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International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (2014) 17, 66e72

The seven-step palpation method: A

proposal to improve palpation skills
Andrée Aubin a,*, Karine Gagnon a, Chantal Morin a,b

Centre ostéopathique du Québec, 2210 Boul. Henri-Bourassa E, Bureau 103, Montréal,
Québec, Canada H2B 1T3
School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de
Sherbrooke, 3001 12e Avenue Nord, Sherbrooke, Québec J1H 5N4, Canada J1H 5NA

Received 19 December 2012; accepted 18 February 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract Palpation skills are fundamental in osteopathy because they affect clin-
Cognitive-load theory; ical results. However, palpation is a complex task that requires the right combina-
Motor learning theory; tion of knowledge, skills, and attitude thus making it a real challenge to teach. This
Osteopathy; article describes a seven-step palpation method that promotes the development of
Palpation; palpation skills by gradually mastering their complexity. This innovative teaching
Palpation skills; approach is based on well-known cognitive and motor learning theories and ad-
Perception; dresses technical as well as perceptual considerations. For the last three years,
Teaching practice; the Seven-Step Palpation Method has been used at the Centre Ostéopathique du
Visualization Québec. The advantages and challenges of its implementation are discussed along
with the main issues of osteopathic palpation.
ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction correctly evaluate osteopathic dysfunctions and

master treatment techniques. Furthermore, they
Palpation skills are the central component of oste- ensure clinicians’ efficiency since palpatory findings
opathic clinical practice. They are essential to mainly determine the accuracy of clinical
reasoning.1 Palpation is a complex task that requires
many types of knowledge, motor skills, perceptual
Abbreviations: CLT, Case-load theory; WM, Working mem- skills, and a therapeutic attitude. Like other ap-
ory; LTM, Long-term memory. prenticeships, it is influenced by students’ personal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 514 384 1271. factors and the context in which it takes place.2
E-mail addresses:,
(A. Aubin), (K. Gagnon), Chantal.Morin@
Palpation is also complex by nature since it is an (C. Morin). open-ended task seeking for an undefined solution.3

1746-0689/$ - see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A proposal to improve palpation skills 67

Considering their importance and complexity, The construction, storage, and automation of
improving palpation skills should be part of the aim schemas can become essential teaching goals to
of every osteopathic curriculum.4 ensure their fluid use in problem solving.10
However, teaching, and assessing palpation skills Therefore, these preoccupations are addressed in
can be really challenging. Palpation processes are the suggested teaching method.
deeply connected to a person’s perception, and as
such, to a bystander. Moreover, observation of
Motor skill learning theory
skilled osteopaths has shown that very different
ways are valid.5 Teachers should also be preoccu-
Palpation tasks can be divided into two distinct
pied by the low reliability of diagnostic palpation
components: a motor component, in which the
established by many osteopathic studies. It remains
clinician acts on the patient’s tissues (the informa-
a serious problem for the credibility of osteopathy
tion travels from the clinician’s brain to the pa-
and directly concerns palpation skill teaching.6
tient’s tissues) and a perceptual component, where
This article suggests a teaching method to
the clinician feels the state of the tissues (the in-
optimize the development of palpation skills by
formation travels from the patient’s tissues to the
gradually mastering their complexity. The current
clinician’s brain).
approach is based on well-known cognitive and
Teaching the motor component of palpation
motor learning theories and addresses technical as
tasks is supported by the motor skill learning the-
well as perceptual considerations. For the last
ory. In the medical field, four factors have been
three years, this teaching method has been
shown to enhance motor skill learning11:
implemented with a promising start at the Centre
Ostéopathique du Québec.7
1. Observation of a mentor or peer (including
dyad practice) can improve learning;
Theoretical foundations 2. External focus (directed on the movement’s
effect) is more effective than internal focus
(directed at the performer’s body movements)
Case-load theory
to promote automaticity in motor control and
movement efficiency;
The Case-Load Theory (CLT) offers useful guide-
3. Feedback that positively influences learners’
lines to tackle the complexity of palpation tasks.
motivation is the most effective.
The CLT8e10 states that the learning process of
4. Self-controlled practice is more efficient than
complex tasks can be hampered if the quantity of
externally controlled practice conditions.
information outnumbers the integration capacity
of the human brain. It is now well known that the
Furthermore, the links between self-controlled
working memory (WM) is capable of holding a
practice, perceived self-efficacy, and the quality of
maximum of seven elements or items of informa-
learning have been well established in learning the-
tion at a time.8
ories12,13 and for motor skill learning in osteopathy.14
When a task is sufficiently repeated, different
Learning complex motor skills can be simplified
elements will be learned and treated as a single
by reducing the cognitive load. Dividing the task in
entity called a schema. A schema can be encoded
smaller parts helps novices because they are able
in the long-term memory (LTM) and can be treated
to handle each part separately.15,16 Since an
with varying degrees of automaticity as one
incorrect technique is difficult to change later on,
element of knowledge by the WM. The LTM can
ensuring the quality of motor skill learning at an
handle an almost infinite number of information
early stage is preferable.17
when they are organized in schemas. The number
The proposed teaching method insists on
of schemas and their complexity depend mainly on
external focus as well as self-controlled practice
the expertise level related to a specific field. The
and divides motor tasks in smaller parts. It also
completion of a task using schemas will require
provides opportunities for internal feedback.
fewer resources from the WM, so it will be possible
to add more elements and/or to solve a problem
with less effort and better results.8 Theoretical notions on the perceptual
Many factors influence the formation of these component
schemas: scaffolding, feedback, the simple-to-
complex sequencing of a task, and the presentation The perceptual component of palpation tasks is
sequence of information. All these factors must be harder to define than the motor component.
adapted to the expertise level of learners.9 Because of its subjective nature, the perceptual
68 A. Aubin et al.

