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CHAPTER I: The Phenomenon

Summoner's Rift Addicts: Filipino Youth as the "Colossal" of the game League of



The League of Legends is a popular free-to-play game. This game involves fast-

paced, competitive web-based game that mixes the speed and intensity of a RTS (Real-

time Strategy) with RPG (Role-playing Game) components. Two groups of intense

champions, each with a one of a kind plans and playstyles, battle head-on over

numerous combat zones and different game modes. With a steadily growing rooster of

champions, periodic patches and competitive annual tournaments, League of Legends

offers unending replay capacity for players of each aptitude level. According to the

report of the developers of League of Legends in 2014, More than 67 million players of

League of Legends each month, more than 27 million individuals play no less than one

game of League of Legends consistently, and more than 7.5 million players all the while

play League of Legends every peak hours in 2014 (Forbes Magazine, 2016). The

probable cause of the addiction of the youth to League of Legends is probably a

multiplayer game that is free, has a reward system for players on all levels, teamwork-

based strategy game that could also enhance the player’s communication skills, and a

lot of different unique characters or “champions” with different sets of skills to play with.

According to Ng & Hastings (2005), the use of computers and internet are very

popular as of now. Furthermore, over using the internet may lead to addiction. In

Page 1
addition to the research on the internet addiction, many users become more addicted to

it for the reason that many of internet-manipulated software are now widespread in

computers. The results of the addiction share negative impact of the users such as

problems in their families, friends, academic performance, and even more in the


Furthermore, Palaña, Rabacio, and Nadia (2009) explains that there are many

negative impact of computer addiction. It affects the physical and social aspects and

even psychological problems. There are some indications experienced of computer

addict once they are not at the computer. These are depression, emptiness, irritability,

distraction and withdrawal. Euphoria or well-being are the common feelings among

computer addicts. Playing and browsing the internet turn users more addict for the

reason that they acquire happiness. As of now, many of internet users waste their time

just to play and browse internet software. Moreover, they often lie and make false

reasons to those people around them.

The majority of the students of Bayambang National High School are gamers of

League of Legends, most of them are seen playing in the nearby Internet Cafés around

Bayambang during their dismissal time and frequently, can be seen during class hours,

the addiction of this game also led to the escaping students during class hours. Failing

grades of students is also one of the problems that the parents and teachers are facing

because of too much gaming due to addiction in playing League of Legends.

Moreover, the researchers observed the students of Bayambang National High

School in the computer shops, they saw students using foul words towards their friends

Page 2
both verbal and non-verbal and most of the time, most of them are students who

escaped their school subjects just to play League of Legends.

The researchers come up with this problem because they want to inform their

audience about the rampant abuses by the media illiterate youth on online gaming

specifically in the League of Legends community in the Philippines.


The research aims to study the addiction of youth and students in playing League

of Legends. It also aims to determine the causes of why the grade 12 Senior High

School students at Bayambang National High School are addicted in playing League of

Legends, while trying to understand more about their social norms and daily habits of

computer game.

1. How did the youth and students become addict to League of Legends?

2. What are the manifestations of being a League of Legends gamer “addict”?

3. What are the effects of League of Legends addiction to the youth and


Page 3

This study is focused on the addicted gamer of the game League of Legends in

Bayambang National High School in the school year 2017-2018.

The aspects such as level of addiction in playing League of Legends,

Manifestations of being a League of Legends gamer addict and the effects of League of

Legends addiction to the youth and students.

This study will be conducted by the Humanities and Social Sciences Grade 12

students from Bayambang National High School as they go on to the first semester of

the school year 2017-2018. The subjects in this matter are the student's addict in the

game League of Legends.

Page 4

This study will be valuable and significant to the League of Legends gamer, to

the Students, to the parents, to the teachers, and to the future researchers:

To the League of Legends gamer. The result may serve as an inspiration for

them to stop playing the game League of Legends because of the negative impact on

their daily lives.

To the Students. This will help them to change their good perception about

playing online games. This enables them to develop a desirable attitude towards to

online games.

To the parents. The result may serve as a guide for parenting their child as they

engaged to the game League of Legends. Furthermore, this study helps to improve the

relationship of the parents towards their child.

To the teachers. The result may serve as an information for them to inform their

students about the rampant gaming of League of Legends. Furthermore, this study aims

to serve as a tool to encourage their students to study more rather than playing League

of Legends.

To the future researchers. This study will enable the researcher to use the

strategy in minimizing the problem on rampant playing of online gaming specifically to

Page 5
the game League of Legends. The findings will also motivate the researchers for their

related topics for improvement.


To facilitate understanding of the study, the following terms were operationally-



This pertains to the effect of strongly compelled to do something repeatedly.


It is a type of electronic device used in storing, retrieving and processing data and


League of Legends.

It is one of the online games played in computers for Senior High School students to

achieve how League of Legends affects their daily lives.

Online Games.

In order to adequately define the terms, “online game” has first to be broken down into

its basic components: online and game. At its very basic situation the term online can

be referred to any activity that is taking place via use of the Internet. Game on the other

hand according to the Oxford dictionaries (2012) is defined as an activity or pastime that

Page 6
generates amusement. As an amusement, online game generates activity that is played

over some form of connection or computer network.

Senior High Schools.

Grade level of secondary schools where students are typically 16-18 years of age.


The Self-determination theory (SDT) is concerned in the based theory of human

motivation, development, and wellness. The theory focuses on types, relatively than just

amount, of motivation, paying specific attention to independent motivation, controlled

motivation, and amotivation as interpreters of performance, relational, and well-being


The theory pertatins to habit of individuals to something that they gained a value

of entertainment and happiness. This theory presents the satisfaction of individual

among students and youth to certain activities.

It also talks the social conditions that enhance versus diminish these types of

motivation, proposing and finding that the degrees to which basic psychological needs

for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are supported versus dissatisfied affect

both the type and strength of motivation.

SDT also examines people's life goals or aspirations, showing differential

relations of intrinsic versus extrinsic life goals to performance and psychological health.

In this introduction we also briefly discuss recent developments within SDT concerning

mindfulness and vitality, and highlight the applicability of SDT within applied domains,

Page 7
including work, relationships, parenting, education, virtual environments, sport,

sustainability, health care, and psychotherapy.

As results, the Self-determination relate to the study about the online games

addiction. Since the main explaination of the theory is to discuss the fulfillments of

inviduals based on their perception to something they do.

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and related studies relevant

to presentation investigation.


To finish the research purpose, the researchers decided to study the amount and

nature of the influences in online games that might have an influence on the students

playing League of Legends at Bayambang National High School specifically the Senior

High School. To do this, the researchers searched for various online researches related

to the topic of their study. The related information that they collected from the

researches are shown below.

From Scholar to a Hardcore League of Legends Player

The study by Wan and Chiou (2006) on why youngsters are hooked to online

gaming was to understand the psychological problems of addicts among youths in

Taiwan and to discover the motivations, both aware and unaware, of online game


Page 8
Throughout the research process, they understood that most of the youths they

interviewed indicated that online gaming had become the purpose on their lives, and

that life would become dim and unwelcoming without these games.

Additional literature reviews in this area discovered an emotional perspective that

aimed at clarifying the reason. According to Diao (2003), every person needs to express

his or her emotional state and opinions. When a person cannot express himself or

herself sufficiently, he or she may get miserable. Therefore, one way to release this

misery or weight would be through playing online games, which allows gamers to chat

and play with other friends and players on the internet.

A new theory of why the young people abuse the internet proposed by Diao is

because they were trying to avoid social pressure. According to Diao, some youths are

actually too shy to talk to strangers’ face to face in reality, but when browsing or surfing

the Internet or playing online games, they can be whatever they want to be want to be.

As such, they can chat with the people they met online without having a sensation any

of the regular social pressures that come with physical meetings.

Indicators of Being an Addicted Gamer

According to Conrad (2007), there are four symptoms of video game addiction.

The first is the Psychological Symptoms; the examples of the Psychological Symptoms

are lowering interest in school achievement, sensation of anger and frustration when not

allowed play video games, feeling depressed or anxious when not playing the game

particularly for a long period, and thinking about the next gaming session when doing

something other than gaming.

Page 9
The second is Physical Symptoms; the examples of the Physical Symptoms are

sleeping problems or often change in sleep patterns, decreased personal hygiene, poor

or irregular eating habits, sudden headaches, and dry or very sore eyes.

The third is the Behavioral Symptoms; the examples of the Behavioral symptoms

are decreased academic performance, anger towards those who prevent or try to limit

access to the video game, frequently playing the game while ignoring important tasks,

playing at the first accessible opportunity, and staying up late into the night to play.

The forth one is the Relational Symptoms; the examples of the Relational

Symptoms are being dishonest to others about the time that is spent with the game,

declining invitations from peers are family to play games continually, lessen time spent

with family and friends, concerns increased that are expressed by others at the amount

of gaming time, tendency to lose real world friends, but an increase in virtual world


Impacts of Addiction to the Youth about Online Gaming

Payne (2000) studied the purpose of computer games on social isolation, low

self-confidence and violence. The outcomes showed no relationship among playing

computer games and self-esteem in girls, but there was a negative connection between

the two in boys.

In addition, the scores of violence had an optimistic connection with the quantity

of exposure to computer games. Other results showed that in spite of children's

attraction to games, there was no proof that computer games cause social isolation.

Page 10
Since in computer games, players imitate the characters in the game, in creating

the new situations that occur in the game, the theory of participating models and active

conditioning can be used in amplifying data on violent behaviors and possible rewards

they get in reply. Fallah (2001)’s study studied the relationship among games and social

skills of 258 male students of first grade of high school. The outcomes showed a major

relationship between the game-type and presence of others in the game setting with

social skills of adolescents.

Selecting home as the place of game had a significant negative relationship with

social skills and those adolescents who were typically playing games at home, had less

social skill (cited from Doran). However, in the present study, there was an opposite

relationship between addiction to computer games and social dysfunction. It means that

as the computer gaming addiction increases, social dysfunction will decrease.


The term “Game Addiction” refers to an unnecessary, unnatural amount of time

playing computer games. Instead of living in the “real world”, an addicted user uses

most of his or her time to gaming Conrad (2011). The spread of online gaming addiction

has been rampant and most likely be uncontrollable. Gaming Addiction has become a

widespread epidemic and is difficult to treat, it has become terrifying than alcohol or

drug addiction. Where in fact, Yousafzai (2009) said popular online video games

warned players not to overuse their products.

The warning also suggests that the online gaming industry probably knows how

high the percentage of over-users is, how much time gamers spend in playing and what

Page 11
features make a particular game captivating and addictive than the others. On the other

hand, Hussain (2008) said that the warning messages were not enough. As a first step,

online game developers and publishers must look into the fundamental features of the

game design, examples like the development of the character, rapid absorption rate,

and multi-player features that could make the game addictive or problematic for some


Parents across the world are gradually getting concerned over their children’s gaming

habits. They are sure that there is an actual problem but the counselors are unfamiliar

with gaming addiction and do not know how seductive it can be Young (2009).

Fraser (2012) says that the youth is among the most vulnerable when it comes to

online gaming addiction, experts say that they might have the tendency to become

violent if they got striped away from their “drug”. Video gaming addiction usually

coincides with other mental problems such as anxiety, depression, and trouble forming

healthy relationships.

In most treatment program, the first step to take according to Kimberly (2009) to

recover is to accept and not refute “denial”, the defense mechanism that most addicts

usually employ and most likely stops them from accepting treatment. Once this obstacle

is conquered, the treatment could be performed more effectively than it would


Miller (2013) adds that because of a computer, gaming addiction is a new

member in the world of mental health, the treatments are not well established like those

Page 12
for anxiety, depression, anger etc. Most interferences take a cognitive-behavioral

approach, which involves changing how to addict thinks about the addiction.

CHAPTER III: Methodology

This chapter introduces the details of research design, sample, sampling

technique and instrumentation and data collection procedure.


The researchers used the qualitative research to conduct this study entitled

“Summoner's Rift Addicts: Filipino Youth as the "Colossal" of the game League of



Page 13
The researchers used purposive sampling and structural interview. The

researchers made use 13 selected grade-12 students (purposive sampling) and 7

selected grade-12 students (structured interview) of Bayambang National High School

(Senior High School).

