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Suction Caisson Capacity in Anisotropic,

Purely Cohesive Soil

Charles Aubeny1; Seung-Woon Han2; and James D. Murff 3

Abstract: This paper presents a plastic limit analysis of the lateral load capacity of suction caissons in an anisotropic, purely cohesive
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soil assuming conditions of rotational symmetry about the vertical or gravity axis. The formulation utilizes a form of the Hill yield
criterion that is modified to allow for different soil strengths in triaxial compression and extension. Using this yield criterion, energy
dissipation relationships are formulated for continuous and discontinuous deformation fields. These dissipation relationships are then
applied to a postulated caisson failure mechanism comprising a wedge near the free soil surface 共mudline兲, a two-dimensional flow-around
failure at depth, and a hemispherical slip surface at the base of the rotating caisson. The plastic limit analysis predictions compared
favorably to predictions obtained from finite-element simulations employing a Hill yield criterion. For the range of anisotropic undrained
strength properties commonly reported for normally K 0 -consolidated clays, parametric studies indicate that suction caisson horizontal load
capacities predicted using a conventional approach 共a von Mises yield surface fitted to the soil simple shear strength兲 will differ from
anisotropic predictions by less than 10%.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1532-3641共2003兲3:2共225兲
CE Database subject headings: Soil suction; Cohesive soils; Plastic analysis; Anchors; Offshore structures.

Introduction Ou 1973; Ladd 1991兲. Methods for characterizing strength anisot-

ropy have been proposed by various authors. Casagrande and Car-
Suction caissons are large, hollow, cylindrical foundation ele- illo 共1944兲 proposed one of the earliest formulations, which was
ments 共resembling an inverted coffee can兲 used to anchor offshore able to model different soil strengths in triaxial compression and
facilities. They are installed by pressure drawdown within the extension; however, the soil strength in simple shear cannot be
cylinder, referred to as ‘‘suction,’’ after partial penetration of the independently specified. Hill 共1950兲 proposed extending the von
cylinder due to its dead weight. When suction caissons are used as Mises yield surface to an ellipsoidal form. Hill’s refinement can
anchors for floating structures, a reliable estimate of their hori- model independent strengths corresponding to up to five modes of
zontal load capacity is needed for both catenary mooring systems shearing 共triaxial, simple, cavity expansion, etc.兲, but cannot
that impose horizontal loads as well as taut mooring systems that model strength differences due to the sense of loading; most sig-
impose inclined loads. nificantly, triaxial compression and extension strengths cannot be
A major step in understanding the lateral load capacity of a independently specified. Davis and Christian 共1971兲 overcame the
cylinder embedded in soil was provided by Randolph and limitations of both the Casagrande-Carillo and Hill models using
Houlsby 共1984兲 who presented a two-dimensional plastic limit a modified elliptical yield surface that is not centered at the origin
analysis for smooth and rough cylinders for plane strain condi- in stress space. The Davis and Christian model permits soil
tions. Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲 developed an upper bound plas- strengths in triaxial compression, extension, and pure shear to be
tic limit analysis of horizontal load capacity of cylinders taking independently specified.
into account the presence of a free surface. Aubeny et al. 共2001兲 To assess the effects of strength anisotropy on suction caisson
present a simplified formulation of the Murff and Hamilton analy- lateral load capacity, the Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲 model was
sis, making it more amenable for use as a design tool. modified to incorporate anisotropic soil strength properties. Key
All of the aforementioned formulations assume isotropic soil elements of the modified anisotropic formulation are as follows:
with undrained strength properties. However, many clay soils ex- 1. The Hill anisotropic yield criterion is applied assuming con-
hibit anisotropic undrained strength properties 共e.g., Saada and ditions of rotational symmetry about the vertical or gravity
axis. The limitation noted previously regarding the Hill
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ., College model is overcome by specifying different yield surfaces for
Station, TX 77843. conditions of triaxial compression versus extension. The ma-
Research Assistant, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843. terial parameters necessary to define the Hill yield surface
Visiting Professor of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ., College can be obtained from interpretation of conventional geotech-
Station, TX 77843. nical shear test data.
Note. Discussion open until May 1, 2004. Separate discussions must 2. Energy dissipation relationships for conditions of strength
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one anisotropy presented by Murff 共1980兲 are utilized for the
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
case of: 共1兲 a continuously deforming region; and 共2兲 a dis-
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
continuity along a slip plane.
publication on February 4, 2002; approved on September 6, 2002. This
paper is part of the International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 3, No.
3. The velocity and strain rate fields comprising the suction
2, December 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641/2003/2- caisson failure mechanism postulated by Murff and Hamil-
225–235/$18.00. ton 共1993兲 are applied to the aforementioned energy dissipa-
tion relations. A least upper bound solution for suction cais-

Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

son lateral load capacity is then obtained using the same
optimization procedure used by Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲.
Upper bound solutions obtained from the modified formulation
are compared through comparisons to a linearly elastic, perfectly
plastic finite-element formulation that utilizes the Hill anisotropic
yield criterion.

Hill Anisotropic Yield Criterion

The Hill yield criterion is expressed in functional form as

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f ⫽J 1/2⫺k⫽0 (1a)
J⫽a 1 共 ␴ z ⫺␴ x 兲 2 ⫹a 2 共 ␴ y ⫺␴ z 兲 2 ⫹a 3 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ y 兲 2 ⫹a 4 ␶ 2zx

⫹a 5 ␶ 2yz ⫹a 6 ␶ 2xy (1b)

where k⫽strength measure; and a i ⫽experimentally determined
material constants. In the common situation of a K 0 -consolidated
soil, rotational symmetry exists about the vertical or z-axis;
hence, the x and y subscripts are interchangeable and it can be
shown that a 1 ⫽a 2 , a 4 ⫽a 5 , and a 6 ⫽2(a 1 ⫹2 a 3 ). In other
words, there are only three independent constants. Eq. 共1兲 then
reduces to
J⫽a 1 兵 共 ␴ z ⫺␴ x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ␴ y ⫺␴ z 兲 2 其 ⫹a 3 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ y 兲 2 ⫹a 4 共 ␶ 2zx ⫹␶ 2yz 兲

⫹2 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 ␶ 2xy (2)

Note that Eq. 共2兲 contains only three independent material
constants; hence, k can be selected arbitrarily. For isotropic ma-
terials, if k is taken as the soil strength in simple shear, a 1 ⫽a 3
⫽1/6, a 4 ⫽1, and J becomes the second invariant of the stress
deviation tensor.

