clutch to protect the internal working pats from ment snd storage Supply. 2)To the clutches are provided ‘They are located on the hole plugs spaced 120° apart er diameter ofthe elutch coverpate @ will place remaining oi! holes at hole for fing. Remove plug from el le 10 se level indicator of vent, © CAUTION §\“donoroverrits, (Type “A” Su " (DEXRON) [S suitable for year jomatic Teewhet abtainable from industeal ol suppliers or at leading CAUTION \ FOR LOW TEMPERATURE LOCATIONS, THE OlL USD MUST HAVE OSS 4 POUR POINT BELOW THE LOWEST EXPECTED AMBIENT. TEM. PERATURE © Is containing EP (extreme cluteles. Never use grease For SAFETY INSTRUCTION- RETIGHTEN ALL CAPSCREWS AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF OP. ERATION TO TAKE UP POSSIBLE BOLT STRETCH AND THEREBY AVOID LEAKAGE must not be used in one way mn oF the clutch Chapter IV ge 45 TER IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE @) Lubrication Maintenance gear teth in the engag CHLORIDE TO FLUSH CLUTCH AS IT 15 SEALS. DETRIMENTAL TO NEOPR 48 BRAKE SYSTEM A. Labria ubric central grease p: WV Page 46 RIV 'SANOREEL BRAKE, DRUM LEVER rn RATCHET Fig. 4.21. Brake Block ae IV — ROUTINE MAINTENANCE i D. Inspection of Main Brake Rims. ( ‘Check water cooled brake rims periodically for wear. Replace rims when worn to depths shown in fig. 4-23 wonn | DIAL Awew DDRAWNORKS 00 SERIES TO AVOID GROOVING BRAKE RIM, REPLACE BRAKE BLOCK BE: FORE MOUNTING SCREWS COME IN CONTACT WITH BRAKING SURFACE. | caution | E, Sandee Drum. Mechanical control brakes are two band sell-energzing type. Adjustment is made on t | {ead end by means of turnbuckles FF, Adjustment of Sandreel Drum Brake. (1) Move brake lever downward to approximately 45° {rom vertical, Set lever ratchet to hold lever in ate turnbuckles (one im contact with brake ye. (See fig. 424) (2) Loosen jam nuts an bake bands are approximately equal (Chapter 1V- Page 50 RIV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SANOREEL aRAKE 9 BAND TURNBUCKLE FMA E (WORN DIA) (New DIAy onawworks| o| € | soo senies | asr [ase | 3" HL. Auniliay Brake CCheck to insure auiliary brake is clean. Check water supply for adequate flow. 49 CHAINS AND SPROCKETS ~ PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE DANGER DO NOT PERFORM ANY MAINTENANCE OR INSPECTION OF CHAINS WHILE DRAWWORKS IS OPERATING. SHUT OFF ALL POWER AND SET DRAWWORKS BRAKES PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY SERVICE, ‘general, drives should have an mm Avsecond inspection should be made alter $00 fours Thereafter, inspection should be made at reasonable periods, $00 to 1000 hour. (CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE jpparent on the inner surface of the (Check the shaft and sprocket alignment. nk side bars, the drive i misaligned. for proper tension. Asa gen ly 1 to 2% of the can be checked by hand le, on fixed center drives, an initial ag distance is desirable. The mid-span movement lency fora chain to jump the teeth indicates sprockets. It probably worn out due to i wear. Replace the If sprockets are worn, replace avoid damge to the new chain, Replace the sprockets if wear is apparent on the sides of the sprocket teeth, Ths indicates the drive is misaligned (eth also indicate excesive wear. Replace the sprockets it this condition is apparent. im does not fit properly on the CAUTION Y\, "WHEN CONNECTING OR DISCONNECTING CHAINS: (1) Lock our equiPMeNT SraRTiNG swiTcH (2) SUPPORT CHAIN TO PREVENT UNCONTROLLED MOVEMENT OF CHAIN ANDJOR PARTS (3) BE SURE YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE CHAIN CONSTRUC- TION INCLUDING CORRECT DIRECTIONS FOR PIN/RIVET REMOVAL AND INSERTION (4) WEAR SAFETY GLASSES TO PROTECT EYES (5) WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, GLOVES AND SAFETY SHOES. W Pape 33 CHAPTER IV ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Fig, 4-27 Wire Line Clamp Location (CHAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING ‘TRANSMISSION AIR SHIFTING TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE any gear, the system is leaking air, This leak will the transmission shafts and alien the jaw clutches disengaged, the syste sot pet for engage the air on brake leak in the system, (€) Check the system for any air leaks going t0 the transmission brake and transmission Tockout system chamber (2) Check the tock wagm for holes which may cause an air Fak, (3) Make sure air s flowing from the control valve to the shifting system. (See fig, S-1 oueh fig. $5) fo reverse only and wi ‘opening the two pilot two pilotar valves supply B. If the transmission wi vont that shifting Position and will not shift, check to be sure the control valve on the control panel is not flowing to both ends of the shift: (1) Loosen both lines and engage the control valve (2) I iris fowing to both ends ofthe eylinder, repair or replace the control vale (2) IF air isnot flowing to both ends of the cylinder, check to determine ifthe cylinder is leaking through the packing (4) Remove one lineata time from the cylinder and engage the control valve (5) Determine iar slowing from the cylinder where the line was removed, Fig, $1 Transmission Shifter Ai eee | 2ND GEAR Ait Pressure To Line Chapter V Pate 57 ¢__ CHAPTER V ~TROUBLESHOOTING 19 Rotary Sid Side (For 2nd & captor ¥ Page 58 CHAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING es Hee, & Ind Gear) Shift Operations) ‘chapter V Page 59 CHAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING ne esse cy ‘Output Jaw Clutch to Rotary Side (For 3rd & 4th Ges 35 Output Jaw Clutch to Dales Side (For Ist & 2nd Geat) ) IAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING 52 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART ta PIER V—PROUBLE ‘TROUNLE SOLUTION 5. Traian brake wl at ce @ sei (0) Replace arabe 6, Tranmnision bake wil no Aeneas 0) Repairalae conta © ee @ set (©) Replace al tbe (6) Replace fistionHinigs (@) Replace ol ean lean {igh deonfiow drum catch @ set (6) Replace diphrasm (6) Replace tition plates @) Repaepas come al 9g rw ele (6) Wor rition (6) Grease om ot plates @) Replace dopa (©) See eum wil Tnopsatvequiscralese ale operative ae contol ave ‘sim whe (0) Renae cont 11, Maia dram rakes ab © Ail (©) Replace equaling stem ‘things (©) Rerlace sping (@) Reshape bake bande) Captor ¥ Pape 02 CHAPTER V— TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLE POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION (@) Bakes not properly adjusted co xsesve wear om brake blocks wufient water reason brake blocks (@) Adjust bakes (©) Replace brake blocks eo 1, Main ram baker overheat () Brake bans desing (02) Checks quizes ar (3) Rese brake bands bent (Replace bake drums "4 Water leak fom hh ronviow drum cute 15, Rotary drive utc wil ot enue Inopra a conta wae (0) Replace dlaphrapm (0) Replace tion plates (@) Repuisepace cone wave 1, Rotary drive satch will not ene () Inopertne Imoperuive acon (@) Laskin (8) operative ai (6) Grease inate block (@) Replace diaphragm 2 z & (set (6) Chan braking surface Chapter VPage 63 CHAPTER V — TROUBLESHOOTING ‘TROUBLE POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLUTION pining ateat wil not rotate (a) Insti se presue to teh @ set (by Replace daphagm (6) Repace etion phates (@) Repurrepace ute wane (©) Adjust dutch ‘Sploning eta latch ips from | () Reps ton plates (©) Adjust etch pats (0) Worn ftom plates 20, Breakout eathad wl @ Set (©) Reps diapheagm Wor ietlon plates (0) Replace tion plates (8) noperate ai cont ve (@) Repireplace ae cont (6) Adjustable atch out of aus (6) Asst uted 21, Breakout catbend sips @) Eyota hbiant on ton BE Sandes