Total Marks: 20

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Answer the following questions. Each question caries equal marks.

Marks: 20

1. Read the passages carefully and answer the questions given below. (5 Marks)

This world forgets the person who is not important to it. Just as some people preserve
wealth in their saves, so as some people preserve the love of those people who are big
personalities by their deeds and great nature. Only a strong rock can break the flow of a
furious ocean into two parts. While small rocks move ahead with the flow of the ocean.
The history of this world is the witness of the fact that the people who served the world,
spread love and the message of peace; their names are alive till the date. So, what’s the
thing important in them that made these people valuable to the world? Today's people
feel proud of themselves due to the great deeds of these stunning personalities.
The secret of being eminence of these people is that they made their selves precious for
others, and this is the only reason for their remembrance in the heart of the people. The
poet Ghalib cannot disappear from the hearts due to his precious poetry, the philosophy
of Iqbal is unavoidable, the struggle of achieving a separate country is a great step by
Jinnah, and Addison is unforgettable due to his series of inventions. All these personalities
made themselves a treasure after undergoing lots of struggles to serve humanity. These
sorts of people know the importance of their being. That’s why they tolerate sacrificing
their wealth, house, town, and everything but they don’t compromise with their virtue.

● Give a suitable title to the passage.

● Why people are unforgettable for the world? Give your own opinion.
● Find out at least one metaphorical sentence in the text and write the explanation
of it.
● What is the most important thing for a person according to the text?
● Give a suitable conclusion to the text.

2. Suppose you meet your friend and tell him that you are going to start a new job/course.
Now write some dialogues between you and your friend and use at least five idioms in
your conversation appropriately.
(5 Marks)
3. Identify free and bound morphemes in the given words. (5 Marks)

1. Cleaning
2. Invisible
3. Seaward
4. Unearthly
5. Incomplete
6. Waiter
7. Horses
8. Restart
9. Poetic
10. Disobey

4. Highlight the root word in the given list: (2 Marks)

1. Cellular
2. Unkindness
3. Hospitality
4. Players
5. Attractive
6. Grandmothers
7. Implant
8. Firehouse
9. Inexpensive
10. Merriment

5. Identify prefix and suffix in the given words. (3 Marks)

1. Hidden
2. Untie
3. Closed
4. Encourage
5. Helping
6. Breakable
7. Impassionate
8. Useless
9. Easily
10. Reconsider

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