Friends 3 - Activity Book

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The oa? LONDONERS QUQCUCUOU ICC OOOO OO Oddo dd Language Diary 45 oar. 1) I know that: I can complete the table ‘ we use the Present Simple to talk about: routines: They show a programme about animals every week. general facts: A lot of people watch programmes about animals, we use the Present Continuous to talk about activities that are happening now (at the time of speaking): They're showing a programme about animals now. we also use the Present Continuous to talk about temporary (only for a short time, not usual or routine) arrangements: They're showing programmes about animals all this week (but they don’t usually show them). with the words in the box. general fact temporary arrangements Present Simple T often forget my books. Many people receive cable TV, Present Continuous I'm doing my Geography I'm staying with Vicki this week. advertisement cartoon soap documentary qpiz news, film Vocabulary HB] Find six more kinds of TV programme. Look —> ' . s|djo|cjulm}e|n|t|a|rjy|e/m| Grammar HE] Complete. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. v o Rob ... RIQY8..... in a football match every week. Kim and Vicki ..... . TV at the moment. Kim sometimes ... .. her grandparents in Wales. Mark often ... his books. Kim... . with Vicki today and tomorrow. shh! We . .. our homework! MME] Look at the picture and read the text. Then complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mark and his parents are visiting Dave and his family in Cambridge for a few days. At the moment they are on the river, in a special boat called a punt. Mark's friend Dave is in the punt too. Dave often goes punting and now he's teaching Mark Mark's a bit worried taying. Mark and his parents (stay) .£ in Cambridge. Mark (not / live) Mark (learn) ... Mark’s mum (take) Dave (live) Dave (go) ... to punt .. a picture . in Cambridge, punting every week. sesseees in Cambridge. en HIZJ Complete. Use the Present Simple or the Present Mum Vicki kim Mum Kim Vicki Mum Continuous. What (you / do) girls? We (watch) 2. Friends. Why? I (cook) 3, .. your dinner, and it’s nearly ready. (you / like) Maca out . carrots, Kim? No, I don’t. Sorry. That's OK. (you / usually / eat) ‘.. . in front of the TV, Kim? No, we (usually / sit) Be eererncnmnnes ean at the table. This (finish) ’.... now. We (not / want) & to watch the next programme. Good. Come and sit down, then. »» | Use your English (HEX Complete. Use one word in each gap. aie 3. Is Vicki Love Kim SS i From: Kim To: Mum and Dad Subject: Hi! Hi Mum and Dad! Are in Wales? @... The weather is awful here ~ but I mum the computer with Vicki’s [she thinks they’re boring! See you soon, you having a good time . it raining there? . having lots of fun! Vicki’s . a brilliant cook! the moment I’m playing on tle brother. ... like computers, does ©... U0 ("yr az Reporters LOUNU0D0UUI0NSINUNNDOUND Lahguage Diary ys, Y I ‘st ~ gy Q I can complete these sentences. Vocab: HEX Do the crossword. Find the keyword. 1 we don’t say 4t's-reinéng- tomorrow seseneeensseees MEX WEEK? “We're winning the-match next week— | Continuous for the future. We only use it for arrangements. (An arrangement is something planned or organised for the future.) 1 Tomorrow morning 1. because they are not arrangements (we can’t plan these things). Here are some examples of arrangements: 1 Tomorrow morning George is going on a crazy holiday. 2 Are you visiting your cousins | next week? | 3. oe LO . next month ) I know these words: campsite 3 They're not having a party in July.) ferry os laggage sightseeing Oe iN tent postcard ulary Plols|t[c[a BE] Next Tuesday George is vi Grammar iting Paris. HE] Complete. Use the correct form of the verbs Look at his programme for the day. in brackets. Then write the questions and answers. Harry What (we / do) *.¢ on Monday? Claire We (go) ? ... to London. Harry Oh, yes. We (make) ®... a TV show on Tuesday, aren’t we’ Claire Yes, we (work) 4 . with some famous people, so this afternoon we (buy) 5... some new clothes. Harry (we / stay) © .. in a hotel? Claire Yes, we are. It’s going to be great. 900 am. catch bus from campsite, to Paris W000 am. go fomd Paris by tomst bis =z 1230 pm. have tnch on River Seine 130 pm. meet friends at Eiffel Tower Answer the questions. Write true sentences. 1 What are you doing this evening? In, 400 pm. visit Lawre museum 600 Pi. catch raki beck “to; campette, 2 Are you going to school tomorrow? 1. What time / he / catch / the bus to Paris 3 Are you going out next weekend? He's.catehing. the. hus.atnins ris > 2 How / he / go / round Paris 4 Are you having an English test next month? HE scaiiimnititeareitiiy 3 he / have / lunch in the Use your English HE] Complete. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. 2 No, he a ' 4 Who / he / meet / at half past two 1 Did you go SIGHT in London? He ccascimremieramea meaner 2 Sam is my .. friend. GOOD 5 Where / he / go / at four 3 This is a very big CAMP escent 4 Iwent .. SAIL He : 758 last summer. 6 How / he / go / back to the campsite 5 I'd like to bea. REPORT ? 6 I don’t like going . SHOP He .. QOQQQ0CCCOUUU00 000 O0Odd dodo Language Diary ir 1) I know that: 2) Tcan complete these sentences. ‘ we use the Past Simple for finished actions in the past. regular He formed his own company in 1975. He didn’t form his own company in 1975. Did he form his own company in 1975? regular Yesterday I... irregular Last week |... irregular He left university in 1975. He didn’t leave university in 1975 Did he leave university in 1975? to be He was twenty in 1975. He wasn’t twenty in 1975. Was he twenty in 1975? a 2 I know these words: BNO famous fascinating successful fantastic generous talented a year ago. Vocabulary MEK] Put the letters in the correct order to make NE Match. adjectives. tread = B) a amulti-millionaire 1 Microsoft is a very, very lesuesfcus 2 become Cb. aletter i Hh. ec ~-seeesstdl.. company. 3 finish Cle apromise 2 Robbie an sett 4 cot Coe university . 5 keep (Cl) e acourse 3 Paul McCartney is a alteednt A a, Hiulélan 6 leave f a million dollars 4 Linda McCartney was very snegouer “ .. to animal charities. 5 We've got a great new computer. It’s casantlit 6 The story of Nelson Mandela’s life is incagsfinat ........ a Grammar HE] Read and complete. Use the Past Simple. fe Dear Ally and Altes, sa My veto is David Beetham He (be) 1...W9S.... korn in London in 1975. He (love) . football, but he (not / join) 8. a London football chib, He (want) te play for Manchester United — he (not / | ' I a Want) Soisenenensenenes 10 play For any other team. On his fourteenth birthday ine (join) 6... .- theml He first (play) Tasssseessssseesesnee FOF England in 1996. He (become) & - captain of the English team in 2000. He (marry) 9... pop singer Vietoria Adoms in 1999 and he is a. eulti- millionaire. Not bad for a boy from a poor Lenden family! Thanks for reading my letter Dan ZY Write questions for the answers. 4 When ..was Nelson Mandela born, Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. 2 How long He was in prison for twenty-eight yea 3 When . He left prison in 1990. 4 When ...... He became President of South Africa in 1994, 5 How old ... He was seventy-six. 6 Wher ..... ™ He got married for the third time on his eightieth birthday. .. in 1994? HEY Answer the questions. Write true sentences. 1 Where were you born? Lwas.born in 2 How long ago were you born? 3 When did you first go to school? 4 Who was your best friend in your first class? 5 When did yout have jour Bist English lesson? 6 What did you do last weekend? Use your English BGI Complete. Use one word in each gap. When 1.4'¢.. you become interested in acting, Flossie? Flossie My mother took me to the cinema ®.. six, and I loved it. Alex Did you go to drama school? Flossie Yes, 19........ . [stayed there for three years. Alex And when é.... . you move to Hollywood? Flossie I moved there two years Em You got married 6. month, didn’t you? Flossie Yes, that's right. | married Freddie Kettle. I met him on the plane to America How romantic! Good luck for the future, Flossie. Flossie Thank you. Alex Alex HME] Match the verbs and their A Story lime SE QOCUDOUULQIU UIC OOOO dood Language Diary Y I know that: ° a we use the Past Continuous when we talk about actions which were happening at a definite time in the past: At twelve o'clock Scott was sunbathing. b we use the Past Continuous when we talk about two long actions happening at the same time in the past: Jilly was telling a funny story while the others were listening. ¢ we use the Past Continuous and the Past Simple when we talk about interrupted actions in the past: He was shouting and laughing when he noticed a girl nearby. d we use the Past Simple when we talk about finished actions in the past: Harriet sat down and started to read «a book. Vocabulary P = op 2) I can match these sentences with points a-d on the left. 4 Tread a book yesterday. 2 I was reading a book when the phone rang. 3 I was reading a book at three o'clock yesterday. 4 While I was reading a book, my friend was watching television, 3) I know these words: blush continue giggle hurry turn notice Grammar HE] Complete. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. meanings. 1 Some people (play) .. games and others 4 blush 4 bony O (swim) ...... 2 continue 5 wm UO 2 Harriet (watch) .. the game when Scott 3 gissle CO) 6 notice CI] (notice) .. .. her. , 3. They (talk) ....cecscseeseeeee When Jilly (shout) a be quick eo at Scott, b don’t stop 4 He (say) goodbye and (leave) © go red in the face 5 Jilly (tell) a story when she (see) d laugh in a silly way oo Harriet. @ move around 6 While Jilly and Scott (talk) ........ , Harriet f see (stand) ... near them. HEE] complete. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. her bike to town when she $, | Jilly. Jilly «... ... onher mobile | .. at Harriet, away. to join her friends. Sion 1 some people / swim / in the sea / while others / play / volleyball Some people were. swimmin while. othe 2 Jilly / read / on the beach / when she / hear / her name in. the. sea. cl 3 she / look up 4 some friends / call / her 5 lilly / put down / her book 6 then / she / jump up / and / run / towards the group WEY Answer the questions. Write true sentences. 4 What did you do last weekend? Las se 2 What were you doing at twelve o'clock yesterday? 3 Did you watch TV last night? 4 Was it raining when you woke up this morning? 5 What time did you go to bed last night? 6 Were you sleeping at six o’clock this morning? Use your English A Circle the correct form of the verbs. 1 They‘moved)/ were moving to this town last year. 2 She rested / was resting when suddenly she heard a noise, 3 Did you catch / Were you catching the ball? 4 [bought / was buying this CD last year. 5 The sun shone / was shining when | woke up this morning, 6 I did / was doing my homework when you phoned. Units 1-4 Total 5 HEY complete the missing letters. © My uncle is very ge. € 7.0 Us. He gave me £50! 1 My brother loves History. He thinks it’s f 8. 2 Pelé was at__. 4 football player. 3 Well done! You are s_. " 4 5 Sting is a very f_ s singer We had a great holiday. It was total ([] HE] Complete. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Tom Hi. I'm from London. (you / live) o, in London too? Eva No, I don’t. I'm Greek. But I (stay) {eeceeceeeeeeeee in Britain for a month. Tom (you / like) 2... British life? Eva Yes, I do, but a lot of things are different. Jom What kind of things? Eva The weather is different in Greece. In the summer I (wear) 8.......... shorts and T-shirts most of the time, Dut we (Wear) 4...eccecseeneees JUMPERS today! And British people (talk) about the weather all the time. Tom Ha ha. We (do) . it now! Total 6 @ Check Yourself : WZJ Ben’s football team is travelling to Liverpool for a match next Saturday. He’s talking to his teacher. Complete the dialogue. A Where are we meeting? B o,We're. meeting. at school at seven. A When t..cccccaseessnee im Liverpool? B We're arriving in Liverpool at half past nine. Aa. .. lunch? B Yes, we are. We're having lunch after the match. A When are we leaving Liverpool? BS cccsssseeueeneen at two o'clock, A Is the bus stopping on the way home? B No, «.. Sorry. Total 8 HE] Complete. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Ito,..was.raining . Freddie and his sister Juliet 1 home from school when they %, oor a voice. A man 8. them. He 4 next toa very big car. ‘Can you help me, please?” the man 5. ‘Tm lost. I'm looking for Blaketon. ‘It isn’t far} said Freddie. ‘Is it, Juliet? Juliet. .. at the man. “You're Marcus Haze, aren't you?’ she said. ‘You're my favourite singer!” Freddie . a map for Marcus Haze and the singer ®. . his autograph for Juliet. Everybody was happy! Total 16 Vocabulary 10 Grammar Total D> HEI Read and put the paragraphs in the correct order. (AL_] Gary and Jane jumped into the water. It was very cold and they were frightened, but they swam to the side, They climbed out and looked back at their boat. It was filling with water fast. ‘Til never do that again!’ said Gary. sary and Jane were enjoying the sunshine. They were standing on a bridge over a big river. Suddenly, Jane had an They went and bought a ticket idea. ‘Let’s go on the river,’ she said. for a boat. ‘Don’t go into the middle of 7 the river,’ said the man. ‘It’s very dangerous.’ {El__] They were having a great time in their boat when they heard a shout from the bridge. Two children were calling {CL_] Gary moved the boat towards the , we e arorned 2 ee can you Tae Suen Jane Sean. oP a ag in was coming towards them. i al eM erie “Quick! Jump out!” shouted somebody Se he Noel al ine from the bridge. ‘Jump out! NOW!’ «shouted. Gary:, "Be'carefull* said Jane. ‘Remember, it's dangerous.’ 2 You were on the bridge and you shouted ‘Jump out!’ Complete your story. Use the words in the box. | was standing on the bridge. Two little children were standing next to me. They were watching the ships and boats. Suddenly, one of the children The boy in the boat Then | saw Finally The oe LONDONERS UUUOUCUOUOUOUOU0 OOOO dod: Language Diary KK O» 3" 1 know that: 2.) I can complete these sentences. we use the Present Perfect: * to talk about past actions when they have an effect in the present: We've found the centre at last. (We're in the centre now.) + to talk about past actions when the time isn’t important: Thaven’t seen so many hot-air balloons before. Has he ever got lost before? 3) I know these expressions: * we use the Past Simple to talk about finished actions that happened at Present Perfect 4 Thave never .. 2 Ihave been to Past Simple 4 Yesterday 1 ..... 2 Last week I... get lost a definite time in the past: get ready We found the centre two hours ago. have a great time I didn’t see any hot-air balloons last have lunch week. have a rest When did he get (ost? have a rice Vocabulary MY Match. 1 get lost q 2 get ready 3 have a great time LC] 4 have a rest Oo 5 have a ride O 6 have lunch Oo Grammar HE] Write sentences. Use the Present Perfect. 4 Kim can’t take a photograph (she / break / the camera) She. has. broken 2 This is Kim’s first visit to Leeds Castle. (she / not / be / there before) 3. Why are they calling Rob’s name? (they / lose / him?) 4 They are hungry. (they / not / have / lunch) (they / bring / sandwiches) 6 The Londoners are happy. (they / enjoy / the morning) HE] complete. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. A (you / ever / get) ‘ got lost? B Yes, 12,.PQVE....0 A when (you / get) °.. lost? B I (et) 4. lost two months ago, on holiday. A (you / ever / break) your leg? B Yes, I A When (you / break) 7... B I (break) & it in 1998 A (he / ever / be) ® to England? B No, he 19... leave) "'. + He (never / .. his country. HZ] Look at the pictures and answer the questions. mt Of Bristol Zo yf \ & Vicki f " mr 1 Has she ever been to Paris? What did she see there? ‘Yes, she has. She saw. the Eiffel Towen 2 Where did she see elephants? 3. Has she ever won a prize? What was it for? You 1 Have you ever visited a big city? Where did you go? What did you see there? 2 Have you ever seen elephants? Where did you see them? 3 Have you ever won a prize? What was it for? .» © Use your English Circle the correct form of the verbs. My sister Emma is nineteen. She “has done)/ did lots of exciting things. When she was my Be she 2has been / went to America. 2 She has left / left school last year and she °P and a friend are working in a restaurant. ) They shave saved / saved lots of money now and next month they’re going to New York. > Emma’s friend Shasn’t been / didn’t go to America before. I haven't done / didn’t do anything exciting - it's not fair! =p © 2 Language Diary by Y I know that: G* Q 1 can complete thea Sees ‘© we use just when the action happened 4 Ihave just a very short time ago: 2 Ihave already The race has just started. & idem (it started a few minutes ago.) . we use already when something has 4 happened earlier than expected: I've already won the title five times. (This isn't the first time!) ‘we often use yet in negative sentences and in questions: He hasn't won yet. (but he probably will) Has the race started yet? an Yet? 3) I know these words: champion record cheer slow down fall off title line track overtake wave race wobble Vocabulary WD Match. HEA complete. Use the words in teheer [dl Sovertake OC sSwave O the box. 2faloff C1 4slowdown LC] 6 wobble O Steve has just won a very important 1.2908... . He has broken the world @.... and he has won the 8. “World 4... the 8. the §, "He crossed | at the end of ( just two seconds before Bob. Grammar MMEY Look at the pictures. Put the words in the correct order. 1 hair she just has her washed She hos just washed her hair... 2 haven't yet eaten their dinner they 3 eaten the sweets somebody already has 4 station train just the has left the 5 yet you have your tidied room HIZY Complete. Use just, already or yet. 1 My little brother hasn’t started school et . 2 Ive had a bath so I'm wet. 3 I won't buy that CD because I've ... got it ~ I bought it last week. 4 Have you met the new teacher 5 I've .. feel terrible. .. eaten five ice creams so I 6 Please wait. We haven't finished ... MIE] Complete. Use just, already or yet and the words in brackets. 