The researchers made use of 20 selected grade-12 students in Bayambang

National High School. All selected grade-12 students who are playing League of

Legends were answered the guide questions given by the researchers.


The respondent’s understandings were recorded by ways of audio recording and

structured interview with the use of guide questions to answer the following questions.

Each respondent completed the audio recording and structured interview within two

weeks with each gathering lasting between five to ten minutes. The data were collected

using the guide questions.


The researchers secured permission from the Bayambang National High School

principal to gather data needed for the study.

After the interview persons were contacted, the researchers informed them about

the purpose of this study and their names would remain as confidential information. The

researchers asked them which date and where they would meet up to do the interview,

interview persons chose to have at school.

Page 14
The interviews took 5-10 minutes each, researchers followed the interview guide

and asked them whether they will agree if they were going to record the answers, and

whereas none of the interview persons rejected a recording.

The researchers chose to record them with cellphone recorder. After the

interview, the researchers will transcribe the gathered data to get the main information

of the respondents.

TABLE: First Week and Second Week of Interview

Days Students Strand Time

18 Monday Student H-A HUMSS 5-10 minutes

Student H-B HUMSS

Student H-C HUMSS

Student H-D HUMSS

19 Tuesday No Schedule No Schedule No Schedule
20 Wednesday Student G-A GAS 5-10 minutes

Page 15
Student G-B GAS

Student G-C GAS

Student G-D GAS

21 Thursday Holiday Holiday Holiday
22 Friday Student T-A TVL-ICT 5-10 minutes

Student T-B TVL-ICT

23 Saturday No Schedule No Schedule No Schedule
24 Sunday No Schedule No Schedule No Schedule
25 Monday No Schedule No Schedule No Schedule
26 Tuesday Student A-A ABM 5-10 minutes

Student A-B ABM

27 Wednesday Student A-C ABM 5-10 minutes
28 Thursday Student S-A STEM 5-10 minutes

Student S-B STEM

Student S-C STEM

Student S-D STEM

29 Friday Student T-C TVL-ICT 5-10 minutes

Student T-D TVL-ICT

Student T-E TVL-ICT

30 Saturday No Schedule No Schedule No Schedule

CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers. This study aims to determine the addiction and

perceptions of the selected grade 12 students to the game League of Legends.

Page 16
These themes were derived from the responses of the grade 12 League of

Legends gamers who participated on the study through in-depth interviews. Below are

the procedures involved by the players on their addiction to playing League of Legends.

1.1 Fulfillment

According to the results of the interviews conducted, the informants talked about

feeling “fulfilled” from playing League of Legends. The Majority of the respondents

stated that they are fulfilled in the sense of emotions, emotions such as the state of

being pleased and excited while playing League of Legends. Informants all labelled

playing League of Legends is “Life” that eventually transcended into an addiction. Below

are some of the statements the respondents stated in this subject matter:

“It is absolute fun, whenever I win a ranked match, I feel fulfilled” (ABM 1, 2017)

“Of course, in the first place, I feel the sense of excitement in every match I play that

made me hyped in playing League of Legends, I become happy whenever I get a kill

someone” (ABM 2, 2017)

“Experience? I become hyper whenever I play (League of Legends). It makes me happy

and makes me forget my problems.” (GAS 2, 2017)

The researchers found out that the grade 12 respondents are being fulfilled

emotionally while playing League of Legends for the following reasons; being in the

state of happiness, excitement and in some cases, being hyper while playing the game.

Playing video games causes the activation of pleasure circuits in the brain, that

explained the happiness, excitement and being hyper of the gamer (Linden, 2011). The

researchers therefore concluded that one of the reasons on why the respondents

Page 17
become addicted to playing the game League of Legends is for the reason that they are

being in the state of happiness, excitement and being hyperactive and energetic when

the play the game League of Legends.

1.2 Peer Pressure

Most of the respondents are subjects of peer pressure, primarily, from their

friends. Most informants stated that it is their friends that influenced them on playing the

game. Below are some of the statements the respondents stated in this subject matter:

“My friends influenced me, at first, I didn’t play the game, I just regularly visit the

computer shop to log in my Facebook account. Then I saw them (friends) playing

League of Legends, then I became curious on what kind of a game that is, then I told

myself that it might be a nice game to play”

“Yes, they made me play League of Legends by encouraging me to play with them”

(GAS 2, 2017)

“My classmates back then really influenced me, that’s is where my cravings to play

League started” (GAS 1, 2017)

“I just got involved in playing the game because of my friends” (TVL 2, 2017)

The researchers discovered that one of the causes of the addiction on playing

League of Legends by the respondents is via peer pressure. The peer pressure

according to the statement of the respondents is caused by the encouragement of the

peers of the subjects on why they became “hooked” in playing the game. As the

adolescents are getting the higher game pressure from their peer, they are most likely

Page 18
to be addicted in the computer online game. If they get a higher peer pressure to play

computer on-line game and felt the “flow” of while playing on-line computer game and

play game in more time, then they are also most likely to be addicted in computer on-

line games (Kim, 2010). The researchers therefore concluded that the peer pressure is

among the factors that made the respondents addicted on playing the game League of

Legends. As the respondents stated, the peers of the respondents encouraged them to

play the game and as stated by Kim (2010) the respondents who were affected by peer

pressure turned out to be addicted to the game themselves.

1.3 Attractiveness of the Game

According to the results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that

they were attracted to the game. The respondents claimed that they were attracted to

the game for the following reasons; the game has great mechanics, beautiful graphics,

reward systems and unlimited play styles for long time enjoyment. Below are some of

the statements the respondents stated in this subject matter:

“I saw people playing the game, back then, I was addicted in playing DotA (Defense of

the Ancients) then I saw the graphics of League of Legends so I tried playing it.” (ABM

1, 2017)

“I enjoyed playing the game because of the unlimited play opportunities, the hype does

not leave me until my time is up in the computer shop.” (TVL 3, 2017)

“I liked the aspect of being able to choose your class from the start of the match, from

being a tank to a mage, those are the mechanics that is very new to me that made me

try the game” (GAS 4, 2017)

Page 19
“The thing I liked in playing League of Legends is being rewarded after every game,

they gave us IP (Influence points) to be spent after every match regardless of the result

of the game.” (HUMSS 2, 2017)

The researchers found out that the grade 12 respondents are being attracted to

the game League of Legends because of the game’s promising graphics that is different

from any other MOBA game. The respondents also stated that they liked the mechanics

of League of Legends that gave the subjects the “hype” to play even more. And finally,

the respondents adored the game for having a reward system the favors both the losers

and the winners of the game. By altering the basic interaction patterns of the game’s

mechanic, designers can actually be expected to break player expectations, thus,

making the game uniquely different from the others (Sicart, 2008). The in-game rewards

can be used to attract attention to hook online gamers to compete with each other

online as they get rewarded just for playing (Szalavitz, 2011). The researcher therefore

concluded that the attractiveness of the game is also a part of what causes the game

addictive. The results of why the attractiveness of the game made them addicted

according to the respondents is because of the following reasons; the game’s promising

graphics, they liked the unique mechanics of League of Legends respondents and the

respondents adored the game for having a reward system.

1.4 Attitude Between Relatives and Peers

According to the results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that

playing League of Legends had a significant impact on them in their family, more

specifically, their parents and siblings and also their peers. Below are some of the

statements the respondents stated in this subject matter:

Page 20
“Yes, I admit, sometimes they get extremely mad at me. But there is also a time that

they’ll call me in the computer shop, scold me and tell me that why do I always keep on

playing?” (ABM 1, 2017)

“I adopted the “trash talks” the League of Legends community, sometimes I even use

those foul words to my younger brother at home when he gets on my nerves” (GAS 1,


“Since I started playing, Yes, I get scolded by my parents when I play too much but just

a little” (GAS 2, 2017)

“Sometimes, they’re scolding me and telling me that “You came from school and you

still have the energy to play? When it’s dark, you should be at home” and also telling me

that I’m just wasting the money I spend in playing the game” (HUMSS 3, 2017)

“As the time passes, I adapted the trash talking and using it to my friends” (GAS 4,


“I told my younger brother that I was going to attend a practice, but in reality, I just

played League of Legends” (HUMSS 1, 2017)

The researchers discovered that there are numerous effects between the

relationship between the respondents, their relatives and peers, most of them are;

getting scolded for the reason of playing for huge amounts of time, adapting foul words

that originated from the League of Legend’s community, and lying and making alibis just

to play the online game. The researchers therefore concluded that the relationship

between the parents and peers of the respondents had negative impacts as when they

played League of Legends, negative effects such as being scolded, adapting foul words

Page 21
and using them to their respective relatives and peers alike and lying just to play the


1.5 Academic Performance

Majority of the respondents stated that they had experience a poor performance

in their academics. Being addicted to the game made them prioritize playing instead of

their academics. Furthermore, the gamers felt the dramatic decrease of their grades as

they play League of Legends, some of their statements are shown below:

“When I started playing, my performance in school decreased, making my parents

blame my gaming addiction” (GAS 3, 2017)

“My results in exams and quizzes were poor, mostly failing, since I seemed to have

prioritized playing the game rather than reviewing” (HUMSS 1, 2017)

“My grades back then were always in the line of 8, since I started playing League of

Legends, I rarely get high grades” (HUMSS 3, 2017)

“Actually, I’ll admit. Because back then, my grades were average, now, they became

below average” (ABM 1, 2017)

The researchers discovered that the respondent’s addiction in League of

Legends caused them to have a significant drop on their grades. If the content being

consumed is positive, then positive results can be expected. If the content is negative,

then negative results can be expected. The study examined research from many

sources in arriving at this conclusion (Schmidt & Vanderwater, 2008, p. 63). The

Page 22
researchers therefore concluded that being addicted to the game caused a sensational

drop in the performance of the respondents.

1.6 Health

According to the results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that

they almost miss their meals whenever they play League of Legends. They also are

subjected to lack of sleep. The respondents also claimed that they can’t just “pause” the

game. Some of their statements are shown below:

“For me, sometimes I miss my hunger whenever I play, after the game, that’s when I

feel my stomach is growling, at that point, I’ll stop playing and eat my meal so I can lose

my hunger. I play almost every midnight, up to 11:00 to 11:30 pm, It does affect my

sleep and my body clock” (ABM 1, 2017)

“I play the game for almost 10 hours a day whenever I get the chance, I do miss my

meal but to remedy it, I eat junk foods such as chips and soda. Yes, it does affect my

sleep and it’s hard to wake up early.” (ABM 2, 2017)

“Back when I was in grade 7 and 8, I usually don’t eat as I play League of Legends. I

play for straight 4 hours. I’ll just keep my allowance for my meal to be spent in the

computer shop to play League of Legends. Yes, it has a huge effect in my sleep, I

become sleep deprived because of gaming all night, my body does not meet the

requirements it needs to rest up.” (GAS 1, 2017)

The researchers discovered that the respondent’s addiction in League of

Legends caused them to have food and sleep deprivation. Prolonged video-gaming

before normal bedtime caused a clinically significant reduction in adolescent sleep time.

Page 23
It can be generalized that repeated prolonged gaming may produce perceptive deficits

related with chronic sleep reduction (King, Gradisar, Drummond, Lovato, Wessel, Micic,

Douglas, Delfabbro, 2012). The researchers therefore concluded that the respondent’s

addiction to the game is a danger to their health since the results of the interviews

shows that most of them become food and sleep deprived.

1.7 Indicators of Being Addicted

The respondents are subjected to be addicted in the playing League of Legends.