Strength Variation due to Mode of Shearing

Evaluation of the three independent material parameters in Eq. 共2兲
requires shear strength measurements in three independent shear-
ing modes. For this purpose it is convenient to define shearing
modes that are approximated by conventional laboratory and field
tests, especially those tests that apply undrained shear starting
from the in situ consolidation stress state 共usually
K 0 -consolidation兲. Strengths measured in these modes are signifi-
cantly affected by anisotropic properties. The three independent
shearing modes used in this paper are as follows:
Triaxial shear corresponds to conditions 关Fig. 1共a兲兴 in which
the normal stress components in both horizontal directions are
equal (␴ x ⫽␴ y ) and ␶ xy , ␶ yz , and ␶ zx are all zero. The triaxial
shear strength is taken as
S uTX⫽ 共 ␴ z ⫺␴ x 兲 f (3a)
2 Fig. 1. 共a兲 Triaxial shear, S uTX ; 共b兲 direct simple shear, S uSSH ; 共c兲
pressuremeter shear, S uPM ; 共d兲 direct simple shear, S uSSV
where the subscript f designates stress conditions at failure.
Direct simple shear corresponds to the strength in simple shear
in a vertical plane 关Fig. 1共b兲兴:
can also be achieved in the laboratory using special tests that
S uSSV⫽␶ zx f ⫽␶ yz f (3b)
permit application of a deviatoric stress in a horizontal (x-y)
Pressuremeter shear corresponds to the idealized stress state plane, such as the true triaxial apparatus or the directional shear
occurring during an undrained pressuremeter test as depicted in cell. The pressuremeter shear strength S uPM is taken as one-half
Fig. 1共c兲: cylindrical cavity expansion under plane strain condi- the maximum difference between the normal stress components in
tions with respect to the vertical (z) coordinate. This stress state the x and y directions:


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

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Fig. 2. Triaxial compression and extension around rotating caisson

1 Fig. 3. Anisotropic yield surfaces

S uPM⫽ 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ y 兲 f (3c)
Under conditions of rotational symmetry about the vertical axis,
the pressuremeter strength will also equal the strength in simple front side of the failure surface at the base of the caisson. It
shear in a horizontal plane 关Fig. 1共d兲兴 S uSSH⫽␶ xy f , which corre- should be noted that triaxial shear does not in general occur ex-
sponds to the shear strength mobilized on the sides of the probe in clusively in these zones; i.e., these are zones of combined shear-
a vane shear test. ing in the triaxial, simple, and pressuremeter modes.
It is often convenient to use the simple shear strength S uSSV as A more rigorous approach to distinguishing between triaxial
the strength measure k. In this case, the material parameters a 1 , compression and extension can be made using the transformed
a 3 , and a 4 in Eq. 共2兲 can be shown 共see the Appendix to this tensorial measures used in some anisotropic constitutive soil
paper兲 to be as follows: models 共e.g., Whittle and Kavvadas 1994兲. For the case of triaxial

冉 冊 2 shear, a relevant strain rate measure is

1 S uSSV
a 1⫽ (4a) 1
8 S uTX
Ė TX⫽␧˙ z ⫺ 共 ␧˙ x ⫹␧˙ y 兲 (5)

冋冉 冊 册
1 S uSSV 2
a 3⫽ ⫺2a 1 (4b) Using a soil mechanics sign convention, positive and negative
4 S uPM
values of Ė TX correspond to triaxial compression and extension,
a 4 ⫽1 (4c) respectively. In cases of discontinuous deformations across a slip
In an isotropic von Mises material, S uSSV /S uTX⫽2/) and surface, the strain rates are actually infinite. However, it will be
S uSSV /S uPM⫽1. Substitution of these values into Eq. 共4兲 again later shown in this paper that the relative magnitudes of the strain
yields a 1 ⫽a 3 ⫽1/6, and a 4 ⫽1. rate components can be evaluated; hence, the sign of Ė TX in Eq.
共5兲 can always be determined.
Rather than the modified Hill approach adopted in this paper,
Strength Variations due to Sense of Loading
other authors 共e.g., Davis and Christian 1971兲, utilize a formula-
Undrained shear strength can also vary according to the sense of tion in which the center of an ellipsoidal yield surface 共Fig. 3兲 is
loading for a given mode of shearing. This effect can be important set equal to (S uTC⫹S uTE)/2 to model strength differences in tri-
when considering triaxial compression versus extension, for ex- axial compression and extension. A comparison of the yield sur-
ample. In K 0 -consolidated soils, the strength in compression faces corresponding to differing assumptions is shown in Fig. 3
(S uTC) along the consolidation axis can be more than twice that in for a typical normally consolidated clay in which S uTC⫽1.33
extension (S uTE). The Hill model expressed by Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 S uSSV and S uTE⫽0.67 S uSSV . Differences between the modified
cannot directly model strength differences according to the sense Hill surface and the Davis and Christian yield surface are rela-
of loading for a given shearing mode. However, it is possible to tively small. The chief difference is that, for the modified Hill
specify different yield surfaces according to whether triaxial com- approach, the maximum resistance in simple shear, ␶ xy f , is mo-
pression or extension is expected within a given element of soil. bilized under conditions of zero triaxial stress, (␴ y ⫺␴ x )⫽0,
Such a procedure is quite straightforward in upper bound plastic- while the Davis and Christian surface has the maximum simple
ity calculations, where velocities and strain rates are completely shearing resistance occurring when (␴ y ⫺␴ x )⫽(S uTC⫹S uTE)/2.
defined in advance of stress and energy dissipation calculations. Also shown in Fig. 3 is the von Mises yield surface as it is
This ‘‘modified Hill’’ formulation is used subsequently through- commonly utilized, i.e., when the second invariant of the devia-
out this paper. toric stress tensor at yield is assumed equal to the square of
For relatively simple collapse mechanisms, zones where tri- simple shear strength of the soil, S uSSV . As is evident in Fig. 3,
axial compression and extension occur can be identified by in- the von Mises surface significantly underestimates the triaxial
spection. Fig. 2 illustrates these zones for a rigidly rotating cais- compression strength and overestimates the triaxial extension
son for the typical case of the load attachment point being above strength.
the center of rotation. In this case, triaxial extension occurs in the Randolph 共2000兲 adopted the Davis and Christian 共1971兲 yield
surface failure wedge ahead of the caisson and on the backside of surface described previously in his study of the effects of strength
the failure surface at the base of the caisson. Triaxial compression anisotropy on bearing capacity of shallow foundations, penetrom-
occurs in the surface failure wedge behind the caisson and on the eter resistance, and lateral load capacity of suction caissons. An-