drum cach wilt |) Inopeativealr contol abe See (0) Iopertne qulckscens vale 25, Sandel drum clutch @ tle © © sapien 24, Sandel dram brakes gab @ ken (CHAPTER V ~ TROUBLESHOOT ‘TROURLE POSSIBLE CAUSES. SOLUTION el deum bakes wittot | (2) Brakes not properly adjusted () Ago “ (6) Rept ate sks ro (© sexitem24 ® G90 2e.Sndidnambrasrowien | @) © Parse tno ba reat © (0) Reps ines 27 hay Wake wl ot (0) Bas hat ares © aoe Sop witha iin bi ro 28. Aun bake ae (© Low wernt (© arene wer (©) tnt wae wack (6) Chante ae (6) tnt ne (6) Capit cont © (0) Reps waters 29. Trang boc ier o © Aa own poten ome 30. xa ae @ loose (ee aan Rees cain = (0) Chain has broken side bars, (b) Replace chain ir is min (6 Repace packet 31 Low of press es than 5 psa xm seed) () Clogged oi ter ‘Tighten or replaee ol pump tat (©) Loove or broken opamp bale © @) Replace o tae ae (Chapter V Pape 68 cue oust TROUBLE POSSIBLE CAUSE 2. Prose fd be 6) ry 33. Noy oi pap {Return pings token Chapor VPage 6 FITS AND TOLERANCES ane — arta Tenor [sears — penn [BP a Te + Sas rrfo teantaf-[sa_-es—UTe-e [ea —| wane fo oes eet [ ome cont [ae [ors iin Fig 6-1 Fit Tolerances for Drum Shaft ALAVHS IAA OI SIONVHTTON LI 9 1a wanavno SNOLLVOEAIOdS NULL LAS FITS AND TOLERANCES AVS (VaNLV9) TAELANYS WOd SAONVATTOL LI T_[RORME| ON Sarr [TOT TGR Tan) _[ Ace on SHarT [SOT ToRT TERT [KER | — ov ST | os LonsE Tons 6 BARN cn smart —| 0 RTT TL BERANE [OW SHAT [C008 TGHT ee THT 7_ [BARN TN HOUSING GOT Tiga 0 -LOOSE Taine [in sin coor ign amortonse fs [ cron Soe on sr Po n-0 —eaT Fig, 6:2 Fit Tolerances for Sundreel(Cathead) Shalt = Wa qLavno NIL LAWS: SNOLLV ESOS 9 69 sg 14 10x04 Fait Tre oT ci Re a eA TF SHOE Ow SWAFT | OOT_TOOSE-1 Taw TER [OW SHAFTS RRO BeaNE DAD | On SHART —[ OO SAGER [OW SAT 055 LOOSE 95 LOE DL UNE [ ow suarT —[ 00) Gm BEANE [Ov sits Tents Tica Ge ORVER | —On SAITO LOOSE BEAN [Tm USE [01 —HT-003 TAT “rae Ow SHAFT — [008007 SAR | SHAFT [OE TREO 00st eaan_—[ OW Swart [0067 TIGHT 0007 GRY v6 | sPaCeR [OW Smart 1-00 Ton -oo—To BEARNE |W HOUSE [ovo LOOSE fst LOOSE 17 | BLAINE —[-OH-SHaFT | hoe TGR TER BEARING OW SHAFT —| OTE Wn -0077 CHT A ‘atanins [1 HOUSING 005 LOOSE: oar Loose 19 | Aik GLUTEN OW SineT—[-G8)—TonT- OOS Toa sce TH WOUSIG [007 LOOSE 06) 1005 Fig. 63 Fit Tolerances for Input Shaft J 1469 LAVHS LUNI Hod SIONVUTION Mw wanaviig DadS ONL LAVNS SNOLLVDI. ‘ar sant | Wo) Tor OW SFT [TDs ROHR aT oa Sea [WT GAT ERT Oe SmT OST] 1 ist TW USI SHAFT —[ os Ton oe HT on Share TR WOWSING_| os 00S of LOOSE Sur GAT wos HOUSE ~O05_LOOSE-005_LOOSE SHAFT [on Loose 1 ow SmaeT [OO NgnT on NGHT SHAFT ots igh =025-n6 ‘GU SHAFT [01 WONT 008TH TW-HOUSTNE | 00T TG 003_T Fig. 64 Fit Tolerances for Output Shatt jana LAVWS TA WALAVHO SAONVWITOL La +9 1s ang 19 200d04D, FITS AND TOLERANCES: 1 | Bean (ON SHAFT [TOT ETAT 7 aaa 1 HOUSE | CO OOSE O04 LOOSE [senor 1 smart — [Tin -007—Tionr [sce ‘ HAET—| 105 LDSE 009 3] spate ——] on srt — [Teanga 6-[ SeRocKET AUB OW sHarT [ol Tic-009— Nga TT serene [on ws [001008 10st Fig, 6.5 Fit Tolerances for Rotary Countershatt AAVHSHALNNOD AVLOW YOM SANVUTTOL LA 59 ) SNOLLVO1IDGUS ONILLMT LAVNS TA WaLaVHD (CHAPTER VII ~ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 SPECIFICATIONS Page 73 CHAPTER VII ~ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS 5, 7.2. POWER FLOW DIAGRAMS GRAMS 73. ROTARYSPEED POWER FL 1ST SPEED 2ND SPEED. STH SPEED CHAPTER VII ~ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS S 2ND SPEED. ‘CHAPTER VII_- ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS 75 REVERSE SPEED POWER FLOW DIAGRAMS REVERSE DRUM AND CATHEAD SPEED CHAPTER VII ~ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS 7.6 — TYPICAL S00 DRAWWORKS LAYOUT Fig, 7-4 Typical 800 Drowworks Layout > A. STAIRSTEP COMPOUND @ 6 mavvew

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