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If employee is absconding and employer has to terminate employee from company need to

follow below steps.

Please follow the following steps:

Step 1

1st letter format (Add the name whom to address)

Unauthorized Absenteeism

Dear Mr. Employee Name,

You have been absenting from duty since DATE without any information or intimation to your
reporting manager or higher authorities. You are hereby advised to report for duty within 24 Hrs
of receipt of this letter and submit explanation letter; else disciplinary action may be initiated
against you.

Company Name

Authorized Signatory

Step 2

2nd letter format (Add the name whom to address)

Unauthorized Absenteeism

Dear Mr. Kumar,

This is further to our letter dated (FIRST LETTER DATE) regarding your absenting from duty
since (ABSENTEEISM BEGINIGN DATE) without any information or intimation. You are
hereby given another opportunity to report for duty within 24 hours of receipt of this letter, else
disciplinary action may be initiated against you.

Company Name

Authorized Signatory

Step 3

3rd letter format (Add the name whom to address)

Unauthorized Absenteeism

Dear Mr. Kumar,

This is in reference to our letter dated (1ST & 2ND LETTERS DATE) regarding your absenting
from duty since (ABSENTEEISM BEGINIGN DATE) without any information or intimation.
Since you have neither replied nor intimated via any source it seems you are no longer interested
to continue your services with Silkplanet. Therefore your Employment is terminating with
Silkplanet. You are hereby advised to contact account department on any working day for full &
final settlements of your accounts.

Company Name

Authorized Signatory

Follow the step and then struck off her name.

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