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

isotropic strength characteristics are based on triaxial test mea-
surements in compression and extension, and from simple shear
data when available. When simple shear data are not available,
Randolph recommends assigning a default value for simple shear
strength equal to the average of the triaxial compression and ex-
tension strengths. In the absence of experimental data, Randolph
assumes the plane strain shear strength in a horizontal plane
(S uPM and S uSSH) to be equal to the triaxial extension strength. He
notes that this is a conservative assumption. As will be discussed
subsequently, in this paper the plane strain strength in a horizontal
plane is assumed equal to the shear strength in a vertical plane, a
somewhat less conservative assumption. Randolph’s plasticity so-
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lutions using an anisotropic yield formulation provide a very

plausible explanation for spherical and cylindrical penetrometers Fig. 4. Mechanism at discontinuous deformation
having similar measured resistance factors, when isotropic plas-
ticity and finite-element solutions indicate that resistance factors
for spherical shapes should exceed cylindrical shapes by 25%. Substituting Eq. 共7兲 into Eq. (6a兲 gives the rate of dissipation
per unit volume in the transition zone
Energy Dissipation
Development of an upper bound formulation requires energy dis-
Ḋ ⫽
k a1
t 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 再 冋冉 v ⬘r n r ⫺
v ⬘n
a1 z z 冊 冉

v ⬘ n ⫺ v ⬘␪ n ␪
a1 z z 冊册

sipation relationships for continuously deforming regions as well a3 1

as for discontinuous deformations across a slip surface. ⫹ 2 共v⬘
␪ n ␪ ⫺ v r⬘ n r 兲 2 ⫹ 关共 v z⬘ n r ⫺ v r⬘ n z 兲 2
共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 a4

Continuous Deformation
Murff 共1978兲 invokes the normality rule with the yield relation-
⫹ 共 v ␪⬘ n z ⫺ v z⬘ n ␪ 兲 2 兴 ⫹
共 v ⬘ n ⫺ v ⬘␪ n r 兲 2
2 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 r ␪ 冎 1/2

ship in Eq. 共2兲 to obtain the rate of energy dissipation per unit The rate of dissipation per unit surface area of discontinuity is
volume in a continuously deforming material then found to be

Ḋ⫽k 再 a1
共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 冋冉 a3
␧˙ ⫺␧˙ x
a1 z 冊 冉
⫹ ␧˙ y ⫺
a1 z 冊册
Ḋ A ⫽ lim 共 tḊ 兲

a3 4 in which the thickness term, t, simply cancels.

⫹ 共 ␧˙ ⫺␧˙ y 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ␧˙ 2xz ⫹␧˙ 2yz 兲
共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 x a4

␧˙ 2
共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 xy 冎 1/2
Laterally Loaded Caisson Failure Mechanism

Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲 postulate a collapse mechanism for

where ␧˙ i j ⫽corresponding plastic strain rate 共or increment兲. piles or caissons as illustrated in Fig. 5. Near the soil surface, a
For the isotropic case (a 1 ⫽a 3 ⫽1/6, a 4 ⫽1) this reduces to the deforming conical wedge forms and is pushed up by the pile,
well-known result for the von Mises yield condition which itself may translate, rotate, or both. Below the wedge the
soil flows around the caisson in a plane strain mode. In the gen-
Ḋ⫽k 冑2␧˙ i j ␧˙ i j (6b) eral formulation, a plastic hinge may form in the pile. However,
as suction caissons typically behave as short piles, the present
Discontinuous Deformation formulation considers only rigid body motions of the caisson. For
the initial development, a gap is assumed at the back of the pile,
Murff 共1980兲 calculates the rate of energy dissipation on a slip but this restriction can be easily removed, as discussed in a later
surface by assuming a transition zone of thickness t undergoing a section. To characterize velocities and strain rates associated with
uniform strain rate as shown in Fig. 4. The strains in the transition this mechanism, Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲 introduce four opti-
zone are mization parameters: 共1兲 z 0 ⫽depth of wedge; 共2兲 r 0 ⫽radial ex-
1 tent of wedge; 共3兲 L 0 ⫽depth to center of rotation; and 共4兲 ␣
␧˙ i j ⫽ 共 v ⬘ n ⫹ v ⬘j n i 兲 (7) ⫽exponent that controls the distribution of radial velocity in the
2t i j
where v i ⫽components of the tangential velocity vector of the Fig. 5共b兲 shows six areas of energy dissipation associated with
upper block relative to the lower block; and n j ⫽components of the collapse mechanism in Fig. 5共a兲: 共1兲 internal deformations in
the unit vector normal to the discontinuity surface on the lower the wedge (E 1 ); 共2兲 the interface between the wedge and the rigid
block. The prime ( ⬘ ) symbol is used on velocity terms to empha- far-field soil (E 2 ); 共3兲 the interface between the wedge and the
size that a relative velocity across the discontinuity is being con- caisson boundary (E 3 ); 共4兲 the flow-around zone above the rota-
sidered. For the purpose of distinguishing between triaxial com- tion point (E 4 ); 共5兲 the flow-around zone below the rotation point
pression versus extension using Eq. 共5兲, only the term in (E 5 ); and 共6兲 the bottom of the caisson (E 6 ).
parentheses on the right-hand side of Eq. 共7兲 need be evaluated, We assume that the circumferential velocity v ␪ vanishes in soil
because only the relative magnitudes of the various strain rate regions associated with the wedge and invoke the incompressibil-
components are needed to determine the sign of Ė TX . ity conditions therein. This allows us to obtain the following ve-


