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Aeration of Water Suppliesfor Fish Culture in Flowing Water

Richard W. Soderberg
Fish Culture Program, Biology Department, Mansfield State College
Mansfield, Pennsylvania16933

ABSTRACT: An analyticalapproachto the reaerationof flowingwaterfor aquacultureispresented,

togetherwith a rational methodfor the assignment of dissolvedoxygenminima on the basisof
of fish.Methodsfor calculationof expectedoxygentransfercapabilities
gravitydevicesand mechanicalunitsare given.

The water requirementsfor intensivefish culture more precisemethodfor determiningthe solubilityof

with respectto the oxygenconsumptionof fish have oxygen in water of any temperatureat any altitude
been widely documented(Haskell 1955; Willoughby would be by calculation. Several authors provide
1968; Piper 1970; Westers 1970; Liao 1971; Westers empiricalformulaefor the determinationof the equi-
and Pratt 1977)and themanagersof modernhatcheries libriumconcentrationof oxygenin water(Truesdaleet
generallyhavea working knowledgeof this informa- al. 1955; Whipple et al. 1969; Liao 1971) but the
tion. The extent to which water can be reused before expressiongiven by Truesdaleet al. (1955) givesthe
intolerable levels of un-ionized ammonia accumulate most widely acceptedvalues:
is similarly well understood(Westersand Pratt 1977).
Quantitative knowledge concerning the transfer of Ce = 14. 161 - 0.3943T + 0.007714T 2 - 0.0000646T 3
atmosphericoxygen to water in which the dissolved
oxygen (DO) level has been reducedbelow the equi- where Ce = equilibrium concentration of oxygen
hbrium concentrationis required for successfulfish (milligrams per liter) at a pressure of 760 mm of
culture. In this paper an analytical approach to the mercury, and T = water temperature in degrees
aeration of flowing water is offered. Celsius.
In contrastto the conditionsfor intensivehusbandry
Table 1. Equilibrium concentrations(Ce) of dissolved
of terrestrialanimals,in fish farming the supplyof the
oxygen in water at various temperatures and three
oxygencarrier, water, is limited. Therefore,the first
elevations (q[?er Truesdaleet al. 1955,'Liao 1971).
considerationin evaluatinga water supply for aqua-
culture is its volume (Haskell 1955;Willoughby 1968;
Piper 1970; Westors 1970; Liao 1971; Westersand Temperature Cc(rag/1.)
(ø C) 0 500 1000
Pratt 1977). The fish production that a given volume
of watercan supportdependson theamount of DO in 0 14.16 13.29 12.51
the water, the oxygenconsumptionrate of the fish, 2 13.40 12.58 11.84
4 12.70 11.92 11.23
and theefficiencywith whichfishcanextract DO from
the water. 6 12.05 11.31 10.66
8 I 1.47 10.76 10.13
10 10.92 10.25 9.65
Solubility of Oxygen in Water 12 10.43 9.78 9.22
14 9.98 9.36 8.82
Although oxygen occupiesnearly 2167c of the at- 16 9.56 8.97 8.45
mosphereby volume, it is only sparinglysoluble in 18 9.19 8.62 8.12
water. As with all dissolved gases, its solubility in 20 8.84 8.30 7.82
22 8.53 8.00 7.54
waterdecreasesasthetemperatureincreases, asatmos-
24 8.25 7.74 7.29
pheric pressuredecreases,or both. Cold water can
26 7.99 7.50 7.06
therefore hold more DO than warm water, and at sea
28 7.75 7.27 6.85
levelwater canhold more DO than at higherelevations 30 7.53 7.07 6.65
(Table 1). Most fish culturistsusesimilar tables with
correction tactors for different elevations. I believe a "Meters abo•c sea lc•cl.