4 Anna is lying on the grass because she (fall) . off her bike. 2 Jake is talking about his world record, but we are bored. We (hear) .. about it. 3 Harry took some photos of the race. They're still in the camera, so he (not / see) them .... 4 (you / read / about Jake’s race) 5 Jake's tired because he (finish) . the race. 6 This wasn’t the Crazy Reporters’ first interview. They (interview) .. .. George and Dobbin. Use your English = Complete. Harry and Claire .have. interview now, but they se gone home 8. . A few minutes 4 , Claire tried to cycle slowly, but she has ®.. . fallen off, and now she’s mf ying on the grass! The other cyclists have .. gone ~ they are all at home now. CUUCOUGOUUOOUO OVO UU Gd ddd B (2) "ean complete these sentences, ‘© we use for with a period of time, e.g. a week, two days, a long time: José has been at summer school for a month. (He went to summer school a month ago and he’s still there.) © we use since with a starting point in time, e.g. yesterday, Tuesday, July: 1 I've been in this class for 2 I've been in this class since He is very, very clever. 6 We've lived in New York José has made a lot of friends ambitious since the summer, bored gifted DB 1? busy E )) J, friendly : (&@ ¢ srusual 5 : _— Vocabulary Grammar Match. There are three extra HEY Put the time expressions in the correct columns. sentences, 1 ambitious c 2 bored O 3 busy 4 friendly O 5 gifted O 6 unusual O | a He has a lot of work. b He isn’t very kind. © He has big plans for the future. HE] complete. Use for or since. d_ He knows a lot of people. 4 José hasn't phoned his parents .....f9P..... a week e He is strange. 2 He’s wanted to be an astronomer ... years. f He is very nice to everybody. 3 He hasn’t had a holiday ... last year. g He isn’t interested. 4 Maggie has been a teacher .......... 2 long time, h He's got a lot of money. 5 Jenny has been her student ... December, i 1999. HZ] Complete. Use the Present Perfect and for or since. A How long (Maggie / teach) Ags at that school? B She (world 2. .. there 3., years and years. My sister (be) +. ... in her class .. last month. A How long (you / know) ¢. José? B We (be) friends 4, a long time. I (know) him *.,, our first day at school. A Hi! How are you? | (not / see) s you *, your birthday party. B I (be) * I (not / see) *.. . 18, . weeks! . very busy. ss. anyone HEY Write true sentences. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1 1/ live / here for ... Thave lived here for... 2 I/ start / school ... years ago. 3 I /be / a pupil at this school for ... 4 1/ study / English since ... 5 1/ know / my teacher for... 6 I / open / this book ... ago. HIG] Look at the notes about Stan Lewis and write the sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. Stan Lewis: Astronaut N92 visited Florida Space Center, become interested in space 1993 went to Space Acadamy, 1998 became an astronaut, 2000 went into space for the First time } ee ean 1 Stan / be / interested in space since .. "1992... 2 Stan / be / interested in space for years. 3 Stan / go / to the Space Academy .. ago. years 4 Stan / be / an astronaut since years. 5 Stan /be / an astronaut for . 6 Stan / go / into space for the first time years ago. \ Use your English MEd Complete. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. 1 José is a ielented.. boy. TALENT 2 He is very .. too. AMBITION 3 He would like to be a SCIENCE 4 Heisa atsummer STUDY school. 5 The teachers are very .. .. FRIEND 6 Soon it will be the ... of BEGIN a new school term. o Story lime CUCCUCUULOC CUO OOOO dd oddities Language Diary YQ I know that: @ I can use different tenses to talk about the past: Suddenly, she heard familiar voices in the crowd - Scott and his friends were talking ‘I’ve always wanted to be on tr disappointed embarrassed curious familiar exciting jealous J Vocabulary HE] Complete. Use the words in the box. 1 Birthdays are .exciting 2 Her face is . I've seen her before. 3 Iwas and my face went red. 4a. ... person asks a lot of questions. 5 She's. .. of you because you have more money than her. 6 [feel .. .. when the postman doesn’t bring any letters, 2) can write my own examples. tl Past Simple 1 She heard familiar voices. 2 Years ago I was ina TV ad for baby food. 3. My example: Past Continuous 1 Harriet was standing next to Scott 2. While Scott and Harriet were talking, Jilly was staring at them. 3. My example: Present Perfect 4 Have you ever been on TV? 2 It’s been a very exciting day. 3. My example: Grammar EY Match the questions and answers. 1 Did you have fun yesterday? How long have you lived here? 2 3 Was it raining when you went out? 4 When did you move? 5 6 Have you ever been to the USA? oO Were you watching TV when I oO phoned you? Last month. Yes, I have. It was great. Yes, I did. Since June. Yes, I was. No, it wasn’t. +*oaocn HEE] Circle the correct form of the verbs. 1 No Harriet(noved/ was moving house a few weeks ago. She has never lived / was never living near the sea before. When did she meet / has she met Scott? They met / have met last month, and they were / have been friends since then. Harriet was watching / watched the film crew when she has heard / heard Scott's voice, Jilly didn’t like / wasn’t liking Harriet. Scott has met / was meeting Hartiet’s father. He hasn't met / didn’t meet her mother yet. HIZJ Complete the dialogue. o>opD > Who's that girl? Why ‘.did. she come here? I don’t know. I’ve 2.......... seen her before. 5. she have an audition? No, she « . « She 6. standing in the crowd when they chose her. It’s not fair. We've been here 6 early this morning. Have you had lunch Fees Tt NOs Tn Let’s go! EF] HEY complete. Use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Present Perfect. x *“ Harriet Jameson and Scott Harris (have) 1..had... a very exciting day last Saturday. They (act) 2. as extras in an ad for chocolate. Our reporter (speak) 3. to them yesterday. ‘Iwas very surprised when they (choose) 4 cccmesenenen Me, Said Harriet, ‘but it was | great fun | : “There was one bad moment’ said Scott. | ‘They were filming us while we (ran) } . along the beach. Vall) ®. ssnsse Over and everybody | laughed. I was very embarrassed’ f } Harriet and Scott (not / see) f 2. .. the film yet, but the film company (already / give) ® =i. them parts in another ad. Harriet and Scott are the stars of the future! _— hone Use your English Circle the correct answer ~ A, B or C. Harriet has lived in her new house * three weeks. She 2., born in London, but her father got a new job and they moved house. Harriet when she met Scott. wanted to be an actor, and Saturday, Harriet has 6. actress! 51 A since Cin 2 A was ¢ has 3 A did © has C did C since B wanting C want = Match the words : ° ce Hakone -7Fasoa20 Units 5 8 unusual ambitious ~~ O bored oO busy oO a o ear ro curious disappointed 10 with a red face and their meanings. embarrassed exciting friendly gifted jealous angry because somebody else has got something you want has lots of work nice to other people wants to be successful not interested or excited not usual opposite of boring Check Yourself oo0000 unhappy because something good didn’t happen talented wants to know everything HEE] Complete. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. A (you / speak) ». Did you speak B A B Yes, 18. A B | (meet) ©... at the party yesterday? No, I'.. (you / ever / meet) him? When (you / meet) 4... Total 10 to David . him? him last year. Total RE] write sentences. Use the Present Perfect and for or since. © 1/ know / Harry / 1999 1 he / be / a teacher / two years 2 you / live here / a long time 3 she / have / short hair / last summer 4 they / not / visit / us / a month 5 we / not / see / Tom / June Total [io RZ] Complete. Use just, already, yet, for or since. © We have lived here .£0.. six months. 1 He's tired because he’s ten kilometres. 2 I haven't seen my brother 3. Jo has been in China and he’s 4 [haven't been to Italy .... Total learnt a lot of words. HE complete. Use the Present Perfect, the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. © I (never / be) .ho) M. to Spain. 1 Jackie (run) for a bus when she (drop) her money. 2 My brother (just / come) back from Japan. 