Bicol University Tabaco Campus Nursing Department: Republic of The Philippines Tabaco City

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Republic of the Philippines


Tabaco City

Psyche Case # 3


Name Sasuke Uchiha

Date of Admission March 12, 2021 @ 12:00pm
Age 19 y/o
Gender Male
Civil Status Single
Date of Birth February 21, 2002
Address Tinago, Ligao City, Albay
Religion Catholic
Informant Grandmother

Chief Complaint: Suicidal ideation and agitation

History of Present Illness:

– This 19-year old-man was suffering from difficulty of sleeping and persistent nightmares.

- According to the informant, 1 month prior to admission the patient’s parents were killed by his
brother, who is a drug addict. His brother is currently imprisoned at Ligao City Jail.

- The grandmother has sought the help of an “albularyo” who has been performing rituals for the
patient once a week to hopefully treat the patient but to no avail.

- 1 week prior to admission the patient would suddenly shout at night and becomes very
agitated. This happens approximately 3 to 5 times whenever the patient attempts to sleep.

- 1 day prior to admission the patient became extremely agitated and was verbalizing that he
wants to die.

– The family has not traveled to other provinces since the start of the community quarantine.

Physical Examination:

General Appearance:

The patient looked agitated and with prominent eye bags. There were no signs of respiratory
distress. There is no jaundice in the sclera

Vital Signs:
Temperature – 36.5 C
RR - 22 cpm
PR – 122 bpm
Wt – 55 kg

Respiratory System:
Inspection – normal bilateral chest movement, antero – poster diameter is normal, trachea is in
Midline, chest expansion is normal
Auscultation – normal bilateral air entry, vesicular breathing
Percussion – no dullness or hyper resonance areas

Inspection – no abnormality detected
Palpation – soft, tips of spleen
Auscultation – hyperactive bowel sounds, presence of barborygmi

CNS Exam:
No neck rigidity
(-) Kernigs Sign
(-)Brudzinki’s sign

Mental Status Exam:

(-) eye contact
Easily startled and frightened
Has difficulty remembering details surrounding the death of his parents
(+) suicidal ideation

(+) pallor
(+) dryness

Family History:
The child is the 2nd out of two siblings
The other sibling is a drug dependent.

Initial Diagnosis : Post traumatic stress disorder

Lab Exams:

1. Complete Blood Count

Test Result Units Ref Range
WBC 9, 000 X 1,000/mm3 3.9 – 11.1
RBC 3.0 X 10/mm3 4.2 – 5.70
HGB 7 g/dl 13.2 – 16.9
Platelet 195 X 1,000/mm3 140 - 390

2. Chest X- Ray – normal chest x-ray


– IV Fluids (BBraun) – Plain NSS 1l @ 40gtts/ min

– Ferrous sulphate (Ferron) 130mg 1 tab per orem BID
– Fluoxetine (Prozac) 20mg 1 tab per orem BID
– Diazepam (Valium) 10mg TIVT PRN for aggressive behavior

Diet –soft diet

On SHEA (Suicide, Homicide, Escape and Assault) Precaution


1. Nursing Health History

2. Drug Study
3. NCP
4. RAPP Sheet and Concept Map
5. Lab exams
6. FDAR notes
7. Reflective journal

Prepared by:


Clinical Instructor

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