Based on their statements, they showed behavioral signs of addiction, and physical and

emotional signs of addiction. To support this claim, below are some of the statements

the respondents stated in this subject matter:

“Since I adopted the usage of “trash talks” in the game, I frequently use it at home in my

brother whenever he pisses me off and also in school when me and my friends are

playing the game when we have the chance” (HUMSS 3, 2017)

“Whenever I play the game, I often miss my meal. Since I play during midnight, I almost

miss my dinner just to play the game. My body became weak since I became deprived

of the nutrients I needed.” (ABM 2, 2017)

“When me and my friends lose the game during dismissal time, I pointed fingers,

blaming them for being so useless and the words I said might have been hurtful” (TVL

1, 2017)

“I lie and make alibis just so that I can go out and play with my friends. When I got

caught, I answered them back.” (HUMSS 1, 2017)

Page 24
“I usually borrow money from my friends to pay the computer rent after we play”

(HUMSS 2, 2017)

The researchers discovered that the respondent’s addiction in League of

Legends caused them to develop behavioral, physical and emotional indicators of being

an addict to the game. Persons who are addicted to computer games may experience,

anger, and feelings of guilt and shame for not being able to control their gaming habits.

It seems likely that difficulties in other areas can cause and be caused by computer

game addiction. Adolescences may spend large amounts of money on new games,

expansion packs, micro-transactions, service fees, and computer upgrades. Computer

game addiction often leads to deterioration in family relationships. Tension and conflict

between family members escalates as requests to cut back or stop are ignored. The

addicted players may initially deny that a problem exists, try to hide how much he / she

plays, and accuse the other of trying to "control" his / her life. Parents of addicted

children may disagree on how to address the problem, which may lead to frequent

arguments and conflicts (Conrad, 2011). The researchers therefore concluded that the

respondents developed several behavioral, physical and emotional indicators of being

an addict to the game that branded them addicts of the game.

CHAPTER V: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Page 25
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and



This study was conducted to determine the addiction of youth and students in

playing League of Legends. This research was conducted during the year 2017.

Specifically, the study attempted to discuss the following themes:

1.1 Fulfillment

The results of the interviews conducted, the informants talked about feeling

“fulfilled” from playing League of Legends. The Majority of the respondents stated that

they are fulfilled in the sense of emotions, emotions such as the state of being pleased

and excited while playing League of Legends. Informants all labelled playing League of

Legends is “Life” that eventually transcended into an addiction.

1.2 Peer Pressure

The respondents are subjects of peer pressure, primarily, from their friends. Most

informants stated that it is their friends that influenced them on playing the game.

1.3 Attractiveness of the Game

The results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that they were

attracted to the game. The respondents claimed that they were attracted to the game for

the following reasons; the game has great mechanics, beautiful graphics, reward

systems and unlimited play styles for long time enjoyment.

1.4 Attitude Between Relatives and Peers

Page 26
The results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that playing

League of Legends had a significant impact on them in their family, more specifically,

their parents and siblings and also their peers.

1.5 Academic Performance

The respondents stated that they had experience a poor performance in their

academics. Being addicted to the game made them prioritize playing instead of their

academics. Furthermore, the gamers felt the dramatic decrease of their grades as they

play League of Legends.

1.6 Health

The results of the interviews conducted, the informants stated that they almost

miss their meals whenever they play League of Legends. They also are subjected to

lack of sleep. The respondents also claimed that they can’t just “pause” the game.

1.7 Indicators of Being Addicted

The respondents are subjected to be addicted in the playing League of Legends.

Based on their statements, they showed behavioral signs of addiction, and physical and

emotional signs of addiction.


Page 27
Since League of Legends is one of the greatest online competitive games in the

gaming industry right now. It is without a doubt addicting and is certainly a bad habit to

be developed. The researchers discovered that there are three main reasons on why

the respondents got hooked in playing the reasons are; the fulfillment they got when

they play the game, peer pressured by their friends, and the numerous reasons about

the attractiveness of the game that got their attention to play. The results of this study

are in accord with the findings of other studies throughout the globe. As the results

show, the addiction of the grade 12 respondents in Bayambang National High School in

playing League of Legends affects various magnitudes of their health, academic

performance and their attitude between relatives and peers. The researches also

discovered that in their addiction, they develop behavioral, physical and emotional

indicators on why they were branded as “addicts” of the game.


After a careful and thorough evaluation of the results of the research conducted,

the following recommendations are hereby given:

1. Students and youth should know their limitation in playing League of Legends.

2. Students and youth should know the consequences that they might get from

too much playing of League of Legends.

3. Students and youth should know that playing League of Legends are not just

for entertainment but it could also give them the negative impacts that they may

gained in their lives.

Page 28
4. Parents must guide them on choosing the most appropriate online games that

their children should play.

5. Parents must know how to limit their children in playing League of Legends.

6. Teachers must encourage their students to study hard rather than playing

League of Legends.

7. Computer shop owners must be aware of uncontrolled customers because of

the impacts of playing League of Legends.

Page 29

D Ng, Brian & Hastings, Peter. (2005). Addiction to the Internet and Online Gaming.

Cyberpsychology & behavior: the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on

behavior and society. 8. 110-3. 10.1089/cpb.2005.8.110.

Kuss, D. J. (2013). Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Psychology

Research and Behavior Management, 6, 125–137.

Zhang, G. (2007). The study of Internet Addiction Disorder on undergraduate students.

Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 20 (4),


Weaver, J. B, Mays, D, Weaver, S.S., Kannenberg, W., Hopkins, G.L., Eroglu, D. and

Bernhardt, J.M., (2009). Health-Risk Correlates of Video-Game Playing Among Adults.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, l37(4)

Diao, S. F., (2003). Internet addiction: causes and treatment. Science, Technology,

Page 30
Dialectics, 20(6), pp.50-53

Hall, A. S., and Parsons, J. (2001). Internet addiction: college students case study using

best practices in behavior therapy. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 23.


Ahn, J. and Randall, G., (2008). Computer game addiction. [pdf] Available at: < > [Accessed

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Charlton, J. P., and Danforth, I. D., 2007. Distinguishing addiction and high

engagement in the context of online game playing. Computers in Human Behavior

[e-journal] 23(3), pp.1531-1548 Available through: Digital Library

Becker, D. (2002). When games stop being fun [On-line]. Available:

Craig, R. (1995). The role of personality in under-standing substance abuse. Alcoholism

Treatment Quar-terly 13:17-27.

Page 31
Moody, E. (2001). Internet use and its relationship toloneliness. CyberPsychology &

Behavior 4:393^

Young, K. (1996). What makes the Internet addictive?potential explanations for

pathological Internet use.Presented at the 105* Annual Conference of theAmerican

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Addiction to the Internet and Online Gaming (PDF Download Available). Available from:

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Young, K. (1996). Psychology of computer use: XL.Addictive use of the internet: a case

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Griffiths, M.D. (1998). Internet addiction: does itreally exist? In: Gackenbach I. (ed.).

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Addiction to the Internet and Online Gaming (PDF Download Available). Available from:

ne_Gaming [accessed Oct 26 2017].

Page 32

Appendix A

General Questions for League of Legends Gamers:

1. What made you influenced you to play League of Legends?

2. How much time do you consume while you play League of Legends?

3.How do you feel as you play League of Legends?

4. Could you tell us when did you start playing League of Legends?

Impact on Family:

1. How is the relationship between you and your parents?

2. Do you think that there is changed among you and your parents since you

started spending plenty of hours playing League of Legends?

3. What do you parents think when you spend countless hours playing League of


Impact on Friends:

1. How is your social life between you and your friends before you started playing

League of Legends?

2. Do you think that the social interactions among you and your friends changed

ever since you played League of Legends?

Page 33
3. What do your friends think about when you spend most of your time playing

League of Legends?

Impact of Studies:

1. How do you manage your studies as you play League of Legends?

2. Do you think that time you spend on studies has changed since you spent so

many hours playing League of Legends?

3. Do you feel that your grades are suffering due to playing League of Legends?

4. How do you prioritize your time when you feel that you need to study and play

League of Legends?

Impact on Health

1. Do you feel your diet habit has changed after you play League of Legends?

2. Do you tend to stay up late due to playing League of Legends?

3. Do you have any problems with sleep since you started playing League of


Page 34
Appendix B


Research Title: Summoner's Rift Addicts: Filipino Youth as the "Colossal" of the

game League of Legends

I agree to participate in a research project led by Kennette Jade I. Aquino from

the Bayambang National High School in Bayambang, Pangasian. The purpose of this

study is to specify the terms of my participation in the project through being interviewed.

1. I have been given sufficient information about this research project. The

purpose of my participation as an interviewee in this project has been explained to me

and is clear.

2. My participation as an interviewee in this project is voluntary. There is no

explicit or implicit pressure whatsoever to participate.

3. Participation involves being interviewed by researcher/s from the Bayambang

National High School. The interview will last approximately 5-10 minutes. I allow the

researcher/s to take written notes during the interview. I also may allow the recording by

audio record of the interview. It is clear to me that in case I do not want the interview to

be recorded I am at any point of time fully entitled to withdraw from participation.

4. I have the right not to answer any of the questions. If I feel uncomfortable in

any way during the interview session, I have the right to withdraw from the interview.

Page 35
5. I have been given the explicit guarantees that, if I wish so, the researcher will

not identify me by name or function in any reports using information obtained from this

interview, and that my confidentiality as a participant in this study will remain secure.

6. I have been given the guarantee that this research project has been reviewed

and approved by Mr. John Adrian J. Malagotnot, the research adviser.

7. I have read and understood the points and statements of this form. I have had

all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in

this study.

8. I have been given a copy of this consent form co-signed by the interviewer.

____________________________ ________________________

Participant’s Signature Date

____________________________ ________________________

Researcher’s Signature Date

Page 36

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (Purposive Sampling)



Interviewer: Good afternoon po, nagco conduct kasi kami ng research about sa online

gaming at naka focus kami sa League of Legends.

Interviewer: Di ba nag lalaro ka?

Respondent: Oo

Interviewer: Paano yun? Magkwento ka naman ng mga karanasan mo habang

naglalaro ka, masaya ba?

Respondent: Para saakin masaya rin, pwede siyang libangan. Kaso minsan hinahanap

ka ng mga magulang mo, tapos makikita ka nalang na nasa computer shop.

Interviewer: Mga ilang oras ka naglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Siguro maximum 4 hours.

Interviewer: Ano yun? Weekends?

Respondents: Depende kapag may time ako. Kasi pag sa school.

Page 37
Interviewer: Diba nag laro ka ng League of Legends, mga anong year ka nag simula?

Respondent: Siguro nung mga grade 9! Oo nag start ako nun

Interviewer: Nalaman mo lang ba sa mga tropa mo o mga kaklase mo, o nadiskubre mo

lang sa sarili mo?

Respondent: Nakikita ko sa mga naglalaro. Dati kasi adik ako sa DOTA tapos nakita ko

yung graphics ng LOL kaya nilaro ko.

Interviewer: So nagandahan ka sa quality ng laro?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Yung may mga follow up questions kami. Yung sa pamilya, hindi naman

maiiwasan magka problema dun diba lalo kapag maglalaro ka ng LOL. So paano

naman yung relasyon mo sa mga magulang mo? Nagagalit ba sila kapag nakikita ka

nilang naglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Oo, ako aaminin ko. Minsan nagagalit sila, sobra. Pero may time din

naman na tatawagin lang nila ako sa computer shop, yun lang, pagsasabihan lang

naman. “Bat laro ka ng laro” sasabihin nila

Interviewer: Ano yun, may nagbago ba sa ugali mo? May kuya ka ba? Kapatid?

Respondents: Actually, iisa ko lang na lalake

Interviewer: So, paano kapag nasa school ka, tapos gabi na at nag aalala sila sayo kasi

gabi na, wala ka pa sa bahay niyo, ano yun? Sasabihin mo na naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Page 38
Respondent: Saakin, ang sasabhihin ko yung mga ginawa ko sa school. may project,

nag overtime kami para lang dun.

Interviewer: So itatago mo para di ka pagalitan?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Sa friends, siyempre hindi mo maiiwasan yan, so paano naman yung

ralasyon mo sa kaklase mo nun nung nag umpisa kang maglaro ng lol? Parang na

adopt mo ba yung mga trashtalk nun?

Respondent: Oo. Nung baguhan ka palang,habang lumalakas, bida bidahan na yun.

Interviewer: Dun sa, reaksiyon mo sa friends mo naman kapag kunwari, uwi na sila

tapos ikaw gusto mo pa maglaro. Ano yung sasabihin mo sakanila?

Respondent: Maiinis siguro, kasi wala na. Parang iniwan kana.

