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IS QUIZ 8 PGP 23, November 5 2019 Roll No:..................

10 minutes, 20 Questions, only one right answer per-question, no -ve marking

1. .................................. problem is, essentially, ................................

A. Recommender Engine, Market-Basket Analysis B. Who-will-pay-the-loan-back-who-won't, Supervised Learning

C. Shortest-path-finding (like on Google Maps), Reinforcement D. Quantum Computing, Abacus problem


2. Estimation Analysis: estimating the value of an unknown, dependent variable, based on known independent variables is what happens in ...........

A. Team Meetings B. Wisdom of Crowds systems

C. Only in the ideal organization D. Linear Regression

3. In the same sector as a data scientist, a ....................... specializes in building compelling infographics

A. News Anchor B. Data Engineer

C. Data Artist D. Psephologist

4. Technically, a/an ........................... is different from a/an ....................... - the latter being more profitable to focus on, while former is perhaps an
error (that will break the computational model down)

A. Binge Watcher, Genre Watcher B. Anomaly, Outlier

C. Stochastic Bandit, Contextual Bandit D. Regression, Prediction

5. Prescriptive systems, like the ............... algorithm we saw in the Breakout video, can be trained if a ................. of actual conditions is available.

A. Supervised Learning, Multi-player Game B. Unsupervised Learning, Virtualization

C. Estimation Analysis, Spreadsheet D. Reinforcement Learning, Simulator

6. The ability to store your Web2.0 content on your computer (like in Mahesh Bhave's Circle-link alternative to FB) would give users greater
control over their .......................

A. Political Freedom B. Digital Wallet

C. Security D. Privacy

7. Results generated from Contextual Bandit are such that algorithm learns from users' behaviour of whether they click on recommendations of Y
such that 'people who brought X also brought Y', ....................... for the same job doesn't learn (atleast not from the click).

A. Classification Analysis B. Cluster Analysis

C. Estimation Analysis D. Market Basket Analysis

8. Though very likely legal, it was the act of calculation by a Facebook App of which type of FB profile suits which political ad that was
centrepiece of ................... controversy:

A. NSO Pegasus B. Cambridge Analytica

C. Aadhaar 360^ profile D. Dassault Rafale

9. The ability of a team manager to settle a purchase for a team member, by clicking on a 'buy card' in an email sent to him/her, would depend on
team manager's credit card details being stored and sent properly from office's ............................... server

A. Identity Management B. Virtualized Server

C. Emulated Computer D. Network-based Emulation

10. ................. is a technique for 'Affinity Grouping Analysis' (an analysis which reveals the relationship between various variables that you are

A. Optimization Model B. Forecasting Model

C. Estimation Analysis D. Regression Analysis

11. ............................... is, essentially, ...............................

A. Estimation Analysis, Linear Regression B. Affinity Grouping Analysis, Recommender Engine

C. Big Data Analytics, Visualization D. Classification Analysis, Supervised Learning

12. FB's proposed next step is to create a .............. (A) that can be exchanged between users. Suspicion is that Ads will be shown based on said A's

A. Emoticon B. Currency

C. Password key D. Cheat code

13. Discovering customer segments based on sales is a case of ......................... algorithm in operation (only question is, how did you get
demographics' information)

A. Market-Basket Analysis B. Reinforcement Learning

C. Neural Network D. Cluster Analysis

14. Many problems are not that simple, but being able to pose your organization's inputs and outputs as a ................................ problem is a good,
1st-cut, example of optimization model.

A. Regression B. Linear Program

C. Anomaly Detection D. Virtualization

15. It is possible that an addiction, and easy availability of, infographics could cause the phenomenon of .............................. in enterprises

A. Negative Growth B. Butterfly Effect

C. Meh! - Commerce D. Analysis-Paralysis

16. Cues such as social network notifications' 'blue dot' or 'red dot' are indicative of the power of ....................... over human users:

A. Infographics B. Web2.0

C. Tableau D. Recommender Engines

17. Data -> ...................... (of/for trends, patterns, heatmaps) -> ..................... (of/for prescriptions, best practices)

A. Deluge, Drowning B. Demand, Decision

C. Discovery, Deployment D. Design, Discussion

18. A virtual computing+storage node (part of your Hadoop cluster) could migrate between physical node A to B - if load at A increases. This
migration is possible due to .........................

A. Cloud Computing B. Virtualization

C. Linux D. Google File System

19. Every computational prediction exercise in a firm need not lead to a ....................

A. Forecast B. System Failure

C. Prescription D. Conclusion

20. SBI's current SOP to its bank branches (flowchart) to decide loan sanctioning is an example of .................... phase in Data Mining action chain

A. Decision B. Deployment

C. Discovery D. Design Thinking

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