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AMSRS Invited commentary from industry figures.


The Future
of Market
It is reasonable to assume that the current rapid
The positives are many and often obvious. We
rate of change in technology and society is the
don’t have to ask people to recall behaviour, we
slowest we will experience in the rest of our
can measure it. The price of this data is low and
lives, and that this applies equally to market
falling. Google has become extremely rich by using
research. The accelerating rate of change means
observational data to create predictive models of
that detailed predictions about the mid-to-long-
what people want and using that to sell targeted
term future are doomed to failure. Therefore, this
advertising. Retailers use predictive models based on
article looks at some short-term trends and big
large-scale purchase data to design well-timed product
issues the industry will need to tackle.
offers and campaigns.

The best of all possible worlds There are three great challenges with
This phrase was coined by 18th Century German observational data:
philosopher and polymath Gottfried Leibniz; he meant 1. The why? Observing behaviour does not explain why
that the world we have and the chances it offers are the the behaviour is happening or how we might change
best possible option. Despite the challenges facing our it, for example if we are trying to persuade people to
industry, the opportunities for market researchers have buy more of a product or to start buying a different
never been better. Rather than just aim to survive, if we product. MR can help.
embrace change, if we utilise the new and keep the best 2. Inside the box. Observational data explains the world
of the old, we will do well. We must aim to thrive! as it is, not how it might be. It struggles to predict
what will happen when a new product or service is
The power and peril of observational data offered, or when one is removed. MR has challenges
The deluge of observational data is changing the research in this area too, but it is better placed to help than
landscape. Mobile phone data tell us about where people observational data.
are, how they travel, who they connect with and much 3. Without experimentation there is no causation.
more. Web data tells us about what people see, what Models based on observational data are unable
they do, what they buy, what they say and more. CCTV, to determine causality – everything is essentially
wearables, Internet-of-Things, bank data, loyalty cards, correlation. Market researchers are well placed to
provide an ever more complete picture of what people do, design experiments to help establish causal links
moving our data from samples to near census. between marketing and outcomes.

16 Research News October 2016

The rise of the machine can and should be used for more than just classic
MR has always been quick to adopt new technology- market research. We should be knocking on the
punch cards over 100 years ago, telephony, doors of HR, NPD, Operations, Finance, IT and the
computerized tabulations, online data collection C-suite to shout about our ability to make evidence-
and mobile technology. The use of automation is based predictions. Our core strength may arise from
accelerating and will have a profound impact on dealing with customer data, but we can apply those
business models, the way research is conducted and techniques more widely, along with our ability to
the employment of many people who thought their re-frame business problems in ways that support
professional and/or creative skills left them immune. evidence-based decision making.
I expect something like 40-60% of current market
research jobs to disappear over the next ten years, The continued decline of surveys
and something like 20-30% new jobs to be created. Surveys are in decline as a share of research 1, though
Tasks I see declining are scripting, sampling, charting they will not disappear anytime soon. Key drivers of
and even report writing (AI is already making change include:
inroads). I see an expansion in roles like customer • Newer alternatives, such as passive data, online
success managers, analysts who will utilise new and discussions, crowdsourced solutions, and social
powerful AI assisted tools and brand new roles for media.
people using new tools to turn insight into action. • Decreasing representativeness and quality of
The companies and people who will be the most sample sources, especially online access panels.
successful will be those who build their business The recent GRIT Study2 found that 38% of market
models based on automated research tools. This will researchers and insight users thought that sample
require more standardization, more use of expert quality would get worse over the next three years,
systems, and a belief that the data cannot speak with just a quarter thinking sample quality would
for itself. I forecast that research will be faster and improve.
cheaper, and when used properly it will be better • The negative impact of long and boring surveys,
in the sense of helping businesses make better the decline in co-operation and the potential
decisions. alienation of customers when brands ‘spam’ them
Being in the Prediction Business Market with unwelcome surveys.
researchers can learn a lot from Nate Silver • The inappropriateness of many types of surveys,
( given what we have learned from the likes of
• Not assuming we need to collect data – data Kahneman3 and Damasio4, e.g. we are poor
aggregation can be really powerful. witnesses to our own behaviour and motivations;
• Create models that combine multiple data streams the way questions are asked changes answers,
to produce better predictions. and most decisions are the result of emotions not
• Assess what is predictable (e.g. baseball and rational cognition. Surveys tend to be rational and
the weather) and what is not (e.g. soccer and assume self-knowledge.
A subtler, but even more powerful lesson, relates A skill not an industry
to how Silver applies his skills. His models predict MR is somewhere between a profession and an
election results as well or better than the pollsters. industry. Most MR is conducted and sold by global
But, he sees his business as predicting, not polling. He MR companies, and nearly half of this by just six
also successfully predicts sports and a range of topics organisations 1. This will change with a blurring of
like Oscar winners. MR, business intelligence, data science and marketing
Market researchers are also in the prediction – and a growth in non-research organisations
business. The power that is being unleashed through offering research.
new software, apps, the Internet-of-things, new Google is listed by the GRIT report2 as both an
thinking, behavioural economics and neuroscience innovative buyer of research and an innovative

1. Global Market Research Report 2015 2.

3. 2011. Thinking Fast, and Slow. Penguin, UK. 4.