Interviewer: Sa studies mo, kasi estudyante pa tayo, may mga pinaglaanan tayo ng

oras sa lahat ng bagay, pero dun nalang sa paglalaro mo at sa pag aaral. Paano mo

paglaanan ng oras ang pag aaral mo sa paglalaro?

Respondent: Kung sa study, studies lang. Pero kapag may free, dun. Dun ako


Interviewer: Paano naman kapag kunwari, nagkayayaan kayo ng kaklase mo. Eh gusto

mo mag aral bukas kasi may quiz kayo, ano sasabihin mo sakanila? Pero sabi nila

“Ngayon lang naman eh, masaya naman to” Nag iisip kaba ng paraan para ma-manage

mo yung oras mo sa paglalaro at pag aaral?

Page 39
Respondent: Saakin, I-explain mo kasi may quiz halimbawa diba? Ipaintindi mo nalang

kasi maglalaro kayo, tapos may quiz bukas, uunahin mo pa paglalaro kesa sa quiz?

Unahin mo muna dapat ang tama kesa sa mali.

Interviewer: So para sayo, pag aaral pa rin dapat?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Paano yung sa grades mo, naaapektuhan ba simula nung nag start ka

maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Actually, aaminin ko oo. Kasi dati ang tataas, tapos ngayon medyo


Interviewer: So paano yun? Medyo bumaba, hind ba nagtaka parents mo?

Respondent: Oo, kasi meron yung time na nung nakita nila yung card ko, tapos “Bat

ganito grades mo? Dati-rati ang taas tapos ngayon parang ang baba na.” Ganun

reaksiyon ng magulang ko.

Interviewer: Yung sa health mo naman, nalilipasan ka ba ng gutom kapag naglalaro ka

ng LOL? Hindi mo na namalayan ang oras dahil sa paglalaro, hindi ka na pala

nakakain. Paano yun?

Respondent: Yung saakin kasi minsan nalilipasan din ako pag nag lalaro ako. Pagtapos

ko, dun ko nararamdaman na kumakalam na pala tiyan ko, dun tigil na. Dun ko

dadamihan ang kain ko para mabawi bawi ko yung gutom ko.

Interviewer: Tapos laro na naman ganun?

Page 40
Respondent: Hindi naman, pahinga na.

Interviewer: Naglalaro kaba tuwing gabi?

Respondent: Actually, madalas.

Interviewer: Paano yun? Gising ka ng gabi pero late na?

Respondent: Oo, siguro yung tulog ko mga 11:00 pm, minsan 11:30 pm.

Interviewer: Naapektuhan rin ang tulog mo nun?

Respondent: Saakin, oo. Pero minsan lang yun. Minsan parang di ka mapakali sa

pagtulog mo ganun.

Interviewer: So yun lamang. Maraming salamat sa kooperasyon! Thank you.

Respondent: Thank you rin.


Interviewer: Good afternoon. Nag lalaro ka ng lol diba?

Respondent: Yes

Interviewer: Meron kasi kaming research patungkol sa online gaming, pinaka focus ng

laro ay sa LOL. Ngayun mag babato kami ng mga question sayo na sasagutin mo lang.

So, kwento ka nga. Paano ka natuto magumpisa mag laro ng LOL?

Respondent: Since nung 3rd year ako. Inumpisahan ko na manuod sa computer shop

kasi bago pa ako nun. DOTA muna nilalaro ko tapus nung napunta ako sa computer

shop nakita ko lang siya na parang exciting. Tapus yun. Pinag aralan ko

Page 41
Interviewer: Ano naman yung feeling mo nung nag start ka na naglaro?

Respondent: Syempre in the first place parang got the gaming parang excited sa lahat

ng laro ganun. Parang syempre feeling mo kapag nakakapatay ka ang saya saya

Interviewer: Paano mo i-manage yung oras mo. Nakakailang oras ka kapag nag lalaro

ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Ako yung taong balance eh. Lahat lahat ng oras binabalance ko. Sa pag

lalaro ko. Minsan kapag walang pasok madali lang ako. Mga nakaka sampung oras.

Pero kapag may pasok, dalawa o isang oras.

Interviewer: Nag kwento ka ng mga karanasan mo sa LOL meron kaming mga follow-up

question patungkol sa family mo. Paano naman yung relasyon mo sa pamilya mo?

Parang naaapektuhan ba nung nagstart ka mag laro ng LOL?

Respondent: Di naapektuhan. Kasi wala na akong family eh. Parang libangan ko nalang

sa sarili ko. Parang yun na ang isa sa nag papasaya sakin.

Interviewer: E leave na natin tong family. Pumunta sa friends, bago ka nag laro ng LOL

ano muna yung mga attitude mo sa mga kaklase mo? Parang kalma kalma lang ba

nung di ka pa nag lalaro ng LOL? Tsaka described mo ung naging attitude mo sakanila

nung nag start ka mag laro ng LOL.

Respondent: Since nung di pa ako nag lalaro. Ganun naman talaga ako. Alam mo na

pagka kaibigan yan na mga barkada nandyan kapag nagyayabangan. Di na nawala

sakin yun simula umpisa hangang pagkatapos ko na maglaro kasi syempre may

experience na kasi ako sa ibang laro kaya ganun. Ang maganda pa nga dun sa pag

Page 42
lalaro ng LOL dun kami nagkakaroon ng communication sa isat isa eh. Dun namin

nakikilala ung isat isa.

Interviewer: Nagbabayangan din ba kayo nung mga trashtalk ganun mga salita?

Respondent: Minsan kapag laro na natin. Di maiiwasan yung pag ka may mga kaklase

tayo na mga loko loko yun na may time na trashtalkan. Pero pagka seryosohan na

seryoso talaga wala ng trashtalkan iba kasi kasi pagka nagseryoso na eh

Interviewer: Sa ano sa study, di na natin mapapansin kung may bago ba sa pag aaral

natin kung mag lalaro tayo ng LOL. Meron kaming katanungan dito. Paano mo paglaan

ng oras mo sa pag lalaro ng LOL saka sa pag aaral mo?

Respondent: kapag bakasyon kasi talagang adik adik ako online games. Pero pag sa

study na. kapag may pasok na. As a student alam ko imanage yung mga oras ko ung

time ko sa pag lalaro ng LOL.

Interviewer: Paano ung grades mo? Naapektuhan ba ganun? nung naadik ka ng laro?

Respondent: Nung una nung adik adik talaga ako sa LOL talagang naaapektuhan pero

nung narealize ko na lahat lahat ng bagay nag tanda na rin ako tapus yun namanage ko


Interviewer: So parang nakonsensya ka rin sa sarili mo kung bakit nag lalaro ka ng LOL

during school days?

Respondent: Speaking of konsensya nandyan na rin ung ano nasa huli ang pag sisisi

kasi nadidismaya ka kapag kunwari nag laro ka. Bago ka palang mag laro ang dami

dami mo pang pera. Pag tapos mo mag laro ubos ang pera. Mako-konsensya ka parin

Page 43
kasi ung pera na sana na gagamitin mo sa pagkain nalang sana napupunta na sa


Interviewer: Sa health mo, nakaka 10 hours ka diba sabi mo. Maximum un, paano yun

nakakakain ka pa ba nun?

Respondent: Kapag syempre kapag nag lalaro ka ng LOL may time na mag aantayan

muna kayong lahat kaya makakakain ako saglitan lang kaya yun. Di safe ang health ko

kapag ka nag lalaro ko ng 10 hours

Interviewer: Nag lalaro ka ba tuwing gabi?

Respondent: Kapag gabi. Kapag wala ng pasok yun mag lalaro ako. Pero pag meron

pasok di na ako naglalaro

Interviewer: Parang nag-stay up late sa gabi makapag laro lang ng LOL?

Respondent: Oo kapag talagang gusto ko. Minsan talaga kapag may time na wala na

tayong gagawin boring parang ganun naglalaro nalang ako. Libangan lang pampasaya

sa akin.

Interviewer: Sa pag tulog mo naapektuhan ba?

Respondent: sa pag tulog naman. Di naman. Lalo natutuwa nga ako eh kapag natutulog

ako eh. Pag tapus magLOL eh.

Interviewer: So yun lamang ang question namin. Maraming salamat sa kooperasyon.


Interviewer: Good afternoon po, nagco conduct kasi kami ng research about sa online

gaming at naka focus kami sa League of Legends.

Page 44
Interviewer: Di ba nag lalaro ka?

Respondent: Oo

Interviewer: Paano yun? Magkwento ka naman ng mga karanasan mo habang

naglalaro ka, masaya ba?

Respondent: Para saakin masaya rin, pwede siyang libangan. Kaso minsan hinahanap

ka ng mga magulang mo, tapos makikita ka nalang na nasa computer shop.

Interviewer: Mga ilang oras ka naglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Siguro maximum 12 hours.

Interviewer: Ano yun? Weekends?

Respondents: Depende kapag may time ako. Kasi pag sa school wala eh

Interviewer: Diba nag laro ka ng League of Legends, mga anong year ka nag simula?

Respondent: Siguro nung mga grade 7! Oo nag start ako nun

Interviewer: Nalaman mo lang ba sa mga tropa mo o mga kaklase mo, o nadiskubre mo

lang sa sarili mo?

Respondent: Nakikita ko sa mga naglalaro. Dati kasi adik ako sa DOTA 1 tapos nakita

ko yung graphics ng LOL kaya nilaro ko.

Interviewer: So nagandahan ka sa quality ng laro?

Respondent: Oo.

Page 45
Interviewer: Yung may mga follow up questions kami. Yung sa pamilya, hindi naman

maiiwasan magka problema dun diba lalo kapag maglalaro ka ng LOL. So paano

naman yung relasyon mo sa mga magulang mo? Nagagalit ba sila kapag nakikita ka

nilang naglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Oo, ako aaminin ko. Minsan nagagalit sila, sobra. Pero may time din

naman na tatawagin lang nila ako sa computer shop, yun lang, pagsasabihan lang

naman. “Bat laro ka ng laro” sasabihin nila

Interviewer: Ano yun, may nagbago ba sa ugali mo? May kuya ka ba? Kapatid?

Respondents: Actually, iisa ko lang na lalake

Interviewer: So, paano kapag nasa school ka, tapos gabi na at nag aalala sila sayo kasi

gabi na, wala ka pa sa bahay niyo, ano yun? Sasabihin mo na naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Saakin, ang sasabhihin ko yung mga ginawa ko sa school. may project,

nag overtime kami para lang dun.

Interviewer: So itatago mo para di ka pagalitan?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Sa friends, siyempre hindi mo maiiwasan yan, so paano naman yung

ralasyon mo sa kaklase mo nun nung nag umpisa kang maglaro ng lol? Parang na

adopt mo ba yung mga trashtalk nun?

Respondent: Oo. Nung baguhan ka palang, habang lumalakas, bida bidahan na yun.

Interviewer: Dun sa, reaksiyon mo sa friends mo naman kapag kunwari, uwi na sila

tapos ikaw gusto mo pa maglaro. Ano yung sasabihin mo sakanila?

Page 46
Respondent: Maiinis siguro, kasi wala na. Parang iniwan kana.

Interviewer: Sa studies mo, kasi estudyante pa tayo, may mga pinaglaanan tayo ng

oras sa lahat ng bagay, pero dun nalang sa paglalaro mo at sa pag aaral. Paano mo

paglaanan ng oras ang pag aaral mo sa paglalaro?

Respondent: Kung sa study, studies lang. Pero kapag may free, dun. Dun ako


Interviewer: Paano naman kapag kunwari, nagkayayaan kayo ng kaklase mo. Eh gusto

mo mag aral bukas kasi may quiz kayo, ano sasabihin mo sakanila? Pero sabi nila

“Ngayon lang naman eh, masaya naman to” Nag iisip kaba ng paraan para ma-manage

mo yung oras mo sa paglalaro at pag aaral?

Respondent: Saakin, I-explain mo kasi may quiz halimbawa diba? Ipaintindi mo nalang

kasi maglalaro kayo, tapos may quiz bukas, uunahin mo pa paglalaro kesa sa quiz?

Unahin mo muna dapat ang tama kesa sa mali.