component never expresses an “objective reality” and quantity of directives as well as the precision
and remains, whatever we do, a personal, multi- required must vary according to the learners’ level
modal, and multidimensional experience. It varies of expertise. For example, for novices, the sixth step
according to many factors like: emotional state, could be lengthier and even be the core learning of a
cognitive factors, perceptual mechanisms and practice session. However, for advanced students it
their dimensions (bottom-up/top-down), as well as could remain a shorter exploratory phase and
the visualization process.18 Perceptual strategies quickly lead to tests and techniques planned for the
rely on the type of information to collect and prior class.
knowledge.19 By addressing each component of the palpation
Many specific difficulties of the palpation task (motor component, perceptual component,
perceptual component are addressed in the sug- and technical learning), this method also enables
gested palpation method. the use of free cognitive space to overcome the
simple technical aspect of palpation and attain
deeper readings of tissue response.22e24 Further-
The seven-step palpation method: more, the unused cognitive space could be
P.A.L.P.A.T.E devoted to decipher palpatory findings, an essen-
tial process of osteopathic problem solving.1 From
This teaching approach is a systematic seven-step experience, it could also be used to increase the
method. Those steps are always presented to stu- number of structures that are simultaneously
dents in the same order and can be remembered considered during a test or technique. Finally, it
by the P.A.L.P.A.T.E acronym (Table 1). At the could be dedicated to identify unfamiliar situa-
Centre Ostéopathique du Québec, a handbook tions that should trigger further analytical
describing osteopathic palpation challenges and reasoning processes.25,26
the seven steps of the palpation method was spe- The Seven-Step Palpation Method aims at
cifically written for students and is available dur- achieving greater autonomy for students training
ing all technique classes.20 to enhance their learning process.11 Students can
The first goal of this approach is to automate the reproduce learning sequences, as often as they
motor component of palpation tasks in order to free need, in a self-regulated environment and with
sufficient cognitive space for perceptual explora- useful internal feedback.2 These factors are
tion. In technique classes, reasonable time should essential because complex learning must be
always be granted for the sole purpose of percep- repeated many times and over a certain period to
tual exploration so that students can learn to sys- stimulate the cerebral reorganization required for
tematically search for as much information as long-term retention.27
possible to allow automation of perceptual explo- Specific directives must stimulate students to
ration processes. When students are familiar with build explicit palpation reference frameworks for
basic motor abilities and perceptual exploration, it test results and treatment responses. Those op-
is easier for them to focus on learning a technical portunities to encode schemas in their long-term
move while applying osteopathic principles. memory promotes the progressive development of
It is essential to introduce gradually the next palpation expertise.28
difficulty level corresponding to students’ zone of It is crucial that the palpation method becomes
proximal development.21 For each step, the type a learning tool and not a rigid protocol to follow or

Table 1 Seven-step palpation method.

