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Royal Bank of Scotland

Bold360 ai helped RBS completely transform their
content management process in merely 6 weeks.

Bold360 ai reduced the Royal Bank of Scotland’s

customer inquiry handling time by instantly serving
up relevant information to agents. The artificial
intelligence (A.I.) assistant helped agents “get it right
in one shot,” which reduced operational costs and
personal customers
increased customer satisfaction.

Challenge 110k
business customers
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) serves 1.8 million personal
customers and more than 110,000 business customers. Over
30,000 customer-service agents are needed to answer the
more than 650,000 questions they receive per month across
phone, digital, and in-person channels.

Before turning to Bold360 ai, fielding this huge amount of “You don’t need
customer inquiries was a much slower process. Agents had technical folks with
to search through over 15,000 articles to find answers. Sifting
through this massive amount of content made it very difficult
coding experience to
for agents to respond to customers and manage content in a drive and support the
timely way. Further, complex data management software
product – a big plus
required enlisting tech-savvy consultants to make simple
updates to the information database. compared to what
Lastly, field representatives had no easy way to access we were using with
company content on the go. Bank representatives carried a couple of other big
print-outs when they went to meet with customers and were
unable to connect to the company’s database to obtain more
vendors previously.”
information. - Simon Johnson, Digital Capability
RBS needed an intelligent knowledge updating content in the knowledge base. Bold360
management platform to help support agents ai instantly serves agents with contextual
resolve customer issues more quickly, to make customer information and relevant content,
ongoing content management more efficient, allowing them to answer questions much more
and to support field reps. quickly. If an agent finds that answers are missing
or inadequate, content managers can effortlessly
Solution update them in the management console. Content
RBS chose Bold360 ai to power customer management now happens instantly in real-time.
support because its Voices Dashboard provided
Because of the success achieved with the
immediate insights about their customers’ needs.
web-based deployment, RBS is extending the
Simon Johnson, Digital Capabilities, lauded
advantage to its field agents. Bold360 ai provided
Bold360 ai’s ease-of-use: “You don’t need
RBS with a dedicated mobile app so its field reps
technical folks with coding experience to drive
could access relevant company content on the
and support the product – a big plus compared
go. Also, in bank branches, reps are now “mobile;”
to what we were using with a couple of other big
they walk around with iPads and help customers
vendors previously.” Content managers could
as they come in. Bold360 ai has helped RBS
clearly see which questions needed answers,
achieve its goals of investing in employee
and they could answer, add, and update content
development and well-being, reducing customer
instantly. RBS first implemented the solution in a
complaints, being “digital-first”, and “leading the
testing environment, and initial reports showed
way with mobile and A.I.”
that 93.4% of users had a positive experience
with finding the information they needed. Testers
noted that “the search is really good and easy
to use.”

A prior solution had taken nine months just to

implement, but RBS implemented Bold360 ai Smarter call handling
and integrated their customer data across
seven different customer-facing support centers Bold360 ai has made many of RBS’s
in merely six weeks. They then rolled out the processes more efficient, ultimately
product for a separate internal system in an increasing customer satisfaction.
additional 3-4 weeks.
Contact forms are starting to be assigned and
Results used by both product and marketing teams.

Bold360 ai has completely transformed RBS’s Customer service agents now resolve
customer support processes, making agents issues faster and can focus on high-value
lives easier and, ultimately, increasing customer areas of the customer experience.
satisfaction while reducing company costs. RBS also rolled out Bold360 ai’s self-
service chatbot on its mobile application
The bank now has an efficient system that
which reduced the load on agents and fed
provides a simple way for searching, adding, and
information back into their knowledge base.

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