Interviewer: So para sayo, pag aaral pa rin dapat?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Paano yung sa grades mo, naaapektuhan ba simula nung nag start ka

maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Actually, aaminin ko oo. Kasi dati ang tataas, tapos ngayon medyo


Interviewer: So paano yun? Medyo bumaba, hind ba nagtaka parents mo?

Page 47
Respondent: Oo, kasi meron yung time na nung nakita nila yung card ko, tapos “Bat

ganito grades mo? Dati-rati ang taas tapos ngayon parang ang baba na.” Ganun

reaksiyon ng magulang ko.

Interviewer: Yung sa health mo naman, nalilipasan ka ba ng gutom kapag naglalaro ka

ng LOL? Hindi mo na namalayan ang oras dahil sa paglalaro, hindi ka na pala

nakakain. Paano yun?

Respondent: Yung saakin kasi minsan nalilipasan din ako pag nag lalaro ako. Pagtapos

ko, dun ko nararamdaman na kumakalam na pala tiyan ko, dun tigil na. Dun ko

dadamihan ang kain ko para mabawi bawi ko yung gutom ko.

Interviewer: Tapos laro na naman ganun?

Respondent: Hindi naman, pahinga na.

Interviewer: Naglalaro kaba tuwing gabi?

Respondent: Actually, madalas.

Interviewer: Paano yun? Gising ka ng gabi pero late na?

Respondent: Oo, siguro yung tulog ko mga 11:00 pm, minsan 11:30 pm.

Interviewer: Naapektuhan rin ang tulog mo nun?

Respondent: Saakin, oo. Pero minsan lang yun. Minsan parang di ka mapakali sa

pagtulog mo ganun.

Interviewer: So yun lamang. Maraming salamat sa kooperasyon! Thank you.

Respondent: Thank you rin.

Page 48


Interviewer: Good afternoon po. Kasi nagco-conduct kami sa research namin about sa

online gaming and ang pinaka focus namin ay sa League of Legends.

Interviewer: Matanong ko lang po kayo, ano ba yung mga karanasan mo o mga

expectations mo kapag naglalaro kayo ng LOL, ano yung feeling niyo?

Respondent: Ang saakin, naglalaro lang ako kasi para sa enjoyment din nating

ginagawa naglalaro as leisure lang. Recreational kasi ang dami ring ginagawa and isa

na rin yon na way na nagrerelax ako and kasama ko mga kaklase at tropa ko.

Interviewer: So para sayo, parang relax lang ang paglalaro mo?

Respondent: Oo relax lang

Interviewer: ano naman yung nagpa impluwensiya sayo para maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Yung mga kaklase ko kasi talaga dati naimpluwensiyahan talaga ako ng

mga barkada at kaklase ko.

Interviewer: Sa paglalaro, mga nakakailang oras? At nakakailang laro naman?

Respondent: Ako, mga average lang niya is mga 3 hours ganun.

Interviewer: Sa paglalaro mo siyempre hindi mawawala yung maglalaro ka tapos expect

mo na mananalo ka tapos ang resulta natalo ka, mabigat bas a loob mo?

Respondent: Depende naman sa lalaruin mo kapag anong mga rank ganun, siyempre

mabigat sa loob mo. LP mo nakataya nun pero kapag mga normal games lang, okay

lang din naman.

Page 49
Interviewer: So may katanungan kami sa family, kasi hindi naman maiiwasan yung

problema sa pamilya kapag naglalaro tayo ng LOL, ano yung relasyon niyo dun sa

parents niyo nung nagsimula o nagstart kang maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Sa ano naman sa relationship namin between my parents, kapag

naglalaro ako, hindi naman sila nagagalit saakin kasi alam rin naman nila na kaya kong

ibalanse yung paglalaro ko kasi yung sabi ko kanina, na parang relaxation lang yung

paglalaro ko ay hindi naman isang parang habbit na araw-araw kong ginagawa.

Ginagawa ko lang yun kapag free time ko ganun para makapag relax.

Interviewer: May kapatid kaba?

Respondent: Oo meron

Interviewer: Yung sa brother mo nalang, younger brother. Nasasabi mob a yung mga

salitang talkshit?

Respondent: Oo naa-adopt ko. Naa-adopt ko yan

Interviewer: Meron bang pagbabago? Yung nasasabihan mo sila ng salitang kanto?

Respondent: Ano depende, minsan ganun pag nag aasaran, hindi naman mawawala

yung ganun.

Interviewer: Kunwari naglalaro ka o kayo ng tropa mo, nagkayayaan kayo eh, ginabi na

kayo, may sitwasyon na nag extend yung oras mo sa pag uwi, sinasabi mob a sa

magulang mo na naglo-LOL ka ganun?

Respondent: Oo sinasabi ko naman and wala namang problema sakanila yun, kasi

alam naman nila na naglalaro ako and napagsasabihan na rin ako dati at in-explain ko

na naman na sakanila kapag ano, dati ganun, ginagabi ako pero ngayon hindi na


Page 50
Interviewer: Sa friends mo naman? Hindi naman natin maiiwasan yung mga

nagbabangayan kayo ng mga salita. Yung relasyon mo dun sa sabihin na nating

classmate mo nung unang naglaro kayo ng LOL, may nabago ba?

Respondent: Mas naging close kami sa paglalaro ng League of Legends kasi siyempre

sino pa ba naman yung mga kasama mong naglalaro sila yung mga kasama mo, hindi

naman mawawala yung trashtalk-an ganun, kaso ayun, nafoform talaga yung bonding

niyo through playing game.

Interviewer: Yung pagka interact mo sakanila siyempre lalo na start na nasabi mo ba

yung mga “Pre tara, laro na”

Respondent: oo nasasabi ko.

Interviewer: Anong mga pick mo yung mga ganun ganun.

Respondent: Yung mga expression, oo nasasabi ko.

Interviewer: “Huwag ka ng mag ganyan, hindi ka naman magaling diyan” Nasasabi niyo

ba yung mga ganun?

Respondent: oo nasasabi rin

Interviewer: Dun naman tayo sa pag aaral, sa studies mo, paano mo minamanage yung

paglaan mo ng oras sa paglalaro mo ng LOL sa studies mo?

Respondent: Siyempre first things first talaga, priority talaga yung pinaka unahin. Yun

nga sabi ko kanina for relaxation lang , kaya kapag sa tudies ang usapan, talagang mas

priority ang studies kesa sa paglalaro.

Interviewer: Nung nag start kang maglaro, parang may nag iba ba? Kunwari, may

assignment kayo ngayon, tapos nagkayayaan kayo ng mga kaklase mo, parang nako

Page 51
konsensya ka ba na maglalaro ka o hindi kasi “mamaya na yang activity, minsan lang

naman to eh” naisip mo ba yun?

Respondent: Depende, depende kasi minsan kapag may assignment naman ganun,

kasama ko rin naman yung tropa mong gagawa, tulungan na rin kayo kinabukasan,

pero kapag hindi na talaga kaya, kunwari mabibigat na activities na required na talaga

yun irurush talaga. Pinaka uunahin namin yung pag aaral.

Interviewer: Hindi na kayo maglalaro?

Respondent: Hindi na kami maglalaro.

Interviewer: Dun sa grades mo, hindi naman bumaba?

Respondent: Hindi naman, na maintain naman.

Interviewer: Dun sa health naman tayo kasi hindi maiiwasang malipasan ng gutom.

Nalilipasan ka naman ban g gutom kapag naglalaro?

Respondent: Dati nung mga grade 7 ako at grade 8 naman minsan hindi na ako

kumakain. Maglalaro nalang ako ng diretsyo dyan. Yung pangkain ko, sasabihin ko,

pang LOL ko nalang, pero masamma din talaga yung mga ganun, yung nalilipasan ka,

lugi ka pa kapag talo ka.

Interviewer: Ano naman nararamdaman mo kapag hindi ka nakaka kain pero

nakakapag laro ka?

Respondent: Depende nalang, kasi minsan kapag nananalo ka medyo satisfying na.

Pero kapag natalo ka, sabi ko nga kanina para kang nalugi.

Interviewer: So ang purpose mo sa paglaro ng LOL ay yung reward system lang na

tinatawag na yung parang prize sa laro?

Page 52
Respondent: isa rin yun sa mga reward nila kasi parang nakakabusog din na parang

nakaka pukaw rin ng interes mo tapos sa mga lumalabas rin na pakulo din ng mga riot

na bumebenta yung game nila and isa din yun ng way na ayun para maraming maglaro

na players.

Interviewer: Naglalaro kaba tuwing gabi?

Respondent: oo, kapag walang naka connect.

Interviewer: So late ka ng natutulog dahil sa paglalaro?

Respondent: Minsan oo, minsan hindi. Depende naman sa internet connection mi kasi

kapag maraming naka connect hirap maglaro.

Interviewer: Sa pagtulog mo, may problem aka ba sa pagtulog mo?

Respondent: Oo, malaki epekto nito ng paglalaro mo kapag napupuyat ka kasi hindi

name-meet ng katawan mo yung required na time ng pahinga kaya minsan

naapektuhan ka pag gising mo sa umaga inaantok ka pa tas masakit ang mata.

Interviewer: So yun! Maraming salamat. Yun lang mga question namin. Salamat sa


Interviewer: Thank you!

Respondent: Sige


Interviewer: Good afternoon po.

Respondent: Good afternoon

Interviewer: Kasi nagco-conduct kasi kami ng research about sa online gaming pero

naka focus kami sa league of legends. Naglalaro ka diba?

Page 53
Respondent: oo naglalaro ako.

Interviewer: Magkwento ka naman kung anong experience mo sa paglalaro ng LOL.

Respondent: Experience? Hyper ganun sa paglalaro. Masaya sa pakiramdam tsaka

nakakalimutan ang problema.

Interviewer: Parang pampasaya.

Respondent: Tapos libangan ganun.

Interviewer: Sa paglalaro mo, halimbawa school hours naglalaro ka pa ba?

Respondent: School hours? Ay hindi. Priority ko pag aaral ko

Interviewer: Paano pag uwian na, naglalaro kayo pag nagka ayayaan na?

Respondent: Pag uwian, sila nagyayaya sila taga saamin, mga barkada ko. Hindi ako

yung nagyayaya kasi mas inuuna ko pag aaral ko.

Interviewer: Ano namang feeling sa paglalaro ng LOL? Meron bang malungkot kapag


Respondent: Hindi naman ako nalulungkot, naiinis lang

Interviewer: paano yung tingin mo sa laro, parang sineseryoso mo pa ba?

Respondent: Pag rank sineseryoso ko talaga, ibinibigay ko lahat ng lakas ko ganun,

kapag normal game lang parang trip trip lang.

Interviewer: Doon naman sa impact of family, paano naman yung may problema ba

yung parents mo kapag naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Page 54
Respondent: Meron pero konti lang kapag sumosobra ako

Interviewer: Pinagsasabihan ka nila?

Respondent: Oo pinagsasabihan naman nila ako.

Interviewer: Doon naman sa mga kapatid mo, may kapatid ka ba? Ano yun, may na-

adopt k aba na salitang kanto ganun?

Respondent: Sa kapatid ko, hindi. Hindi ko nasasabi.

Interviewer: Parang pinapakinggan mo lang pero labas sa tenga mo.

Respondent: Oo, then sa barkada ko at sa kapatid ko.

Interviewer: Doon naman sa friends mo. Na discover mo lang ba ang LOL o na

encourage ka lang ng mga kaibigan mo?

Respondent: Mga kaibigan ko rin. Nung una di pa ako naglalaro niyan, fecebook lang

ako nun, tapos sila naglalaro ng LOL, siyempre parang ma curious ako kung anong laro

yun, parang masayang laro yun.

Interviewer: Parang na akit ka sakanila? Yung pakikipag interact mo sakanila, iba na.

Respondent: Oo parang iba na tulad nalang ng mga salita doon sa LOL, naa-adopt ko

sa mga barkada ko,

Interviewer: Yung sa studies, paano yung paglaan mo ng oras sa paglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Yun talaga, uunahin ko talaga yung pag aaral ko. Yung mga assignments

ko, kapag may reports uunahin ko yun tapos pag may free time na natira, mag lalaro

ako. Pero pag wala na, di nako maglalaro. Itutulog ko nalang.