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

Wedge-Rigid Soil Interface
The soil outside the wedge is assumed rigid; hence, the relative
velocity across the wedge-rigid soil interface is obtained by
evaluating velocity terms in Eq. 共8兲 at the wedge boundary. In this
case the relevant equation describing the boundary is
z 共 r 0 ⫺R 兲
r⫽⫺ ⫹r 0 (11)
Velocities are obtained by substitution of Eq. 共11兲 into Eq. 共9兲.
The associated components of the unit normal vectors on this
discontinuity are
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n r ⫽⫺ (12a)
冑 z 0 ⫹ 共 r 0 ⫺R 兲 2

r 0 ⫺R
n z ⫽⫺ (12b)
冑 z 0 ⫹ 共 r 0 ⫺R 兲 2

n ␪ ⫽0 (12c)
Substitution of these velocity and unit vector terms into Eq. 共7兲
provides the rate of energy dissipation per unit surface area along
the discontinuity. Integrating over the area yields

冑 冉
冉 cz

冊 冕
R ␣ 1⫺
r 0 ⫺R 2 z0 z0

冉 冊
Ė 2 ⫽2k v 0 1⫹ C1 ␣⫺1 dz
z0 0 z 共 r 0 ⫺R 兲
r 0⫺
Fig. 5. 共a兲 Failure mechanism for laterally loaded caisson; 共b兲 energy z0
dissipations for laterally loaded caisson (13)

locity distribution within the surface wedge in cylindrical coordi-

C 1⫽ 再 a1
共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 冋冉 n r⫹
a3 z0
a 1 r 0 ⫺R z 冊 冉

a3 z0
a 1 r 0 ⫺R z 冊册

冉 冊冎
nates (r, ␪, z), corresponding to a virtual radial velocity v 0 at the 2 1/2
top center of the leading edge of a caisson of radius R 共Murff and a3 1 z0
⫹ n 2⫹ n ⫺ n
Hamilton 1993兲 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 r a 4 r r 0 ⫺R z

v r⫽ v 0 冉 冊冉 冊

cos ␪ (9a) Wedge-Caisson Interface

冉 冊
v z ⫽g 共 r,␪ 兲 z⫺
cz 2
2z 0
⫹h 共 r,␪ 兲 (9b)
To permit total or partial adhesion at the pile-soil interface, Eq.
共8b兲 may be modified as follows:

where Ḋ A ⫽␩ lim 共 tḊ 兲 (14)

共 ␣⫺1 兲 R ␣
g 共 r,␪ 兲 ⫽ v 0 cos ␪ with limiting values of ␩⫽0 for no adhesion and ␩⫽1 for full
r 1⫹␣

h 共 r,␪ 兲 ⫽ v 0 z 0 cos ␪冉 冊 冉 冊再

r 0 ⫺r
r 0 ⫺R

r 0 ⫺r
⫹ 冉 冊c
r 0 ⫺R
The relative velocity components across the soil-caisson inter-
face 共i.e., where r⫽R) are as follows:

冋 冉 冊册 冎
c r 0 ⫺r v r⬘ ⫽0 (15a)

再 冉 冊 冋 冉 冊册
r 2 r 0 ⫺r 共 ␣⫺1 兲 cz 2 c⫺1 1⫺␣ c
v z⬘ ⫽ v 0 cos ␪ z⫺ ⫹z 0 ⫹ 1⫺
R 2z 0 r 0 ⫺R R 2

冉 冊 冎
Internal Energy Dissipation in Wedge
cz R
The dissipation rate per unit volume within the wedge is com- ⫹ 1⫺ (15b)
z 0 z 0 /c⫺z
puted by differentiation of Eq. 共9兲 to obtain strain rates and sub-
stitution of these strain rate terms into Eq. 共6兲. The total dissipa-
tion rate is obtained by integrating over the volume of the wedge v ⬘␪ ⫽ v 0 L 1⫺ 冉 cz
z0 冊
sin ␪ (15c)

Ė 1 ⫽2 冕 冕
r⫽r 0

z⫽z 0 [(r 0 ⫺r)/(r 0 ⫺R)]

Ḋrd␪dzdr (10) Noting that the unit normal vectors along this slip surface are
n r ⫽1 and n z ⫽n ␪ ⫽0, substitution of Eq. 共15兲 into Eq. 共8兲 yields


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

Ė 3 ⫽2␩kR 冕冕 冋

␲/2 1 2
vz ⫹

v 2 d␪dz
2 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 ␪

Flow-Around Zone
For the case of rotational strength anisotropy, the energy dissipa-
tion for flow-around (E 4 and E 5 ) is computed on exactly the
same lines as for the isotropic strength case, provided one recog-
nizes that the appropriate strength parameter is the pressuremeter
shear strength or simple shear strength in a horizontal plane,
S uPM⫽S uSSH . The dissipation rate along a unit length 共measured
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in the vertical direction兲 of the caisson is then

Ḋ⫽DS uPMN p v (17a)

v ⫽␤˙ 冉 冊 冉
⫺z ⫽ v 0 1⫺
z0 冊 (17b)

The appropriate bearing factors N p of 9.14 and 11.94 are provided

by Randolph and Houlsby 共1984兲 for no and full adhesion, re-
spectively, along the soil-caisson interface.
Computation of Eq. 共17兲 will depend on whether the center of
rotation L 0 is above or below the bottom of the caisson. If it is
above the bottom of the caisson (L 0 ⬍L f )

Ė 4 ⫽ 冕z0
z 0 /c
2R N p S uPMv 0 1⫺ 冉 冊 cz
dz (18)

Ė 5 ⫽ 冕 lf

z 0 /c
2R N p S uPMv 0 冉 冊 cz
⫺1 dz (19)

Conversely, if the center of rotation is below the bottom of the


Ė 4 ⫽ 冕 lf

2R N p S uPMv 0 1⫺ 冉 cz
dz冊 (20)

Ė 5 ⫽0 (21)