Step Description
Step 1 to 5: Automation of motor component
1 P Position Confortable positioning of the clinician
2 A Anatomy 3D anatomic visualization
3 L Level Depth of tissue contact
4 P Purpose Clear identification of intention
5 A Ascertain Initiate motion with a relative point of reference
Step 6: Addition of perceptual component
6 T Tweaking Fine-tuning of the five previous steps and
perceptual exploration
Step 7: Application of motor and perceptual skills in osteopathic technique
7 E Evaluate or normalize Apply technique parameters
A proposal to improve palpation skills 69

additional data to learn. The project’s purpose 5 Ascertain/Initiate motion with a relative point
would be greatly impaired if it increased the of reference: This method’s novel element is
cognitive load of palpation skill learning instead of an essential step. Students should use an initial
reducing it.29 contact point to mobilize the structure to be
tested or normalized while they monitor the
The seven steps effect of that motion on a relative point of
reference. For instance, to evaluate the
Each step will be shortly described. possible motion of the sacroiliac joint, the
ilium is mobilized if, and only if, a proportional
1 Position/Confortable positioning of the clini- repercussion is felt on the sacrum. This self-
cian: Practitioner’s discomfort must be avoided validation process promotes self-controlled
to ensure quality palpation. Even though this and self-regulated learning as well as internal
step seems obvious, students often impose feedback for each attempt. With simple ac-
considerable postural constraints on commodations, this step can be equally valu-
themselves. able for motility movement.
2 Anatomy/3D anatomic visualization: Using an
external focus (towards the movement effect) The first five steps of the palpation method
while executing the task can maximize motor involve motor learning characteristics.
skill learning.11 Therefore, instructors should
urge students to study anatomy plates and 6 Tweaking/Fine-tuning of the five previous steps
models, so they will use a valid anatomic and perceptual exploration: The sixth step is a
visualization as focus. Teachers should also turning point. This step eases the use of the
adapt the complexity of the suggested mental previous steps and is a great opportunity for
image to learners’ level of expertise. For repetition. However, students should not use
novice learners, the mental representation can their newly-acquired motor automatisms sim-
be limited to the basic characteristics of the ply for repetition purposes but also for the
structure or articulation being palpated, but, exploration of different perceptual paths by
for advanced students, it can be more complex successively and systematically directing their
and include, for example, its relation with focus on the quantitative components of mo-
adjacent structures and/or the movement tion (amplitude, asymmetry, and dysfunction
axis. intensity) as well as the qualitative compo-
3 Level/Depth of tissue contact: To ensure the nents (tissue surface, sensibility, reaction to
technique’s efficacy, palpation should neither touch (defense or happiness), tissue textural
be too deep nor too superficial. The right depth changes, density, elasticity, heat, vitality,
is the one allowing the desirable movement etc.). According to learners’ level of expertise,
(see step 5). this step could be lengthier for novices than for
4 Purpose/Clear identification of intention: Since advanced students. At this point, the goal is
the cognitive load of the three first steps is not to find right or wrong answers. In fact, it is
already substantial, this step is crucial for sometimes useful to enable wrong in-
novice learners. Students should explicitly ex- terpretations.30,36 Allowing students to share
press a precise intention and direct it towards their different visions or representations at the
the expected outcome on the tissue. They will end of technique sessions can enhance their
then benefit from the learning experience by experience. Since the perceptual component is
positively modifying the motor control required personal, multimodal, and multidimensional,
to achieve the desired action.30 the words used to describe a palpation exper-
iment can be very different from one person to
The combination of step two, three, and four another and therefore can be complementary
uses visualization principles, which have been and not necessarily contradictory.37
proven successful to learn complex movement in 7 Evaluate or normalize/Apply technique pa-
sport, musical, and surgical fields.31e33 Further- rameters: The seventh step exploits the abili-
more, visualization techniques are efficient enough ties acquired in the first six steps to facilitate
to result in cerebral reorganization.34 Therefore, learning of the curriculum tests and tech-
they can be helpful in palpation skill learning. niques. To increase internal feedback for
However, it is advisable to use them with caution advanced students, this step could also include
since visualization abilities do not seem to be the comparison of the tissue’s state before and
universal.35 after normalization.
70 A. Aubin et al.