Page 55
Interviewer: Ilang oras ka naman naglalaro?

Respondent: 3-2 hours ganun.

Interviewer: Naaapektuhan ba grades mo nungnag start ka ng mag maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Hindi, nag maintain lang. Tumaas ng konti ganun, pa isa isa lang

Interviewer: Sa health mo naman, hindi naman maiiwasang magka problema doon sa

pagkain mo, nalilipasan ka rin ba ng gutom?

Respondent: Sa paglalaro, oo nalilipasan rin ako. Kunwari tanghali ganun, 12:00 pm

ang kainan pero umaabot ako ng 1:00 o 1:30

Interviewer: So kapag naglalaro ka, parang di naman sinasadya na malipasan ka.

Respondent: Di ko namamalayan ang oras.

Interviewer: Doon sa paglalaro mo, halimbawa nag text magulang mo na umuwi ka na

ganun, eh gustong gusto mo pang maglaro kasi nagkayayaan kayo ng barkada mo kasi

wala kayong school works kinabukasan, parang nagkataon ba, paano yun?

Respondent: Hindi, kunwari tinawagan ako, tapos naglalaro pa ako, tapusin ko lang ang

isang game ganun tsaka na ako uuwi.

Interviewer: Doon sa pagtulog mo, paano naaapektuhan ito ng LOL?

Respondent: Hindi mga 8:00 talaga.

Interviewer: Tinitignan mo oras pag naglalaro ka at sa oras ng pagtulog mo.

Respondent: Tapos pagagalitan na ako.

Page 56
Interviewer: So, ayan lamang ang mga katanungan namin sayo. Maraming salamat!

Respondent: Thank you po.


Interviewer: Good afternoon po.

Respondent: Good afternoon

Interviewer: Nagco conduct kasi kami ng research about sa online gaming at ang

pinaka focus po namin ay sa League of Legends. Mayroon lang kaming mga

katanungan na ipapasagot sayo.

Respondent: Sige po

Interviewer: So ano naman ang feeling sa paglalaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Masaya din pero naglalaro lang ako pang past time lang.

Interviewer: Pampalipas oras para sumaya ganun?

Respondent: oo.

Interviewer: Anong year ka naman nag start maglaro?

Respondent: Mga 2012

Interviewer: Medyo matagal na rin. Paano naman turing mo dun sa laro?

Respondent: parang wala lang saakin kasi laro lang naman yun eh. Hindi naman

importante para sa akin.

Interviewer: paano kapag kunwari talo ka?

Respondent: Wala lang

Interviewer: So wala naman problema sa family mo kung may nasasabi man lang ba

sila? Kunwari nalaman nila na naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Page 57
Respondent: Ayo slang naman sakanila, basta sabi nila alam ko limitasyon ko. Bina

balance dapat yung paglalaro at pag aaral ko.

Interviewer: Balance lang, so paano naman pag I interact mo sa mga kapatid mo? May

kapatid kaba?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Nasasabi mo bang yung mga salitang kanto?

Respondent: Hindi, hindi ko sinasabi, hindi ko na a-adopt.

Interviewer: Parang dinig tapos labas tenga lang?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Dun naman sa studies mo, paano mo pinaglaaanan ng oras ang paglalaro

mo ng LOL sa pag aaral mo?

Respondent: Binabalanse ko nga lang din naman kasi pampalipas oras ko lang yun.

Tulad ng sabi ko kanina, pag wala akong ginagawa sa bahay.

Interviewer: ano namang reaksiyon mo kapag nagkayayaan tapos may assignment ka?

Respondent: Siyempre kapag madali lang assignment ko, maglalaro muna ako. Pero

kung mahirap siyempre unahin ko yun, bago maglaro.

Interviewer: Yung grades mob a naapektuhan since naglalaro ka?

Respondent: Oo naaapektuhan pero simula nang tinigil ko ng paglalaro, umayos naman


Interviewer: Ano yung mas pinaglalaanan mo ng oras? Halimbawa, wala kang

ginagawa, wala ka ring assignments?

Respondent: Nagse search lang sa internet pero kapag nabo-boring na dun na

magsisimulang maglaro.

Page 58
Interviewer: Dun kana mags-start. Dun naman sa health siyempre di naman

maiiwasang magka problema din yung pagkain mo, parang name-maintain mo bas a

paglalaro mo?

Respondent: Hindi ko name-maintain kasi kapag naglalaro ako, hindi ko namamalayan

yung oras, nalilipasan na ako ng gutom.

Interviewer: Ayos lang sayo na nalilipasan ka ng gutom?

Respondent: Ayos lang naman saakin, hindi naman big deal saakin yun eh

Interviewer: Dun sa pagtulog mo paano pag nag overtime ka maglaro?

Respondent: Ayo slang naman, hindi naman ako nag o overtime sa paglalaro, naglalaro

lang ako ng mga isang oras, hindi naman ako masyadong nagpupuyat.

Interviewer: Dun sa pagtulog mo, paano kung quarter to 10 na, ititigil mo na ba ang


Respondent: Oo, ititigil ko. Kasi mas gusto ko pa matulog. Mas kelangan ko ng energy


Interviewer: So yun lang. Maraming salamat.

Respondent: Salamat rin po.


Interviewer: Good afternoon po, nagco-conduct ksi kami bf research tungkol sa online

gaming. Pinaka focus naming laro ay ang League of Legends. May mga katanungan

lang kaming ipapasagot sayo.

Interviewer: So, ano naman yung feeling mo kapag naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Parang masaya. Stress reliever ganun.

Page 59
Interviewer: Napapawala stress mo kapag naglalaro ka ganun. Kunwari doon sa game,

apano yan siyempre di ni alam kung mananalo ka o matatalo ganun, ano yang feeling

mo doon sa laro?

Respondent: Masaya din pag nananalo tas medyo naiinis din kapag natatalo.

Interviewer: So, anong grade ka naman nag start maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Grade 9 ako

Interviewer: Nung nag start k aba, parang dun kana lang naka focus?

Respondent: parang ganun, hinahanap hanap ko na rin kapag naka sanayan na kasi.

Interviewer: Punta naman tayo sa family mo, paano yung relasyon mo doon sa

magulang mo nung nag start ka nang maglaro ng LOL parang may nabago ba?

Respondent: Parang wala namang nabago.

Interviewer: May kuya ka ba ganun?

Respondent: Wala, ako yung panganay sa amin.

Interviewer: Doon sa kaklase mo, sila ba nag encourage sayo na maglaro?

Respondent: napa sama lang ako sakanila, tinry kong mag laro.

Interviewer: Pag start mong mag larom may nabago ba doon sa ugali niyo na kaklase

mo na parang yung mga salitang kanto doon sa larong LOL?

Respondent: Hindi naman.

Interviewer: Hindi mo naa-adopt yung trash talk ganun?

Respondent: nung tumagal tagal parang nasanay na rin na sinasabi yung mga ganyan.

Interviewer: dun sa studies mo, paano mo namamamanage yung oras mo sa paglalaro

ng LOL

Respondent: Pag halimbawa naman ako pag walng pasok minsan rin pag uwian ganun.

Page 60
Interviewer: Paano kapag nag yayaan kayo ng tropa mo, oras pag aaral o pag lalaro?

Respondent: Depende kung walang gagawin.

Interviewer: Paano yun kapag may gagawin kayo tapos nagkayayaan ng tropa,

pumayag ka pero late ka nakauwi sa bahay niyo, paano ka magpapaliwanag sa

magulang mo kung bat late ka?

Respondent: Sinasabi ko din naman minsan. Alam mo naman kung saan ako

nanggaling minsan kasi nagpapa alam ako

Interviewer: Yung sa grades mo naman, paano naapektuhan ng paglalaro mo?

Respondent: Ganun pa rin, di naman nagbabago yung sa pag aaral ko.

Interviewer: Yung sa health mo, siyempre di naman maiiwasang magpalipas ng pagkain


Respondent: Minsan napupuyat pag nag lalaro.

Interviewer: Kunwari napa lagpas mo yung oras ng lunch, di kana naka kain?

Respondent: Minsan hindi na rin, naglalaro kasi ako.

Interviewer: Pero sa tulog mo, naaapektuhan ba?

Respondent: Hindi naman masyado.

Interviewer: Mine-maintain mo lang ganun

Respondent: Sakto lang, paarang ganun

Interviewer: Paano kung nagayayaan kayo na maglaro pero matutulog ka na?

Respondent: Matutulog nalang siguro. Mahirap maglaro pag inaantok.

Interviewer: So yun lang. Maraming salamat.

Respondent: Salamat rin po.

Page 61


Interviewer: Good afternoon po.

Respondent: Good afternoon.

Interviewer: Nagco-conduct po kasi kami ng research namin about sa online game,

yung focus po namin ay league of legends.

Interviewer: Naglalaro ka diba?

Respondent: Oo

Interviewer: Ano namang feeling mo kapag naglalaro ka ng lol?

Respondent: Ahh masaya

Interviewer: Anong, ano mo division mo ganun? Diba may division yun? Bronze, silver,

gold ganun..

Respondent: Gold na ako. Gold

Interviewer: Ah. Gold ka, taas ah!

Interviewer: Ako, ano lang dati, umakyat lang sa bronze hanggang challenger.

Interviewer: Kasi may katanungan kami dito, ano namang reaksyon mo kapag naglalaro

ka ng LOL? Masaya diba?

Respondent: Oo, masaya.

Interviewer: Mga ilang oras ka naman naglalaro ng LOL?

Page 62
Respondent: Ah, minsan tatlong oras. Minsan pag tinatamad ako, mga 1 game lang.

Interviewer: Pampalipas oras lang ganun?

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Yung bago ka mag umpisang maglaro, mga anong taon ganun? Anong

year ka?

Respondent: Ah siguro mga 2015.

Interviewer: Grade 10 ka?

Respondent: Oo, grade 10.

Interviewer: Yung sa family mo, diba hindi natin maiiwasan na magka problema dun,

kapag naglalaro ka. Ano bang level ng parang trato mo dun sa paglalaro, talagang

pinaglalaanan mo ng oras?

Respondent: Hindi naman, libangan ko lang kapag walang magawa, siyempre nilalagay

ko rin sa tamang oras.

Interviewer: Paano naman yung sa family mo, siyempre. May nasasabi ba sila kapag

naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Wala naman kasi hindi naman nila alam.

Interviewer: Hindi mo sinasabi? Nililihim mo nalang

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: ano yun, nagpapalusot ka rin?

Respondent: Oo, nagpapalusot ako, kunyari may gagawin akong assignment

Page 63
Interviewer: Kunwari, matutulog na kayo, tapos nagyaya yung tropa mong pumunta sa

bahay niyo, “Tara pre laro tayo”

Respondent: Ay wala. Hindi ako papayagan.

Interviewer: Sasabihin mo next time nalang?

Respondent: Oo, next time nalang.

Interviewer: Dun sa kunwari ito, mamaya nabuko ka siyempre, nagkayayaan kayo.

Pagkatapos ng klase niyo. Grabe na kayo maglaro. Anong idadahilan mo sa mga

magulang mo? Sasabihin mo bang naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Minsan kasi sinasabi ko, nagpa practice kami kaya nagabihan kami tapos

may ginagawa kami.

Interviewer: Sa friends mo, diba hindi mo maiiwasang may mga cancer, diba sila yung

parang ano, bobo sa paglalaro ng LOL. Trashtalk yun diba? Paano yung pag i-interact

mo sa kanila? Naapektuhan ba yun, parang na- a adopt mo yung salita sa LOL?

Respondent: Oo yung mga salitang bobo.

Interviewer: Mga salitang kanto?

Respondent: Bobo ganun, mga feeder, pabuhat

Interviewer: Paano naman kapag ikaw nabuhat?

Respondent: Ay hindi ah, hindi mangyayari yun.

Interviewer: paano kapag may kinainisan ka, kunwari isang hint nalang?

Respondent: Yung mga KS, yun ang pinaka ayoko yung pinaka iinisan ko.