Research News October 2016 17

AMSRS Invited commentary from industry figures.

supplier of research. Google, Facebook and other sold to as part of research, they will have the right
online advertising platforms are gaining an ever- to request it, if people want to exchange masses of
larger share of the measurement, research and data to receive a reward they will be able to, if people
prediction business in terms of digital marketing and spend their own money as part of a research project
communications. (as some of the newer ‘research’ markets require
The skills of the market researcher (framing a them to do) they can.
business problem as a research problem, designing MR companies are increasingly competing with
research, gleaning insight and providing business non-research companies who are not bound by these
advice) will increasingly be in demand. But most codes, so their relevance is quickly disappearing.
researchers will not be working in a ‘MR company’ In future it will not be tenable for MR experts to tell
or ‘MR department’. Already, most client-side clients what research they should and should not do,
departments have become insight teams. They will and it will not be tenable to tell customers that we
expand to be problem solving, data using, insight know best.
generating groups over the next ten years.
Optimising your options
Dialectic, change and industry codes Given all the changes, how should market
The process of dialectic is based on the optimum researchers optimise their options? Whilst there are
outcome being achieved by both (or all) sides of no silver bullets, I suggest the following.
an argument being put as strongly as possible.
Traditionally MR codes of conduct have been a top- T-shaped workers
down affair. The ‘great and the good’ sought to create T-shaped workers have a broad knowledge of
rules and recommendations that ensure that MR many things and a deep knowledge of at least one
is conducted ethically in the interests of all parties specialisation. In the MR context, this means having
(citizens, businesses and market researchers). This a good, broad understanding of MR (including
grew out of the situation 70+ years ago, where there the traditional parts) and a deep understanding
were no rules and most people did not know about of a relevant area. As long as the deep area is not
MR. Change does not invalidate market researchers something in imminent decline (e.g. face-to-face
and their trade bodies resisting those changes they interviewer training) it does not matter too much
feel are unhelpful for clients or research participants, what the area is. My top picks for deep skills are
or bad for ‘science’ or the interests of people working data analytics, advanced qualitative techniques, and
in MR. It makes sense for trade bodies to defend MR project design.
ethics and to promote their application to an ever-
wider group of people. Business focus
But change is inevitable. Currently most research Traditionally market researchers saw themselves
and insight trade bodies argue for self-regulation as methodologists, somebody whose skills could
(because we know more about how to regulate be used across a wide range of businesses, from
ourselves than politicians do.) However, the days of pharma to auto, from baby to tech, and from finance
self-regulation are numbered. to FMCG. The modern market researcher is focused
The public is losing confidence in banks regulating on helping the business make better decisions, this
banks, advertisers regulating advertising and means being focused on the business problems
CEO’s regulating CEO remuneration. Citizens, and and context. The modern market researcher needs
in particular customers, expect to be in control. to work collaboratively with other groups having
Informed consent has always been a key part of complementary skills to produce better business
MR codes, but in the future it will be the overriding outcomes.
element of all data collection. If people want to be

18 Research News October 2016

Being an automation winner, not a loser on-year for the foreseeable future, automating
Automation will re-shape MR/insight and many jobs processes and developing partnerships with clients
will change or disappear. Our best option is to lead that create value.
the adoption of these new automation tools. The 3. For market researchers, it means becoming an
savvy market researcher will press for their part of acknowledged T-shaped worker – ensuring you
the business to be a pathfinder for automation, they have the wide awareness and deep knowledge
will seek out new opportunities and they will seek to of an area, and being business focused. It means
align their T-shaped skills with these new realities. becoming an automation winner – looking for new
solutions, working on pilot schemes and using
Most people should focus on fast and cheap automation to expand your personal productivity.
The growth in MR will be fuelled by research that
is fast and cheap enough to be used more and more
often. Business and much of the public sector want
more evidence-based decision making and expect
that to be facilitated by timely and cost-effective Ray Poynter
research. This does not mean that profit and wages
Ray has spent the last 35 years at the interface of
must or should decline – it means prices will decline.
market research, innovation and technology. Ray is
Automation, standardisation, smarter processes and the author of The Handbook of Online and Social
design need to ensure that results can be delivered Media Research and The Handbook of Mobile Market
that are scalable and protect both profit and salaries. Research, the founder of, and a frequent
speaker, chair and workshop leader at market research
The craft research business events around the world.
We have seen how craft beer and artisanal baking
have prospered at the same time as mass production.
Great researchers will have the chance to shun the
fast and cheap by focusing on problems that cannot
be solved this way. Clients will only use these craft
solutions when cheaper/faster solutions don’t work
AND where the problem needs to be answered – but
there will be plenty of these situations. In terms
of pricing models we will see a hollowing out of
the middle, there will be a massive growth of the
cheaper/faster type of research and respectable
growth in high cost, craft research.

Final thoughts
The future can be really good for market researchers.
1. For Insight departments, the key is going to be
their integration into more parts of the business, in
promoting evidence-based decision making, and in
widening their role from customer-related insight
to a broader concept of insight.
2. For MR companies, it means forming alliances with
new companies and non-MR companies, realising
that prices for most types of research will fall year-



Research News October 2016 19

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