3 Where (you / go) 4 She (not / do) ............. her homework yet. Total 3 Vocabulary 10 Grammar 30. Total 40 .. last weekend? HEY Finish a letter to Danny in your notebook. Look at the pictures and tell him about ‘Sports Day. Use the words in the box. Danny has just moved to a new town. Read his letter to his old class and complete with sentences a-e. | Dear Everybody, TITEL] ft was very kind of you to send it Ive put st on my bedroom wall! How are you all? hope youre OK We haven't been here very long and’ stil miss you | ZL] ts gta den, Um getting some. | new Tone mlsen woot het akeady | pat some posters on the wall and rt locks OF | BL] tent very by but there's | ewmmng pool and a eat pak. There's a | erema too [4] | L haven stavied my new school yet, but Ie. | already met somebody nm my class! She's caled fucy and she Ives next door to us. [BL] | she's very nce and I'm jo meet seme of | her frends mt | Don ferget to write! | foe, | Danny | Ps. what happened on Sports Day? I wont to row everything! Hease wre and tell me all | about it a Dad and | saw a film there last night. b 1 was standing in the garden when she shouted ‘hello’ over the fence! © Our new house is nice. Thanks for the good luck card. e Yesterday I looked round the town. Dear Damy, Thanks for the letter. I enjoyed reading it. Sports Day was great. Something very funny happened. Til tell you about it. The weather was very windy, We were running when i 5 T haven't laughed so much for ages! Everybody sends their love. Write soon. Love, P.S. How's Luay? The aa? BLONDONERS | QOCUQOUUU CTU 0OU ddd dddddd, Language Diary Le ate YQ I know that: 2 I can complete these fo © we use will / won't when we're sure about the future: I'm sure you'll play for England one day! I won't study Geography. ‘* we use may or might (not) when QB 1 know these expressions: we're not sure about the future: Imay / might do A levels. get a mark (= Maybe I'll do A levels.) They may not / might not stay 11 2 Tmay 3 I might not tomorrow. next week. . next year. go to university ° leave schoo! at school. (= Maybe they won't eo gay at echool) take / pass / fail an exam I don't think I will. Vocabulary HE] Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. Grandma Have you finished your exams, Mark? Mark Yes, 1 1.199. them last week. Grandma What marks did you 2. 8 Mark I don’t know yet. The Maths exam was very hard, so maybe I'VE 9... Grandma Oh dear. What about Geography? Mark It was easy. I’m sure I’ve 4... wanes th Grandma Good. When are you going to s school and €....ss0 to university? Mark Not yet. I'm only thirteen! Grammar HEY Put the words in the correct order. 1 = match tomorrow might team win Rob's the Rob's. feam might. win the match... exam not 2 might the Rob Geography pass 3 may day an Kim become actress one 4 will an Vicki artist be definitely 5 won't sure problems he have Tm any Read Vicki’s article. Then read the sentences and tick / (yes), cross X (no) or write ? (maybe). My future by Vicki Harrison Tam {ust Finishi sesond year at Larges faaiia ry one ye about my future. My best subject is Ar, Te aluays been gpod at ity and 7 love it. Tim also ver Weresied in fashion. T will study Ard Somewhere alt T won't university. T think t may ap 43 Ark College. TT would like 40 have my own Business ore. day. T may have a clothes shop, or T might become a. fashion desi Til defidiiely work with fashion. T might be famous one day’ Vicki will study Art. g0 to university g0 to Art College be a fashion designer. work with fashion. _L] be famous. JOON onnon+ i MIZY write sentences about Mark’s future. Use will (/), might (2) or may not (x). travel 2 getajob 7 live in London x go to university study Geography ? bea teacher x Iildefinitely. goto. university. onrons Use your English HEA Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in » brackets. 1 Perhaps I'll go shopping. (might) 1 a Although she’s good at English, she’s bad at French. (but) She's .. 3 I'm sure you'll pass your exam. (definitely) AOR Se reartetiealcte 4 Maybe it won't rain today. (may) Re 5 We may not win. (won't) Maybe .. 6 Perhaps he'll phone tomorrow. (might) He .. FB crazy Reporters LOLUUGLLUOOCODUOOOUROOMUMMD Language Diary “BF Go 1) 1 know that: 2) I can complete these sentences. (© we use the First Conditional to 1 If 1 go to England one day, talk about possible future events, | which depend on other future events: If you get it right, you'll hear this sound. You'll hear this sound éf you get it right. 2 I'll be very happy tomorrow (Maybe you'll get it right, maybe you seseneneestneeenne won't.) 3 When I leave school, .. © we use when, not if, when we're sure . that something will happen: 4 I'll watch TV when We'll start when you're ready. When you're ready, we'll start. (’'m sure you will be ready.) 2, Ve fo “PF 7O- oe 7Oz 3) I know these words and expressions: uy ask or answer a question get an answer right or wrong the finals get apoint your turn pressabutton Time's up! | hearasound hostashow winaprize —_ volunteer (v) Vocabulary Complete. Use the oe HIE] Circle the odd one out. HEY write true sentences about the future. 1 basketball diving badminton 4 When I finish my homework, I'll 2 bread baseball meat 3 capital wrong nervous 2 If see my friends at the weekend, we'll 4 high easy turn . 5 popular ready carefully crazy 3 When the summer holidays start, I'll ... 6 round lose. —press.-~=—volunteer . 4 If the weather is bad tomorrow, 1'll.. Grammar 5 When I'm hungry, I'll. HEE] Write sentences or questions. Use the First sess ae Eenaitiocs, 6 IfI have some free time next week, I'll 1 if/1/go/ on the show /1/ be / on TV H£ TM. 2 you / watch / the show / if /I/ be / onit 7 When I'm older, I'll 8 If learn a lot this year, I'll . 3 if / she / win / she / get / lots of prizes 4 he / lose t / if / he / get : eee sty he get Use your English GMA Circle the correct answer ~ A, B or C. 1 Ifyou. » you'll pass the exam. Awill study B studying C(Gtudy) Tl miss the train if! . Z A don’t hurry B not hurry C won't hurry you phone me when you 5 they / fall / in the gunge / if / they / not / win ? arrive? A Will B Are C Did I'll have a sandwich when it ... lunchtime. Awill be Bis was They won't play in the match if it 6 if / we / fall / in the gunge / our friends / laugh HEY complete. Use if or when. the show finishes, Cathy and a jam will need a wash. 9 2 They'll tell their friends about it .. they go to school. 3 Will you do the quiz Ido it with you? 4 I'll know the answers the questions are about sport. we're too nervous, we won't win. 6 I'll watch the show .. - I get home from school. A rains B will rain C raining 6 If you don’t water the flowers, they A died B are dying C will die DOOCCUUIOT COV OO dod ddddddd Language Diaty ee 1) I know that: 2) 1 can complete these sentences. © we use the Second Conditional to talk 1 If] saw a ghost, I n't about unreal, imaginary ideas: believe my eyes. If I lived in America, I'd speak English all 2 1 wouldn't believe my eyes the time. fT on a ghost. I'd speak English all the time if I lived in America. (I don't live in America, and I don’t speak English all the time.) we often say if 1/ he / she / it was ... in 3) I know these words: informal situations, e.g. conversations. we say or write IfI/ he / she / it were ... in 3. What would you do a you saw a ghost? lonely cool formal situations, e.g. letters or speeches. terrified calm we often shorten would to ‘d: enormous shy If Iwas rich, I'd (= 1 would) buy a big poisonous house. courageous Vocabulary HEE] Complete. Use the words in the box. 4 She's 1 I's .poisenous...... 5 He's ..... 2 She's vee 6 It's 3 He's 7 She's .. Grammar HEY Look at the pictures and complete the questions. What would you do if .Y9! last bus, “ (miss the last bus) 2 What would you do if (not have any money) a Re 5 What would you do if .. (not like the food at the party) RE] What would YOu do? Answer the questions in Exercise 2. 4 walk home or call my parents Tywoulda't rt 2 wash up or run away 3 call for an ambulance or panic 4 take it to a police station or tell my parents 5 eat it or leave it on the plate HZ] Complete. Use the Second Conditional. A What are you doing this summer? 8 I'm staying at home and studying for my exams. A Where (you / go) * 190... if you (not / have) 2. . exams? B IFT (have) &.............0 lots of money, T (G0) fceeececsesnee 10 Florida, But I (not / stay) 8. on the beach. I (get) 8 bored if I (do) 7. nothing all day. A (you / take) ®.... . me with you if you (go) B Yes, 1 . but I’m not really going! &, q Use your English BEA Circle the correct prepositions. What time did you get down /(j morning? Do you believe on / in aliens? I'd like to speak to / at the teacher. I’m going to wait for / at the bus. I'm tired, I think I'll go back in / to bed. He's dropped his books. Let’s pick them on / up. A Story lime ce/ QOCUUOOOUCU UDO IOO UNO ddddddd Language Diary LQ Bho® 1) I know th. 2) I can complete these sentences and write —_— my own example. ( ie use I wish +the Past Si imple when we make wishes ( 4 Lwish 1 he something to do. a {| don’t have anything to do.) | 2 I wish I..... about the present time; | Twish we had a swimming pool. | (We don’t have a swimming | | essa have any homework. pool, but I'd like one.) (have some homework.) © we often say J wish 1/ he / 3 | wish I... ... do this Maths. | she / it was ... in informal (can’t do this Maths.) situations, e.g. conversations. we say or write I wish I/ he / she / it were ... in formal situations, e.g, letters, speeche 4 My example: I wish ........ 3) 1 know these words: bored carefal O° clever lucky 1S neat weird Vocabulary MD match. 1 bored [I Q careful 3 clever [J 4 lucky [J Sone ] 6 weird [J Grammar EA Complete the bubbles. Use the sentences below. 4 I wish he was asleep. 2 I wish I could go home. 3 I wish I could walk. 4 I wish I had lots of money. 5 | wish I was him. 6 I wish T was young. ee 1 [live a long way away from my school, ish J. cic’ live.qu.lor HE] Write sentences. Use I wish. 3. My neighbours have a horrible big dog. 4 My friend can’t come out with me. 5 I don’t have my own bedroom, 6 We are bored today. 