Page 64
Interviewer: Parang naa- adopt mo yung mga emosyon mo sa paglalaro ng LOL, naa-

apply mo sa salita. Sa verbal.

Respondent: Napagmumura nalang bigla.

Interviewer: Sa paglalaro mo, bago ka maglaro, na discover mo nalang ba yung laro o

nakita mo lang sa iba?

Respondent: Tinuturuan, ay parang niyaya ako ng pinsan ko. Pinsan ko unang nagturo


Interviewer: Ano naman yung relasyon nyo sa dalawa yung parang ano yung impact ng

emosyon niyo kapag naglalaro kayo. Nagbabangayan ba kayo ng salitang kanto?

Respondent: Ine enjoy lang namin yung laro

Interviewer: Yung naglalaro kana may mga nakakasama kang mga kaklase mo, di mo

rin maiiwasan makipagtalo sakanila, kwento ka naman ng mga karanasan mo nung

naglalaro ka ganun.

Respondent: Yung naglalaro kami ng mga kaklase ko, grade 10 yun eh. Mga nasa S

kami, naglalaro kami. May rank, siyempre may pa bida.

Interviewer: Sa pag aaral mo, paano mo pag laanan ng ng oras mo yung LOL sa

paglalaro mo?

Respondent: Minsan lang ako maglaro

Interviewer: Pero sabi mo diba nagkakayayaan kayo ng kaklae mo

Respondent: di mo maiiwasan kasi siyempre yung ano, kunyari tinamad na kami eh

may pasok ganun, isang subject lang ang papasukan namin ng hapon

Page 65
Interviewer: Yung oras mo sa pag aral, sabihin na nating unti-unti nang nababawasan


Respondent: Hindi, lalo ngang tumaas eh

Interviewer: Ah lalong tumaas?

Respondent: Oo kasi na inspire ako.

Interviewer: Dun sa paano mo ipriority yung sa pag aaral mo, kunwari natambakan ka,

hindi ka Na maglo lol, o mag lo-Lol ka pa rin?

Respondent: oo. Parang pampa relax lang kahit walang ginagawa.

Interviewer: Sa mga tropa mo, siyempre nagyaya peromay quiz bukas?

Respondent: tatangihan. Sasabihin ko may quiz kami bukas.

Interviewer: Paano kapag ililibre ka? One to sawa

Respondent: Uunahin ko parin pag aaral ko

Interviewer: Sa health mo, yung pagkain mo nababawasan ba or I mean hindi ka na

nakaka kain?

Respondent: yung baon ko nilalaan ko nalang sa pang computer

Interviewer: Late ka na ba matulog?

Respondent: Hindi kasi hanggang 10 lang naman ng gabi

Interviewer: Minsan naapektuhan pagtulog mo?

Respondent: Oo minsan

Page 66
Interviewer: So yun lang. Maraming salamat.

Respondent: Salamat rin po.


Interviewer: Good afternoon po

Respondent: Good afternoon din

Interviewer: Nagco-conduct kasi kami ng research namin about sa online gaming

Respondent: Hm, sige.

Interviewer: Naglalaro ka din ba?

Respondent: Oo naglalaro ako

Interviewer: Anong nararadaman mo kapag naglalaro ka?

Respondent: Ano, kapag naglalaro ako, masaya nakakawala ng negative vibes ganun,

parang kumpleto araw mo

Interviewer: Pag kunwari wala kayong pasok di tumatambay ka lang sa computer chop?

Respondent: Hindi naman. Kapag hapon hindi na ako magalalaro hanggang gabi

Interviewer: Anong year ka naman nagstart maglaro ng LOL

Respondent: Grade 9 ako

Interviewer: Nakaka ilang oras ka naman?

Respondent: Depende, kapag may pasok naman hindi pero kapag weekends siguro

magbababad ako

Page 67
Interviewer: Ano namang nafi feel mo?

Respondent: Masaya nakakawalan ng lungkot

Interviewer: Ano naman sinasabi mo sa parents mo kapag ginagabi ka ng uwi?

Sasabihin mo ba na nag LOL ka?

Respondent: Oo, sinasabi ko naman pero di sila naniniwala dahil akala nila tumatambay

lang ako

Interviewer: Nagbago ba tingin mo sakanila?

Respondent: Hindi naman. Natural lang

Interviewer: eh sa pananalita?

Respondent: Minsan na a-adopt ko yung mga salita na trash talk

Interviewer: Minsan ano dinadahilan mo pag ginagabi ka ng ywi?

Respondent: Sinsasabi ko totoo

Interviewer: Wala namang nagbago sa pagtingin mo sa mga kaibigan mo?

Respondent: Wala naman

Interviewer: Paano mo naman minamanage yung oras mo sa pag aaral at paglalaro ng


Respondent: Gawain muna sa school. Kapag nagawa ko na tyaka ako maglalaro. Pero

minsan kapag tinatamad ako maglalaro ako ng LOL.

Interviewer: Hindi naman naapektuhan ang grades mo since naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Page 68
Respondent: Sobrang naapektuhan. Nung hindi pa ko naglalaro, mga mataas pa, mga

line of 8 pero nung naglalato nako, bumaba talaga. Naapektuhan talaga. Minsan

maglalaro muna ako bago mag review.

Interviewer: Sa kalusugan mo naman naaapektuhan ba?

Respondent: Oo minsan hindi nako nakaka kain. Naglalaro ako ng umaga, tapos

minsan di nako makaka kain ng tanghalian. Hindi ko kasi nararamdaman yung gutom

kapag naglalaro ako.

Interviewer: Paano kapag gabi, naglalaro ka pa ba?

Respondent: Oo. Kasi hindi ko matiis mag laro ng LOL eh, parang hindi kumpleto araw


Interviewer: Late ka na ba matulog?

Respondent: Hindi kasi hanggang 10 lang naman ng gabi

Interviewer: Minsan naapektuhan pagtulog mo?

Respondent: Oo minsan

Interviewer: So yun lang. Maraming salamat.

Respondent: Salamat rin po.


Interviewer: Hi, good afternoon.

Respondent: Good afternoon rin.

Interviewer: Naglalaro ka ba ng LOL?

Page 69
Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Nagco-conduct kasi kami ng research namin. Ang pinaka-focus ay sa

larong League of Legends.

Interviewer: So, paano pala yung feeling kapag naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: Kapag naglalaro ako ng LOL, nafu- fulfilled ako eh, masaya ako kapag

naglalaro ako ng LOL, kasi diba LOL is everything. Masaya ang LOL.

Interviewer: So para sayo, LOL is everything

Interviewer: Pareho tayo. Gamer din kasi ako. Pero diba by rank yun, bronze, silver,

gold ganun. Ina-achieve mob a yung mataas dun sa mga yun o basta naglalaro ka lang

okay na?

Respondent: Naglalaro lang ako, okay na yun. Pero kung may time aabutin ko yun, gold

siyempre diba kapag gold may fire skin yun, kalimitan kasi walang time kaya naglalaro

lang ako.

Interviewer: Parang direct to the point na tayo sa research na tayo. May mga

katanungan lang kaming ipapasagot sayo.

Interviewer: Sa oras ng paglalaro mo, mahaba haba ba o pasingit lang sa time?

Respondent: Kung busy ako, pasingit singit lang sa oras ganun. Pero kung walag

gagawin, kaya kong maglaro buong umaga hanggang hapon, pero pag gabi hindi nako

maaaglalaro kasi pahimga ko nay un.

Interviewer: So anong taon ka nagsimulang maglaro ng LOL?

Page 70
Respondent: mga 2014

Interviewer: Mga anong grade ka nun?

Respondent: Mga grade 9 ako nag start.

Interviewer: Sa pamilya, hindi maiiwasang ma apektuhan yung relasyon niyo diba? Lalo

sa magulang. Anong nasasabi sayo nung naglalaro ka ng LOL?

Respondent: minsan may nasasabi sila lalo na kapag gabi ng uuwi. “Nanggaling kana

sa klase tapos maglo-lol ka pa, dapat gabi, nasa bahay kana.” Meron din yung time na

sinasabihan ako na sinasayang ko lang yung pera ko.

Interviewer: So pinapagalitan ka

Respondent: Oo.

Interviewer: Pero sabi mo nafu-fullfil ka

Respondent: Oo pero para saakin kasiyahan lang yun.

Interviewer: Paano kapag kunwari diba pinagalitan kana, nagbabago pa tingin mo


Respondent: Hindi naman.

Interviewer: Naa-adopt mob a yung trashtalk?

Respondent: Oo

Interviewer: Sa friends mo, siyempre may mga kaibigan ka na nag iimpluwensiya nung

bago k aba mag umpisa, ikaw lang ban aka discover o naimpuwensiyahan ka?

Page 71
Respondent: Na impuwensiyahan lang ako.

Interviewer: Yung paglalaro mo, diba nung hindi pa kayo naglo-LOL may changes ba

dun sa attitude mo?

Respondent: Wala naman, kasi sabay-sabay kaming na-adik sa lol eh kaya pare

parehas lang kami.

Interviewer: Sa pag aaral mo, paano mo gamitin yung oras mo sa paglalaro tapos sa

pag aaral?

Respondent: Kung sa paglalaro at pag aaral, kung aral, aral muna, tapos kung may

time saka maglo-LOL. Balance kasi.

Interviewer: Anong mas inuuna mo?

Respondent: Depende kung marami kami, pero kapag mag isa hindi pwede kasi mas

masaya kapag marami.

Interviewer: So kapag naglalaro ka, kumakain ka pa bago maglari?

Respondent: Oo kumakain muna ako.

Interviewer: Ayos lang sayo na nalilipasan ka ng gutom?

Respondent: Ayos lang naman saakin, hindi naman big deal saakin yun eh

Interviewer: Dun sa pagtulog mo paano pag nag overtime ka maglaro?

Respondent: Ayo slang naman, hindi naman ako nag o overtime sa paglalaro, naglalaro

lang ako ng mga isang oras, hindi naman ako masyadong nagpupuyat.

Interviewer: Dun sa pagtulog mo, paano kung quarter to 10 na, ititigil mo na ba ang


Page 72
Respondent: Oo, ititigil ko. Kasi mas gusto ko pa matulog. Mas kelangan ko ng energy


Interviewer: So yun lang. Maraming salamat.

Respondent: Salamat rin po.



Interviewer: Good afternoon.

Respondent: Good afternoon din.

Interviewer: Nag co conduct kasi kami ng research about sa online gaming, specifically

sa paglalaro ng League of Legends. Magtatanong lang po kami Kuya, kailan po ba kayo

nag start maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Grade 11, December

Interviewer: Paano ka naman natutong maglaro ng LOL?

Respondent: Trip trip lang. Curiosity

Interviewer: hmm. Ano naman ang nakukuha mo o nagi gain mo sa paglalaro ng lol?

Respondent: Depende sa laro, pag nananalo, masaya

Interviewer: Pag talo?

Respondent: Pag talo, depende rin sa pagkatalo.

Interviewer: So kapag naglalaro ka, sino nakakasama mo?

Page 73
Respondent: Kadalasan ako lang, pero minsan pag weekends, yung mga classmates


Interviewer: mga anong oras ka naman natatapos mag laro ng LOL kapag kasama mga

kaibigan mo ganyan?

Respondent: Pag kasama ko sila, 2-3 hours yung paglalaro namin. Halimbawa,

maglalaro kami ng 4:00, matatapos kami ng 7:00 or 6:00

Interviewer: So kapag umuuwi ka, wala naman sinasabi yung parents mo kapag

ginagabi ka, wala naman tinatanong kung bat nagagabihan ka?

Respondent: Wala naman, alam naman nila

Interviewer: Hmm. Sa paglalaro mo ng LOL, paano mo mina-manage yung pag aaral

mo? For example, pag weekends may kailangan ka gawin pero nagka Ayaan kayong

maglaro ganyan? Ano pong inuuna nyo?

Respondent: Siyempre depende kasi yan sa naghahandle rin ng bisyo niya eh. Kasi

ako, mas inuuna ko yung priority ko talaga yung pag aaral ko kaya, sinisugurado ko

munang wala na akong schoolworks bago ako maglalaro.