Tip Resistance
Dissipation over the caisson tip is idealized as a spherical seg-
ment fixed to the pile tip with a center at the point of rotation.
Using a spherical coordinate system 共␳, ␾, ␻兲 with origin at the
intersection of the center of rotation of the mechanism and the Fig. 6. 共a兲 Failure mechanism at tip of caisson; 共b兲 spherical coordi-
centerline of the pile 共Fig. 6兲, the dissipation is integrated over the nate system
spherical surface, limited by its intersection with the pile wall.
The velocity components are transformed to Cartesian coordi-
nates for convenient implementation in Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲

v ⬘x ⫽0 (22a) n y ⫽cos ␾ sin ␻ (23c)

By substituting these velocity and unit normal vector components
v ⬘y ⫽⫺R 3 sin ␺ (22b) into Eq. 共8兲, it is shown that
共 z 0 /c 兲

v z⬘ ⫽⫺R 3
cos ␺ (22c)
Ė 6 ⫽ 冕 冕␾⫽2␲

␾⫽0 ␻⫽0

␻⫽sin⫺1 (R/ R 2 ⫹R 1 )
2 kR 32 v 0
共 z 0 /c 兲
A 1 C 2 sin ␻d␻d␾
共 z 0 /c 兲 (24)
where ␺⫽tan⫺1关cos ␻/(sin ␻ cos ␾)兴; R3 where
⫽R 2 冑cos ␻⫹(sin ␻ sin ␾)2; R 2 ⫽ 冑R 2 ⫹R 21 ; R 1 ⫽L f
再 冋冉 冊 冉 冊册
and 2 2
⫺ z 0 /c. a1 a3 a3 a3
C 2⫽ A 2⫹ A ⫹ A ⫹ A2
Unit normal vectors are similarly transformed 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 a1 3 a1 3 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 2 2
n x ⫽sin ␾ cos ␻
n z ⫽cos ␻

关共 A 4 ⫺A 5 兲 2 ⫹A 26 兴 ⫹
冎 A2
2 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 7


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

where A 1 ⫽ 冑cos2 ␻⫹(sin ␻ sin ␾)2; A 2 ⫽sin ␺ sin ␾ sin ␻; A 3 Table 1. Comparison of Isotropic FEM and PLA Estimates of
⫽cos ␺ cos ␻; A 4 ⫽sin ␺ cos ␻; A 5 ⫽cos ␺ sin ␾ sin ␻; A 6 Suction Caisson Lateral Load Capacity
⫽cos ␺ cos ␾ sin ␻; and A 7 ⫽sin ␺ cos ␾ sin ␻. L f /D FEM capacity, F/S u LD PLA capacity, F/S u LD F FEM /F PLA
2 5.20 4.36 1.19
4 4.76 4.69 1.01
Minimum Upper Bound Solution 6 4.98 4.77 1.04
10 5.33 4.83 1.10
With the energy dissipation terms thus derived, the external hori- Infinite 13.19 11.94 1.10
zontal load F can be evaluated from

F v 0 1⫺
⫽冊 兺i Ė i ⫺Ẇ g (25)
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L0 the FEM simulations tend to overestimate the PLA solutions due

to the relatively coarse mesh used in the three-dimensional model.
On the other hand, in an elastoplastic FEM analysis of a rotating
The energy dissipation terms Ė i are described in the previous
caisson, the ultimate lateral resistance in the elastic region near
section, and the work done by the soil weight in a gravitational
the center of rotation cannot be fully mobilized, leading to an
field 共Murff and Hamilton 1993兲 is
underestimate of the full capacity. The progressive improved

冕 冕 冕
r⫽r 0 z⫽z 0 [(r 0 ⫺r)/(r 0 ⫺R)] ␪⫽␲/2 agreement between PLA and FEM solutions for shorter aspect
Ẇ g ⫽2 v z ␥ ⬘ rd␪dzdr ratios 共Table 1, L f /D⫽10, 6, and 4兲 suggest that the latter effect
r⫽R z⫽0 ␪⫽0 is increasingly significant and the tendency for the errors to can-
(26) cel increases with decreasing caisson aspect ratio. However, for
where v z is given by Eq. 共9b兲. very short caissons, L f /D⫽2, the trend reverses and the FEM
The virtual velocity terms are cancelled and the lateral load F simulation overestimates the PLA capacity by nearly 20%. This
latter case, L f /D⫽2, suggests that the postulated failure mecha-
is minimized with respect to the four optimization parameters
nism used in the PLA analysis is probably less accurate for very
described earlier.
short caissons. More detailed comparisons of FEM and PLA so-
lutions for suction caisson load capacity in an isotropic soil are
presented by Aubeny et al. 共2001兲.
Comparison to Finite-Element Method Solutions For the anisotropic simulations, the following conditions were
selected for the test case: load application point at the mudline,
To evaluate the analytical procedure described previously, a series full adhesion between the soil and the caisson, and full develop-
of plastic limit analysis 共PLA兲 predictions of lateral load capacity ment of suction behind the caisson. A series of suction caissons of
was compared to finite-element method 共FEM兲 simulations. The varying aspect ratios (L f /D⫽2, 4, 6, and 10兲 were considered.
finite-element simulations were performed using the anisotropic Undrained strength properties typical of normally consolidated
yield option available in the computer code ABAQUS 共HKS clay 共to be discussed subsequently兲 were selected for the
2000兲. The material model features linearly elastic behavior be- analyses—that is, with the axis of symmetry aligned with vertical.
neath the yield surface, a Hill yield criterion 关Eq. 共1兲兴, an associ- All analyses assigned a pressuremeter shear strength equal to the
ated flow rule, and perfect plasticity following yield. The FEM simple shear strength, S uPM /S uSSV⫽1. Three cases were consid-
model used three-dimensional, eight-node, linear brick elements. ered for characterizing the triaxial shear strength:
Prior to presenting the FEM/PLA comparisons, the limitations • A triaxial shear strength typical of triaxial compression,
of both approaches should be recognized. Accurate estimates of S uTX /S uSSV⫽1.57, was assigned to all soil elements.
limit load capacity from FEM analyses are difficult to achieve, • A triaxial shear strength typical of triaxial extension,
particularly for a rotating body. The PLA formulation utilized in S uTX /S uSSV⫽0.73, was assigned to all of the soil.
this paper is actually an assemblage of three independent upper • A strength S uTC /S uSSV⫽1.57 was assigned to the zones of tri-
bound solutions and hence not a rigorous upper bound solution in axial compression, and S uTE /S uSSV⫽0.73 was assigned to
zones of triaxial extension depicted in Fig. 2.
itself. Therefore, neither solution can be considered as a bench-
It should be noted that the first two cases are not realistic
mark or ‘‘true’’ solution. Nevertheless, comparisons between the
conditions of anisotropy and that these runs were performed pri-
methods can provide useful insights into the limitations of each
marily for the purpose of evaluating the FEM and PLA numerical
A series of isotropic analyses were performed initially to Because the ABAQUS Hill yield model cannot differentiate
evaluate the FEM model. For an infinitely long translating caisson between triaxial compression and extension strengths, different
with full adhesion on the boundary, the FEM analysis predicts a material parameters were assigned beforehand to elements in an-
normalized load capacity F/S u LD⫽13.12, which exceeds the ticipated zones of compression and extension. In front of the cais-
Randolph and Houlsby 共1984兲 solution of 11.94 by 10%. This son, an extension zone was assumed to occur above the rotation
overestimate is due somewhat to computer storage capacity re- point with compression occurring below the rotation point. The
strictions on the degree of mesh refinement for a three- opposite was assumed to occur behind the caisson: compression
dimensional model. For a long finite length caisson, L f /D⫽10, above and extension below the rotation point. An estimate of the
with a load attachment point at the mudline, the FEM simulation depth to the rotation point was made based on PLA solutions.
also overestimates the PLA by 10%. However, for shorter cais- Comparisons between FEM and PLA solutions for anisotropic
sons, L f /D⫽4 and 6, the FEM and PLA solutions are in much soils are summarized in Table 2. The horizontal load capacity F is
closer agreement. This improved agreement is attributed to com- normalized to a dimensionless ratio using the simple shear
pensating errors associated with the FEM solution. On one hand, strength S uSSV as a reference:


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

Table 2. Lateral Load Capacity of Suction Caisson in Soil Profile Table 3. Optimal Center of Rotation for Suction Caisson in Soil
with Uniform Strength Profile and Load Application Point at Mud- Profile with Uniform Strength Profile and Load Application Point at
line: Full Adhesion at Soil-Caisson Interface and Full Development Mudline: Full Adhesion at Soil-Caisson Interface and Full Develop-
of Suction behind Caisson ment of Suction behind Caisson
Normalized capacity, Strength properties L 0 /L f
Strength propertiesa F/S uSSVLD S uTE /S uSSV
2 0.866 共isotropic 0.866 共isotropic 0.76 0.78
2 1.57 1.57 6.30 5.08 1.24 von Mises兲 von Mises兲
4 5.65 5.06 1.12 6 0.71 0.74
6 5.51 5.03 1.10 10 0.74 0.74
10 5.35 5.02 1.07 2 1.57 0.73 0.72 0.78
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6 0.73 0.73 4.93 4.74 1.04 6 0.71 0.75

2 1.57 0.73 5.85 4.61 1.27 10 0.70 0.74
6 5.20 4.85 1.07
10 5.32 4.90 1.09
S uPM /S uSSV⫽1. Comparisons of the optimal centers of rotation for the FEM
and PLA analyses are shown in Table 3. Estimates of the depth to
the center of rotation from the FEM analyses slightly exceeded
F the PLA estimates for both isotropic and anisotropic soils. Both
F normal⫽ (27) the PLA and FEM analyses indicate that strength anisotropy has
S uSSVL f D little effect on the optimal depth to the center of rotation.
Table 2 shows that, when the triaxial shear strength in both Overall, the FEM/PLA comparisons indicate reasonable agree-
compression and extension exceeds the simple shear strength, ment between solutions for medium to long caissons, i.e., for
S uTX /S uSSV⫽1.57, the trend of compensating errors in the finite- aspect ratios L f /D of 4 and greater. Hence, the anisotropic PLA
element analyses noted previously for the isotropic analyses does model developed is judged to provide reasonable estimates of
not occur. A likely explanation for this observation is that, with load capacity for these caisson aspect ratios. For short caissons,
the high strength in the triaxial shear mode, a much greater pro- L f /D less than 2, the relatively large disparity between the FEM
portion of the caisson’s rotational resistance occurs at the top 共in and PLA solutions suggests that the accuracy of the PLA formu-
the surface failure wedge兲 and bottom 共in the hemispherical slip lation used in this paper deteriorates for very short caissons. In all
surface兲 of the caisson, far from the center of rotation. Hence, the the cases presented, the FEM solutions exceeded the ‘‘upper
fact that full soil resistance is not mobilized near the center of bound’’ PLA solution. This apparent contradiction can be ex-
rotation becomes less significant. The other FEM simulations for plained by noting first that the FEM analysis is itself an approxi-
anisotropic soils, S uTX /S uSSV⫽0.73 and S uTC /S uSSV⫽1.57 with mate solution, and second that the PLA formulation utilized in
S uTE /S uSSV⫽0.73, show trends similar to the FEM results for this paper is not, strictly speaking, a rigorous upper bound solu-
isotropic soils; namely, except for short caissons, L f /D less than tion.
or equal to 2, differences between the PLA and FEM solutions
decrease with decreasing aspect ratios. As in the isotropic analy-
ses for L f /D⫽2, the FEM predictions exceed the PLA solutions Parametric Studies
by about 20%, again suggesting that the PLA method becomes
less accurate for short caissons having aspect ratios L f /D less To evaluate the effects of strength anisotropy on suction caisson
than or equal to about 2. capacity, a series of PLA load capacity predictions were made for
The normalized load capacities reported in Table 2 for the case a realistic range of anisotropic strength properties obtained from
of triaxial shear strength exceeding the simple shear strength, published literature.
S uTX /S uSSV⫽1.57, show what might be considered an unusual
trend in that the normalized capacity decreases with increasing
Material Parameters
caisson aspect ratio. This is in contrast to isotropic analyses show-
ing an opposite trend. This unusual trend is actually a conse- The parametric study considers a range of anisotropic strength
quence of the definition of normalized horizontal capacity. Eq. ratios S uTC /S uSSV⫽1.04 to 1.33 for triaxial compression and
共27兲 normalizes F by the simple shear strength, S uSSV , which is S uTE /S uSSV⫽0.55 to 0.96 for triaxial extension. Excluding con-
the dominant shearing mode 共assuming S uSSV⫽S uPM) for long sideration of varved clays, this range of anisotropic strength prop-
caissons. However, as shorter caissons are considered, the triaxial erties generally encompasses 共with one exception兲 the range un-
shear resistance S uTX mobilized in the surface failure wedge and drained strength ratios reported by Ladd 共1991兲 for normally
at the bottom of the caisson exerts an increasingly greater influ- K 0 -consolidated clays and silts in simple shear and triaxial com-
ence on capacity. Hence, the simple shear strength S uSSV used in pression and extension. The exception is the ‘‘B2 Marine Clay’’
the normalization is somewhat lower than the average soil reported by Ladd having an unusually low extension strength,
strength, resulting in a normalized load capacity somewhat higher S uTE /S uSSV⫽0.41. It is noted that the strengths reported by Ladd
than what might otherwise be expected. Anisotropic FEM simu- are based on mobilized shear resistance at comparable strain lev-
lations for the more realistic case of differing strengths in triaxial els, using the strain compatibility technique described by Kout-
compression and extension, S uTC /S uSSV⫽1.57 with S uTE /S uSSV softas and Ladd 共1985兲.
⫽0.73, show a trend similar to isotropic analyses—namely, nor- It is sometimes useful to consider the effects of strength an-
malized capacity increases with increasing aspect ratio L f /D ex- isotropy in light of the commonly employed isotropic analysis, in
cept for very short caissons. which a von Mises yield surface is matched to the soil strength in