7 I can't go to my friend's party. Use your English WIZ] Circle the correct answer - A, B or C. want to ge to a reek concert but mip parents are worried about it. IF I was older it 1... be a problem, but they think I'm too young. X wish they 2 worry about me 50 much. E rently wish £8. + ge) but if be very angry. 0 Z ge) they Z wish my parents old-fashioned. Perhaps if £ was veally goed this week they 6... sone SO ox! 4A didn't B couldn't C wouldn't 2Adon't Bdidnt C aren't 3 A could Bcan Cc would 4 A will B would do 5 A aren't B didn't —C weren't 6 A will B would = © can g Check Yourself Units 9 - 12 d HME] Complete. Use the First Conditional. Circle if or when. 3 © John (watch) .will watch. TV if /awhen he finishes his homework this evening, 4 If / When it (not / rain)... this afternoon, we'll go for a walk. 2 We'll get a drink if / when the game © My friends are all on holiday. I'm lenely.. . (finish) 1 My room is never messy. It’s always 3 If / When our players ‘(not /win) en the match, we'll be very sad. 2 The programme wasn’t interesting. | was 4 1 é ‘When I get home tonight, | (phone) snes soseoeee MY friend. 3 Don’t get too excited. Keep vrvcsectnsnn « 5 What (you / do) if/when 4 That lady’s hat is very _- it's you miss the train tomorrow? got a banana and some grapes on Total 10 5 My sister got good marks in all her exams. She's very 6 I don’t like di enough! WEY complete. Use the Second Conditional. O What (you / do) if you i one million pounds? 7 My brother's... he's found 1 .. choose a job, I (be) £10! 8 ‘Were you frightened?’ ‘Yes, I was QDs . (buy) this CD if it ! (aot / be) . too expensive. 9 I'm sorry | lost my watch ~ I wasn’t very 3 Ifyou (not / go) . to school, ete what (you / do) : 40 Jane doesn't say very much because she’s 4 Ifyou (can) make one wish, what (it / be) .. Total 10 5 I (marry) 2 sve YOU if you (have) more money. HEY Complete. Use will, won’t or may / might. HE] Rewrite the sentences. © He knows all the answers so he ..\vil o Imnotclever....... Twish I was clever. pass the exam, 1 1 Perhaps I'll go on holiday. I.... go to France. 2 She's got a cold, so she .... school tomorrow. 3 I hate loud music. I definitely ... I wish | didn’t live in a big city. 2 I don't have a dog. goto I wish I wasn’t bad at football. go to the party. " 4 I don’t like Maths. 41 .. have a sandwich for lunch, 5 sossenenses but 'm not sure. I wish I could play the piano. 5 It's my little sister’s birthday tomorrow. She .. . be eight. Total 5 Total 5 Vocabulary 10] Total 40) gy Grammar 30 HD Read the website. It shows different activities. Match these activities with the sentences below. Young Newton Activity Week Z x Oo & D @ ] ack Focwscd Sion hetteti: Norm Paver tes Address: [¥ © @ 1 I love sport. 2 | love computers. 3 I'dliketobein [) a film as an actor. 4 I want to make something to take home. HIE] You have to choose one of the activities, but you can’t decide which one! Complete the letter. YOUNG NEWTON ACTIVITY WEEK When you join us for the week at YOUNG NEWTON you will be able to choose from many different activities. What will YOU choose? ‘coMPUTING Practise using computers and the D)cooxne Monday is usually something Internet! Design cards and posters. MULTI-WATERSPORTS chocolatey and Friday is always a SURPRISE! Come and make exciting, delicious things and then do the washing-up! Your family Talk to friends around the world Play games! will love itt Doras ie geting we Try canoeing, boatbuilding, sailing, [3] BADMINTON windsurfing and more! If you come and join us on the (You must be able to swim.) badminton courts, you will earn [ seWeLLeRy MAKING the game and play fun games and competitions Would you like the chance to make ” some presents for your family and tend? Ifyou ike making beaut things, you'll Tove this act Ti prama yu choose this, you will work in a age theatre ou wil have fun Sh costumes and make-up and ‘es pourcwn laces in sok of vib Dear Simon, I'm going to go on the Young Newton Activity Week again this year. It was | brilliant last year, although this year I want to choose something different. | It’s really difficult to choose, there’s too much choice! | I might choose | If do that, I'l | However, I'd also like to do If I choose that, I think most of the activities look great, although I don’t think I'll choose because .. I can’t decide - I need your help, so write soon, or phone! Thanks! See you soon. % The aa? “a LONDONERS QUUUUUCCLOQDIUUUU OOO ddddo dd Language Diaty => , LD tiknow that: ee) 2 a] I can complete these sentences. © we use used to to talk about past positive habits or routines The first London buses... 1 go to school by bus every day. to be open at the top. (This is my routine now.) negative L used to walk to school every day. asaenies mem (That was my routine but it isn’t now.) of the city very often. question rine everybody to travel on them? GE te (3) Tow these words: eee conductor double-decker driver escalators fore passenger tram transport tube underground Vocabulary RET Put the words in the correct groups. Londoner Grammar HE] Complete. Use the phrases in the box. eee aN eet era Con This is a photograph of Mark’s great- grandfather. He 1...Used a baker. Ho 2... . in London ~ he lived in a little village near the sea, His cottage a, a thatched roof and it was next to a river. He 4, very early every morning to make the bread for the village. Mark's great-grandmother Sasccssssnarmvnne Broad and cakes in alittle} shop, and their son 6. her. § ae ennervcntod HE] Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. watch the Teletubbies used I watch.the Teletubbies. did 1 to da 2. to school use walk to you 3 used my mother work ona farm to 4 they where live did use to like didn’t 5 he use to Maths 6 have didn’t to my grandparents acar use os ZY Complete. Use the correct form of used to. 1 I love salad these days, but I (not / like) fuse. it 2 What games (you / play) ... when you were little? 3 1 (go) to bed at seven o’clock 4 1 (not / understand) .... English, but I do now. 5 My mum (read) a story to me at bedtime, but she doesn’t now 6 (you / play) os litte sister when she was a baby? with your MEY write the questions. Use used to. Then write your answers. 1 you / have / a teddy bear Dic ye Yes. Idi 2 Where / you / live / when you were two No.1 didn’t. 3° Who / you / play with 4 you / go / to school / when you were five at 5 What time / you / go to bed / when you were five Use your English HE Complete. Use one word in each gap. Rose lives in a small town next to the sea She always lived there ~ she used 2... . live in London, near Vicki’s house. She moved house two years B.sseeseesseenens « Vicki and her friends ‘ visited Rose many times 5. then. When Rose was a child, she didn’t °. . to go to the seaside, but now she can go there every day! Crazy Reporters¢ lee Language Diaty yy YQ 1 know that: © we use must / have to when something is necessary or when it is a rule: When you play tennis, you must / have to have a net. © we use mustn’t when something is forbidden (when the rules say “Don't."): When you play tennis, you mustn’t kick the ball. © we use don’t have to when something isn’t necessary; isn’t a rule: When you play tennis, you don’t have to play outside (You can play inside if you want to.) Gduud oi At school, 1 we must / have to 2 we mustn't 3 we don’t have to .. Q I know these words: boots team court trainers net goal pitch racket Vocabulary HB] Find nine more words connected with sport. Look —> }. t|ti@ToToTe 3) e[rjalc|kje|tlo njajgjoja}ljtjo njilglu ofn|s t ijn|mjrjt}cjl}b sle|fjtjnj|s kjal djrjo}t}e}ajm}1 tls|p}ijt}c}h}l Grammar HIE] write sentences. Use don’t / doesn’t have to or mustn’t. 1 He's on holiday. (he / get up early) 2 The sign by the lake says ‘DANGER’. (you / go swimming) 3 It’s my friend’s birthday soon. (I / forget) 4 The tickets are free. (we / pay) 5 Itisn’t cold. (she / take a coat) 6 The bus leaves at eight. (you / be late) BE] Read the text and look at sentences 1-6. ZY Look at the picture and complete the Tick ¥ true. Cross X false. sentences. Use don’t have to, must or mustn't. eme tL * Two teams of four or more people. * A garden or park. * A tennis ball inside a large (clean) sock. * Two buckets. One player from each team must hold a bucket and stand behind the goal lines. They don't have to be real lines. These players mustn't cross the lines, although they can move from side to ‘ side, They have to catch the ball in the buckets. The buckets are the goals ys ¢ Use your English The players have to get the ball into MBE] Circle the correct answer ~ A, B or C. their goals. Players mustn't run with the | == ball - they have to throw it. They can't Kick it. They can only hold its ‘tail’ - the ¢ sock. If they catch the ball and not the ‘tail’, they have to give the ball to the other side. ae (is apr wear trainers take off your watch. chew gum, bring food or drink into the hall have a shower. ce 2 SEMEN SION Ot ENERO ET NEE aunrons = At our school, lessons begin at eight, and wet. be late. My mum often e, 2 to shout at me in the DE mornings. It’s the weekend now, so I 3. stay in bed because I g0 to school. However, 1 to do my homework, and 1 go and buy an alarm clock. 