Interviewer: So minsan, nasabi mo na kapag naglalaro ka naaabot niyo yung 7:00 pm

ganyan, paano yun kapag kalagitnaan na ng game na, extreme na ganun, paano yun?

Makaka kain pa ba kayo ng tamang oras?

Respondent: Hindi. Siyempre ano, mas tatapusin na muna namin yung laro. Kailangan

muna namin tapusin. Hindi Naman sa ano, kasi yung LOL, hindi siya basta bastang

kapag nag quit ka biglang maba-ban ka kasi pag quinite mo.

Page 74
Interviewer: Hmm. Edi paano yan kapag di na tama yung pagkain niyo. Kamusta

kalusugan niyo?

Respondent: Wala naman.

Interviewer: So yun lang po. Salamat po

Respondent: Salamat rin po.

Interviewer: Salamat sa oras.


Interviewer: Good afternoon.

Respondent: Good afternoon rin po

Interviewer: Nagka conduct kasi kami ng interview ng research namin about sa online

gaming specifically sa League of Legends. Itatanong ko lang kung kalian ka nag start

maglaro ng League of Legends?

Respondent: Nung grade 9 po ako.

Interviewer: So paano ka naman natuto maglaro?

Respondent: Napasama lang po sa mga barkada ko.

Interviewer: So pag naglalaro ka, sila ang kasama mo?

Respondent: Opo.

Interviewer: So kapag naglalaro ba kayo ng League of Legends, anong araw kayo

usually naglalaro?

Page 75
Respondent: Pag sabado at linggo po, naglalaro po kami kasama ko yung mga

classmates ko

Interviewer: Mga ilang oras naman kayo naglalaro kung ganun? Mga ilang oras ang

nako-consume niyo sa paglalaro?

Respondent: Mga isang oras lang po.

Interviewer: Dun sa paglalaro mo ng LOL, hindi naman ba naapektuhan ang pag aaral


Respondent: Naapektuhan naman din po, tulad nalang po pag may assignment ka

tapos niyaya ka ng barkada mo na maglaro, di mo na magawa tapos nakalimutan mo


Interviewer: Nauuna ganun. Di sa case na yun, naapektuhan ba yung grades mo?

Performance mo sa school ganyan?

Respondent: Hindi naman po.

Interviewer: So halimbawa, kapag naglalaro kayo ng kaibigan mo, may tendency na

kapag napasarap na paglalaro niyo ng League of Legends, gabi na kayo umuuwi?

Respondent: Opo

Interviewer: Ano naming nasasabi ng parents niyo kapag ginagabi kayo ng uwi ganun?

Respondent: Sinasabi po saamin kung bakit gabi na kami umuuwi, saan ka nanggaling

Interviewer: Paano yun kapag halimbawa, na kapag nasa kalagitnaan kayo ng

paglalaro, paano yun? Nakaka kain pa ba kayo ng nasa tamang oras?

Page 76
Respondent: Di nap o, minsan 12:30 am ganun, 1:00 am

Interviewer: Di parang ano, di naman naapektuhan yung kalusugan niyo dahil sa


Respondent: Di naman po.

Interviewer: Oh, so ayun lamang po! Salamat sa cooperation niyo, thank you.

Page 77

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (Structured Interview)



General Questions for League of Legends Gamers:

1. What made you influenced you to play League of Legends?

Hmmm, natuto akong maglaro dahil sa mga kaibigan ko.

2. How much time do you consume while you play League of Legends?

Hmmm, 2-3 hours kapag may pasok and 4-6 hours kapag weekends

3.How do you feel as you play League of Legends?

Masaya dahil sa reward system

4. Could you tell us when did you start playing League of Legends?

Noong nasa Grade 7 ako.

Impact on Family:

1. How is the relationship between you and your parents?

Hindi nila alam kasi nagsisinungaling ako sa kanila.

2. Do you think that there is changed among you and your parents since you

started spending plenty of hours playing League of Legends?

Nagbago kasi wala na akong time sa kanila.

Page 78
3. What do you parents think when you spend countless hours playing League of


Sinasabi ko na may projects and assignments na ginawa.

Impact on Friends:

1. How is your social life between you and your friends before you started playing

League of Legends?

Hmmm, nasasabihan ng mga trashtalks and something aggressive words.

2. Do you think that the social interactions among you and your friends changed

ever since you played League of Legends?

Wala lang kasi sila rin naman ang nagyaya sa akin na maglaro.

3. What do your friends think about when you spend most of your time playing

League of Legends?

Sinasabihan na maglaro akong mabuti kasi cancer ako sa larong ito.

Impact of Studies:

1. How do you manage your studies as you play League of Legends?

Minsan hindi ko naisasabay ang studies ko sa paglalaro.

2. Do you think that time you spend on studies has changed since you spent so

many hours playing League of Legends?

Nagbago kasi dun sa hinahabol kong reward system na sumasabay sa studies ko.

Page 79
3. Do you feel that your grades are suffering due to playing League of Legends?

Bumababa pero hindi naman gaano mataas yung binaba

4. How do you prioritize your time when you feel that you need to study and play

League of Legends?

Kung may event sa laro, kailangan talaga mag effort. Minsan wala na akong oras sa

paggawa ng assignments na nagiging resulta ng pangongopya sa kaklase

Impact on Health

1. Do you feel your diet habit has changed after you play League of Legends?

Minsan hindi na ako nakakain ng tamang oras dahil dun sa reward system

2. Do you tend to stay up late due to playing League of Legends?

Oo, madalas pero pag-weekends lang kasi mahahalata ako ng parents ko

3. Do you have any problems with sleep since you started playing League of


Sa school days wala naman. Pero yun nga, kapag weekends ay na-eexpose ako ng

matagal sa paglalaro.


General Questions for League of Legends Gamers:

1. What made you influenced you to play League of Legends?

Kuya ko kasi mahilig siya sa larong League of Legends

Page 80
2. How much time do you consume while you play League of Legends?

1-2 hours kapag school days pero kapag weekends 5-6

3.How do you feel as you play League of Legends?

Masaya dahil sa excitement ng laro para sa akin

4. Could you tell us when did you start playing League of Legends?

Noong Grade 8 ako

Impact on Family:

1. How is the relationship between you and your parents?

Minsan napagsasabihan ng mga payo

2. Do you think that there is changed among you and your parents since you

started spending plenty of hours playing League of Legends?

Nawawalan kapag weekends pero pag school days hindi naman

3. What do you parents think when you spend countless hours playing League of


Sasabihin na may ginawang requirements sa school.

Impact on Friends:

1. How is your social life between you and your friends before you started playing

League of Legends?

Hmmm, yung pag-adapt ng mga salitang kanto

Page 81
2. Do you think that the social interactions among you and your friends changed

ever since you played League of Legends?

Para sa kanila siguro nakikisabay ako sa kanila sa paglalaro nila para mas gumaling

ako sa paglalaro.

3. What do your friends think about when you spend most of your time playing

League of Legends?

Siguro naiisip nila na nagpapataas ako ng rank ko sa League of Legends

Impact of Studies:

1. How do you manage your studies as you play League of Legends?

Kung laro, laro lang. Kung pag-aaral, pag-aaral lang

2. Do you think that time you spend on studies has changed since you spent so

many hours playing League of Legends?

Hindi naman kasi mas attain ko ang timeko sap ag-aaral

3. Do you feel that your grades are suffering due to playing League of Legends?

Hindi naman

4. How do you prioritize your time when you feel that you need to study and play

League of Legends?

Kung may event sa laro, maglalaro muna ako then mag-aaral na kapag natapos na

yung laro.

Page 82
Impact on Health

1. Do you feel your diet habit has changed after you play League of Legends?

Hindi naman kasi hindi ako madalas naglalaro kapag school days.

2. Do you tend to stay up late due to playing League of Legends?

Kapag school days hindi pero kapag weekends yun na ako maglalaro

3. Do you have any problems with sleep since you started playing League of


Sa weekends lang ako walang maayos na tulog dahil sa laro.


General Questions for League of Legends Gamers:

1. What made you influenced you to play League of Legends?

Kaibigan at kaklase.

2. How much time do you consume while you play League of Legends?

2-3 hours kapag school days, kapag weekends naman ay 6-9 hours

3.How do you feel as you play League of Legends?

Masaya dahil sa reward system at yung graphics ng laro

4. Could you tell us when did you start playing League of Legends?

Noong nasa Grade 8 ako.

Page 83
Impact on Family:

1. How is the relationship between you and your parents?

Okay lang naman.

2. Do you think that there is changed among you and your parents since you

started spending plenty of hours playing League of Legends?

Wala naman pero siguro minsan kapag weekends kasi minsan hindi ako nagpapaalam

na aalis.

3. What do you parents think when you spend countless hours playing League of


Sabihin ko na may ginawa sa school kaya nagabihan ako.

Impact on Friends:

1. How is your social life between you and your friends before you started playing

League of Legends?

Wala lang

2. Do you think that the social interactions among you and your friends changed

ever since you played League of Legends?

Yung mga trashtalk sa League of Legends

3. What do your friends think about when you spend most of your time playing

League of Legends?

Siguro napapa-isip sila kasi mas gumagaling pa ako sa laro

Page 84
Impact of Studies:

1. How do you manage your studies as you play League of Legends?

Uunahin ko pag-aaral.

2. Do you think that time you spend on studies has changed since you spent so

many hours playing League of Legends?

Wala naman.

3. Do you feel that your grades are suffering due to playing League of Legends?

Hindi naman.

4. How do you prioritize your time when you feel that you need to study and play

League of Legends?

Yun nga pag school days, aral muna tapos weekends laro na.

Impact on Health

1. Do you feel your diet habit has changed after you play League of Legends?

Sa school days hindi, pero sa weekends madalas.

2. Do you tend to stay up late due to playing League of Legends?

Sa school days hindi, pero sa weekends madalas

3. Do you have any problems with sleep since you started playing League of


Page 85
Sa school days wala naman kasi hindi na ako naglalaro ng gabi pero sa weekends,

gabing gabi na.


General Questions for League of Legends Gamers:

1. What made you influenced you to play League of Legends?

Mga kaklase ko at kapit-bahay na kapwa ko kabataan

2. How much time do you consume while you play League of Legends?

Kapag may pasok, 1 oras lang pero kapag weekends, buong araw ako sa computer


3.How do you feel as you play League of Legends?

Masaya kasi sa graphics at yung rewards.

4. Could you tell us when did you start playing League of Legends?

Noong Grade 7 ako.

Impact on Family:

1. How is the relationship between you and your parents?

Wala naman kasi nakikita nilang focus ako sap ag-aaral

2. Do you think that there is changed among you and your parents since you

started spending plenty of hours playing League of Legends?

Wala naman.

Page 86
3. What do you parents think when you spend countless hours playing League of


Siguro sa weekends sabi nila nagpapataas ako ng rank

Impact on Friends:

1. How is your social life between you and your friends before you started playing

League of Legends?

Wala lang

2. Do you think that the social interactions among you and your friends changed

ever since you played League of Legends?

Minsan napaaway ako sa kaibigan ko kasi sa asal ng mga salita niya. Kaya siguro

masasabi ko na may nagbago.

3. What do your friends think about when you spend most of your time playing

League of Legends?

Sinasabihan nila ako na ang galling ko daw maglaro kahit sa weekends lang ako


Impact of Studies:

1. How do you manage your studies as you play League of Legends?

Mas inuuna ko pag-aaral kaysa sa paglalaro.

2. Do you think that time you spend on studies has changed since you spent so

many hours playing League of Legends?

Page 87
Hindi naman kasi napag-lalaanan ko ng oras ang pag-aaral ko.

3. Do you feel that your grades are suffering due to playing League of Legends?

Hindi naman.

4. How do you prioritize your time when you feel that you need to study and play

League of Legends?

Mas inuuna kop ag-aaral pero kapag may event, maglalaro muna ako bago mag-aral

kasi mahirap magpalagapas ng event sa League of Legends.

Impact on Health

1. Do you feel your diet habit has changed after you play League of Legends?

Hindi na ako nakakain kapag weekends.

2. Do you tend to stay up late due to playing League of Legends?

Sa weekends lang

3. Do you have any problems with sleep since you started playing League of


Sa weekends lang din.

Page 88

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