Prog. Fish-Cult.44(2), April 1982 89

The most accurateway to correctfor pressureis to of DO than can fish in cold water because the tension
measure the barometric pressurewhen the oxygen of a givenconcentrationof oxygenbecomesgreateras
solubility is to be calculated.The pressurecorrection the solubilitydecreases.This relation hasbeenverified
factor then is P/760, where P: measuredbarometric by field observationsfrom the literature. Smith and
pressurein millimetersof mercury. If a barometeris Piper (1975), Piper (1970), Willoughby (1968), and
not available,elevationcan be usedas an approxima- Westersand Pratt (1977) suggestedthat aquaculture
tion of barometricpressure.Liao (1971) providesthe facilities for trout be designedso that the fish are
following pressure correction factor: 760/(760 + exposedto a minimumDO concentrationof 5.0 mg/L.
E/32.8), where E: elevation in feet above sea level Bussand Miller (1971) called for aeration at trout
(sincethisis an empiricalformula, the original English hatcherieswhen the DO concentrationwas predicted
units are retained). to fall below 5.0-7.0 mg/L. Burrows and Combs
Water containingDO at theequilibriumconcentra- (1968) reportedthat salmongrowthwasreducedwhen
tion is saturatedwith oxygen. The amount of DO in the DO concentrationfell below 6.0 mg/L. Warm-
water is almostuniversallyexpressedin concentration waterfishare reportedto be able to surviveprolonged
units (milligrams per liter), but for fish respiration exposuresas low as 1.0 mg/L, but in the range of
problemsit is more usefullyexpressedas pressurein 1.0-5.0 mg/L growth is reduced (H. S. Swingle,
millimetersof mercury,whichisequivalentto express- Auburn University,unpublisheddata). Carlsonet al.
ing the amount of DO as percentof saturation.Since (1980) found that at 25øC the growth of channel
standardatmosphericpressureis 760 mm Hg and the catfish was reduced at a constant DO exposureof
atmospherecontains20.946% oxygenby volume, the 3.5 mg/Lbut notat 5.1 mg/L.
tension of oxygen in air at standard conditions is Piper (1970) reporteda water temperatureof 10øC
159.2 mm Hg, in accordancewith Dalton's Law. The and an elevation of 1,500 m above sea level for his
oxygentensionin air at anybarometricpressureisthat station. At this site a minimum DO of 5.0 mg/L is
pressure(in millimetersof mercury)multipliedby the probablya reasonable designcriterionfor troutculture.
decimal fraction 0.20946. To calculate the oxygen A rational basisfor assigningDO minima to warm-
tensionin water, the percentof saturation(measured water aquaculturesystemscould thus be the degreeof
DO concentration divided by the calculated equi- oxygentensionin the water supply. For example,the
librium concentration)is multiplied by the tensionof average oxygen tension of water at 10øC, 1,500 m
oxygenin air at the site.Ifa barometerisnot available abovesealeveland a DO concentrationof 5.0 mg/Lis
the averagebarometric pressurecan adequatelybe 72.8 mm Hg, correspondingto a concentrationof
estimated if the elevation is known. Thus, P/760: 3.44 mg/L at a water temperatureof 30øC at standard
760/(760 + E/32.8), where P: averageatmospheric pressure.This analysiscompareswith that of Downey
pressurein millimetersof mercuryand E = elevation and Klontz (1981), who recommendeda minimum DO
•n feet above sea level. tensionof 90 mm Hg.
When fish respirationhas reducedthe DO tension
to about 70-90 mm Hg, water can no longer be used
Oxygen Requirementsof Fish for fishculturebecauseat thispressurethefishcannot
In respiration fish blood picks up oxygen and efficientlyextract the oxygenpresentin thewater. The
releasescarbondioxideat thegillsand picksup carbon water must be reconditionedby aeration (i.e., more
dioxide and releases oxygen at the tissues. The oxygenmustbe dissolvedinto the water)if it is to be of
efficiencyat which the blood combineswith oxygen further usefor fish production.
and carbon dioxide at different tensions therefore The extent to which water can be reconditioned with
determines the reaction of the fish to reduced DO aerationasthe only treatmentmeasuredependson the
accumulation of un-ionized ammonia. The number of
concentrationsin the water. Brungs (1971), in a
carefully controlled long-term study, found that the water usespermissiblebefore un-ionized ammonia
