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Q1: The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is :

(1) 1-Pb/RT
(2) 1+ RT/Pb
(3) 1
(4) 1+Pb/RT

Q2: The temperature at which oxygen molecules have the same root mean square
speed as helium atoms have at 300 K is:
(Atomic masses: He = 4 u, O = 16 u)
(1) 1200 K
(2) 600 K
(3) 300 K
(4) 2400 K

Q3: ‘a’ and ‘b’ are Vander Waal’s constants for gases. Chlorine is more easily liquified
than ethane because:
(1) a for Cl2 < a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 > b for C2H6
(2) a for Cl2 > a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 < b for C2H6
(3) a and b for Cl2 > a and b for C2H6
(4) a and b for Cl2 < a and b for C2H6

Q4: A gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen contains 12.5% (by mass) of
Hydrogen. The density of the compound relative to hydrogen is 16. The molecular formula
of the compound is :
(1) NH2
(2) NH3
(3) N3H
(4) N2H4

Q5:  According to kinetic theory of gases, in an ideal gas, between two successive
collisions a gas molecule travels
(1) In a circular path
(2) In wavy path
(3) In a straight line path
(4) with an accelerated velocity

Q6:  In Van der waals equation of state of the gas law, the constant b is a measure of
(1) Intermolecular repulsions
(2) Intermolecular attraction
(3) Volume occupied by molecules
(4) Intermolecular collisions per unit volume.


Q8: Which one of the following is the wrong assumption of kinetic theory of gases?
(1) All the molecules move in a straight line between collision and with the same velocity.
(2) Molecules are separated by great distances compared to their sizes.
(3) Pressure is the result of elastic collision of molecules with the container’s wall.
(4) Momentum and energy always remain conserved.

Q9: By how many folds the temperature of a gas would increase when the root mean
Square velocity of the gas molecules in a container of fixed volume is increased from
5×104 cm/s to 10×104 cm/s?

Q10: If Z is the compressibility factor, van der Waals’ equation at low pressure can be
written as:
(1) Z=1-Pb/RT
(2) Z=1+Pb/RT
(3) Z = 1+RT/Pb
(4) Z = 1-a/VmRT

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