Discussion Method on the two main issues of osteopathic

palpation: reliability of palpatory diagnostic and
The principal author of this article initially used assessment of palpation processes.
this seven-step palpation method in cranial tech- Firstly, it has been shown that inter-observer
nique classes. It was quickly concluded that the reliability rises following a period of consensus
number of repetitions required (many hundreds) training.6,40 In certain circumstances, the reli-
was too important to be assumed by only one ability gain can be maintained and improved over
teacher. Moreover, to enhance their palpation time.41 Since it is intrinsically personal, the
skills, students need to apply the same method perceptual component of palpation might be the
consistently. It then became essential to imple- one that needs to be specified the most. The
ment the Seven-Step Palpation Method for tech- standardization of every dimension of palpation
nique classes in all osteopathic fields (cranio- tasks might not be necessary or even desirable.5
sacral, parietal, soft tissue, and visceral). The precise, comprehensive, and systematic
In the last three years, the use of this teaching identification of osteopathic dysfunction charac-
method in more than half the technique classes of teristics (quantitative and qualitative) as well as
the Centre Ostéopathique du Québec led to the the constant incentive to build palpation refer-
following observations. ence frameworks might help to enhance reliability.
The first advantage was to rally the teaching Secondly, the assessment of palpation pro-
staff towards a common project and stimulate cesses is a major pedagogical challenge. The
collaboration between teachers and clinical in- development of extensive palpation reference
structors. This kind of synergy promotes the frameworks might also contribute to alleviate this
development of students’ general competence.38 issue. The imperceptible nature of palpation pro-
However, this method presents some challenges cesses could be compared to the hidden portion of
for teachers. They must drastically modify time clinical reasoning. In medicine, it has been shown
distribution of practice sessions. They also have to that the outcomes of clinical reasoning can be
adapt the way they teach techniques because they estimated according to practitioner’s capacity to
need to factor in, attention focus, identification of represent the clinical problem with semantic
main and relative reference points, as well as qualifiers.42,43 By analogy, it would be interesting
variable utilization of palpation method steps to determine if the value of palpation processes
(type/quantity of instructions and adaptation to can be linked to the number of relevant qualifiers
expertise level). To assist them, a handbook that students select from their reference frame-
describing the application and possible uses of the works in order to describe their palpatory findings.
palpation method was written.39 Workshops were
also organized during teacher meetings.
Additionally, multiple informal observations
were made since the implementation of the Seven-
Step Palpation Method showing sufficient positive The implementation of this systematic teaching
effects on students’ palpation skills to justify method, based on well established cognitive,
maintaining the project at a larger scale. For motor, and perceptual theories, seems a valid way
example, students seemed more confident and, as to help students gradually master the complexity
predicted,16 demanded less external validation in of palpation skills required in osteopathy. Howev-
technique classes. They understood more clearly er, future studies will be needed to objectively
the stakes of palpation and the importance of confirm the impact of implementing the Seven-
repeating each technical movement. They stayed Step Palpation Method. In future months, data will
focused for longer periods in practice sessions and be collected to evaluate the improvement of stu-
have shown more interest in the palpation process dents’ palpation skills and to assess more objec-
itself rather than in its final result alone. Some of tively if the use of this approach in an osteopathic
the higher-level students, who were not systemat- curriculum can provide viable solutions for palpa-
ically exposed to this palpation method and who had tion teaching challenges.
major difficulties developing palpation skills,
showed interest for this new learning tool in indi- Authors contribution statement
vidual follow-ups and have, for the majority, greatly
improved their technical performance afterward. AA conceived the seven-step method and wrote
Beyond these observations, it would be useful to the first draft of the manuscript. KG wrote the final
validate the effects of the Seven-Step Palpation version. All authors improved the palpation
A proposal to improve palpation skills 71

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