growth of fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) reachesunacceptablyhigh levels dependson water
was reduced at all DO concentrations below saturation. temperature,feedingrate, protein contentof the diet,
Andrews et al. (1973) reported that channelcatfish and especiallyon the pH of the water.
(Ictaluruspunctatus)ate lessand grewmore slowlyat
60% saturation than at 100% saturation. The DO
tensionin fish culture systemscannot be kept at the Aeration Technology
saturationlevelbecausefish respirationcontinuously
depletesthe oxygenpresentin the water. Minimum Gravity Devices
oxygentensionsacceptablefor adequategrowth and
health of the fish should be defined as aquaculture Transfer of oxygen into water is a three-stage
facility designcriteria. processin which gaseousoxygenis transferredto the
Fish in warm water can tolerate lower concentrations surfacefilm, diffuses through the surfacefilm, and
90 Prog.Fish-Cult.44(2),April 1982
finally moves into the liquid bulk by convection
(Wheaton 1977). The rate of oxygen transferdepends
on the surfacearea over which transferoccurs.Oxygen
transferin aquaculturesystems wherewaterisquiescent
or moving in laminar flow is too slow to be an
•mportantsourceof DO for fishrespirationunlessthe
area of air-water interfaceis significantlyincreasedby
artificial turbulenceor agitation. Aeration of water
streamsusedfor aquaculturecan be accomplishedby
gravity where the energy releasedwhen water loses
altitude is used to increase the area of air-water
•nterfaceor by mechanicaldevicesthat spray water
into theair or pumpair into thewater(Wheaton1977).
The mostlogicalmeansof improvingoxygenregimes Fig. 1. Diagrams of gravity aerators. A, Simple weir
of cultured fish is by gravity fall of water between (Haskell et al. 1960; Chesnessand Stephens 1971),' B,
splashboard(Haskell et al. 1960; Chesnessand Stephens
production units, which can be provided by the
1971),'C, inclinedcorrugatedsheet(Chesness and Stephens
topographyat thefacility. The extentto whichwateris 1971),'D, inclinedcorrugatedsheetwith holes(Chesnessand
reaeratedby gravity is a fundamental concern for Stephens1971),'E, lattice aerator (Chesnessand Stephens
practicalfish culture in flowing water. 1971);and F, cascadeaerator (Tebbutt 1972).
Haskell et al. (1960) compared aeration by water
passageovera simpleweir (Fig. l A) with that obtained
by flow overa splashboard(Fig. 1B) that broke up the
water fall part way down, and that from flows over Table2. Selecteddata on measuredefficienciesof some
various screensand slat arrangements at the dam. gravity aerators over various distancesof waterfall.
Chesness and Stephens( 1971)evaluatedseveraldevices
for increasing oxygen transfer over a gravity fall, Device and distance
•ncludinga splashboard,an inclinedsheetof corrugated of waterdrop Efficiency
roofing material (Fig. I C), a similar corrugated sheet (cm) (%)
pierced with holes (Fig. I D), and an open stairstep Simple weir
devicereferredto asa lattice (Fig. I E). Tebbutt (1972) 22.9 a 6.2
studied aeration down closed stairsteparrangements 30.5b 9.3
of various heightsthat he called cascades(Fig. 1F). 61.0b 12.4
The following equation (Downing and Truesdale
1955) can be used to evaluate and compare gravity Inclinedcorrugated
aeration devices: 30.5 25.3
61.0 43.0
actual increase in DO
E=100 x
possibleincreasein DO with holesb
30.5 30.1
or E: 100 x (Cb-Ca)/(Ce-Ca), where E: efficiency, 61.0 50.1
Cb: DO below the device, Ca: DO above the device,
and Ce - equilibriumconcentration(all in milligrams Splashboard
per liter). Selected data on measured efficienciesof 22.9 a 14.1
somegravity aeratorsover variousdistancesof water 30.5b 24.1
fall are presentedin Table 2. 61.0b 38.1
Practical application of this information requires
rearrangementof the efficiencyequation to solvefor
30.5 34.0
the expected DO concentration below an aeration 61.0 56.2
deviceof a known efficiency:
Cascade c
Cb- E(Ce-Ca) +Ca 25.0 23.0
100 50.0 33.4
75.0 41.2
100.0 52.4
The use of this equation is best illustrated by
example.Supposethereisa 30.5-cmdrop betweentwo Haskell et al. (1960).
ponds,with a simpleweir separatingthem. If thewater Chesness
temperatureis 10øCand the elevationis 183 m above Tebbutt (1972).

