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Suppose that you are testing the following hypotheses where the variance is known:
Find the P-value for the following values of the test statistic.
(a) Z0 = 2.50
(b) Z0 = 1.95
(c) Z0 = 2.05
(d) Z0 = 2.36
Suppose that you are testing the following hypotheses where the variance is unknown:
The sample size is n = 20. Find bounds on the P-value for the following values of the test statistic.
(a) t0 = 2.75
(b) t0 = 1.86
(c) t0 =−2.05
(d) t0 =−1.86
Suppose that you are testing the following hypotheses where the variance is unknown:
The sample size is n = 25. Find bounds on the P-value for the following values of the test statistic. (a)
t0 =−2.80 (b) t0 =−1.75 (c) t0 =−2.54 (d) t0 =−2.05
The tensile strength of a fiber used in manufacturing cloth is of interest to the purchaser. Previous
experience indicates that the standard deviation of tensile strength is 2 psi. A random sample of
eight fiber specimens is selected, and the average tensile strength is found to be 127 psi. (a) Test the
hypothesis that the mean tensile strength equals 125 psi versus the alternative that the mean
exceeds 125 psi. Use (b) What is the P-value for this test? (c) Discuss why a one-sided alternative was
chosen in part (a). (d) Construct a 95% lower confidence interval on the mean tensile strength.
Using the data from Exercise 4.7, construct a 95% lower confidence interval on mean battery life.
Why would the manufacturer be interested in a one-sided confidence interval?
A machine is used to fill containers with a liquid product. Fill volume can be assumed to be normally
distributed. A random sample of ten containers is selected, and the net contents (oz) are as follows:
12.03, 12.01, 12.04, 12.02, 12.05, 11.98, 11.96, 12.02, 12.05, and 11.99. (a) Suppose that the
manufacturer wants to be sure that the mean net contents exceeds 12 oz. What conclusions can be
drawn from the data (use
(b) Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the mean fill volume. (c) Does the assumption
of normality seem appropriate for the fill volume data?
The diameters of aluminum alloy rods produced on an extrusion machine are known to have a
standard deviation of 0.0001 in. A random sample of 25 rods has an average diameter of 0.5046 in.
(a) Test the hypothesis that mean rod diameter is 0.5025 in. Assume a two-sided alternative and use
α = 0,05 (b) Find the P-value for this test. (c) Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the
mean rod diameter.
Two machines are used for filling glass bottles with a soft-drink beverage. The filling processes have
known standard deviations δ1 = 0,010 liter and δ2 = 0,015 liter, respectively. A random sample of n 1
= 25 bottles from machine 1 and bottles from machine 2 results in average net contents of X = 2.04
liters and X = 2.07 liters. (a) Test the hypothesis that both machines fill to the same net contents,
using What are your conclusions? (b) Find the P-value for this test. (c) Construct a 95% confidence
interval on the difference in mean fill volume.
Suppose that X3 ~ N(µ1, δ21) and X3 ~ N(µ1, δ21) and that X1 and X2 are independent. Develop a
procedure for a 100 (1-α)% constructing a confidence interval on µ1 - µ2 assuming that δ21 and δ21 are
unknown and cannot be assumed equal.
A random sample of 200 printed circuit boards contains 18 defective or nonconforming units.
Estimate the process fraction nonconforming. (a) Test the hypothesis that the true fraction
nonconforming in this process is 0.10. Use α=0,05 Find the P-value. (b) Construct a 90% two-sided
confidence interval on the true fraction nonconforming in the production process.

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