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

Table 4. Undrained Strength Anisotropy in Typical Normally Table 5. Strength Parameters Considered in Parametric Study
Consolidated Clays Case S uTC /S uSSV S uTE /S uSSV
Direction Anisotropic Ratio of actual to von Mises
A 1.33 0.96
of shearing strength ratio isotropic triaxial strength
B 1.33 0.55
Compression S uTC /S uSSV S uTC /S uTX (isotropic) C 1.04 0.96
⫽1.04– 1.33 ⫽1.20– 1.54 D 1.04 0.55
Extension S uTE /S uSSV S uTE /S uTX (isotropic)
⫽0.55– 0.96 ⫽0.64– 1.11
wedge behind the pile, and for anchor line attachment points at
the top and middepth of the caisson. PLA predictions were also
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simple shear, S uSSH . In such an analysis, the strength of the soil in made based on a conventional isotropic analysis with the von
a triaxial shearing mode 共compression or extension兲 will be Mises yield surface matched to the simple shear strength of the
S uTX (isotropic)⫽0.866 S uSSV . Expressing actual triaxial soil S uSSV . The anisotropic strength cases A through D are shown
strengths in terms of the triaxial strengths derived from an isotro- in dashed lines in Fig. 7; while the conventional isotropic analy-
pic von Mises yield criterion 共Table 4兲 shows that actual triaxial ses are indicated by solid lines.
compression strengths will typically exceed von Mises triaxial The predictions in Fig. 7 indicate the following:
strengths by about 20–50%. Actual extension strengths can range • Predictions of horizontal load capacity using an anisotropic
from about 40% less to 10% greater than von Mises triaxial strength model differ from conventional isotropic predictions
strengths. Hence, the von Mises criterion will tend to be quite by less than 10%.
conservative for shearing modes involving triaxial compression. • When no gap occurs behind the caisson, the effects of strength
It will sometimes, but not always, be unconservative for shearing anisotropy become quite small for caissons with aspect ratios
in triaxial extension. L f /D⬎6. This result was to be expected, because for longer
Much less data are available regarding the pressuremeter caissons the relative influence of the surface failure wedges
strength S uPM , particularly in view of the unreliability of strength diminishes; hence, the load capacity is increasingly dominated
estimates from the pressuremeter test due to pressuremeter instal- by the simple shear strength in the flow-around failure zone.
lation disturbance and finite membrane length effects described • When no gap occurs behind the caisson, the conventional iso-
by Aubeny et al. 共2000兲. However, a review of shear strength data tropic analysis tends to give somewhat conservative results,
for resedimented K 0 -consolidated Boston Blue Clay 共BBC兲 by except for the condition of a low triaxial extension strength
Whittle and Aubeny 共1993兲 included strength comparisons for the 共Case D兲, in which case the isotropic analysis is unconserva-
triaxial compression and extension, direct simple shear, and pres- tive by a very small amount.
suremeter shear modes for normally to moderately overconsoli-
dated conditions. The pressuremeter strengths were derived from
true triaxial test data from Wood 共1981兲 on normally consolidated
BBC, and from directional shear cell test data from O’Neill
共1985兲 on moderately overconsolidated (OCR⫽4 – 5) BBC. In
both instances the pressuremeter shear strength S uPM was compa-
rable to the direct simple shear strength S uSSV . Based on this
somewhat limited data set, the pressuremeter strength was taken
equal to the direct simple shear strength for all cases considered
in this parametric study.