Prog. Fish-Cult. 44(2), April 1982 91

sea level, by using the equation of Truesdaleet al. Surface aerators are generally rated to transfer
(1955)and Liao's( 1971) pressure correctionfactor,we 1.9-2.3 kg/kWoh under standard conditions (Eck-
find that the solubility of DO will be enfelder 1970). Whipple et al. (1969) found that
mechanical aerators in polluted rivers generally
•2e- 14.161- 0.3943(10) + 0.007714(10)2 provided oxygen transfer rates of 0.61 kg/kWoh or
760 less,but their testwater supplywashigherin oxygen
- 0.0000646(10)3 x demand than is usual for aquaculture effluents.
760 + 600/32.8
Soderberg(1980) reportedan averagetransferrate of
or Ce: 10.67 mg/L. If thefishloadingin theupstream 0.83 kg/kWoh in static-watertrout pondswhere the
pondissuchthattheDO concentration isdepressed to fish were heavily fed and aeration began when DO
5.0 mg/L, Ca will be5.0. Weknowthata 30.5-cmfall tensions reached 70 mm Hg. Aeration of flowing
overa simpleweir is 9.3%efficient(Table 2). Using water should be more efficient becauseprocessed
theequationof DowningandTruesdale (1955),wecan water is continually being replacedfrom upstream
determine the DO below the weir (Cb) as follows: rather than being recirculated around the unit, as
might occur in static water conditions. To estimate
Cb: 9.3(10.67
- 5.0)+ 5.0 aeration requirements,we may use a conservative
100 value such as 0.6 kg/kWoh or we may estimate
oxygen transfer by using the formula presentedby
or Cb = 5.53 mg/L. However, if a lattice structure Whippleet al. (1969):
(Chesnessand Stephens1971)is constructedbetween
the ponds,the efficiencyrating of the 30.5-cmfall will RT = RS
(Cet - Ca)(1.025x 20)(0.85)
rise to 34%, so
Cb= 34(10.67
- 5.0)+ 5.0
100 where RT = actual oxygen transfer, RS = oxygen
Cet = equilibrium
or Cb = 6.93 mg/L. Althoughthe estimatedbenefitof concentration of DO at aeration site, Ca = DO above
this gravity aeration device is considerable,most aerator, Ce20= equilibriumconcentrationof DO
aquaculture sitesrequiremechanical aerationto realize understandardconditions,and T = watertemperature
the full productionpotentialof their water supplies. in Celsiusdegrees.
The following example illustratesthe use of this
formula. Supposean aerator is rated by the manu-
Mechanical Devices
conditions.The actual oxygentransferat a sitewhere
Mechanicalunits that agitatethe water surfaceare the watertemperatureis 10øC, barometricpressureis
normally usedin flowing water aquaculturesystems 725 mm Hg, and the DO in the waterto be aeratedis
because of their convenience and ease of installation.
5.0 mg/L, may be estimatedas follows:
Aeratorsare evaluatedand comparedon the basisof
their ability to transfer oxygen to water. Tests are RS = 2.0 kg/kWøh
conductedunder standardconditionsof 760 mm Hg
20øC temperature,
andzeroDO in thewater Cet = 14.161- 0.3943(10) + 0.007714(10)2
to be aerated. The amount of oxygen added to the - 0.0000646(10)3 x 725/760 = 10.42mg/L
waterin a givenamountof time undera certainpower Ca = 5.0 mg/L
level is measured.The kilogramsof oxygenper shaft Ce20= 14.161- 0.3943(10) + 0.007714(20)2
kilowatt per hour (kg/kWoh) is givenby the aerator - 0.0000646 (20)3 =8.84 mg/L
manufactureras a measureof its efficiencyand can be T= 10øC
usedto compareunits.Actualoxygentransferdepends
on the oxygenconcentrationgradient:assaturationis RT = 2.0
(10.42- 5.0)(1.025m-2ø)(0.85)
approached an increasing
amountof powerisrequired 8.84
perunit of DO transferred.Reaerationabove95%of
saturation can seldom be justified on a cost basis and, thus, RT = 0.81 kg/kWoh.
(Mayo 1979). Westersand Pratt (1977) list 90% of When the actual oxygentransferrate (RT) hasbeen
saturationasa reasonabledesigncriterionfor reaerated estimated,an estimateof the aerationcapabilityof a
water. Sinceaquaculturesystemsoperateat the rela- particularunit and set of conditionscan readilybe
tively high DO minima of 3-7 mg/L, actualtransfer obtained.For the aboveexample,supposethat a 1.0-
rates will be less than those determined under standard kW unit will be usedin a water flow of 4,000 L/min.
conditions; thus these figures may not be used as The DO concentration below the aerator (Cb) is
designcriteria. calculated as follows:

92 Prog. Fish-Cult. 44(2), April 1982

Cb = Ca +
0.80 kg x
106mg x 1.0 kW
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gravityflow cascadeaeratorsfor catfishracewaysystems.
Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 14:1167-1169, 1174.
Cb: 5.0 + 3.38 - 8.38 mg/L
Downey, P. C., and G. W. Klontz. 1981. Aquaculture
for troutquality.
A more practicalapplicationof this knowledgemight Idaho Water and Energy ResourcesResearchInstitute,
be to sizean aeratorfor a particularjob. Supposethat Universityof Idaho, Moscow.42 pp.
for the sameexamplea unit that will return the DO to Downing, A. L., and G. A. Truesdale. 1955. Some factors
90% of saturationis desired.The amount of oxygen affecting rate of solution of oxygen in water. J. Appl.
Chem. 5:570-581.
needed would be
Eckenfelder,W. W., Jr. 1970.Oxygentransferand aeration.
Pages1-12 in W. W. Eckenfelder,ed. Manual of treatment
[(0.9) (10.42) - (5.0)]mg/L processes,Vol. I. Water ResourcesManagement Series,
4,000 L ---
60 min --
1.05kg Conn.
106mg min h h Haskell, D.C. 1955.Weight of fish per cubicfoot of water in
hatcherytroughsand ponds.Prog. Fish-Cult. 17:117-118.
, R. O. Davies, and J. Reckahn. 1960. Factors in
/he size of the unit required (in kilowatts of shaft
hatcherypond design.N.Y. Fish Game J. 7:113-129.
power) would be Liao, P. B. 1971. Water requirementsof salmonids. Prog.
Fish-Cult. 33:210-215.
1.05 kg
kWoh - 1.3kW Mayo, R. D. 1979.A technicaland economicreviewof the
h 081 kg useof reconditionedwater in aquaculture. Pages508-520
in T. V. R. Pillay and W. A. Dill, eds. Advances in
Thefinalstepin evaluating
is aquaculture. FAO technical conferenceon aquaculture,
to comparethe cost of purchasingand operatingthe Kyoto, Japan.
equipment with the potential value of the increased Piper, R. G. 1970. Know the propercarryingcapacitiesof
fish production anticipated. The relation between your farm. Am. FishesU.S. Trout News 15:4-6.
shaft power and brake power is given by the motor Smith, C. E., and R. G. Piper. 1975.Lesionsassociatedwith
chronic exposureto ammonia. Pages497-514 in W. E.
manufactureras the efficiency,and thiscan be usedto
Ribelin and G. Migaki, eds. The pathology of fishes.
estimateenergy consumption.For example, a 1.30- Universityof WisconsinPress,Madison.
kW motor that is 75% efficient would draw 1.73 kW Soderberg,R. W. 1980.Aeration to intensifytrout culturein
of energy. If run continuouslyon electricalpower that static water ponds. M. S. thesis, Auburn University,
was purchasedfor $0.10/kWoh, the unit would cost Auburn, Ala. 35 pp.
$124.80per month to operate. Tebbutt, T. H. Y. 1972. Some studies on reaeration in
cascades. Water Res. 6:297-304.
Truesdale,G. A., A. L. Downing, and G. F. Lowden. 1955.
Acknowledgment The solubility of oxygen in pure water and sea-water.
J. Appl. Chem. 5:53-62.
Preparation of manuscript was aided in part by Westers,H. 1970.Carryingcapacityof salmonidhatcheries.
Hatch Project Alabama No. 497, Auburn University Prog. Fish-Cult. 32:43-46.
Agricultural Experiment Station. , and K. M. Pratt. 1977. Rational design of
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metaboliccharacteristics.Prog. Fish-Cult. 39:157-165.
Wheaton, F. W. 1977. Aquacultural engineering. John.
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Pennsylvania.Prog. Fish-Cult. 33:86-94. Accepted12 November1981

Prog. Fish-Cult. 44(2), April 1982 93

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