1 Each team must have a bucket —— f ; 2 You don’t have to play it outside o 1 Agustin’) B haven't © don't 2Acan B must © has 3. The players with the buckets must stay behind the lines. OY 8A must B have © can 4 You can kick the ball. o 4 A haven't B don’thave to C mustn't CD 2885 A have B can © must § You mustn't catch the ball. 6 You don’t have to have four players in each team. oO B must Cc am Q00000000000000 0000 00dddddd Language Diary Qo I know that: 1 can complete these sentences. @ we use make when ») somebody tells us we have to do something: | My parents make me tidy my roorn * we use let when somebody gives us permission to do something: They let me eat sweets. * after make and let we use the infinitive without to: My mother made me go 0 bed. She didn't let me watch the film. Vocabulary HED Do the crossword. Across 2a famous actor or singer 4 this person writes about books, films or music 6 a prize 1 4s 2ChT 4C TTI 5 Down nq fa successful film at | __ or song SCOTT] 3 tellother people they will enjoy a book or a film 5 cesses. @ part in a film Present 1 At first, Billy’s father makes him -baye boxing less 2 My teacher makes ME ...cso--r- 3 Alter a long time, he lets him -have dancing lessons. 4 My teacher lets me .... Past 1 Jamie’s mum made him g.his, homews 2 When I was 5, my mum made me 3 Jamie’s mum let him haye.deneing lessons. 4 When I was 5, my mum let me ) 1 know these words and expressions: recommend play a part star award Grammar EA write sentences or questions. Use the correct form of make or let. 1 our teacher / us / do homework every day Ou pyery day. 2 my parents / not / me / go out last night 3 your mother / you / clean your room every week 4 your English teacher / you / work hard 5 my friend / me / borrow his bike yesterday 6 my brother / never / me / use his bike WE] Read and complete the interview. Ally A lot of people think that only boys and men can play football. Some teams don’t '.2... . Janice, you are the only girl in your town’s football team. How do you feel about that? danice Well, the boys were horrible at first. ... the pitch and ‘They used to 2 then they 3... they're OK now. Ally And what about your parents? the ball. But danice Well, they're great. I've always liked the boys’ games, and my mum always 4..... messy. She didn’t eee and stay neat and tidy. I’m lucky. Some of my friends have to be ladylike all the time. Ally Tell me, do the boys open doors for YOU, aNd Seeseseeees OM the bus? vanice Ha ha. No, they don’t. let girls play at all didn’t let me have let you have their seats make me run all over make me wear dresses let me get dirty seanoee you know, and EY Match the sentences and pictures. There are two sentences for each picture. Don't let him make a noise. Don’t let him go near the water. Don’t let him come in. Don’t make him wait for dinner. Don’t make him stay at home. Let him have some biscuits. Let him go out. Make him be quiet. Make him hold your hand. Make him take his shoes off. eo resroaose Use your English EY Complete. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. 1 The film is .....alled.. CALL Billy Elliot. 2 Jamie is good at . DANCE 3 Jamie is FAME 4 Boxing is an .. USUAL hobby for a girl 5 I'd like tobe a SUCCESS actor one day, 6 Isawa film last night. FUN 6 Story lime &e/ QOCUOOCOV O00 00000 000d dddddd Language Diary <> ae 1) know that: 2) I can complete the table with the correct form of have to. ee ® have to has a past. present and future form (had to, have / has to, will have to). © must only has a present form. a ee positive | He .h9d. to put on his coat yesterday. negative | He have to put on his coat yesterday question he to put on his coat a 7 yesterday? LA. @ =—=——§£ positive . £0 put on his coat now. negative Thave to put on his coat now. qu to put on his coat now? Future do homework pull out positive | He . keep it secret have fun this afternoon goforawalk — hurry up negative | He have to put on his coat put on (clothes) pick up this aftemoon " question | Will. he ..baye.. to put on his coat this take your time get up afternoon? 3.) 1 know these expressions and phrasal verbs: tion to put on his coat Vocabulary HR] What are they saying? Complete the bubbles. rte ee ee ed a raam cease Grammar HEY Complete. Use the correct form of have to. 4 Jimmy has forgotten his book. He .will.haye.4Q. bring it tomorrow. 2 Jimmy's friend Andy was playing football when he hurt his foot. He goto the doctor’s last night. 3 He go back to the doctor's next week. 4 Jimmy is in the swimming team now. He usually .. train after school. 5 He (not) . train this afternoon because the swimming pool is closed. 6 He swim in a gala last week. 7 Jimmy and Andy (not) += g0 to school tomorrow. It’s a Saturday. 8 Andy's father drove them to school yesterday. They (not) catch the bus. EJ Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have to. Write about ume boldans, ened ae s Tonight Do homework. Finish the picture, Yesterday Buy a new pencil case. Make sandwiches. 1 Yesterday Jimmy had to .Rdy.a.neW. pencil case... 2 Now he .. 3 Tonight .. | f|1@Je[nfel th t{kfafw]ifa]t{h ifdlelwlilols T}hlefilglhi tli olelalgle|p|miz nfa|n{h gihie g}v{ bit blitg ml y|sjalo|1|a|p Past recorded every week. It was recorded last week. They are made every day ‘They were made a long Q I know these words: checked this morning. age discover height discovery length invent material invention size weight width HE] complete. Use words from Exercise 1. 4A What's the length of this wall? It’s 200 metres Jong... What is the of the river? It’s about a metre wide. What's the seseaseeee Of this tree? It’s a hundred years old. What's the ses. It’s 500 metres high. of that building? How heavy is this box? It cas ... is about 500 kilograms. What sccvsiwsancwion 18 12 It’s not very big. a D> @> O> OD o> Grammar HIE] Rewrite the sentences. Use the Passive Voice. 1 The Nascan people made the drawings. The drawings } ide by ths -Nascan people... 2 The drawings amazed us. We .. 3 When did they make the drawings? When .... 4 They made the first drawing thousands of years ago. The first drawing ... 5 People didn’t notice them for a long time. ‘They .. 6 Perhaps the Nascans invented hot-air balloons. Perhaps hot-air balloons ZY complete. Use the Passive Voice of the verbs in the box. The Egyptian kings 1. were. called .. ‘pharaohs’. The pyramids were their tombs and they 2. . with valuable things. Many of these things a by robbers thousands of years ago. However, in 1922 Tutankhamen's pyramid 4. by Howard Carter. There were fantastic things inside it. Tutankhamen 5. . with statues and jewels and gold and silver. All these things ¢.. in museums in Egypt and around the world HE} Lily is telling Alex about the Great Wall of China. Match the questions with the answers. Lily We went to see the Great Wall of China last year. It was fantastic! Alex How old is the Great Wall? Lily Ecce Alex Why was it built? Lily 2... Alex How long is it? Lily 3 2 Alex What's its height? Lily 4... . Alex What's it made of? Lily >. . How was it built? Alex Lily © It was built to keep out enemies from the north. b Mostly stone, although there is some brick too. ¢ It was built completely by hand. d Its length is about 4,600 kilometres. e It’s mostly eight metres high, and in some places it’s twelve metres high. f It was built about two thousand years ago. Use your English a Circle the correct words. 1 The Nasca lines were a very important discover /Gis discovery, How high / height is the mountain? When did they invent / invention the aeroplane? How long / length is this picture? I want to know its wide / width too. The Nasca lines are a wonderful see / sight. 20 Story lime cel QUVCCOUUOCD OD ICU OOOO dd dddd Language Diary Y I know that: ay Qo 1 know these words: @ like, love, hate, enjoy are usually followed claws by a gerund: dragon Magnus liked sailing. face He enjoyed working on his boat. flames * would like is followed by the infinitive: heat Td like to get away from here. horizon * plan, decide, want are usually followed by shore the infinitive: voyage They decided to look for richer lands. YQ Ican match sentences 1-2 with phrases a-b. \le wT =~ Ry 1 She enjoys —_— 7c O- 2 She plans .... i iy a to work hard b cooking Vocabulary HE] Label the picture. Use the words in the box. / Grammar HE] complete. Use the correct form of the verbs NM Write true sentences. Use the ideas in the in the box. box or your own ideas. Magnus hated +.!iving. in a small village and he didn’t enjoy 2. in the fields He wanted 3, .. round the world, and he planned ¢ . the Viking lors on one of their voyages. He decided his father about his plans. home one day,’ 6 I'd like 7 I’ve decided ... 8 Ilike .. Use your English HE} Complete. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. 