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INDIAN,Islamic architecture which stands as the logo of artistic excellence has a rich history of its own.

With its copious timeline associated with the Muslim invasion Islamic architecture gradually developed
as a distinct art form in India. The development of Islamic architecture therefore itself is a history. In
India the development of Islamic architecture took place under the patronage of the ruling power at
Delhi. When the Saljuqian influence declined, the architectural movement from the another source
blended with it, and later started to dominate as the main architecture of India while adding a peerless
identity to Islamic architecture

The development of Islamic architecture mainly happened in the medieval period. The structures of this
period were known as Indo-Islamic architecture. These were the combination of both the Hindu and
Islamic architecture. With the development of the Islamic architecture in India two different categories
of Islamic architecture came into being. They are the Imperial Style and the Mughal Architecture. The
first one was developed under the Sultans of Delhi whereas the Mughal architecture was the
combination of Hindu architecture with the Islamic architecture of Central Asia.

The Imperial style which evolved with the development of Islamic architecture was derived from the
existing art of Persia and formed under the Timurid rulers of the 15th and 16th centuries. These can be
understood by the shape and treatment of the essential element in building construction-the arch. It
was pointed horse-shoe arch, decoratively attractive, however its narrow compass was not sufficiently
satisfying when wider spaces were to be spanned. It had abundant intervals between the jambs, or side-
posts, of the openings. The application known as the four-centred or "Tudor" arch, a shape frequently
used in the building of the Timurids, solved the problem.

But the introduction of this feature into the

architecture of northern India was hesitant. Indian
masons were not comfortable to the architecture and
in order to make their construction strong, they
reinforced their work in the indigenous manner. This
technique added splendor to the development of
Islamic architecture. Tughlaqs following this tradition
in the 14th century used the combination of arch and
beam, well illustrated buildings as their architecture,
which later changed into a true- four-centred arch,
without the additional support. These were used in
the tombs and mosques of the Sayyids and Lodis in the 15th and 16th centuries. The talented Persian
craftsmen often used marvellous textiles and shiny stoneware in their architecture. They also used
plastic materials, such as brick and glazed tiles, and made their architecture lavish and brilliant colour.
The dome that was put into practice by the Persian builders, were accepted by the masons working in
India, however, few changes were made in their technical treatments along with the use of different
materials and methods.

As the control of the country passed into the hands of the Mughuls, the "Persianization" of all cultural
pursuits became more pronounced, developed during the reign of the Emperor Akbar (1556-1605). He
incorporated the Persian influence into indigenous style. Thus the development of Islamic architecture
took a new turn while paving way to the awesome emergence of the Mughal architecture.

During this period the building arts, were developed

in the indigenous styles of India as may be seen within
the Fort at Agra, and the city of Fatehpur Sikri.
However, Persian architecture was merged with
regional modes that were readily distinguishable.
Later, in the period of Shah Jahan (1627-58), whose
luxurious building schemes ended as the world-
renowned Taj Mahal. Glazed bricks were used for the
entire structure. The double domes and recessed
arcades of the Safevid period, resembles the cities as
Ispahan and Tabriz, were to a certain extent,
reproduced in tangible form. The surface colour was beautiful and the sandstone masonry and white
marble overlay of the Mughuls. Earlier red sandstone was used in their art, however; it was replaced by
white marbles, coloured designs and semi precious stones. These feature later silhouetted the Islamic

During the development of Islamic architecture in India, outstanding architecture of Fatehpur Sikri, Taj
Mahal, Qutub Minar, Tughlaqabad Fort, Red Fort, Agra Fort, Ardhai-Din-Ka jhompra came into existence.

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