Condicionales. Explicación y Ejemplos

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Zero Conditional
- Things that are always true.

If + Present Simple , Present Simple

If you freeze water, it turns into ice.

Present Simple + If + Present Simple

Water turns into ice if you freeze the water.

First Conditional
- Possible things.

If + Present Simple , will / won’t + infinitive

If I see you, I will call you.

Will / won’t + infinitive + if + Present Simple

I will call you if I see you

Second Conditional
- Impossible things, or very difficult things to happen.

If + Past Simple , would + infinitive

If I won the lottery, I would buy a boat.

Would + infinitive + if + Past simple

I would buy a boat if I won the lottery.

Third Conditional
- We use it to talk about things that didn’t happen in the
past and we regret it.

If + had + participle , would + have + participle

If it had snowed, we would have gone skiing.

Would + have + participle + if + had + participle

We would have gone skiing if it had snowed.

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