1. My grandfather was a -fi FARM 2 Would you like to be a SAIL 3 Have you ever been ina FISH boat? 4 Can you feel the HOT 5 He used to be is now. 6 My ph . agnus's father ‘didn't want /\hated = tage ae hearing his son’s words. He liked / would like working with Magnus and he Senjoyed / planned to give his farm to him one day. However, he ‘wanted / enjoyed to see his son happy. “You can go when you are older’ he said. ‘But I Slike / would like to see you again one day. I will Senjoy / want listening to your stories.” than he HAPPY fom STEAL Units 17 - 20 BRED] Put the words in the correct columns. glass “height paper aa a ees err measuring | computers _| material height Total 10 HEA Complete. Use the Passive Voice in the Present Simple. 0 Bread (buy) .is.heaght. 4 Meat (not / sell) . greengrocer's. 2 Photos (take) . by a photographer. 3 (the chairs / make) of plastic? 4 Bob the Builder (watch) by litle children. 5 (your friend / call) .... at the baker’s. .. at the Total 5 HE] write sentences or questions. Use the Passive Voice in the Past Simple. © The pyramids / discover / about two hundred years ago The. pyramids. were.discayvered about, twe.hundeed years. age.. 4 When / they / build 2 This photograph / not / take / last year 3 the house / build / a long time ago 4 you / drive / here / by your mum e trees / destroy / by fire Total 5 HZ] Rewrite the sentences. Use by if you need to. John won the prize. j The prize Ys 1 My brother didn’t draw this picture. This picture .. John. 2 Somebody broke the window. The window 3. Do people grow tea in India? Is 4 People don’t grow oranges in England. Oranges . 5 Did Jenny make this cake? Was Total 10) HE] Complete. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. a start aa a 0 What do you want .f9.d0@....... when you leave school? 1 [hate .. for buses. 2 I’ve decided some new clothes. 3. In my free time I like ..... to music. 4 We are planning a new band. 5 Would you like to the cinema with me? Total 10 Vocabulary 10 Grammar 30, Total 40. BEI Read about Legoland. Complete the missing phrases. COME TO LEGOLAND! Would you like to see nine European countries in one morning? You are invited to take a trip round England, France, Italy 1.9.. 1! You can do that in Miniland 2...... . Twenty million of them! There are hundreds of model buildings, *. Sixty-five thousand bricks were used to build the model of Big Ben, ¢....... Miniland is part of Legoland near London. There are lots Fal of other things there too — magic shows and clowns 5... A There are restaurants and shops too, of course, Legoland is visited by thousands of families each year. It’s open every day in the summer ~ but get there early and wear comfortable shoes 6. oma an ee cerrenen ern at a because you'll do a lot of walking d_ and it’s just one of hundreds of fantastic models b and lots of rides e and they were all built by teams of model makers ¢ and six other countries ~ on foot f because all the buildings are made of little Lego bricks HEY You are at Legoland. Complete the postcard. Write about your day. Hi Andy! We've been at Legoland all day and we had a great time. I'll tell you about it. | | Andrew Knight | 37 Cherry Drive Manchester | RIS apc s The a QUCUUOQOUTU LOCO OVO Oddo ddd Language Diary So 1) 1 know that: 3.) I know these words and expressions: we use ‘So ... I.’ when we agree with positive statements: ‘I like chocolate.’ ‘So do I.” we use ‘Neither ... 1” when we agree with negative statements: ‘I can't dance.’ ‘Neither can I." we use ‘I... not.’ when we disagree with positive statements: ‘I went shopping yesterday.’ ‘I didn’t.” we use ‘I... .’ when we disagree with negative statements: ‘I’m not hungry.’ ‘I am.” arrivals check-in departures flight information lost luggage passport control 2 ) I can complete the table. ( _ | Lagree I disagree ») I'm lost So am I. Tmngt. | il get something to eat. |. I won't, 1 didn't realise the time. | Neither did 1. 7 Ihaven’t seen any signs. | .. caving, |, VBVEs Vocabulary HED Label the signs. Use the words in the box. Grammar HEA Complete. 1 Kim 1 like this shop. Vicki S0.SQL ewe 2 Kim I didn’t like the other shops. Vicki Neither 3 Kim [haven't bought anything yet. Vicki Neither . 4 Kim | can’t decide. Vicki Neither ....cccccee 5 Kim Id like to buy something Vicki So .. fo 6 Kim I’m going to think about it. Vicki So .. se 7 Kim 1’ll look at some more things. Vicki So .. WHE] Agree or disagree. Write true sentences. Use your English 1 Ci can't understand ngs.) HMZJ Circle the correct answer - A, B or C. 1 I went shopping yesterday. So .. Aam Bidid) C went Cate) 2 I've never been in an aeroplane Neither .... I Abeen Bdid © have 3 I’m going to the party. So ... Aam Bg Cdo 4 [couldn't see. Neither ........ Asee B could C did 5 [like dancing. So .. L Aam Blike do 6 I can’t play the piano, Neither ......... 1. Acan Bdo C play Neither can J y Se Diary 1) I know that these verbs can have two objects: a ) I know these words: © give, send, show, lend, pass, sell battery I’m going to give my sister a present. batton I'm going to give her a present. dial I'm going to give a present to my sister. plug I'm going to give a present to her. switch I'm going to give it to her. thermometer 2) I can rewrite these sentences. 4. Show the shoes to Harry. Show . seve the . 2 Send the catalogue to me. Send ... ersten CHE a Vocabulary Grammar Do the crossword. HEA Rewrite the sentences. Do not use to. Use the words in brackets. |n 3 4 Show the jacket to Harry and Claire. (them) al ] Show. them, the jacket. 2 Give the shoes to Harry. (him) loa ]= a CEC 3 Pass the watering can to Claris. (her) o 4 Sell the invention to the customers. (them) 5 Send the catalogue to Claire. (her) 6 Lend the rain alarm to Harry. (him) Q po HEY Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words and phrases in the box. 3. Harry showed the shoes .. HZ] Put the words in the correct order. 1 to the show jacket them Sho Jo then. 2 shoes Harry give the 3 it to send Claire 4 the pass her watering can to 5 the them to customers sell 6 it lend her to 6 They sent the shoes . Use your English HE} Complete. Use one word in each gap. = . Harry and People often send letters Claire. Sometimes they ........ given presents "g.. 190. Once somebody sent 9... robot. © They didn’t have to do any housework because the robot did it for ¢.. However, the robot was very noisy - when it G G Wasn't talking, it 6...... singing! After a 5 week, Harry and Claire gave ®........ 10.2 "SD » friend. Now their house is quiet again - and ‘€4 very messy! QOU0Q00U0000000000000dddd00 Language Digty YQ I know that: ogg Bago © we use who, which or that when we want to define (= explain) somebody | who are Ally and Alex? They're the people who / that edit ‘Friends’ Club’. ie What's ‘Friends’ Club’? It's a magazine which / that prints readers’ letters. ) {can match the letters and numbers and complete the sentences with who or which. people, animals and things animals and things people ona The man 3) I know these words and expressions: ran the first Marathon was Greek. The city ............. held the first modern Olympic Games was Athens. a who b which © that compete in found hold (a competition) introduce light (a fire) vote Vocabulary HEI complete. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. 1 Carl Lewis .competed Games. 2 A French man . Games in 1896, 3 Greece ... in four Olympic .. the Olympic . the first Olympic Games. 4 Anathlete the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony. 5 Football was .. . to the Olympic Games in 1988, 6 We . for our favourite sports personality. The winner was Ronaldo, Grammar HEA Complete. Use who or which. 1 This is the symbol ys, which. is used at { the Olympic Games. “= 2 Acompetitor is a person competes in a race or competition. 3 Climbing and skiing are sports ......... can be dangerous. 4 Cyclists wear helmets heads. 5 There are a lot of people watching tennis 6 | know somebody swimming team. . protect their enjoy . is in the Olympic HE] Read and complete. The Paralympics are Games 1...®..... after the ‘main Olympics. They're for people 2... special problems (for example, they can’t walk, or they can’t see very well). Although there are other athletes 3....... more famous, these competitors are Just as fit and strong as them (or even stronger! There are races « .. for people in wheelchairs. Tanni Grey-Thompson is a British athlete 6... four Olympic gold medals in the same Games. She has become famous In Britain, and she is one of the athletes .» the Paralympics popular a which are that have made b who are e which are held ¢ who have f who won HZ] Match. Then write sentences with who or which. 1 The first Olympic competitors [&] were Greek men. 2 Atthe Olympic Games there — L] are athletes. The winners receive medals 4 Skiing and ice hockey are J examples of sports. 5 Carl Lewis and Mark Spitz are famous sportsmen, oe a They are played in the Winter Olympics. b They come from all over the world. © They performed for the gods of Ancient Greece. d They are made of gold. © They have won many Olympic medals. The first Olympic competitors were. en who performed for ods of Ancient Greece... Use your English Complete. Use one word in each gap. I enjoy athletics, t.although. I will never compete 2............ the Olympics! However, last year I ran the Marathon 3, . was held in London, I was one of the runners 4. wore costumes, 15, dressed like Donald Duck, with a mask 6. covered my face. 1 didn’t win! A Story lime =a] QUCUOCCUOOTO DIU OddOd odode Language Diaty = Sf QD) Tknow that: (3) Hknow these words: (* sometimes we use what and who to ask about the amazement subject of a sentence: anger “Who saved Magnus?’ ‘The sailors saved Magnus.’ courage * sometimes we use what and who to ask about the horror object of a sentence: pain “Who did the sailors save?" ‘They saved Magnus.’ pride safety 2 I can complete the questions. terror 4 What 2 Who 3 What The dragon did this. T saw it I did nothing. It took Magnus. Vocabulary HEI Complete. Use the words in the box. 7B i; RG eg & 1 He is looking in horror. 4. 3 She.needs lots Of sac. They're screaming in =a] Grammar HEY Read. Then answer the questions. Sigurd and Regin dug a hole in the ground outside the dragon's cave. Then Sigurd hid in the hole and waited. Regin climbed a tree and watched, After some time, he fell asleep. At last the dragon came out of the cave. Sigurd quickly jumped up and surprised the dragon. He fought the dragon bravely and afier many hours the dragon fell, Sigurd touched the dragon's face. It was magic. Suddenly Sigurd understood the language of OC termite Senos Steet Birds Aye band vrece Wate ing Sime and and Regin, and they lived in the land of they were talking dragons. One of the dragons was called Fafnir, _‘Regin is planning to take all the gold, they He lived in a cave near the sea, and he had some _said. So Sigurd took the gold, got on his gold in this cave. Sigurd and Regin decided to horse, and rode far away while Regin was kill the dragon. They wanted the gold. still sleeping. 4 What did Sigurd and Regin want? 4 What did Sigurd understand? Wat GOP. . - 2 Who killed the dragon? 5 Who was planning to take all the gold? 3. Who were the birds watching? 6 What did Sigurd take? HE] write questions. Use who or what. : 5 Use your English 1 . ‘The dragon had some gold in the cave. WME] Circle the correct words. 2 pass ‘ ssn © 1 Magnus showed great Gouragé>/ Sigurd hid in the hole. courageous. 3 oe .. \ 2 I don’t like this sandwich. i © © ws horror / horrible. Regin fell asleep. le a Is your leg very pain / painful? ‘Was the teacher anger / angry when you forgot your book? There was terror / terrified on her face when she watched the film. I'm pride / proud of my drawing. Children must learn about road safety / safe. He was amazement / amazed when he heard the news. Sigurd fought the dragon. 5 F< .. Sigurd touched the dragon’s face. 6 ‘The dragon’s face was magic. Units 21- 24 BEE] complete. Use the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. O Where is ‘Flight Information? INFORM 4 Where is the * ’ sign? DEPART 2 When will he ARRIVAL 3 Children must learn about SAFE on the roads. 4 Is your foot ? PAIN 5 The soldier is . COURAGE 6 Was the teacher ? ANGER 7 Im... of you. PRIDE 8 Im... . of dogs. TERROR 9 I hate coffee. It’s ..... HORROR 10 We watched him in ..... AMAZE Total oa a HE] Agree with these sentences. Use So or Neither. © [like the book. 1 1 [couldn't understand it. 2 Thaven’t finished yet. 3 I’mtired. 4 5 I wrote a letter yesterday. 1 won't go. Total 10 EY Put the words in the correct order. © did Max what you give What. cid Max.give your. 1 a didn’t card he send me 2 Mike drawing your show 3 some lend me could money you Check Yourself 4 to the Jenny pass book 5 trainers to show Kelly new your Total 5 MZ Join the sentences. Use who or which. © | like the CD. It’s number 1. iM 1 Lee knows the boy. The boy won the game. 2 This is the painting. It was sold for £10. 3 These are the dogs. They were making a noise. 4 Is he the person? He helped you. 5 She’s the girl, She’s been on TV. Total 5 HEY Write questions. Use who or what. 0 .What.did.yeu.bay?.. I bought a CD. Sam won the race. I’m watching a cartoon. We're going to invite Steven and Lucy. The rain is making that noise. 5 Sa a8 My brother scored the goal. Total 10 Vocabulary 10 Grammar 30 Total 40, BEI Read and match the paragraphs with the pictures. The London Marat ‘The London Marathon Is one of the world’s biggest marathons. Last year, Journalist Paul Wray took Part in it and then wrote an article about it. TEN The big day at lat! | ate @ god breakfast, put on my running Clothes and let the house. EE At the beginning of the race, [waited 10 minutos before | could cross the starting tne, because there were so many runners. Some people were in Crazy costumes. There was even a Viking ship! ‘The runners needed alot of Grinks, of course, s0 there were water stations along the route. ‘There were people inthe crowd wino gave us sweets t00. Dy when 1 was nearty halt way through the race, the fastest runners were finishing the race! “The winning time was 2 hours, 7 minutos and 11 seconds. ee bse Ce > aN [3] Gi The hardest part was the [5 final 5 km. | was really tired and | wanted to give up, but the crowd were great and everybody cheered. | couldn't give up thent [| finally finished the race and | was given a medal. It was the proudest moment of my life, My time? ... 4 hours, $2 minutes and 23 seconds. | was 14,66ath! 1 2 3 HIE] Tick / true. Cross x false. Paul Wray won the race. ‘The race started late. ‘The runners carried drinks with them. Paul wanted to stop before the end of the race. More than 14,000 people took part in the race. HE] Mandy and Rosie entered the London Marathon too. Look at the pictures and write the story in your notebook. Use the words in the boxes to help you. eee e eee Sara aad Mandy snd Rosie were ready for the race. Path) They $1004 oa ccnne o The. om LONDONERS _ Language Diaty LY) Tknow that: (2) T know these words and expressions: we use must when we are sure award a prize something is true (it’s a logical break up conclusion) celebrity They must be stuck in traffic. come top © we use can’t when we are sure something is impossible (it’s a logical conclusion): That can’t be true. make The children are laughing. They be sa Vocabulary Grammar HE] complete. Use the words and phrases [EJ Write sentences. Use must or can't. in the box. 1A boy is holding a prize. Everybody is clapping. (he / be / clever) He, . oe 2 The Londoners are wearing their school uniforms. (they / be / on holiday) 2 Their school Will .......:sssessse 3 Vicki's little brother hasn't eaten his vegetable: soon for the holidays. (he / like / them) 18} A ssossinae is a famous person. 4 The speaker will make a... and everybody will listen. Rob will get the sports .....:ccsse + 5 6 Mark didn’t come i exams but he did very well. 4 Mark's looking in the fridge. (he / be / hungry) a The teacher has given Rob a good mark for the Geography exam, but it’s his worst subject! (it / be / a mistake) 6 Mark's friend doesn’t speak English. (she / come / from England) HE] complete. Use must or can’t. HEY Look at the picture and complete the answers. Use must or can’t. Look, there’s Mark. He’s with his sister. She 1¢n'f be his sister. He hasn’t got one! She ®........ be one of his cousins. No, she 3, be because his cousins are all much younger than her. Well, he 4......... have a girlfriend, then. o>a> > 1 Is it a school day? No, it.ean',.... because YES, A Where's Kim? B She §.............. be in the sitting room. I can 2 Ate they cold? hear the TV. BeGaMHE sccrasscqassessee A No, she isn’t there. I've just looked. B Well, she 8... be far away. I saw her 3. Does the girl in the skirt go skating a lot? a few minutes ago. because ecaus A Rob’s dad just got to level 4 Mark is talking to a girl. Does he like her? oveuae wise DOCANUBE sscnisnsenssnsnnn Rob’s new game. B Wow! He 5 Is Rob good at skating? practise a lot A Yes, he does. because we »5 © Use your English Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets. *% 4 I'm sure he isn’t here. (can’t) 4 I'm sure they have a lot of money. (must) <2 He can't os : 5 “Se 2 I'm sure you know the answer. (must) 5 I'm sure he doesn’t understand. (can't) g % (Seq 3 I'm sure it isn’t true. (can’t) 6 I'm sure it’s him. (must) a Crazy Reporters QOOOCCCCCOU OOO Odd ddddbdd: Language Diary J IF QL) tinow that: * after prefer we put a noun or the verb with -ing: I prefer silence. I prefer looking at trees © with prefer we use to: | prefer silence to noise I prefer looking at trees to living in them. © after would rather we put the verb without to: I'd rather look at this view. © with would rather we use than: I'd rather look at this view than watch TV. (2) Tecan complete these sentences. N I I prefer Vocabulary Grammar HEE] complete. Use see, look at or watch. HEA Circle the correct words. 1 Did you see. ... Steve on TV? 1 I'd rather(g6)/ going by train. 2 Ican't very well. I need 2 I rather / prefer milk to orange juice. my glasses, 3 | prefer burgers to / than sandwiches. 3 Let’s ....... sss The Simpsons. 4 I prefer / ’d rather go home than stay here. 4 es .. this word. What does it 5 | prefer play / playing tennis to mean? swim / swimming. 5 Please come and ... the 6 I'd rather watch TV to / than read a book computer. Is it broken? 6 Are you going to .... the film tonight?

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