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IS QUIZ 2 PGP 23, October 15 2019 Roll No:..................

10 minutes, 20 Questions, only one right answer per-question, no -ve marking

1. ............. focus on efficiency, ............ focus on effectiveness

A. (RPA, AI) B. (CSF, KPI)

C. (I, K) D. (KPI, CSF)

2. When bolted on autonomously, the Feedback module is contributing to a .................... System

A. Batch Processing B. Deep Learning

C. Self-Correcting System D. Wisdom of the Crowds

3. In the information systems pyramid, which is the earliest level at which external inputs - or stimuli -will be analyzed side-by-side with internal
ones ?

A. Operational B. Managerial

C. Strategic D. Tactical

4. From a bigger picture perspective, it is clear that Amazon's Kiva robot has caused ...................

A. Late Deliveries B. Job Losses

C. Accidents inside warehouses D. Problems in Jeff Bezos' personal life

5. Much as Technology has a role to play in the Business of the Future, it is ironic that humans' .................... may be the only valued commodity in
an enterprise.

A. Political Skills B. Soft Skills

C. Science/Math Skills D. Physical Skills

6. Which of these is *not* a decision-support system (DSS) feature in MS-Excel ?

A. OFFSET() function B. Linear Program via Solver

C. Sensitivity Analysis via Data Table D. Goal Seek

7. If multiple 3D-printer -ready designs are scaled and merged to produce (or prototype) a completely new product, this would be called
a/an ...............

A. M2M Commerce B. Composite Application

C. Illegal Act D. Analytical Process

8. Many may deny it, but new - and hyped - technology will depend for its success on uptake by ................., however small and unskilled.

A. Enterprises B. Scientists

C. Financial Institutions D. Consumer

9. Because managers often find themselves making semi-structured decisions, their wish is to have the best ................. tools (e.g. Tableau)

A. Transaction-Processing B. Social Media

C. Visualization D. Financial

10. ........... is the acronym corresponding to (minimum required ability in) all enterprise transaction processing systems



11. Operational decisions have the advantage that they are ................ Decisions

A. Non-material Impact B. Easy-to-calculate

C. Structured D. Unstructured

12. IIMK's own AI-driven automation solution could be in ................

A. Using Classroom CCTV Computer Vision to mark attendance B. Using Optical Character Recognition to digitize Answer papers

C. Shelf-Glass knock-based billing at coffee kiosk D. All of the above

13. A typical effectiveness metric is ................

A. Percentage RAM utilization B. Customer Satisfaction

C. Employee Punch-In/Punch-out time D. Gross profit margin

14. Swivel Jobs', viz. jobs where a data entry operator essentially swivels between left (reading from a stack of paper) to right (entering into a
form), are susceptible to ............

A. Quantum Computing B. Deep Learning algorithms

C. Robotic Process Automation D. Make In India' program

15. .............. is a decision-support system enmeshed with, or running on top of, the ............... which is a transaction processing system

A. (Predictive, Prescriptive) B. (Managerial, Strategic)

C. (OLAP, OLTP) D. (AI, IoT)

16. What type of Analytics is *not* explicitly part of the Hierarchy in the BISM textbook?

A. Descriptive B. Diagnostic

C. Predictive D. Prescriptive

17. An example of a useful *simulation* run by a bank manager would be ?

A. Coin toss to discover probability of heads B. Time till ATM drains of cash/notes

C. MS-Excel Macro to check spreadsheet entries D. Any Capstone case

18. An interesting example of a strategic skill possessed by humans, now (nearly) mastered by computers, is the case of ..............

A. Deep Fakes B. Computer Vision

C. Cocunut-palm -climbing robots D. Poker

19. What kind of Analytics is suited for the systems-thinking mode of building an organization, or an enterprise ?

A. Descriptive B. Diagnostic

C. Predictive D. Prescriptive

20. A technical acronym used to describe (now taken-for-granted) ability of transactions in a database is:

A. BASE (Basically Available, Soft-State, Eventually Consistent) B. SALT (Smart Acronym for Lazy Transactions)

C. ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable) D. PLASMA (PLease Assume System is for MAn)

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