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Mata Kuliah/SKS : Bahasa Inggris/ 2 SKS

Program Studi : Teknik Sipil-C
Hari/Tanggal : November 2020
Waktu/Jam : 75 menit
Sifat Ujian : Tertutup
Dosen : Apriana Diana S.S.,M.Pd

Perhatian :
1. Mahasiswa/i wajib melaksanakan ujian dengan tenang dan tertib
2. Berdo’a dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal

A. Fill the gaps with the words in the box using quantifiers. (10 points)

Much Lot Many Any

Few Little No Lots of

Atha : how 1. ____ friends do you have on Facebook?

Fariz : I have a 2. ____ ; maybe one thousand. But from all those Facebook friends, very
3. ____ are my real friends. And you?
Atha : Well, I have 4. ____ time for social networks because I’m always working. So I
don’t have 5. ____ friends at all.
Fariz : I don’t have 6. ____ time now either, because I work long hours too, but I think
I’m addicted to Facebook.
Atha : Come on man! If you spend the 7. ____ time you have on Facebook, you should
really go to therapy. I have plenty homework to do and very 8. ____ time to do it
Fariz : What kind of homework do you have?
Atha : Trigonometry
Fariz : don’t worry. I have 9. ____ of experience in Math and science, and I have a 10.
____ hours to spare this afternoon. Would you like me to help you?

B. Answering the questions (1 to 5) and Making the questions (6 to 10). (20 points)

1. Why don't you like apple juice?

2. How do Anne and Betty go to school every day?
3. When does your father go to work?
4. Where is the dog's bone?
5. What is the weather like today?
6. I moved there couple of months ago.

Mata Kuliah/SKS : Bahasa Inggris/ 2 SKS

Program Studi : Teknik Sipil-C
Hari/Tanggal : November 2020
Waktu/Jam : 75 menit
Sifat Ujian : Tertutup
Dosen : Apriana Diana S.S.,M.Pd

7. I live with my eldest brother, his wife and their children.

8. I was born on March 9th
9. Because it’s close to my office.
10. It is 13km.

Ditinjau & Diverifikasi oleh: Diteliti oleh : Soal Ujian ini dibuat oleh:

Harwidyo Eko P,ST.,M.T

Ir.Trijeti,MT Apriana Diana,S.S.,M.Pd
Ketua Rumpun Mata Kuliah
Ketua Prodi Teknik Sipil Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah
Tanggal : 01 November 2020
Tanggal : 01 November 2020 Tanggal : 01 November 2020

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