Horizontal Load Capacity Predictions

A series of PLA predictions were made for capacity of horizon-
tally loaded suction caissons in a soil having a uniform strength
profile considering caisson aspect ratios L f /D⫽2 to 10. Two con-
ditions were considered for the active wedge of soil behind the
pile. The first condition assumed that suction could develop be-
tween the soil and the caisson; hence, no gap would occur be-
tween soil and caisson, and the shearing resistance in the active
wedge would contribute to horizontal load capacity. The second
condition assumed that no suction could be mobilized in the ac-
tive wedge behind the caisson; hence, a gap would develop be-
tween the soil and the caisson in this active zone. Full adhesion at
the soil-pile interface was assumed at any locations where the soil
and caisson were in contact.
The parametric study evaluated four cases with different com-
binations of the reported upper and lower bounds of triaxial com-
pression and extension strengths. These situations, designated
Cases A through D, are listed in Table 5. The parametric studies
Fig. 7. Effect of strength anisotropy on load capacity of suction
were performed for conditions of no suction versus full suction
anchor in soil with uniform strength profile
共gap or no gap兲 at the soil-pile interface in the active failure


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

• When a gap is assumed to occur behind the caisson, the con- behind the caisson, an isotropic analysis can be slightly unconser-
ventional isotropic analysis can be somewhat unconservative vative, particularly for soils having low undrained shear strength
for conditions of low triaxial extension strength 共Cases B and in triaxial extension.
D兲, but the magnitude of the overestimate is less than 10%. It To a large extent, the relatively small effects of anisotropy
should be noted that, when a gap forms, the effects of a low predicted by this study result from the assumption that the pres-
triaxial extension strength in the passive surface wedge are no suremeter shear strength S uPM equals the direct simple shear
longer offset by the effects of the high triaxial compression strength S uSSV . As noted in this paper, there is some experimental
strength in the active wedge; hence, anisotropic model predic- basis for this assumption; however, the database for reliable com-
tions will be lower than those from an isotropic model. parisons between S uPM and S uSSV is quite sparse, particularly for
• In contrast to the no-gap predictions, the predictions for the natural soils. The findings of Randolph 共2000兲 indicating that the
gap condition show noticeable strength anisotropy effects for effects of soil strength anisotropy can be significant in situations
all aspect ratios. Because the shearing resistance in the passive in which the pressuremeter strength S uPM approximates the tri-
Downloaded from by YILDIZ TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI on 03/05/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

wedge is dominated by the relatively low 共for Cases B and D兲 axial extension strength S uTE should be borne in mind. Hence, the
triaxial extension strength, the optimization routine tends to effects of anisotropy on suction caisson load capacity should con-
maximize the depth of the surface failure wedge until it ex- tinue to be considered, particularly until sufficient experimental
tends to nearly the full depth of the caisson. Hence, when a data exist to permit the assumption of equality between S uPM and
gap develops behind the caisson, the influence of the surface S uSSV to be made with greater confidence.
failure wedge does not decline with increasing aspect ratio as
much as it does for the no-gap case.
The parametric studies summarized herein apply to uniform Appendix. Anisotropic Material Parameters
soil strength conditions. Actual strength conditions often are more
appropriately characterized by a strength profile that increases If triaxial shear conditions (␴ x ⫽␴ y , ␶ xy ⫽␶ yz ⫽␶ zx ⫽0) are ap-
linearly with depth. Under these conditions, the effect of strength plied to Eq. 共2兲
anisotropy can normally be expected to be less than that corre-
sponding to uniform conditions. The reason for this expectation is k 2 ⫽2a 1 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ z 兲 2
that the effects of soil strength anisotropy are most significant If k is taken as S uSSV and, noting that (␴ x ⫺␴ z ) f ⫽2 S uTX , it
when resistance mobilized in the surface failure wedge comprises follows that

冉 冊
a significant portion of the total load capacity. Under conditions 2
where the soil strength profile increases with depth, this is not 1 S uSSV
a 1⫽ (28)
likely to be the case. Because the soil strength increases with 8 S uTX
depth, most of the caisson load capacity tends to be mobilized in Applying the conditions for undrained cylindrical cavity expan-
the flow-around zone beneath the surface failure wedge where, sion (2␴ z ⫽␴ x ⫹␴ y , ␶ xy ⫽␶ yz ⫽␶ zx ⫽0) to Eq. 共2兲 leads to
provided that the shearing resistance for loading in a horizontal
plane approximates that in a vertical plane, anisotropic effects are a1
k 2⫽ 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ y 兲 2f ⫹a 3 共 ␴ x ⫺␴ y 兲 2f
small. 2
Again, taking k as S uSSV and noting that (␴ x ⫺␴ y ) f ⫽2S uPM leads

冋冉 冊 册
Summary and Conclusions
1 S uSSV 2
a 3⫽ ⫺2a 1 (29)
A plastic limit formulation for horizontal load capacity for suction 4 S uPM
caissons in an anisotropic soil is presented. The formulation uti- Alternatively, one can consider the case of simple shear in a ver-
lizes a Hill yield criterion to characterize anisotropic strength be- tical plane. In this case, Eq. 共2兲 yields
havior, and the present formulation is restricted to conditions of
rotational symmetry about the vertical axis. Different yield sur- 2
S uSSV⫽2 共 a 1 ⫹2a 3 兲 S uSSH

faces are specified for the soil according to whether a soil element
Imposing a condition of rotational symmetry, S uSSV⫽S uPM , also
experiences triaxial compression or extension to realistically
leads to Eq. 共29兲.
simulate strength behavior for these loading conditions. Material
parameters characterizing the Hill yield surface are readily de-
rived from conventional geotechnical tests. The anisotropic yield
surface is implemented using dissipation formulations applicable Acknowledgments
to continuously deforming and discontinous failure mechanisms,
both of which are present in the failure mode postulated for a The writers would like to acknowledge the support of the Depart-
horizontally loaded caisson. The least upper bound is obtained by ment of the Interior Minerals Management Service 共Cooperative
optimizing four parameters using the procedure presented by Agreement No. 1435-01-99-CA-31003兲, the Offshore Technology
Murff and Hamilton 共1993兲. Research Center, and their colleagues at Texas A&M University
For the range of anisotropic undrained strength properties and the University of Texas.
commonly reported for normally K 0 -consolidated clays, paramet-
ric studies indicate that suction caisson horizontal load capacity
predicted using a conventional approach 共a von Mises yield sur- Notation
face fitted to the soil simple shear strength兲 will differ from an-
isotropic predictions by less than 10%. The isotropic analyses The following symbols are used in this paper:
tend to be conservative in situations where full suction is mobi- D ⫽ caisson diameter;
lized behind the caisson 共no gap兲. If a gap is assumed to occur Ḋ i ⫽ rate of energy dissipation per unit volume;


Int. J. Geomech., 2003, 3(2): 225-235

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Downloaded from by YILDIZ TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI on 03/05/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

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